Vanilla (11 page)

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Authors: Scarlet Smith

Tags: #romance, #love, #adult, #sexy, #raunchy

BOOK: Vanilla
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She smiled, knowing that Max would be wishing
he could reach out and caress her backside. Wishing he could do

She turned around so that she was facing him
again, and this time she was aiming for the climax. She ground down
on him and then lifted up so that he was almost out of her and then
ground down again; she built up a rhythm and then came with a
blinding shudder. Max came a few seconds later, his face a picture,
with his hands and legs still bound.

She climbed off him and kissed his mouth.

She started untying him.

"How was that for you?" she asked him.

"Oh my god, Jessie. Unbelievable. That's my
new favourite. It was just excruciatingly lush not being able to
move. It was..." Max trailed off and Jess laughed. She enjoyed
making him speechless.

Jess grinned, "It's mine too, if it makes you

"Funny!" Max laughed.

"Got something else to keep you quiet," she
said. "We're going to a sex club tomorrow!"

Max sat bolt upright. "What?! An orgy?"

Jess shook her head. "Not necessarily. The
list says voyeurism, so I think we can just watch."

"Crazy!" Max was shaking his head, but still
smiling, which she thought was a good sign.

She had received a text off Leyla earlier on,
which had given her directions to the club and some more
information about the establishment.

Jess wasn't sure she was looking forward to
it, really.

"Good thing I love you," Max said, and soon
after, he was snoring.

Jess kissed his head. "Love you, too."

She left him to sleep and went to write her
blog, already worrying about the sex club tomorrow.

What should she wear?

What would it be like?

Would they be wearing fetish gear or normal

She was getting a bit of a headache about it,
to be honest, and was looking forward to talking to her expert
about it all.



Jess woke up in an uncomfortable position -
she tried to turn onto her side but she was stuck.

She opened her eyes, suddenly feeling wide

Max was smiling down at her, and she could
see and feel that her arms were tied above her head.

"Thought I'd return the favour," he said,
kissing her forehead. "It's not freaking you out though, is

Jess tried to move her legs. They were held
together and tied to the bottom of the bed. Apart from the
sleep-sweat and morning breath, she didn't really mind this. She
felt like a damsel in distress.

Jess shook her head.

He pulled the duvet off her, leaving her
feeling cold and exposed.

She felt her nipples spring up, cold and

She wriggled a little bit, feeling the
unfamiliar tightness at her wrists and ankles. It felt okay - it
felt submissive, which she didn't mind - but obviously a very
different feeling from the power she had felt over Max

Max pulled off his clothes and left them on
the floor.

He started kissing Jess's nipples, really
sucking, licking and nibbling.

Normally, Jess would push him off, or guide
him to do something else, when it got too much for her, but today
she was helpless. She wanted him to stop but couldn't make him, so
she just squirmed and wriggled and thrashed, while he teased, and
caressed and sucked and licked her, till she felt like she was
going crazy and she was actually begging him to stop.

He gave her a devilish grin and then started
kissing down her body.

He untied her feet and, spreading her legs
gently he tied one foot to each bedpost and then started touching
her wet pussy.

He caressed and fingered her, slipping his
fingers in and out, and circling her clit with his thumb.

Again, Jess found it hard not being able to
guide the action. He was driving her to the point of orgasm and
then pulling back, leaving her frustrated with desire and wanting
to scream.

Jess thrashed her head from side to side.
"Just finish, Max, I need to come!"

Max grinned and knelt above her, dipping only
the tip of his cock inside her.

Jess thrust upwards to meet him, but he
pulled back out.

He spent the next ten minutes driving her
wild, moving from neck to nipple, to pussy, to thigh, to backside,
his lips working their magic and his fingers making her quiver.

She could tell that Max was enjoying being in
charge and, as much as it was driving her crazy, she thought it was
pretty sexy, too.

Max entered her again, his strokes long and
powerful, until he could feel her excitement building.

Then he pulled out again. Jess squealed in

"Max!" her voice was tinged with

This was driving her wild.

She needed to come.

She needed him to stay inside her.

She needed him to stop teasing and taunting

Max wasn't done, though.

He started licking her pussy again; his
tongue making circles around her clit, while a finger made circles
around her nipples.

"I want you to just please fuck me now!" Jess
said, each word coinciding with Max thrusting his tongue inside

Max laughed. "I love this, Jess."

Jess grinned. "Me, too, but I can't hold on
to you, I can't keep you where I want you."

"Exactly - I'm in charge!"

Max moved up until his balls were just above
her mouth. He lowered them down and Jess reached her tongue upwards
to lick at him.

"Let me suck you," she said, even though she
would have had no choice but to suck him, had he decided to put his
dick in her mouth; she was totally at his mercy. And she found she
didn't mind it one bit.

She licked at his cock, sucking at it and
licking at it until Max pulled back.

"I'm nearly there."

He mounted her again and this time stayed
inside her, thrusting and fucking and thrusting and fucking until
she came with a scream and he came with a loud grunt.

"We need to do this again, Jess. I love you
being so pliable!"

Jess grinned and batted her eyelashes at him.
"Let me out?"

Max laughed and then grinned at her as he
went to shower before work.

He eventually untied her just before he left
for work, causing her to throw several pillows at him on his way
down the stairs.


Jess arranged to meet her expert for a
coffee, rather than lunch. She was feeling weirdly nervous and
didn't fancy eating.

This was the first time they were involving
other people in their list, and it felt weird. She supposed it was
just like watching a real life porn film, if they didn't have to do
anything, if they weren't expected to join in.

Emma was waiting at the table and waved at
Jess when she walked in. Jess had described herself and Emma had
said that she would sit by the window.

Jess shook her hand. "Thanks for coming."

Emma smiled. "No worries. I've spoken to
Leyla too."

Jess nodded.

"Sex clubs are a pretty serious business,"
she said, smiling up at the waitress and ordering a pot of tea and
a flapjack. "They won't just let any old body in. I know the
organisers of this one, and I've spoken to them and arranged it
all. Your name's on the list!" she laughed.

"So do you do it too?" Jess asked.

Emma nodded. "Not tonight, so don't worry.
You won't be seeing that much of me."

Jess laughed. "Tell me more,"

Emma smiled. "Well, we swing, my husband and
I, and we go to sex clubs, and fetish clubs and we go dogging, so,
yeah, I pretty much do it all."

"How do you get into all that?" Jess asked
her, genuinely curious.

"Well..." Emma shrugged. "I have always been
very sexual and open minded. A friend introduced me to it. I think
that's how most people get involved. But there are many different
types. I like to swing, watch, perform. I like group sex and I
enjoy gay sex. My husband only swings with other women, but he also
enjoys watching me with men and women. I hate watching him - I'm
too jealous."

Jess nodded. She thought she would be like
that with Max.

"I'm highly sexed. I've never had a bad
experience. Everyone's there for the same thing."

"So what are we in for tonight?" Jess was a
little bit worried.

Emma smiled. "You've got a pretty tame night
tonight. Each club has different things on offer - in some you can
have sex, or watch sex, in others you just meet someone before you
go elsewhere. Some are like nightclubs, some are in houses. Some
are very exclusive - where you have to be gay or hot or

Jess was nodding, though she really had no

"You're going to a pretty friendly place
tonight. It's a big old house with different areas. There's a
mingling space, a place just to watch - with rotating views - and
different rooms to do it in. Are you going to do it?"

Jess shook her head. "No - we're just there
to watch. Do they mind that?"

"Not at all - if you're doing it in that kind
of place, it's not because you're shy. And you never know..." Emma
grinned. "You might change your mind once you get there!"


Jess and Max dressed as they'd been told to
in their message from Leyla - smart and sexy.

"Not sure about this," Max said, as the taxi
dropped them outside a big, old building.

There was an older couple ahead of them,
knocking at the door, and they looked pretty ordinary.

"We'll be fine," Jess said. "Just don't let
go of my hand."

Max laughed. "As long as you don't let go of

Looking as though they were holding on for
dear life, they walked to the door and knocked.



The woman that answered the door was gorgeous
- and despite the circumstances, she didn't appear sleazy or

They explained who they were and she smiled
warmly at them.

"Welcome to Blue." She led them down a long
corridor. She pushed open a door and they were greeted with a room
full of people mingling, chatting and drinking.


Their hostess left them standing at the
doorway, and several heads turned their way.

They moved away from the door over to the bar

Jess could see nibbles in bowls dotted around
the room on tables, plenty of armchairs and sofas, and lots of

At the bar, a young, handsome bartender took
their order.

"It feels like a posh hotel bar," Jess said,
taking her drink with a smile.

Max nodded. "Everyone looks very normal."

Jess nodded.

She could see a lot of couples and a few
single women dotted around. She couldn't see any men that weren't
hooked up.

Most of them were just chatting, though a few
were kissing.

They were all clothed, in normal clothes -
the women were smartly dressed and most of the men were wearing
trousers and shirts.

It felt and looked clean and normal - there
wasn't a particularly sexy atmosphere. There was music playing, and
waitresses milling around, clearing glasses.

"What do we do?" Jess asked.

"No idea." Max shrugged.

They decided to sit and watch for a

A pattern started to emerge.

Couples would sit together, then another
couple or a single would join them. They would chat and drink and
laugh. Then the kissing would start. On closer inspection, they
could see that some people were kissing their original partner, but
lots were swapping. They spotted some women kissing other women,
but no men kissing each other.

Eventually, as one, the group would rise and
move to the far end of the room. They pushed through the door
and... Well, they didn't know, but they could guess what was
happening next.

A lady in a short, tight green dress snaked
over to their table and smiled at Max. "Wanna play?" she asked,
looking at them both.

Max shook his head - looking absolutely
petrified. "No, thanks," he managed to squeak.

Jess laughed after the woman sauntered off
and put her hand on Max's arm. "I think you pulled."

Max shook his head and Jess laughed even

"Shall we go back there?" Jess nodded her
head towards the door at the back of the room.

Did they dare?

Max got them another round of drinks and
while they drank them, the hostess who had let them in came

She smiled and took a seat next to Jess.
"Hey, guys. Emma told me to look after you. Are you enjoying?"

Jess nodded and Max busied himself with his

"I know the story behind you coming here,"
the woman said. "It's fine if you want to go through and watch.
People expect it. They kind of like it."

Jess grinned.

"Shall I take you through?"

Jess raised an eyebrow at Max, who nodded.
They both felt like they needed babysitting in this weird,
unnatural situation.

The glamorous hostess led them to the back of
the room, greeting several guests as she passed them.

She pushed open the door.

Jess and Max, with only a little hesitation,
followed her through.

"We have a viewing room," she said. "I'll
take you there."

They followed her along a corridor, past
closed doors. Jess had no idea if the doors were locked or if the
rooms were occupied.

Their hostess pushed open a door and led them
into a room.

The room had three large, floor-to-ceiling
windows and sofas facing the view.

The view was pretty much a real-life sex

In each of the rooms, which were slightly
lower than this room, so that Jess and Max were looking down on the
inhabitants - were people having sex.

The hostess sat Jess and Max down on the
first sofa, showed them the tissues on the table and explained
that, while the room would normally be open to all, tonight she
would lock it so that they could fully enjoy their experience.

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