Vanguard (18 page)

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Authors: CJ Markusfeld

Tags: #behind enemy lines, #vanguard, #international, #suspense, #international aid, #romance, #star crossed lovers, #romantic suspence, #adventure action romance, #refugee

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“That really fucking hurt!” He rubbed the bald patch on his arm and scowled.

“Too bad,” she said unfeelingly. “It’s your punishment for taking out so many IV lines so you could climb into Sophie’s bed.” Michael and Sophie both went scarlet. “Speaking of which,” said Anjali, and Sophie suddenly wished for the floor to open up and swallow her, “it’s very early yet, but you have my permission to resume sexual relations once you’re able. Just take it easy at first. Try not to exhaust yourself or break anything in my infirmary.”

Sophie walked away, singing, fingers in her ears.




Chapter 11



Sophie marched down the hallway to the kitchen area where she found Will rummaging in the fridge for a cold drink.
Thank God.
He was the only person she could stand to be with right now.

“What happened to you?” Will tossed her a bottle of water. “You look upset.”

“Anjali happened to me.” She thumped down at the small table.

“I can relate,” Will said, joining her. “Though it’s been a while since I’ve run from her. Let me guess. Something to do with Michael? Involving your relationship?”

She eyed him suspiciously. “How did you know?”

“Lucky guess.” He winked. “Has my lovely wife been doing a little matchmaking?” Sophie felt the telltale blush creeping up her face, and Will raised an eyebrow. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

“Giving sexual advice to the two of us during a medical exam takes matchmaking to a whole new level. Michael’s probably ripping her head off right now.”

“Michael needs to take himself a little less seriously, and so do you. He’s alive, for God’s sake. You’re together. Just relax and stop overanalyzing everything. And since when have you been embarrassed by anything my wife says about sex? You two are best friends; some of the topics I’ve overheard you discussing are mortifying.”

“It’s a lot different when the sex object in question is in the room listening to you,” Sophie mumbled. She dropped her head to the table; it bounced back up again when Anjali sailed through the door.

“My, he has a temper, doesn’t he?” Anjali took a blueberry yogurt out of the fridge. “That’s good. It means he’s probably very passionate in bed.”

“How angry was he when you left?”

“He had to stop shouting when the coughing got too severe,” her friend said with a serene smile. “Then he ordered me out of the infirmary in the most imperious way.” Anjali looked delighted with the entire thing. “You know, if it were anyone else, I’d say he wouldn’t have a prayer of performing with all that medication in him, but he’s clearly a special case. I think you should go for it.”

“I’m done here.” Sophie snatched up her water bottle and stalked to the door. “Thanks a whole bunch, Anjali.”


~~ - ~~


She hid in her quarters until she knew Michael would be asleep, then tiptoed back to the infirmary. His breathing sounded less congested than it had in previous nights.

She slid silently into the bed, so narrow that she had no choice but to sleep right up against him. She sighed with pleasure as she pressed her body against his back. She slipped her arm around him, pulling herself closer, took two or three deep breaths, and started to relax.

In a flash, Michael rolled on top of her, his body pinning her to the bed. His hands closed around her wrists, and his knee pressed between her thighs. In the semi-darkness, she saw his furious face inches above hers. She could feel his muscles trembling, heard the harsh scrape of his breathing, and knew how much energy he was expending to pull off this little display of manliness.

“Why are you here?” he snarled in Orlisian. “Why do you sleep with me every night other than to humiliate me?” His anger might have been alarming if she hadn’t already seen him throw tantrums in the past. Mind you, she’d never been on the bottom of one of them before. “Since you no longer desire me, why do you return to my bed?”

If he hadn’t had her wrists pinned, she would have slapped her forehead in disgust. Possibly his as well.

“You are such a fool,” she snapped. Then she reached up to capture his mouth with her own.

Michael stiffened in shock, then returned the kiss with bruising force. She rammed her tongue past his lips, sweeping over every inch of his mouth. His ferocity didn’t frighten her. She knew him better than she knew herself, knew he would rather die than physically harm a woman. All the terror and desperation of the last several months poured through them as they clung to one another.

Slowly, his grip relaxed, and his kisses became sweet and soft. Sophie slid her hands free and moved them down through his short, spiky hair to his back. She ran her fingers over his shoulders.

“Now do you believe that I still want you?”

“Yes,” he said in a low voice. “Almost as much as I want you,
Mana mila
.” His words sent a shiver through her body.

“I’m sorry you interpreted my distance as a lack of desire. I want you more than any other man on this earth.” He growled in response, his hands sliding down to her hips. “Stop,” she said. “I’m…I’m afraid.”

His hands froze, and he pulled back to look at her face. “Afraid? Of me?” His expression was horrified. “Did I hurt you just now? I…I did not mean to. I will be good to you, so good, please let me show you how wonderful I can make you feel.” He started to move down her body, but she put her hands on his shoulders to still him.

“I know you would.” She let out a shaky sigh. “But if you do, I won’t be able to keep my wits about me. And I still don’t know how to get you back to the US without the Commandant punishing the refugees and the mission.” She felt tears prick the corners of her eyes. “I’m afraid that I won’t figure it out in time.”

Michael rolled off her and pulled Sophie into his chest. “We can figure this out together, magnificent one. Surely we can find a way to work together, instead of against one another, for once in our lives?”

She smiled weakly at his words, but the fear in her gut didn’t lessen any. This was her battle with the Commandant, not his or anyone else’s. His offer to shoulder part of the burden was generous, but unnecessary.

“Perhaps we can,” she said, pushing the topic off for another time. “I wonder if there’s something else we might do as well.” She felt his gaze in the darkness. “There’s nothing more I want right now than you. But since we’ve waited this long, perhaps we could wait two more days?

“I thought we could go to Kaliningrad the day after tomorrow to get your passport. If your health allows, of course. You need your documentation to reenter the US. We could stay overnight there. In a nice hotel, so our first time together could be special.” She felt herself blushing. “And perhaps a little more private than an infirmary with no door on it.”

Michael’s laughter rang out in the quiet room. It was the first time she had heard him laugh – really laugh – since they’d found him in Parnaas.

mana mila
. I would like that, too. More than you could ever know.” Even in the dark, she could see the embarrassed flush that spread over his face. “And although I could please you greatly tonight in some ways, I am not at all certain that I can…” He cleared his throat awkwardly. “That I can make love in the traditional sense yet. So it may be best to wait for me to recover a little more.” She suppressed a giggle at this unexpected admission and resisted the urge to check to see if he was telling the truth.

His expression suddenly grew tender. “I have waited a long time for you. Two more days will not kill either of us.”

They spent much of the night talking, kissing, and touching. What other couples took for granted – a night alone together in a warm bed in a safe place – was a luxury they’d never had.

They talked about so many things: Orlisia, politics, bribery, and the kind of world they wanted little Michael DeVries to grow up in. Small things they remembered about each other during their year in GYL.

“What would I do without you?” she whispered from the safety of his arms after a long while.

“I have asked myself that question quite a few times as well.”


~~ - ~~


February 18, 2014


Sophie got up before the sun to see the team off to Parnaas. She told the Rev that she and Michael would be travelling to Kaliningrad the next day, and to give her a list of anything that needed to be picked up while they were there.

“You sure it’s safe for you and your young man to be about? He’s been awfully sick. If the Commandant finds out, he’ll think you’ve flown the coop for sure.”

She added a note to her to-do list: Have another “chat” with Sergei and Sevastian.

“We’ll be fine, Dave, no worries. Michael needs to get his passport, and I’m not letting him go alone. We’ll be there and back before you know it.”

“I know. I just worry.” He grinned at her. “I’m an old man, not a fearless young thing like you.” She whacked him on the shoulder, and the convoy roared off.


~~ - ~~


Anjali pounced on Sophie that evening, gleeful.

“I heard you’re going to Kaliningrad tomorrow,” she sang. “I’m so happy for you guys, finally together after all these years!” She grabbed Sophie’s hand. “Do you have something pretty to wear to bed tomorrow night?”

“Anjali, we’re in a warzone. I don’t bring come-fuck-me lingerie on field missions.”

“Well, it’s a good thing I’m here. I knew you wouldn’t plan ahead for this possibility, so I brought you something, just in case.” From behind her back, she produced a flat package wrapped in tissue.

“Anjali, I…” Sophie was at a loss for words, overwhelmed by this tangible demonstration of Anjali’s belief that they would find Michael. She took the tissue-wrapped item from her friend and opened it. Inside was a white silk negligee.

“Do you like it?”

“I love it.” Her voice trembled. “And I love you, Anjali. Thank you.” She had to admit that her gift was badly needed. She didn’t want the most anticipated night of her life to involve her wearing an oversized coalition t-shirt.

“I figured he’d be the kind to go for something virginal.” Sophie rolled her eyes. “How do you feel?” Anjali asked, her eyes moving sharply over her friend’s face. “You look pale. I mean, paler than usual.”

“Honestly? I’m nervous.” She bit her lip, feeling like an idiot. “My stomach is full of butterflies, and I have the chills.”

“That’s so cute,” sighed Anjali. “Just like when Will and I met. Only more romantic.”

“There’s nothing romantic about spending the whole night in the bathroom because my nerves have gotten to me.”


~~ - ~~


Sophie met once more with Sergei and Sevastian, explaining that she and Michael would be leaving for twenty-four hours or so, and that they would return. This time, she had cigarettes along with the brown envelope of cash in exchange for their silence. Sevastian took the cigarettes and shared them with Sergei. But he pushed the envelope back to Sophie.

“This is not required.”

“Not required?” she said in disbelief. “Isn’t this the whole point of a bribe?”

Both of them chuffed out laughter with their cigarette smoke. “Usually, yes. But sometimes, we return the gratuity to the person who gave it. As a sign of goodwill.” Her mouth fell open. “You are a good woman, a brave woman who understands our culture well. You have treated us kindly. We show respect to you by giving this gift back to you.” He pressed the envelope back into her hands.


~~ - ~~


When bedtime came, Sophie went down the hall to the infirmary, her stomach jumping with nerves. Michael’s face lit up as she came into the room. As soon as she sat down beside him, he pulled her into his arms and started kissing her.

“I can’t stay here tonight,” she mumbled against his mouth.

“It would be best if you did not. I will not be able to wait if you remain here in my bed. And I truly do not wish to remember years from now that I had you for the first time in a hospital bed.”

She nodded, not breaking their kiss. They made out like teenagers until someone cleared their throat loudly at the door. They shot up, mortified.

Will stood there, an amused grin on his face. “The Rev asked me to give you a list of things to pick up in Kaliningrad while you’re there tomorrow.” He ambled in and handed Sophie a handwritten list.

“And Anjali wants you to have this. As your physician.” Will tossed him a plastic bag. Michael looked inside and turned red.

“Tell her I appreciate her thoughtfulness and to mind her own damn business.

Will winked at Sophie and left the room, chuckling.

“What’s in the bag?”

Michael made a face and showed her a box of condoms.

“This place is nuts.” She slid off the bed, straightened her clothes, and kissed Michael goodnight one more time. Which turned into several more long, wanting kisses. “See you tomorrow. Sleep well.”

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