Vanessa's Heart: A Blue Mage Side Quest (Blue Mage Series) (2 page)

BOOK: Vanessa's Heart: A Blue Mage Side Quest (Blue Mage Series)
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The door chimed as Vanessa walked into the Ink Witch shop. The undead woman noticed the place hadn’t fully recovered from the slime attack. The main counter had a large crack in it. The glass window to the shop was cracked and a few shards lay scattered on the floor. Dust covered the shelves and some books lay on the floor. From behind a beaded curtain, Gwen stepped out, her witch hat in her hand and a lost look in her eyes.

“Gwen?” Vanessa said as she stepped forward.

“Morning Vanessa, how can I help you today?” The witch said automatically as if rehearsed.

“I wanted to see you today but……are you okay?”

Gwen closed her eyes as if to regain her true self. Opening them, she looked to the pale dead woman. “I’m sorry. As you can see, the shop is still recovering. How can I help you?”

Vanessa could see the lost confusion in the witch’s eyes. “Do you need some company?”

Gwen let out a long exhale. “That sounds nice. I’ll make some tea.”

A short time later, Gwen came out with a tray carrying a teakettle and two teacups. Setting down at a small table, both women pulled up chairs and sat down. Vanessa was silent as she observed the ink witch. Hands moved robotically, pouring tea into each cup. Gwen put a lump of sugar in her cup and offered the dead woman.

“Please.” Vanessa said softly.

The two women sat and sipped their tea. Vanessa eyed the witch. Gwen sipped her tea but stared off at nothing. The silence was deafening and Vanessa needed to say something.

“It seems we are all recovering from the slime attack.” Vanessa took another sip.

Gwen blinked and her eyes focused. Looking to Vanessa, she put her teacup down. “I’m sorry I’m so scattered right now. The recent events have made me question a lot of things.”

Vanessa nodded, knowing how she felt.

Gwen continued. “Have you ever questioned what your heart wanted, even if it may be the wrong choice?”

  “There is a lot of that going on. That is why I’m here.”

  Gwen’s eyes widened a little. “I’m so sorry. Here I am talking about matters of the heart when I should be helping you.”

Vanessa gave a small sad smile. “It’s okay. I just needed to talk about a problem I have encountered with my familiar. It can wait if you want to talk about your heart.”

Gwen shook her head. “Perhaps later, but now, I would be more than happy to help with your familiar. What seems to be the problem?”

Vanessa let her story unfold. She informed Gwen of the lack of feedings and her being unable to get into the mood. How Castor has been patient but he was getting weaker and weaker. Gwen listened to every word, eyes and ears locked on Vanessa. The dead woman’s eyes glistened as she spoke. When she finished, Gwen reached over and took hold of her hands.

“What you are experiencing is normal. Even mages with long relationships with their familiars can fall into this pit. But like any relationship, you must work through it for both of your sakes.”

Vanessa nodded with wet eyes.

Gwen continued. “May I ask a few questions?”

“Please.” Vanessa said as her eyes dried.

“When was the last time you were intimate?”

Vanessa’s eyes peered down to her teacup. “Once with Castor, a few months ago. Before that, I was still alive.”  

“When you were with Castor, how did it feel?”

“Forced, there wasn’t a lack of trying from Castor. I’m afraid I was the one who couldn’t get into it.”

Gwen squeezed the dead woman’s hands. “You are a special circumstance but it is not unheard of. Even the undead can produce mana but it is slower and less powerful then living mana. If you do not supplement with raw meat and mana infused drinks, then you will fall into deep sleep. The dead can sleep for years before waking again. We inked Castor into your skin because his kind can do the same.”

“I lost one familiar when I died. I don’t want to lose Castor as well.”

“You won’t but as long as you are up and living your life as it were, he will need to feed. If you fall into a deep sleep, he will as well.”

“I can’t fall into a deep sleep. I still have to right all the wrongs I committed. What should I do?”

Gwen gave a small cheery smile. “What are you most passionate about?”

Vanessa’s mind immediately went to Fredrick Hart. She tried to push the thought of him away but memories came flooding back. Images of the two of them fencing, practicing magic together, sharing their bodies, and endless discussions rolled through her mind’s eye. Never had she felt so alive when they experienced life as one being.

Gwen let go of the dead woman’s hands and sat back in her chair. “Do you remember how I boosted your mana with mine during the giant slime attack?”

Vanessa was silent. It was an odd and terrifying experience. She remembered how she sucked in Gwen’s powerful life force into her own. The energy blazed so hot that the dead woman could feel life reach out and touch her.

“You nearly killed me.” Gwen said with an even tone.

“I……” Vanessa trailed off.

“I hold no grudge. We were in a difficult situation. Thankfully, I was able to hold onto my life force until the battle was won. But do you remember how it felt?”

“I do. It felt like I was alive again for a few moments.”

Gwen nodded. “A few moments of life can make a soul shine brighter then the sun, even a broken soul like yours. Find something that quickens your heart. Follow your passions and allow yourself to feel alive again.”

“What if…..” Vanessa’s head tilted forward, shadows covering her eyes.

Gwen smiled. “The only people you will fail are yourself and your handsome familiar. Castor’s race is a rare one here on Lurth, his essence and ink even rarer. I inked him into your skin because I knew you would be an excellent mistress for him. Find your passions and you will both feel life again.”

Vanessa looked to the ink witch. “Thank you Gwen. Thank you for the advice. I will do my best to find my passion again.”

The dead woman hesitated before speaking again. “I’m sorry for nearly killing you.”

“Don’t be. We shared a moment and came out of it stronger.” The witch winked.

Both women smiled and went back to drinking their tea. Vanessa’s eyes wandered to Gwen and something sparked. An image floated into her mind as the witch stared at nothing once again.

“You are worried about Trystan, how you feel about him.” Vanessa said in a low voice. “I don’t mean to pry but I can see him in your mind.”

Gwen nodded slightly to the dead woman, unsurprised. “We might have some residual connection. It will fade with a little time but yes, I have been thinking about him.”

“I could see through the eyes of the dead as they evacuated the city. I watched as he bravely fought the slimes. Even from a distance, I could feel his heart shine.”

Gwen tipped her head, the rim of her hat covering her eyes. “Can you keep this between us?”

Vanessa nodded.

Gwen continued. “He and I shared a moment. I was there to teach him and help him but my heart…..couldn’t say no.”

Vanessa thought of Professor Hart. “I know what you mean. The heart wants what it wants.”

“Now I may lose him.” Gwen fought the tremble in her lip.

“Have you talked to him? Told him how you feel?”

“No, not yet. I can’t decide if I should.”

“I’m the last person to have any useful advice about relationships but I think you should talk to him.”

Gwen lifted her head. “I know I should. Maybe I just needed to hear it said aloud. Thank you Vanessa.”

The undead woman gave a small smile. The witch and the dead woman continued into polite conversation. Vanessa’s mind kept calling up images of Professor Hart and warmth filled her broken soul. She remembered how they agreed that they would be strictly professional but Vanessa couldn’t let it go. Speaking with Gwen only seemed to enforce what her heart already desired. The undead woman sipped her tea, pondering on how she could win back her old flame.


The sky grew gray and threatening. Vanessa hurried along back to her house. When it was in sight, the heavens could not contain themselves any longer. Sheets of rain fell from the sky. The undead woman moaned her annoyance as she went from nearly running to walking. She was already drenched and saw no point in running any faster. Sad eyes looked down as she walked the rest of the way in the falling rain.

At her doorstep, she opened the door and walked in. Water dripped down from her hair and black dress. The wooden floor had pools of water as the undead woman moved to a nearby closet and pulled out a towel. Vanessa was about to undress when she heard a knock at the door.

Moving to the front door, she opened it. A warm smile greeted her. Fredrick Hart stood in the rain, completely dry. Vanessa tried to see how he was doing it. The water seemed to curve away from his body, as if it didn’t want to ruin his day. The undead woman stood uncomfortably as water continued to run down her face and clothes.

“Afternoon Vanessa, I hope I’m not being rude. I wanted to stop by and see how you were doing.”

Vanessa’s face remained dour as she beckoned him in from the rain with her hand. Professor Hart stepped in with dry boots. The undead woman frantically began drying her hair, stepping away to the bathroom.

“Have a seat. I just need to dry off.” The she said as she ran off.

Inside the bathroom, Vanessa felt her heart beat again as she tried to dry and fix her hair. Remembering Gwen’s words, she tried everything she could to fix herself up. The lacey dress was a little damp and her wet hair curled down the sides her face as if someone dumped a bucket of water on her head. After a few long moments, she had dried herself off as best as she could and stepped out of the bathroom.

Walking around a corner, she spotted two wine glasses on the living room coffee table and a bottle of Crimson Valley wine. Heart fluttering to memories of the two of them drinking that particular brand of wine and staying up all night. She couldn’t count the times they would finish a bottle or three and end up in bed, bodies entwined. Those nights carried a burning warmth that even her cold skin could not forget.
Frederick stood, looking at her library of books with his back to her. The air held electricity and the undead woman could not help but smirk.

Professor Hart turned around with a kindness in his eyes. “I took the liberty of bringing some wine on this rainy afternoon. I thought we should talk. Sit with me.”

Vanessa felt her back stiffen as she sat. Professor Hart sat on the couch, picking up the open wine bottle and pouring into each glass. Professor and student each picked up a glass and had a sip.

“I have been thinking about you.” Professor Hart said with a warm edge.

“I’m not going to hang myself again.” Vanessa said with a small frown.

Professor Hart looked to the raven-haired Vanessa. “I see your sense of humor is still pretty much alive and kicking.”

“You don’t have to worry about me. I had a long talk with Gwen and she gave me some good advice. I just need some time so I can help feed Castor.”

Professor Hart nodded. “Good to hear, but I wanted to see you and spend some time together.”

Vanessa eyed her professor. “Is that a good idea? I mean with our past…..” The undead woman wanted nothing more than to force him down on her body. Keeping her face neutral, she took another sip of wine.

Professor Hart smiled. “I was thinking more of practicing together.”

Vanessa stared blankly as Hart stood up and made a hand signal. Two violins and bows appeared out of thin air above the coffee table. Professor Hart took one into his hands, tested the strings, and drew the bow across, a tiny melody filling the room.

“I thought we would play like we used to. When was the last time you held one?”

Vanessa stood up and took the second violin into her pale hands. “I was alive the last time I held one. At my last recital, I remember you sitting in the front row, watching me play.”

“You were the best one there.”

Vanessa gave a half smile. “Our time practicing helped.”

Professor Hart smiled. “I may be a little of out of practice but I think it will do us both some good to play together.”

Vanessa put the violin under her chin and put the bow over the strings. Professor Hart did the same. The dead woman began playing. The music was a little off key as her stiff fingers became used to the instrument. Professor Hart watched and played along. Long moments passed before they were in harmony, playing to each other’s rhythm. Strings poured out melodies and song. The vibrations caused pleasant memories to bloom in Vanessa’s mind. Soon she was lost to it, weaving as she played. Professor Hart gazed at her, watching her close her eyes and letting the music wash over her dead senses.

Vanessa could barely contain her delight. Her heart beat again and again, feeling the tempo and drive light up her mind. She wondered why she didn’t do this sooner. It was magical as it carried her spirit higher. Movements grew more and more intense, strings playing to a passionate pace. When the song finished, her mind was reeling from the sensations.

Professor Hart lowered his violin and bow, eyes drinking in the redness in Vanessa’s pale cheeks. “That was beautiful.”

“I...It just came back to me. I didn’t think it would…..” Vanessa breathed.

Professor Hart put down the bow and picked up a wine glass, handing it to the dead woman. Vanessa put down her bow and took the glass.

“Have a sip and let’s go again.” Professor Hart smiled.

Moments later, they were playing once more. The same feeling came back and Vanessa was thrilled. They played for an hour, music and melodies filling the small house, entwining into shared notes. The dead woman played on, her thoughts shifting from the music to the handsome older professor mere feet from her. Eyes half closed, she looked to him and played harder, warmth touching her dead body. Cells drank in the vibrations and small light ignited each one in turn. On they played until a song finished. Professor Hart put down his instrument, a small bead of sweat at his brow.

“I’m not as young as I used to be.” The professor smiled.

Vanessa had forgotten that she didn’t get tired like the living. Putting down her instrument, she picked up a wine glass and handed it to the professor. Picking up the bottle, she poured wine into each of their glasses. Pale cheeks glowed red as she sipped. Professor Hart looked to Vanessa and his expression went from wide eyes to a hint of sadness.

“I’m glad I was able to help cheer you up but I should be leaving.” The professor made a hand signal and the violins disappeared in a faint flash.

Vanessa’s own eyes widened. “You don’t have to leave. Stay and we can talk.”

Professor Hart shook his head slightly. “I think it would be in our self interest if I leave. I only wanted to help you out of your gloom a little.”

Vibrations echoed through the dead woman’s body. A thin warmth had taken hold and she looked to the kind professor with a heat she could no longer deny. “We both know why you came here. Stay and we can see where the evening will take us.”

A shadow covered Professor Hart’s eyes. “It was foolish for me to come here. I kept telling myself I was helping a student feel better but even I have to admit I wasn’t being completely honest with myself. I can’t stay because it wouldn’t be right. You killed yourself because of me and I don’t wish to chance breaking our hearts again.”

Vanessa moved in close, eyes staring up into his. “I’m dead. I think my heart can take it.”

“I meant what I said before. When you died, I couldn’t bring myself to be with another woman.”

“Fredrick, don’t leave.” Vanessa said with a hard edge. She had trouble controlling her desires.

“I’m sorry.” The Professor said defeated.

Passion and lust whirled up into a storm. Deep-rooted feelings bubbled to the surface and Vanessa couldn’t hold back any longer. Her hand reached up to touch his cheek and he pulled away. Something cracked and a lust driven insanity took hold. Vanessa made hand signals. The wine bottle shattered, red liquid streaming to her hand and forming a short sword.

Professor Hart made one hand signal, a cork in another wine bottle popped open and wine streamed to his hand, forming into a short sword. Vanessa brought her blade down hard and the professor blocked it. Madness took control as the dead woman slashed and sliced. Ordered chaos ensured as professor and student clashed. Hart blocked each blow with expert skill, infuriating the dead woman.

“You come here with kindness in your heart but I know what really lurks there! I remember our time together!” Vanessa hissed.

Red swords clashed and mana sparks flew.

“Please control yourself Vanessa.” Professor Hart managed as he blocked her attacks.

“I killed myself because I loved you! I still love you.” Vanessa shouted and spun her sword around his blade.

The tip of her blade struck his hilt. Vanessa bent her wrist to gain leverage and with another flick of her wrist, Professor Hart’s blade flew from his hand and embedded into the wooden wall. With the tip of her blade at his neck, Professor Hart let his hands fall to his sides.

“You can’t do this to me…….you can’t be in my life and not feel what I feel.” Vanessa said with tears in her eyes.

Professor Hart lifted up his hand and pushed away her red blade. “I do feel what you feel. I love you. I always have.”

Vanessa took a step back, red blade falling to the floor and splashing back into wine. Professor Hart stepped forward, hand touching her neck and gazing into her eyes. Vanessa looked up, another tear running down her cheek.

“I was asked to not rekindle our flame.” The professor whispered.

Vanessa looked up at him with wide eyes.

“But I cannot stop how I feel….or want.” Professor Hart leaned in and kissed Vanessa on her lips.

The warm shock caused Vanessa’s eyes to widen and then half close. Wet lips touched as tongues played. The electricity in the room flared. A strong hand curled around Vanessa and touched the small of her back, pulling her close. The dead woman surrendered as he held her tightly. Pale hands were on his chest, his living energy pulsating like the sun. The pulse was intoxicating, the dead woman getting strange urges to consume him anyway she could.

Vanessa pulled away and struck the bottom of her fist on his strong chest. “You are a fucking jerk.”

Professor Hart bent down slightly and scooped her up. Vanessa stared at him with stars in her eyes. Curling her arms around his neck, Vanessa leaned her head into his strong body. Hart carried the dead woman to her bedroom, laying her in her bed. Vanessa couldn’t contain herself any longer. Sitting up, pale hands pulled at his robes. The heat between them stormed as Hart took hold of her black dress and slipped it up over her thin shoulders. Fumbling in the dark, professor and student feverishly pulled clothing off each other.

Vanessa licked her lips as she helped him strip down. Slipping off the bed, she fell to her knees. Taking hold of his throbbing cock, she wrapped her black lips around his shaft, tasting energy rippling off his body. Hart looked down as the dead woman pressed her tongue along his shaft. Hand reaching down, fingers touched her hair. Vanessa moaned her delight as a drop of pre-come touched her tongue. Life energy bled into her body and her heart beat again and again.

Wet sounds filled the bedroom. Vanessa bobbed her head, lips and tongue taking more and more energy. Eagerly she tried to pull his seed from him, to drink down some of his life force. Looking up, professor and student locked eyes. Raised veins along his cock pushed under tight lips. For moments, she sucked on her professor and lover.

Hands reached down and took hold of Vanessa’s shoulders. Lifting her up, Hart gently laid the dead woman back in bed. Vanessa breathed heavy as Hart climbed into bed with her. Fingers touched her wet line, tips touching her throbbing clit. His life poured into her, igniting dead flesh with heat. Vanessa moaned and moved her hips to his touch. Pale pink nipples pointed and breasts heaved. Hands reached up to clasp on his shoulders, trying to pull him close.

“Enjoy yourself.” Hart said with a wicked smirk.

Vanessa’s head fell back into the pillow, gasping as his touch drove her mad. Hips moved and hands continued to pull. Hart resisted, playing with the dead woman’s clit and charging it with his life force. Nerves curled and the dead woman felt something she hadn’t felt in a long time. A dull ache filled between her pale thighs. Eyes widened and Vanessa bit her lip. Each breath turned into a gasp. Looking up, she was transfixed as the man over her continued to play with her, the gray at his temples and strong muscles moving under his thick shoulders. It was too much for her. Connecting with him, death turned into life. A pressure started to build. Vanessa gasped and begged Hart to fill her. Fingers played her clit like a well-tuned instrument. The pressure continued to build and nerves ached. Vanessa’s eyes shot open and a soul-churning moan rose up her throat.

A deep explosion caused the dead woman to buck underneath her professor. Hart smiled as nails dug into his shoulders. Vanessa whimpered as the explosion caused her to pull Hart on top of her. The professor couldn’t fight her strength and covered her body with his. The tip of his thick spear touched her opening and sent a shiver through her warm body.

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