Van Laven Chronicles (36 page)

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Authors: Tyler Chase

BOOK: Van Laven Chronicles
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With the Valiant firmly in their hands, Captain Yaeger laid in a course to rendezvous with the Emperor’s Majesty. Comron managed the ops station shutting down all ship’s communications and monitoring its activities to assure himself that there would be no interruptions on the bridge. Time was the only thing that stood between him and Vaush. The mere thought of her made blood rush headlong to his core. Memories of their last time together, when they’d made love as if it was their last time, swirled around in his head.

Damn it, focus!


He turned to find Crausin standing there with the pertinent question in his eyes. His father tilted his head toward the conference room. “A moment, please.”

“This isn’t the time,” Comron said, keeping his eyes on the monitors. He knew exactly what Crausin wanted to know but was unsure of when if ever he’d disclose the truth about his metamorphosis.

“The bridge is secure and we need to talk.”

Comron glanced over at Yaeger. He could see the newfound respect in the captain’s eyes and even he himself was still amazed at how well his body had been transformed into an efficient killing machine.

“DeOrchis and I can manage,” Yaeger said. “We’ll let you know if something comes up.”

Heaving a heavy sigh, Comron rose and followed Crausin to the small conference room. The minute the door shut Crausin turned to face him. The troubled look on his face told Comron just how deeply disturbed he was over all he’d witnessed.

“You killed our men,” Crausin began.

“It couldn’t be helped.”

“And now you’ve hijacked a destroyer, Comron. Where will this end?”

“At Vaush’s side.”

“This bloody obsession with her, it’s insane!”

Comron inclined his head condescendingly. “Seems that particular gene runs strong in this family. You have no idea how that thought has haunted me.”

“We may have shared the same genes, but now you’ve—”

“Shared? Like a son?” Comron said incredulously. “I’m your genetic duplicate dreamed up in a lab, remember? Rhence and Gavin are your true sons. So whatever ugliness you see in me, you must see in yourself.”

“Don’t try to change the subject. Something horrible has happened to you, not just physically but mentally. I can’t…” Crausin shook his head in frustration. “I can’t reach you anymore.”

Comron gave him a lopsided grin. “You mean you can’t invade my mind at will anymore.”

“You have no idea what I’m capable of,” he said in a dark tone.
Trust me,
he thrust the thought into Comron’s head
“Now, tell me what has happened to you?”

“Someone saw me dying and did something extraordinary.”

Crausin’s eyes narrowed suspiciously. “Recaban?”

Comron’s mouth turned down with disappointment.

“Well, who else could’ve…the girl?” He considered it a moment, then turned his gaze back to Comron. “What could she have possibly done that would result in such a radical transformation?”

“She did what was necessary to save my life and that’s all I’m telling you.”

“No! What has she done to you?” he barked in his most authoritative tone.

“She’s made me far more than what I was, which means I’m far more than you,” he said taking an intimidating step closer. “Crausin, I won’t ever abandon you, but the days of you controlling my life are over.”

Crausin’s eyes darkened with an unspoken threat. “What happens to me after we reach the Emperor’s Majesty?”

is up to you,” Comron said evenly, then added, “But I would have you become the self-sacrificing Oath brother you’ve always professed to be. Stay on with me and see this through to the end.”

The words had the effect Comron had hoped they would. He could feel Crausin warming to the idea as it fed on his need to belong, to feel that he was an integral part of Comron’s life. But then he felt the dark feelings of jealousy competing for dominance. All the years of dictating the terms of their relationship would not be so easily relinquished.

“If by some miracle the girl survives Thalonius’ crucible, what happens then? Do you think I intend to stand by while she pulls you further and further away from me? Do you deem me a complete fool, Comron?”

“This was inevitable!” Comron snapped. “You used this Oath to force my exclusive friendship because you never understood that it was possible for me get close to someone else and still remain a true Oath brother to you. The two are not mutually exclusive.”

Crausin stared at him and Comron could feel his anger flowing unabated.

“And where will you reside if your Vaush takes the throne?” he said coolly. “You planning to come back to Nethic while she’s on Novoxos surrounded by a myriad of eager suitors?”

Comron broke away from his gaze. Absently he began twisting his crest ring upon his finger. “Compromise will need to be made on behalf of us all. But I will remain faithful in my duty to Nethic.”

“Nethic doesn’t need your crumbs, Comron,” Crausin raising his voice. “You’re needed there, fully committed and undivided.”

“You’re her Duke, not I,” Comron said defensively. “And Rhence and Gavin, they can take a larger role in your administration.”

Crausin’s eyes went wide, his face went a deeper shade of red. “
are heir to my throne, not them! But you’d cast Nethic off like a dirty, worn out cloak. Admit it, you don’t give a fuck about me or Nethic!”

“Do you have any idea what I can do for Nethic from Novoxos?” Comron shot back. “Right now, in the eyes of the greater Empire, she’s just a dusty old stone, but I’ll make her shine like a gem.”

“You’ll never get the chance because they’ll devour you and spit—”

“Soon I’ll give you a grandson,” Comron railed with balled fists, “and one day, that grandson is going to sit on the Imperial throne, so don’t tell me I don’t give a fuck about you or Nethic!”

Yaeger stuck his head in the door. “Gentlemen…we’ve got company.”
















Vaush made her way to the hangar bay flanked by Chaiyse and Bhedrus, the Murkudahl contingent who’d given her the Essence. It had come to her as no surprise that they were aboard the Emperor’s Majesty, nor their palpable disappointment at learning she hadn’t consumed all of the Essence as they had instructed her. Explaining that Comron was dying made no difference, the Essence was meant for her alone and they had gone through a great deal of trouble to gain the approval to administer it to her.

Though she understood their frustration, Vaush refused to feel any regret over her decision. She argued that she needed Comron more than she needed the Essence to survive the challenges ahead. Aggrieved they insisted that they see Comron upon his arrival as the impact of the Essence on his system was unknown, making the situation volatile and him a potential danger to Vaush.

And now they had received confirmation that the Nethicaen destroyer, the Valiant, had arrived. There had been some difficulty with the crewmen breaching the bridge access tubes in an attempt to retake the ship. But Comron and Yaeger had managed to subdue them and were now ready to relinquish the ship and join the Emperor’s Majesty.

The news that Crausin, the Duke of Nethic, was accompanying him rattled her. This was the same man who’d beaten Comron within an inch of his life and had hunted them like animals. And now suddenly he’d switched sides in support of them? Hardly. What was Comron thinking bringing that man aboard this ship?

When they entered the hangar bay and she saw Comron step off the transport vessel, all thoughts of anger fled from her. Her husband was back from the dead and he looked
Her breath caught in her throat
He’d always been a decidedly handsome man, but now he stood in a class of his own. Where there had been flesh gnarled by the acid in Crausin’s whip, there was only pristine, flawless skin that radiated health and vitality. His green eyes were vibrant and rich in color. The grin that tugged at the corner of his mouth was absolutely devastating. His long steady strides exuded confidence and power as they carried him across the bay.

Yes, if any man ever were, this one was born to be a Royal Consort to the Empress.

Unable to contain her emotions, she broke from the Murkudahl and dashed across the bay into Comron’s outstretched arms. Both made sounds of jubilation as they hugged and pelted each other with affectionate kisses.

“My love, once again, you saved me,” Comron repeated, holding her so tight, she could barely breathe. It was wonderful!

She laughed in her euphoria. “Did you really think I’d let you off the hook so easily after you promised me forever?”

He grinned and spun her around before planting a long awaited kiss firmly on her lips. As he held her body tightly against his and his hands slid down, she heard a low growl from deep inside him letting her know how desperately he wanted her. If she didn’t pull away now, even the audience wouldn’t prevent him from taking her there in the bay.

Despite her own rising need, she pulled back and glanced over his shoulder at Crausin who gave her a look laced with venom. “Pleased to see you too,” she quipped. “Com, want to explain what he’s doing here?”

It took him a moment to let up from her. “Well…it’s complicated. Can we go somewhere and talk?”

“Yes, my quarters. Oh, and regarding the ally, there’s nothing to worry about.”

“You know who it is?”

“Yes, it’s one of Emperor Sorren’s former Generals Elite,” she said, beaming with the anticipation of sharing the meatier part. “It’s my grandfather, Richmonde Erlacher.”

She saw the surprise on his face followed by the concern. “Him and what army? He’ll require a hell of a lot more than this old battleship to fight his way to Novoxos.”

“He held the rank of Generals Elite,” she replied with a touch of pride in her voice. “Which means he’s a brilliant military strategist and a real leader’s leader. He knows the way they think. Where they’ve grown sloppy over the years, he’s remained sharp and alert. And more than that, he is hungry to avenge the death of his daughter. He wants this more than we do.”

“Excellent,” Comron replied with a nod. “Do you think that you can arrange for me to have an audience with him?”

She hesitated a moment, knowing Erlacher’s ill opinion of him and their relationship. “I’ll see what I can do, but you must understand that he has his hands full preparing for the battle ahead.”

“Captain Yaeger!” someone hollered boisterously from behind. They turned to find Lepkin grinning heartedly as he approached Yaeger and slapped his shoulder.

“Lepkin,” Yaeger said and hitched his head at Vaush, “Good to know you can follow orders.”

“At least one of us can,” Lepkin laughed and thumped DeOrchis on the back. “Good work, kid.”

“All in a day’s work,” DeOrchis replied.

“Yeah, well, Erlacher wants to see you two and he ain’t too happy my friend.” Lepkin looked at Comron and shook his head, “Damn, we could have sworn you were dead!”

Comron cut him a look of disdain. “Now that would make you quite the idiot, wouldn’t it?”

“Comron.” Vaush placed her hand on his arm. “We’re their guests. Play nice.”

Yaeger’s smile faded. “Where is Erlacher?”

“On the bridge.”

He slung his bag onto his back. “Then I’d better get this over with.”

Vaush felt a pang of guilt as Yaeger walked by on his way to a major dressing down. How many people would suffer because she couldn’t see her way without Comron at her side? But what other choice did she have?

She squeezed Comron’s hand and whispered, “I was so afraid I’d been too late in giving you the Essence. And then Yaeger and DeOrchis declared you dead. I was sick with grief. I thought I’d lost you forever.” She stared up into his mesmerizing eyes. “I can’t lose you again, Comron, it nearly killed me.” From the corner of her eyes, she saw Crausin draw near.

Comron glanced at him. “I don’t believe you’ve been formally introduced. Your Grace, Vaush Hrollaugr, I present to you, my father, the Duke of Nethic.”

Vaush had never experienced such an intense feeling of hatred directed toward her, though Crausin plastered on a smile and reached for her hand. She gave it reluctantly.  He raised her hand to his lips and kissed it, as was the custom.

“Pleased to make your acquaintance,” he said in a voice every bit Comron’s.

“Likewise,” she cordially replied, never taking her eyes off of him. Their uncanny resemblance was eerie, even for a father and son, though Crausin hardly appeared old enough to be his father. The two of them standing side by side looked more like identical twins, though age had given Crausin a more distinct, seasoned look. Prior to the Essence, one might have said that the elder was the more handsome of the two. One thing was clear, he hadn’t switched sides. His hatred for her burned brighter than ever before.

At that moment Chaiyse and Bhedrus approached and a knot formed in Vaush’s stomach as she sensed the exchange would not go well.

“Chaiyse and Bhedrus of Wiskelle, it is my great honor to present to you Lord Comron Van Laven of Nethic and his father, the Duke of Nethic.”

Comron touched his fist to his chest and with a head bow. In turn, Chaiyse touched her forehead with both hands and extended open palms downward. Roughly the same height, Comron looked her straight in the eyes.

“Chaiyse of Wiskelle, we are much in your debt,” he said. Vaush saw the look Crausin gave him.

“As we are yours for saving her Excellency’s life.”

It sounded so strange to be referred to by that title. Modestly, Vaush replied, “I am not the Empress yet.”

Chaiyse turned to her. “You will be very soon.”

“You say this with such certainty,” Comron observed. “Yet, we still have a major hurdle ahead of us.”

“I have seen her enthroned.” Chaiyse’s large dark eyes narrowed a bit. “What I have not seen is you, not beyond Anchorii.”

Discomforted, Vaush squeezed Comron’s arm. He placed his hand reassuringly on hers but answered. “You see me now, don’t you?”

“You are an unnatural thing, Lord Comron, an anomaly that is difficult for the Murkudahl Kait to see.”

Lepkin broke in. “I knew it. You were dead!”

Comron cut him a scathing look and Lepkin stepped back into silence.

Chaiyse moved closer to Comron, her mouth close to his ear. “The Essence should never have been given to a person in your state. Reanimating beings from the dead is strongly discouraged.”

“You are mistaken, I remembered tasting the Essence, so I wasn’t dead yet,” he insisted in a low tone.

“You did not receive it in time to heal you. You died and were reanimated by the Essence remaining in your system.”

“How can you know this?” he growled.

She stepped back and raised her voice for Vaush to hear. “Though I can see Her Grace, I can no longer see you with my inner sight.”

Chaiyse turned to Vaush and slipped something into her pocket. “You must know, Lord Comron Van Laven is a different entity now. He is no longer the man you once loved.”


“So it was Murkudahl technology that changed you,” Crausin said to Comron as the three of them followed Lepkin to their quarters. Two guards brought up the rear. “Only they weren’t too pleased that you gained access to this technology.” He looked at Vaush. “Might I assume that you were the intended recipient of the device, but you used it on Comron instead?”

Vaush hesitated, but nodded.

“What was it?” Crausin looked between the two of them, but they both held their silence. “He’s my son, I have a right to know.”

Vaush gave him a scathing look of incredulity. “Did that also give you the right to scourge him with a whip soaked in brauren acid? Sorry, but you don’t get to play the compassionate father only when it suits your purpose.”

“Comron’s offense warranted the death penalty on Nethic, but instead he received a father’s mercy. But that doesn’t—”

“Can we not have this discussion right now?” Comron interrupted. “A little peace and quite is all I ask for.”

They came to a stop before a row of guest quarters. “Here we are.” He pointed to the first door, “My lady. And you two are the next one down.”

Vaush exchanged glances with Comron. “Thank you, Lepkin. That will be all.”

“You’re certain?” Lepkin said, then gestured at the guards. “They’ll be posted outside your door should you need anything else.”

Even after he left, Vaush felt the tension between the three of them. Based upon Comron’s passionate kiss earlier, she knew he was just as eager to be alone with her as she was with him. She still had so much to tell them, particularly about the Murkudahl Essence not to mention the impending attack.

Vaush took his hand. “After everything that has transpired, Comron and I have a great deal of catching up to do. You understand, don’t you?”

Crausin wouldn’t even look at her but kept his eyes locked on Comron who remained silent. In that moment, she wanted to nudge Comron and compel him to speak up on their behalf. Obviously Crausin was waiting to hear it from him.

“Look, Vaush and I just need some time alone,” Comron said in an apologetic tone. “But afterward, we’ll take a meal together.”

“And so it begins,” Crausin replied in clipped tone.

“Don’t start—”

“Do what you must, Comron, and so will I,” he said in a threatening tone that made Vaush uneasy. Before either could say another word, Crausin turned away and entered his quarters.

“What was that all about?” Vaush inquired as she followed Comron into the living room of their own space. It was a utilitarian place of beige and browns, a sofa and chair sat around a small coffee table. Off to the side was a small eating area and down the hall was a bedroom...she endeavored to keep her mind off that for the moment. “More importantly, why is he even here? The man loathes me, so seeing us together can’t be helping matters.”

“He thinks I’m abandoning him, and Nethic, for you.”

“And so you brought him
to prove that our relationship is not your top priority?” she said. “I mean, was this the wisest course of action?”

“I couldn’t leave him alone, and risk…” he raked his hands through his hair. “I’ll take him back home once you are established on Novoxos.”

It disturbed Vaush to see how troubled Comron was over the matter. But she wouldn’t push, after all, how much trouble could Crausin cause for them on Erlacher’s watch? She walked forward and wrapped her arms around his waist.

“You know Yaeger had to drug me to get me to leave your side. My whole life was lying there before me. All I wanted to do was lay down and die with you.”

He draped his arms around her shoulders and tenderly kissed her brow. “I know, my love.  But we’re together now and nothing is going to tear us apart this time.”

They both looked down at the rumbling of his stomach.

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