Van, Becca - Her Shadow Men [Slick Rock 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (13 page)

BOOK: Van, Becca - Her Shadow Men [Slick Rock 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Baby, if I had known what you were wearing, or weren’t wearing, under that dress we would never have left the house,” he rasped.

“Why do you think I didn’t tell you?” she replied in a low, husky voice.

Britt couldn’t take any more. He ripped his clothes off, not caring that buttons flew from his shirt, and when he was naked he picked her up, placed her in the middle of the bed, and rolled with her. He made sure not to crush her, but arched his hips up to hers when she was finally lying on top of him. He loved the sensation of having her warm skin against his. He could feel her nipples poking into his chest, and her cream leaked from her pussy, coating his hard cock.

He moaned when she wiggled her hips and her wet flesh slid over his erection. He cupped the back of her head with his hand, gripping her hair lightly, and tilted her face up to his. Their lips met in a slow, loving kiss, but it quickly turned to hot and carnal. He slipped his tongue along hers and then over her teeth, cheek, and the roof of her mouth. He couldn’t get enough of her taste. He wanted to taste every single, delectable inch of her body. He wanted to crawl beneath her skin, embedding himself into her heart and soul, and never leave.

He weaned his mouth from hers and helped her to sit up on his stomach. She looked like a goddess with her hair spilling around her shoulders and down her back. Her breasts were lush and perky, tipped with her dusky pink nipples. He kneaded her breasts and pinched her turgid peaks and let them go again when she clutched his arms.

“I want you inside me,” Debbie whispered.

Britt used his considerable strength and lifted her with ease. He growled when she took hold of his cock and placed it at the entrance to her cunt. She pushed down onto him, and his flesh slid into her wet heat until the head touched her womb.

“Love me,” Debbie sobbed out. “Please love me and never stop.”

“We won’t, baby. Come down here so Daniel can get his dick in your ass. We are going to love you so long and so good, Debs. We’ll never let you go. You belong here, in our bed, our home, and our hearts,” Britt said, overwhelmed by emotion.

“God, you two are so sweet. I can’t believe you love me. I love you both so much. You’re more than I deserve.”

“Wrong, honey. You’re perfect for us. I love you, too. You’re embedded in my heart and soul for always,” Daniel said.

Even Britt could hear the emotion behind the words his sibling said to their woman. He slid his hands down her body and held the cheeks of her ass wide for his brother. He knew Daniel was preparing Debbie for his cock because she shifted on him and her pussy clenched and released around him. He just wished Daniel would hurry the hell up because he was eager to begin giving their woman the pleasure she deserved.

“I’m in,” Daniel growled.

“About fucking time,” Britt replied.

“Stop arguing, children, and love me,” Debbie said with a giggle, which quickly turned to a moan as Britt pulled his cock back to just inside the entrance of her pussy.

“Oh yes. That’s so good,” Debbie mewed.

“It’s about to get a whole lot better, honey,” Daniel replied.

Britt pushed his hips up, gliding his cock back into her as he held Debbie above him with his hands on her rib cage. As he pulled out again, Daniel thrust forward and filled her ass with his hard rod. They set up a slow pace, not wanting to go too fast and hard and have their loving end too soon. Debbie clutched his biceps as he withdrew and pushed back in again. He and Daniel slid their erections in and out of her holes in counterthrusts to the other, making sure she was filled with one of them at all times. He lifted his head and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth. He suckled on her with strong pulls, knowing how much she loved to have her peaks stimulated while they fucked her.

Time and space had no meaning as he concentrated on giving their woman pleasure. The sounds she made and the rippling of her body filled his senses. He knew by the escalating pace of her breathing that she was getting close to the edge. He released her nipple with a pop and slid his mouth over to the other one, not wanting it to feel neglected. He laved the elongated tip with his tongue and drew it into his mouth. He scraped the edge of his teeth over her flesh and chuckled when she cried out. He switched from tip to tip until she was writhing between him and his brother, sobbing for the completion only they could give her.

And then she surprised him again. She used her pelvic-floor muscles, tightening and releasing around his hard cock. The little minx was trying to make him lose control, and it was working. Sweat began to roll down his face, and he clenched his jaw. He looked up to see Daniel was in the same predicament. He and Daniel didn’t want her taking over this time.

He looked up to see Daniel was in the same predicament. He and Daniel didn’t want her taking over this time.

While Debbie was distracted, he sent a coded sign message to Daniel using his facial muscles.

“She’s trying to push us over.”

Daniel replied in kind.
“I know.”

“Help me pick her up.”

“Why did you guys get so quiet?” Debbie gasped.

“Hang on, Deb, we are going to make you feel so good,” Daniel rumbled.

“You already are,” Debbie sobbed.

With Daniel’s help, Britt rose up from the bed and held her between them, without once sliding out of her body. It took some careful maneuvering, but they managed it. Britt had her legs hooked over his arms, and wide open. And by the positioning of Daniel’s arms, he held her by her ass cheeks.

“What are you doing?” Deb asked breathlessly.

“We’re loving you, baby. Hook your arms around my neck instead of holding my shoulders. Good girl. Now, just relax and let us take care of you,” Britt crooned.

The time for slow was over. He and Daniel started out easy, but increased their pace incrementally with every forward thrust of their hips. They still moved in counteraction to each other, making sure their lover was filled with one of their cocks at all times.

“Ooh, that’s so good. You’re so deep I can nearly feel you in my throat,” Debbie sighed.

Britt was at the end of his control. He withdrew and surged back into her pussy over and over again. He looked down as one of Daniel’s hands pinched one of her nipples. She arched her neck and rested the back of her head on his brother’s shoulder. Daniel leaned over and kissed her as he pushed in and out of Debbie’s anus.

Britt felt her pussy walls ripple over his cock and knew she was close. He pumped his hips harder, faster, and deeper, his earlier rhythm shot to hell, and felt a warm tingle at the base of his spine. He kept his eyes on her and watched her face as she drew closer and closer to the edge. He was grunting now as he shuttled his cock in and out of her cunt. Their rhythm lost, he and Daniel thrust wildly, now filling her at the same time, now alternating. Then she was there.

She screamed loud and long as her pussy clamped down and released, over and over again, bathing his cock in her juices. His legs shook from so much pleasure, and he could feel his balls drawing up against his body. He was vaguely aware of his brother yelling and knew he had reached his climax with Debbie. His cock quivered and jerked, and he roared as his cum spewed from the end of his penis in short, sharp bursts.

Once, twice, three and four times, until his balls were completely empty of his seed. He felt so satiated and weak he slid down to the floor, taking Debbie and Daniel with him. He released her legs, and then, with trembling hands, he caressed over her shoulders and down her arms, hugging her to him. Her muscles were lax, and her eyes were closed. She looked like she had passed out. He’d never felt so weak yet so fulfilled and complete in his life. She was made just for them, and he was going to do everything within his power to keep her safe and happy.

When his strength had returned and his breathing had slowed, he picked Debbie up and carried her to the bathroom. He sat down on the rim of the tub and turned the faucets on. She was cuddled up in his arms all soft and warm and looked like she was asleep. He sat in the filling tub, lifted her onto his lap, and began to wash her. She gave a drowsy moan, opened her eyes, and looked up at him.

“How did we get in here?”

“I carried you, baby.”

“Oh, the last I remember we were on the floor. God, you loved me into oblivion,” Debbie whispered with awe.

“We’ll do that to you every time we love you if you like it, honey,” Daniel rumbled as he entered the bathroom.

“Do you even have to ask?” Deb enquired, and she gave them a saucy wink.

“No, I guess not,” Daniel replied.

Debbie yawned, and her eyelids began to close, as if they were too heavy to keep open. He washed her with Daniel’s help and then lifted her from the tub. He let her legs slide down until her feet were on the bathmat and held her steady while Daniel dried her off. By the time he climbed into bed beside his lover, she was already asleep.

“She’s so special, isn’t she, Britt?”

“Yeah, she is. I just hope we can keep her out of danger. My gut is telling me that bastard is already here and planning something,” Britt replied.

“I feel it, too. Maybe we should get one of the Alcott brothers here to guard her during the day.”

“I think that’s a great idea. They’re ex-cops, so they know what they’re doing. I’ll call Giles first thing in the morning and arrange something with him.”

“Good. I’ll feel a lot better if she has someone looking out for her when we can’t be with her. Let’s get some shut-eye. Morning comes way too soon,” Daniel admitted.

Britt pushed his worries aside for the moment and let sleep take him, too. He was so happy to have Debbie in his bed. He would do everything he could to make sure she was kept safe.

Chapter Fourteen

Debbie opened her eyes and saw her men had already left the bed. She got up, pulled her robe on, and headed to the kitchen. She sighed when she found the room empty but saw the note propped up against the coffeepot.

Sorry you had to wake up alone, baby. We had to head into work for a while. We should be back around lunchtime. If you see Giles, Remy, or Brandon, offer them a cup of coffee. We have one of the Alcott brothers looking out for you while we’re not there. I armed the alarm. Keep it on! Love, Britt and Daniel.

Debbie poured herself some coffee and sighed after the first sip. Her men were so sweet when they went all protective and he-man on her. She loved that they cared for her and tried to keep her safe. She made some toast and finished her first mug of coffee, then refilled her cup and took her breakfast to the table. She had just finished eating when she heard a noise at the front of the house. She got up to investigate.

She froze in horror when she saw a lilac teddy taped to the glass with
“boom you’re dead”
written on the material in what looked like red paint. Her hand trembled as she placed it over her mouth. She was shocked to see that familiar piece of lingerie, and then her skin crawled as goose bumps rose up over her body. She knew what the escaped convict looked like. She had served him in her shop.

She spun on her heel and ran toward her bedroom where her purse and cell phone were. She scanned the room frantically, but couldn’t find her purse. She grabbed some clothes and locked herself in the bathroom. She dressed quickly then rummaged around in the drawers and cupboards looking for a weapon. Shit, there was nothing she could use. She didn’t even have a can of deodorant to spray in his eyes, because she used roll-on. Going back in her mind, she tried to remember where she had left her bag the previous night. She had gone straight to the kitchen to brew some coffee.

She unlocked the door and stopped in her room to pull some socks and sneakers on. When she reached the kitchen, she spied her purse sitting in the middle of the dining room table. She backed away from it. Her purse hadn’t been there when she had been eating breakfast in here.

Someone behind her spoke. “Hello, sweetness. No, don’t turn around,” he said. She bit her lip when he pushed something hard into her back. “Put your hands behind your back.”

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