Vampyre Blue

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Authors: Davena Slade Nicolaou

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Davena Slade Nicolaou was born in the market town of Chesterfield, Derbyshire. She has loved everything to do with the weird, wild and wonderful since her first film viewing of The Dark Crystal in 1984. VAMPYRE BLUE is Davena's first novel.











Vampyre Blue

E-book Edition

Davena Slade Nicolaou


This book is entirely the work of the author. All characters in this publication other than those clearly in the public domain are fictitious, and any resemblance to real persons living or dead, is purely coincidental.


This E-book Edition 2012




Copyright © Davena Slade Nicolaou 2008-2012


Davena Slade Nicolaou has asserted her right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work, the title Vampyre Blue, and the artwork associated with this title.


Set in Times New Roman, 14pt by Davena Slade Nicolaou.


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author.



This book is sold subject to the condition that is shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the author's prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.






For everyone who has helped me write this, you know who you are. And if you got in my way I gracefully stepped over you. Thank you for the journey.














He walked into the ice storm, it should have felt like a thousand needles piercing his face, but he felt nothing, he'd felt nothing for millennia”




Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

A Word from the Author


Chapter One.



It is now the near future.


Her name is Blue.


She is immortal.


Blue appears to be in her mid twenties, she could get away with twenty four and you would believe her without question. But to linger and stare into her beautiful eyes, then you would see that she was older, that she'd seen more than her young face would let you believe. Her last birthday was her twenty seventh, although that was a little time ago now. She still looks like she did, she hasn't aged a day, seeing as she died and all.


Every year on her birthday, which means so much more to her now than it ever did. She celebrates living, being, existing, despite the inevitable end that she has managed to escape. She is having more fun each year and she's becoming more comfortable in this new skin she has found herself in. Although everyone around her is ageing subtly, even those she thought would never grow old, they're getting lines in their smiles and around their eyes, they look at her with jealous eyes, but it's Blue that wants what they have and eventually it has started to bother her.


Blue made it to her twenty seventh before she became immortal, not immortal like the 27 club or immortal in culture; remembered for what she did in the media driven world. She didn't officially die like Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Amy Winehouse and Kurt Cobain to name but a few.


She still spends a majority of her time with the living, out in the sun, under the moon, in the rain. She eats garlic, she has a reflection, the only downside she seems to have acquired in exchange for her immortal youth, her current state of consciousness is the inexplicable desire and absolute need to drink human blood. The unadulterated human kind is the only blood that satisfies and luckily for everyone around her, she can make do with about a pint a day. If she neglects this basic necessity she gets the shakes, turns nasty, like she's going cold turkey from the most potent beautiful wonderfully addictive substance ever conceived. She wouldn't want to bore you with the horrific details of said symptoms, suffice to say she tries her damnedest not to go to that place at all.


The only other way you could tell she was dead, seeing as she doesn't explode in sunlight is the tiny insignificant fact that she doesn't have a pulse. You might think “No big deal”, how often do you check someone's pulse after all. Until that is when you (being her) either fall asleep out in the public domain or sit day dreaming with your eyes closed and get mistaken for dead. She has awoken to teams of paramedics about to send hundreds of volts through her cold black heart, when she has awoken with a jump and they have all jumped out of their skins! Those memories stay with her and make her smile, she doesn't tend to go out on her own so much any more, if she's tired she tends to stay in.


After a few years of drinking human blood now, she still finds it difficult to get her head around it, getting her mortal head around her immortal body. She has familiars – people whom let her feed on them, she bites them every couple of weeks or so. Unfortunately she needs a few because if she drank from just one single person they'd be surely dead by the end of the week, they need time to recover. So she has to supplement her drinking with blood bank supplies. She keeps them in the fridge with her expensive champagne and liquors. The visitors seem to have problems with this, opening the fridge expecting fresh groceries and juice, but instead being confronted with bags of blood.


She always had her favourites and drinking blood inexplicably leads to other carnal activities. Having favourites got her into this whole bloody mess in the first place.


So, her name is Blue, she's twenty seven and she is now a Vampyre. A five feet seven, medium built (not too skinny, not too plump) honest to goodness Vampyre. She has olive skin and that Mediterranean look, she'd pass for a local anywhere in Europe. And her trademark is her long dark hair with flashes of electric blue, hence the nick name.




Blue's last birthday was May 1
2008, before she became a Vampyre she worked in a bar called Naught, as in Zero, nothing, Nada, Zip. It was the coolest place in town, it had quite a big bar that wrapped around a central island, the pub was almost the size of a decent club, a really good place to hang out if you're into the kind of lifestyle Blue had become accustomed.


The building was ancient, it was one of the oldest public houses in England, apparently. The Gothic exterior was a façade, the foundations of the building pre-dated the cosmetic uplift it had had in the 1700s. The old glass windows were so old that you couldn't actually see through them, like really old frosted glass, it wasn't meant to be like that, you were supposed to be able to see outside. But it added to the mystery of the place, it made it that bit more authentic and quirky. The entire building was of course listed, so therefore kept its ancient look whilst all the other buildings in the immediate vicinity became more modern and futuristic with each new owner.


The entrance to the bar was framed with huge oak doors, ornately carved with leaves, sprites and all manner of mythical creatures. In the summer Blue would always delay stepping over the threshold, staring at the doors for as long as she possibly could. They were for want of a better word, beautiful. The doors were stained dark like the rest of the wood on the premises. Every piece of wood was dark, the wooden floor inside was dark, the huge polished bar was dark, the only light present emanated from the pale cream painted walls and the gorgeous lighting (the only modern touch in the place). There were huge dark brown leather sofas spread about the place, perfect for lounging on, with huge coffee tables in-between. There was also a lot of standing room for crowded nights (of which there were many). Blue personally loved the red velvet cushioned bar stools, but unfortunately she was always on the wrong side of the bar. For an old building it had a surprising amount of space and ambiance.


The regular clientèle were tattooed, pierced, weird or wonderfully alternative. There were no actual dress codes and no one really gave a shit, just as long as you'd made an effort. That was the motto on the front of the building and the bouncers considered it law “No effort, no entry!” They were all there for a good time, staff and customers alike.


Blue was an artist during the day, painting her masterpieces. She drew flash art for local and international tattoo artists and she also made clothes for a handful of clients, specialising in PVC, latex and leather. Fetish gear, kinky as fuck and more expensive than diamonds. Life was good for Blue, scrub that, life was incredible for her.


She had never really had a regular boyfriend, she couldn't get her head around the staying with one person forever and ever. There were lots of things in the world that she didn't get, things that eluded her. You might think she was dizzy, or easily bewildered, it wasn't that, it was simply that she didn't get it. She didn't think relationships could ever work, not long term anyway. She had, and still has lots and lots of friends and lots of acquaintances, she was quite promiscuous before she became immortal. “The Perfect man” a precious lover that was also your best friend. She never thought it would happen, not in a million years.


One of Blue's favourites had stayed over the day before her last living birthday. It was the first time he ever had done, he was always so mysterious to her. She had considered it a birthday treat for herself. His name was Pierre David, he was French, or at least his accent was, she wasn't sure if he'd originated in Quebec or France and without asking she'd never know. She would never ask. Standing at just over six feet, she considered him tall, he had dark hair that touched his shoulders if he let it down, he usually had it tied back. His piercing ice blue grey eyes were dangerously esoteric.


He'd gotten his naked self out of bed and had decided that as his Mistress, she should definitely be worshipped on her birthday. Blue awoke to Oriental Lily's, Black Roses, Pain au Chocolate, Exotic Fruit, Juice and freshly made White Tea.
she thought, she didn't get treat like this very often so when she did, it is and was greatly appreciated. This was a fabulous way to start her birthday. Instantaneous good mood, instant turn on. The food was put to the side for the moment, for a few moments, maybe a good while.

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