VampireMine (13 page)

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Authors: Aline Hunter

BOOK: VampireMine
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How did I manage to fuck her up so badly?

How do I repair the damage?

“We have to prioritize. Bitching at each other like a couple
of pissy old women won’t accomplish squat. You need to screw your head on tight
and listen up.” Diskant kept his outward exterior calm, despite the fact Trey
could feel the man’s tension. “If we want to survive this we have to put things
in order. Handle yourself. You’re acting like an ass.”

“I’m listening.” And he was, but it took all of his
willpower not to sweep Sadie off her feet and carry her away. He bit back his
fury because Diskant was right. “Start talking.”

“I thought we should make Leigh leave. She might be safer
somewhere else.” Diskant smirked when Trey snarled. “I said I thought. Past

“And now?”

“The pack is our primary concern.” Any hint of amusement in
Diskant disappeared. “If we can gain their support then we’re on the right
track.” He met Trey’s eyes, intent etched in his distinct features. “We have to
have their support. Do you feel me? If we don’t, nothing else will matter.”

Anger bled away, replaced by a cold bitch-slap of reality.

Shit. Diskant was right. Again.

Without the pack, they’d be fucked.

As an Alpha, Trey needed his brothers and sisters for
strength. It went without saying Diskant did as well. As an Omega Diskant fed
off the power of others. Once it was gone Diskant became a mere shifter.
Certainly he could still shape into any form but he lost the edge that gave him
substance. Trey would too without a pack standing behind him.

Their lives—even if they sometimes sucked—consisted of a
constant checks and balances system.

“Tell me what you’re thinking.”

“We’ll hold a meeting and announce your newly mated status,”
Diskant responded. Oddly enough the Omega sounded cautious, like he was about
to say something he knew Trey wouldn’t want to hear. “You can introduce them to
Sadie, give them whatever story you choose and make it clear nothing’s changed.
You have to convince them that the mating changes nothing. You’re still their
Alpha and you’ll put their needs above yours.”

“Where’s the catch?” There was one, Trey knew.

“You’re going to tell them she hasn’t bitten you. And you’re
going to make damn sure they believe you too. You’re going to tell them you’ve
taken the vampire as a mate but you’ll never let her feed from you. Not ever.
You can’t become a familiar if she takes blood from another source. They can’t
fear her in that capacity.”

Trey couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He’d given Sadie
his word. He’d sworn he’d accept their mating before the pack. That meant
accepting all of her—eating habits included.

“Did Ava hit you with the stupid stick? They’ll know she’s
taken blood from me.”

Diskant growled—the sound a combination of the cat, wolf and
bear that resided inside the Omega. “Keeping them on our side is our primary

“We won’t build the foundation from a lie.” If they did,
they’d pay in the future. “They need to understand what’s at stake. They have
to accept Sadie isn’t a danger. Who she feeds from isn’t important. Her loyalty
is what they should be worried about.”

“Listen to me, goddamn it.”

No. Not this time.

He’d been born long before Diskant. The Omega was smart and
loved the shifter races but Diskant had no idea of how the pack reacted to a
lot of things. They’d never buy such a shit story. They’d know Trey was lying.
Especially those who were mated themselves. Bedroom sessions always got out of
hand. There was no way Sadie wouldn’t get a bite or nip in when they got
bit each other during sex for fuck’s sake.

“No,” he growled, shaking his head, rejecting the plan.
“We’ll deal with it another way.”

“We have Shepherds at our back and fucking vampires at our
front.” Diskant advanced, no longer giving polite suggestions. “You will
convince the pack the mating wasn’t of your choosing. They can’t know you’ve
been keeping this from them. You’ll tell them you were just as shocked as they
are but it is what it is. If they discover you haven’t been honest and have
kept her a secret they’ll hang you out to dry. This is about more than you or
your mate, by the way. In case it’s slipped your fucking notice we’re trying to
prevent genocide.”

Damn it.

Trey wanted to clock his friend in the face and tell him to
fuck off.

Maybe he could get the pack comfortable with the idea of
having Sadie around. After all, they’d accepted a Shepherd and human. Shitty things
came in threes. Obviously his number was up. There was no exit strategy. No way
to make things safe for everyone.

“I talked to Kinsley.” Diskant informed him.


“He’s on board.”

It took a minute for the words to sink in. Fucking-A.

Kinsley MacGregor—the Alpha who influenced all the feline
shifters—would be an ace in the hole. With his backing the Alphas from the
prides would fall in line. Trey frowned, holding Sadie a little tighter. Unless
the man decided to cut and run on a whim. Feline shifters were solitary
creatures, looking out for their interests before anyone else’s.

“You sure?”

“I am.” There was zero doubt in the reply.

“What’s he bringing to the party?”

“Centuries of knowledge.”

Like that explains anything
. “Enlighten me.”

“This happens every few hundred centuries.”

“The world goes to shit?”

“Shifters mate with vampires.” Diskant gazed over his
shoulder again, making sure no one was listening in. After several seconds he
looked at Trey. “It’s not uncommon when the world gets off-balance.”

Off-balance? I’ll take understatement of the fucking
millennium Alex.

“Her heart,” Trey motioned to Sadie, relieved that she’d
quieted, “is broken because of me. I was so concerned about what the pack would
think I treated her like dirt. She’s suffered enough. I won’t turn my back on
her and lie about how things are. Excuse me if I don’t give a shit about things
being off balance.”

“She’s smart. Give her a chance to be part of this.” When
Trey opened his mouth to speak Diskant snarled, “Your female has existed for a
long time without you. She’s earned the right to voice her opinion in the

Something clicked, a lock sliding into place. “You trust

“Ava trusts her. Don’t ask me why. I don’t have an answer.”

Ava trusted Sadie. Really trusted her. “And you trust your

“What do you think?” Diskant asked, agitated and out of
patience. “If Ava thinks Sadie has the power to heal the pack, why should I
argue? She got them to accept Mary.”

“She announced her pregnancy.” Trey broached the topic with
caution. Diskant remained anxious when it came to Ava’s condition, which was
understandable. But it made the man more dangerous than usual. “You’re an
Omega. She’s your mate. It’s good news.”

“Then maybe you should get your mate in the family way.”

An invisible fist clenched Trey’s heart and squeezed.

Family way. Sons and daughters.

My sons. My daughters.

As far as he knew he and Sadie would never have children. No
boys, no girls. Vampires and shifters didn’t produce offspring. How had he
forgotten that? How had it slipped his mind? He visualized little girls with
Sadie’s hair and eyes, or little boys with his features. Did Sadie want
children? Did it break her heart to think they’d never have any?

Will she hate me even more for taking what she wants from
her yet again?

Trey released Sadie, rising to his feet. The wolf in him
wanted to see Diskant bleed for the insult. His mate slid against the wall,
crying softly. Diskant froze, his eyes going wide as though he’d gotten jive to
what he’d just spouted.

“I didn’t mean—”

Trey put all of his weight into his swing, gaining momentum
as he turned. He clocked Diskant in the jaw, sending the Omega to his knees.
“Mean what, you selfish son of a bitch!”

“Careful, pup.” Diskant recovered, breezing his knuckles
over his lip as his gaze darted to Trey’s face. “Don’t piss me off.”

“Then don’t piss me off,” Trey countered, adrenaline pumping
through his system. “I’m tired of your bullshit.”

“Stop.” Sadie’s softly spoken request pulled the men short.
They turned toward her as she said, “You don’t have to argue. We’ll tell them
what they need to hear.”

Trey hated how defeated she sounded. “Like hell.”

“You can’t help the pack without their support. It’s the
only way.” Both men watched as Sadie made it to her feet. “I’ll do it, but I
have a condition.” Her reddened eyes drifted to Trey, ice-blue irises
condemning. “Once this is over, it’s over,” she stated briskly, as though she
were trying to detach herself from the situation. “You’ll feed me when I need
it but this…” Shaking her blonde head, she exhaled, exhaustion outlined in her
posture. “I’m done.”

He wanted to hit something—hard. “No.”

“We don’t have time to argue,” she said, skittering from his
touch when he reached out for her. “There are more important things to think

That’s where she was wrong. As far as Trey was concerned she
was the most important thing in the world. Without her he’d become a hollow
shell, his entire life empty and lost. He couldn’t protect the pack like that.
He wouldn’t want to exist if there was nothing to look forward to. Over time
he’d not only fail his mate, he’d fail everyone around him.

“We’re going to face the pack,” he reached her in two steps,
roping an arm around her waist, “together.” She tried to worm her way free and
he yanked her to his body, holding her lithe form against his. “No more
running, Sadie. No more promises you can’t keep.”

“Trey,” Diskant reprimanded sharply. “Think about what
you’re doing.”

“I have.”

For months he’d agonized over what was best for the pack,
going over each scenario as he tried to think of a way to introduce Sadie to
them. He’d spoken to Nathan many times, hoping to resolve the situation without
bloodshed or violence. It wasn’t going to be easy, regardless of his choice.

“This is the only way. I’m not letting her go and I’m not
pretending she doesn’t mean everything to me. They can take it or leave it.”

Diskant’s beasts rose, sending energy from the man. “You
selfish son of a bitch.”

“Pot calling the kettle black?” Trey ran his hand down
Sadie’s back, his fingers drifting through her hair. “It wasn’t so long ago
that you left the city to protect Ava. You handed the pack over and didn’t look
back. You chose her over everyone else.”

“It’s not the same.” Diskant formed his hands into tight

“Because of her condition?” Trey took a step back and
relaxed his grip on Sadie, ready to shove her to safety if Diskant charged. “Do
you really think that justifies your decision?”

“I should break your fucking neck.” Diskant lifted one of
his hands and pointed at Trey. The Omega’s eyes changed colors, morphing from
yellow to green. “You’ve forgotten your goddamned place.”

“That’s quite enough.” Ava appeared at the opposite end of
the hallway, glaring at Trey and Diskant. “We’ll never accomplish anything if
you two keep fighting.”

“Pinkie,” Diskant warned in a low growl, “I told you to get
some rest.”

“I’ll rest when I’m dead,” she retorted.

“Damn it, woman.” Diskant strode toward her. “I’m going to
tie your ass to the bed.”

Ava let Diskant’s threat pass without notice. “Kinsley will
be here soon,” she informed them, her attention drifting to Trey and Sadie. “He
wants to discuss the situation before he talks to the prides. If you need to
clear the air, I suggest you use what little time you have before he gets

Trey glanced around, trying to decide where to go. They
needed to talk. Privately and unbothered. His mate needed to understand how
strongly he felt about matters. He tightened the arm around Sadie’s waist and
started toward a small bathroom across the way.

It was then that he noticed Nathan.

The Beta—who had remained silent throughout Trey’s fight
with Diskant—moved to make room for Trey to pass. Trey hesitated, watching
Nathan walk a few feet down the hall. The man stopped outside Leigh’s door,
shifting his feet, studying the barrier standing between him and his mate.
Sadly the door was the least of Nathan’s concerns. The true wall erected
between him and Leigh was far more obtrusive. Nathan extended his hand, fingers
hovering over the knob. After a moment, he bowed his head and let his arm drift
to his side.

Poor bastard.

Anyone could see Nathan’s desolation and sadness. Gloom
surrounded the male, shrouding him in uncertainty and confusion. His nature
wouldn’t him to allow him to leave Leigh uncared for but his ability to sense
emotion must’ve told him that his presence still wasn’t welcome. He turned away
but didn’t leave. Resting his shoulders against the door, Nathan sank down and
took a seat, protecting his female in the only way he could.

The visual tore through Trey.

If he didn’t smooth things over with Sadie he could suffer
the same fate.

Determined, he lifted his female’s feet from the ground and
rushed to the bathroom. He went inside, closed the door and carried Sadie to
the sink. There wasn’t a lot of space. The area consisted of the toilet and a
sliver of counter space. Sadie’s lack of emotion perturbed him. She hadn’t
shown signs of sorrow or anger. Instead she seemed resigned, accepting whatever
she was given.

Time to push her buttons.

She gasped when he let her go and spun her around. She
braced herself with her hands, meeting his gaze in the mirror. Her blonde hair
swept over her shoulders, offsetting her wide blue eyes. He shoved his hips
forward, trapping his hardening cock between the globes of her ass. Although
he’d always desire his female, his needs extended beyond simple physicality. He
wanted her to know he’d meant what he’d said. He couldn’t exist without this woman.
More than that, he refused to live without her.

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