Vampire Thirst (14 page)

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Authors: Ella J Phoenix

BOOK: Vampire Thirst
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“I want you too, Hikuro, but –”

“No buts,” he said placing a slender finger on her lips. “There’s just us, just the two of us here. No danger.”

He grazed his fingers along her lower lip, then replaced them with his mouth. Sam lost the ability to think. At that moment, she’d do whatever he asked of her, just to feel his touch. He grabbed her buttocks. She rocked her core against him. Oh, it felt good.

“Time to get rid of these wet clothes.”

Sam felt herself being lifted up in the air, as if she weighed nothing. The oversized leather jacket he had given her was stripped away, then her boots were gone, followed by her jeans and top. The fact that they were all soaking wet was no challenge to him. She found herself in nothing but her bra and knickers in no time.

Her feet found hard ground again. Hikuro paused. His hungry gaze ran down her torso, savoring her every detail. Incandescent heat pooled between her legs. Her energies hummed in response, but this time around, she didn’t get startled by that feeling, didn’t get scared. She knew what it was. She knew she could control it.

She took her bra off and let it fall on the ground. “Kiss me.”

Hikuro wrapped one arm around her waist and pulled her against him. He then bent down and captured one nipple with his mouth and took his time sucking it, licking it, until it turned into a tight pearl. Sam let her head fall back, giving in completely to the array of sensations he was stirring inside her. Hikuro’s other hand glided down her spine, underneath her panties, and found the vale between her buttocks. Sam cried out in pure pleasure.

She wanted to touch him too – to give him the ecstasy he had given her the night before. She placed a firm hand on his chest and pushed him away, slowly. Then she opened his shirt and slid it off. Wow. Broad shoulders, tight abs, taut muscles. All Sam had ever asked Santa to bring her
for Christmas. She bent down and ran her tongue up his torso, all the way from his belly button to collar bone. Hikuro let out an approving groan in response. She opened his pants and pulled them down. He wasn’t wearing any underwear. His cock sprung out, long, thick and very, very hard. Oh. Mighty. Soartas. Her folds quivered.

Sam knelt down in front of him and paused just inches from his pink head and looked up. Hikuro gawked at her with dark, hungry eyes.

Slowly, oh so slowly, she ran her tongue along his thick shaft. He tasted salty and delicious. She then nibbled at the soft tip. Hikuro shuddered and grabbed her by the hair.

“Sam...” His warning came out like a plea. “You’re killing me.”

Sam grinned slightly. He had no idea. She brushed the back of her fingers along his balls at the same time her lips enveloped his thick cock. She heard a moan, then something in Japanese. Sam massaged the sensitive skin of his inner thigh, while sucking him deep, all the way into her throat. Then she pulled it out, and licked the little vein underneath the soft cap.

“Fuck!” No Japanese this time, just plain English.

She repeated her movements, but increased the tempo. She didn’t think it was possible, but he grew even thicker and harder. Sam felt her own need build inside her.

Suddenly, she was thrown flat on her back, in the grass.
She looked around for any clues as to what had just happened. He had hauled them to the middle of the garden. The cherry blossom trees were filled with beautiful little white flowers.

Hikuro hovered above her. His fangs were extended fully, his eyes red with vampire thirst. Sam’s mouth went dry. He was pure power, pure sex. And she wanted it all.

“Say it,” he ordered.

Say what? Her mind was all fuzzy and blurred! She blinked and licked her lips.

His eyes followed her tongue. He balanced himself above her on one hand, then ran his fingers over her knickers. “Tell me how much you want this.”

Her core lit up at his touch. Sam’s hips moved in response. “Yes.”

“Yes?” His fingers massaged her inner thigh, not quite touching her sweet spot.

“More,” she breathed.

He flashed a wicked smile, then slid his fingers underneath her panties, and found her slick core.

By Apa Dobrý, it was almost too much. Sam’s breath was caught in her throat and her legs shook with need.

“Oh, Sam, you’re so wet.”

“More...Hikuro, more.”

She heard her knickers being ripped off, then his soft tongue met her most intimate spot. Sam was going to explode. He licked, nibbled, rubbed. Her hips rocked against his mouth. She felt the numbing ache build. Desperate, too much, too little, more, more. His tongue left her.
But before she could think of a protest, his hands held her legs farther apart and his strong body pressed on hers, locking her in place. Without any warning, he slid inside her with one thrust.

“Oh, Gods!” Sam cried out with the jolt of pleasure.

She dug her nails into his shoulders and held on. He pulled out slowly, then plunged in again. And again and again. Then faster, harder, fiercer. She met his hunger, thrust by thrust. She couldn’t stop. Sam forgot about everything else around them, what had happened in the past, where they were, who they were. All that mattered was him inside her and the amazing ache building between her legs. More, more, nothing else, more! When she felt she couldn’t take it anymore, Hikuro lifted one of her legs up, and positioned her hips scissor-like against his, and plunged in even deeper.

“Holy Apa Dobrý!”

Her folds tightened with such force that she shuddered violently. The air was consumed with electric charges. She heard Hikuro cry out her name but didn’t register anything else. Her core jolted with the waves of pleasure that seemed to never cease. She felt her energies burst out and course through her veins, awakening every single inch of her body. Amazing, delicious, incredible. All the light bulbs along the edge of the garden exploded into little pieces with the power of her release.

It took a while to get her breathing back to normal. She suddenly felt so tired, sleepy. She could barely keep her eyes open. Her limbs had turned into gelatin.

“Wow.” It was the last thing she heard Hikuro mutter before she fell asleep in his arms.

Chapter 21

Hikuro was awakened by a nagging feeling. Something was wrong, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. Without opening his eyes – in case there was an intruder in the surroundings – he heightened his senses and searched for anything foreign that might be of danger. He felt Sam’s body against his. Her soft, naked skin warmed his torso. Her breathing was even, which confirmed she was still asleep. The rest of his ryokan was quiet; his servants were probably having their daily rest. Everything was in order, but Hikuro couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was not quite right, so he opened his eyes and perused the garden for any danger lurking in the shadows.

Except, there were no shadows.

“What the fuck?”

The moon, which had been hanging low in the sky just moments ago, was gone. An immense ball of fire had taken its place.

Hikuro’s heart stopped beating. The sun! He was going to burn to death.

He jumped up and ran for cover as fast as his powers allowed.

“Sam!” he shouted once he was safely inside the changing room by the hot pool.

“What’s wrong?” Sam’s alarmed voice reached him.

“The sun! It’s already morning.”

“Oh, Mighty Soartas!”

How could this have happened? His body was programmed to feel the sun approaching. Every vampire relied on this intrinsic survival mechanism, like an internal alarm clock. But today, for some insane reason, he hadn’t awakened at sunrise and now he’d pay the price.

“Hikuro, are you alright?” Sam’s voice was close to the door.

“Don’t open it!”

“I won’t. I just...” she paused. “Tell me, are you alright?”

Was he? With the adrenaline pumping terror throughout his being, he had completely forgotten to check. Strange, he didn’t feel any pain. He looked down at his naked body, expecting a whole lot of exposed flesh and charcoaled crust.

Nothing. His skin was as alabaster and as soft as ever.

“Holy Apa Dobrý,” he breathed.

He opened the changing room’s door and stepped out, straight into the bright sunlight.

Nothing happened.

His greatest enemy, his race’s biggest weakness, had no effect on him. He turned around to find his own astonishment reflected on Sam’s face. Her hands covered her mouth, her eyes were wide.

“Impossible,” Sam whispered.

Hikuro had no words to reply. His mind had gone completely numb. He walked to the middle of the garden, and for the first time in his long life, he looked straight at the sun. It was beautiful – the way it shone over the valley below and enhanced the colors of everything it touched. He felt its rays warm his skin, but not burn. He blinked a couple of times and his chest got suddenly tight with emotion. How could his race have lived an eternity without experiencing this?

Sam walked over and stood beside him. “How is this possible?”

“I don’t really know,” he whispered back. “I must have been more tired than I thought.”

She nodded slowly, as if considering his words. “That explains why we dozed off in the garden, but not the miracle of you standing right here, completely unharmed.”

He turned and regarded the woman beside him. “The only explanation is you.”

Sam frowned. “What do you mean?”

He wrapped his arms around her waist and looked straight into her electric blue eyes. Her energies danced inside them like mermaids in a pond, waiting to spread their magic into anyone who was bold enough to face their power. “It’s you Sam. You are the miracle.”

“By Apa Dobrý!” she cried out. “You cannot be suggesting that I...”

He leaned down and kissed her on the mouth. Her lips felt moist against his – delicious, perfect. He didn’t want to think about why it had happened, or how long this strange condition would last. All he wanted was to enjoy this once-in-a-lifetime moment.

He felt Sam melt into his arms and return his kiss with a longing that matched his. There were no more words spoken, no more questions raised – just their bodies caressing, tasting, loving each other.

Sam had no idea that she’d accomplished two miracles that day – she had given him his first glimpse at the sunlight and managed to capture his heart. Forever.

Chapter 22

“The trip was quite mild this time around. You must be getting better at it.” Sam teased after Hikuro teleported them from Japan straight to the park in front of her rehab centre in South Hackney.

“Or maybe you’re finally getting used to it,” he replied in his usual monotone way. Just the hint of a smile gave away his true spirits.

Sam giggled. She was on cloud nine. How could she not be? After the day they’d had, the amazing love making, and Hikuro’s miracle? All day long he was like a kid in a candy store. He was fascinated by everything, wanted to touch and feel and look at every single flower,
grass and bug in the property. At one stage, Sam got worried sick and begged for them to go inside. The sun could be pretty nasty in summer – it wouldn’t take long for him to get a third-degree burn. But it was only after he heard her stomach rumble that he agreed to go back to his bedroom. She was then offered the most delicious meal she had ever had, with several types of fish and vegetables, which was followed by another round of hot sex. The best day ever.

When the sun finally set, they teleported back to London. It was still mid-afternoon in this part of the world. And as she predicted, Hikuro had frozen in place in the middle of the park as soon as they materialized.

“It’s just amazing how vampires can do that,” Sam said while pulling at his shirt, making him keep on walking. “I mean, can every vampire teleport as many people as they want?”


“What about dematerializing and materializing again at whim?”


Sam sighed.
Like pulling teeth. Every time.
She stopped in front of him, blocking his path. “If you insist with the monosyllabic answers, I’ll introduce you to my very curious alter-ego. And I promise you won’t like her.”

He gazed down at her. She gazed up at him.

Hikuro’s lips curved into a crooked smile that melted Sam’s determination. He had turned into a completely different person after finding the sun.

“Fine,” he finally said, then he wrapped his arms around her shoulders. She clamped hers around his waist. “Not every vampire can teleport because it takes a special...combination of circumstances to enable you to take advantage of supernatural forces.”

“Combination of circumstances? Like what?”

“Every human is different, right? Some are good at math, others are great at sports. It’s the same with every other species.”

“So, not every vampire can do what you do? What about Tardieh, Joel and Dyam?”

Still with one arm around her, he turned and resumed their walk. “I will tell you all about it, but not here. When we go back to my home tomorrow, I promise I’ll answer all the questions your lovely alter-ego may have for me.”

The old Sam would’ve been annoyed at his shrug off, but her mind had stopped listening with the mention of his plans for tomorrow. He wanted her to go back to his home. Tomorrow. Again. Yay.

Sam froze.

Oh, crap. Hikuro’s cryptic answers no longer drove her insane, she was finding his commands
and he was certainly not a pompous ass anymore, his assertiveness was just misunderstood.

Sam let out a sigh. Oh, Apa Dobrý, she had fallen in love. With a vampire.

“Hey,” Hikuro called softly, pulling her to him. A small frown creased his brow. “Are you OK?”

She stared at his dark eyes, and realized that the obvious implications of her falling for the king’s Doilea Ministru, as well as their differences, her past struggle with relationships didn’t scare her anymore. Nothing else mattered, just them, and this amazing day they spent together. “Never been better,” she replied, then stood on tiptoe and kissed him tenderly on the lips.

“Me neither,” he whispered.

Her heart swelled.

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