Vampire Manifesto (4 page)

Read Vampire Manifesto Online

Authors: Rashaad Bell

Tags: #teen, #young adult, #bell, #vampire, #science fiction, #rashaad, #fantsay, #werewolves romance

BOOK: Vampire Manifesto
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Yeah, it’s in the trunk.” He said, not bothering to glance up.

Are you sure Aiden, because you didn’t walk out the house with it?”

I put it in there while you were getting dressed, before you started cooking.”

And the towels?”


What about the Margaritas?”

Yes, mother!” He said sarcastically. “Do you wanna check my social security number as well?”

I already know your social security number Aiden. Do you?”

I laughed, pressing down on the gas pedal, listening to the engine rev up as we shot forward towards our destination.”

Someone’s phone rang.
Ooh me so horny, ooh-ooh, me so horny
! Okay, so Aiden’s phone rang.

Yo...what? Hold on.” Aiden leaned forward. “Turn that down, I can’t hear.”

Abigail decreased the volume of the stereo.

Yeah, what up?” Aiden continued with his phone call. “Nah, nah, nah, I’m on my way to the beach. Yeah, yeah, Flagler. Nah, it’s me, Abigail and Madison. What? Dude that’s my sister, don’t make me punch you in the face. Hold on.” Aiden leaned forward so he was closer to us. “Madison, Mitchell wants to know if he can have your phone number?”

Abigail gave me one of the craziest looks of disgust ever. “Tell him he can’t, but his momma can.”

Aiden laughed. “Haha, nice!” He went back to his cell. “That’s a no go bro. When? Hold on.” Aiden leaned forward again to talk to us. “Mitchell said that The Dave’s are having a bonfire tonight. You two wanna slide through?”

The Dave’s. Dave Berger and David Anderson, these two cats that graduated last year and became roommates. Found a place down on the beach. Best bonfires ever.

Yeah, I’m down.”

Me too.” Agreed Abigail.

Cool.” Aiden leaned back in his seat. “Yeah, we’re coming Mitchell. Okay. What? Dude, what’s up with the twenty questions? Nah, I’m putting you on speaker. Hahaha. Okay. Peace.” Aiden hung up.

What was that?” I asked.

Nothing. Mitchell wants us to bring some Green to smoke if we can.” Aiden replied.

I don’t know where to get any weed at.”

It’s fine. I know a place.” Abigail stated.

Good.” I announced, pulling into a parking space. “Today is gonna be awe-some!”

Everyone climbed out, Aiden making a beeline towards the trunk, grabbing the cooler and blankets. Even though it was only around ten in the morning on a Monday, the beach was filled with people. It had to be around ninety-seven degrees out and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. It was such a beautiful sight, and it was one of the main reasons why our unexpected move here to Palm Coast was bearable.

I bet the water is gonna feel good.” Remarked Aiden as we made our way down these rickety wooden steps that led surfside. It took us a hot minute to find a spot, apparently we weren’t the only ones to have the idea to skip whatever school or job we had and come down to Flagler beach, yet, it wasn’t long before Aiden was laying down this humongous blanket and propping up lawn chairs for us.

I sprawled out on the blanket, my back against the cloth and the sun across my face. It was so nice to be out. Abigail took up the spot next to me, while Aiden plopped down in his X-Men lawn chair.

Abby held up her hand, snapping her fingers. “Margarita please.”

Aiden reached in the cooler and handed her an eight-ounce Sprite bottle filled with Margarita mix instead of soda. “You want one to Madison?”

Yes please.” Aiden tossed me a Sprite bottle.

You ladies gonna be okay for a few?” He asked.

Abigail propped herself up to look at him. “Why? Where are you going baby?”

I wanna hit up the comic book store for a bit. I wanna get that Sinestro War trade.”

I was confused. “What’s a Sinestro war?”

Sinestro is the renegade Green Lantern who started his own Corp powered by a Yellow Power Ring that is fueled by peoples fear.” That answer seemed to just roll off her tongue just a little too easily.

I stared at her. “Abby, how in the hell do you even know that?”

Oh, you’re brother has schooled me on all things comic book wise.”

You’re kidding right? You don’t even like to read.”

Honestly it’s pretty good, you should check it out.” Abigail replied.

I’ll pass. Wait...can’t you just download that to your iPad? I thought they like, had an app for that?”

Honey, your brother is against digital downloads. On any medium.”

Aiden stood up. “I need to feel it in my hands. Smell them. Turn the physical pages. I can’t do that with a download.”

You’re such a nerd.” Abigail announced, getting up as well.

You coming with?” He questioned.

Nah.” Abigail said. “If you’re running to the store right now, I’m gonna go buy us some Green for the night. You gonna be okay here alone for a minute Madison?”

Yeah, I’m cool. I’ve got sun, Margaritas and half naked boys to stare out. I’ll be just fine.”

Okay, Hun. We should be back in what?” Abigail glanced at Aiden.

Twenty, twenty-five minutes.” He responded.

Abigail made a face. “We should be back in about ten, fifteen minutes.”


Look I’m not spending all day in some comic book store Aiden. That was not why I came out here today.”

The two of them wondered off, arguing as they disappeared into the throngs of people on the boardwalk. I watched them leave and smiled inwardly. They were so cute together. They complemented the others persons strengths and weaknesses. I only wish I could find someone like that. Someone that could identify with me without the need for a façade.

I had to admit to myself how lonely I was. Not that I needed some boy to complete me, yet it would be nice to have someone that understood where I was coming from. To understand my needs, my goals. Someone to share those intimate moments people have. Not to mention I was tired of playing the third wheel between Aiden and Abigail. Not that they would ever consciously admit that, because they wouldn’t. Yet they don’t go anywhere without me tagging along with them and I’m just selfish enough to come, instead of doing the right thing and letting them have their alone time.

I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the sun against my chest. I should have put sunscreen on but I was too lazy to get up. I was content to just lay there, contemplating on whether or not I was actually going to get into the water this time. I’ve lived in Palm Coast for a little over a year, been to the beach multiple times and haven’t once let ocean water touch my body.

My deep seething fear of being eaten by a shark keeps me sand bound.

A shadow fell over me and I cursed under my breath somewhat. Florida was notorious for sudden weather changes, where it goes from nice and sunny, to damp and cold. All I wanted was a tan!

Excuse me.”

I opened my eyes and found this guy standing there. “Yes, excuse you. You’re blocking my sun.”

Oh, I’m sorry.” He apologized, stepping out of the way, moving to the left a little. Now that the sun wasn’t to his back, I was able to see him better.

He was gorgeous. Seventeen, maybe eighteen, sandy brown hair cut somewhat short, strong features, chiseled, very hawk like, with green eyes that almost seemed to sparkle. I literally had to sit up and remove my sunglasses just so I could see him better.

I wanted him.

Hello, my name is Ethan Blackwood.” He extended his hand out as he spoke to shake mine.

Um...Hi, I’m Madison. Madison Amber Rose.” I reached out to shake his hand, his skin extremely cool and soft to the touch.

Nice to meet you Madison.” Ethan exclaimed. “Is it okay if I sit with you for a minute?”

Yeah, sure.”

Ethan Blackwood sat down in the sand, not on the blanket, keeping a modest distance between us. “Madison Amber Rose. That’s a beautiful name.”

The way he looked at me was so intense, like he was staring directly through me at my inner soul underneath. I wanted to glance away suddenly; it was difficult for me to maintain eye contact.

Thank you Ethan.” God, I hope I’m not blushing right now.

I don’t...” He paused briefly. “I don’t normally approach random girls like this.”

I’m sure you don’t.” I lied.

But when I saw you laying there, I knew I had to stop and say, I don’t know, something.”

Thank you God. Thank you God. Thank you God.

Really?” I smiled. “Well what did you want to say Mr. Ethan Blackwood?”

He smiled playfully. “I don’t know. I hadn’t really planned that far ahead.”

We both laughed somewhat at his comment. I brushed my hair over my right ear. Not that it was in my way, but rather, that’s just what I do when I’m nervous.

So are you from here?” I wanted to know everything about him. Everything! I was just so drawn to his presence. I’d never felt this way about a person I just met before.

No, not really. I just moved here not that long ago.” Ethan was sitting Indian style in the sand. It looked extremely painful, but he seemed comfortable enough.

Nobody from Florida is really
Florida, right? Did you live nearby?”

He titled his head somewhat. His skin seemed flawless, perfectly smooth. Like something out of a magazine, like his features were almost airbrushed to perfection.

Somewhere, far from here.” Was Ethan’s answer.

Really? Far from here, huh? Cryptic much?” The mystery man with delicate features. Mom always warned me about guys like this.

At times.” He said.


I’m sorry, I’m...I’m really not used to, personal interaction.”

Uh huh.” I wasn’t exactly sure how to respond to that.

With girls, I mean.” Ethan Blackwood added quickly.

Oh. So you’re gay then?” Awesome Madison. Out of all the guys on the beach, you have to fall for the gay one!

No, I’m not gay, just shy. I usually just keep to myself. But when I saw you, I knew I needed to know you.”

Who’s the noob?” Aiden’s voice cut through the atmosphere like a knife.

I glanced up just in time to see Abigail grab another Margarita out the cooler while Aiden, carrying the hugest brown paper bag full of comics, came to rest in is X-chair.

Aiden, Abigail, this is my new friend, Ethan Blackwood.” I introduced him with a little bit more enthusiasm in my voice then I should have.

Sup dude.” Said Aiden.

Ooh, he’s really cute!” Flirted Abigail.

Shut up and sit down.” Aiden responded.

Ethan gave them a slight nod of recognition. “It’s a pleasure to meet the both of you.” He turned his attention back towards me. “I’m not intruding am I?”

Before I could even reply, Abigail chimed in. “Of course not, Ethan. We were just going for a swim anyway. Aren’t we Aiden?”

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