Vampire Love Story (10 page)

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Authors: H. T. Night

BOOK: Vampire Love Story
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“Don’t stop, Josiah.” Tommy said to me. “You’re not even breathing hard.” I held him down until I heard the bell. I went back to the corner.

Mike yelled at me. “What the hell, Josiah. Why did you stop?!”

“I was tired,” I said.

“You won that round. If you win this round you have it. Just don’t get soft!”

I sat there thinking about the last round. Then something dawned on me. Tommy hadn’t thrown a single punch. Tommy was hesitant to hurt me. Tommy was refusing to punch me. The bell went off.

Tommy and I circled each other. “You’re going to have to punch me, Tommy. You can’t beat me unless you punch me. You need to forget who we are. This is your fight. This is your career. You can go toe-to-toe with me, but you will have to strike, also.”

Tommy nodded—then lunged forward and threw a hay maker. It landed across my face. I stumbled back.

I grinned despite the pain. “There you go, Tommy. Now it’s a fight.”

Tommy and I traded punches for almost three minutes. My arms were heavy. I was getting pretty exhausted and for just a millisecond, I let my guard down. That was all Tommy needed. He sprung in and grabbed my legs. I fell to the mat. He whipped around me. He was trying to get me in his famous front-choke submission. Luckily, Mike and I practiced defending this, but, damn, Tommy got a good hold on me. Tommy was strong. Stronger than I remembered. He locked his forearm under my neck and had it in tight. I tried to fight it off but I couldn’t. I couldn’t breathe.

I completely blacked out.

When I opened my eyes, I could barely think clearly. I could hear someone talking to me from seemingly far away. It was Tommy and apparently I lost. Tommy and a paramedic team were crouched down next to me.

“Come back to us, Josiah,” Tommy said, and I had a feeling he had been saying it a few times before that, too. Tommy gave me a big, relieved smile.

Now a doctor started asking me questions to see if I was okay. I could see they had brought out a stretcher, and with that, I jumped straight up. There was no way I would be hauled off on a stretcher.

“Stay down, Josiah.” Tommy said to me.

“No freaking way, Tom. You deserve a proper hug.” I reached over and embraced Tommy.

Tommy grabbed my face, squishing my cheeks. We had always been like brothers. “You kicked my ass that first round, you know that.”

“Only because you didn’t have the heart to throw a punch, dumbass. You got me, Tommy. You deserve it.”

“I’m coming home tonight. I’ll take you out and we’ll head up to Los Angeles and wreck that town.”

“Sounds good to me. I might need an aspirin first.”

“Me, too.”

We both laughed. I looked out into the crowd and both Lena and Yari were standing ringside, both looking very concerned. I gave them a thumbs up to let them know it was okay. They both exhaled. Wow, two beautiful women were deathly concerned for my well being. Could be worse.

I noticed that Atticai was making his way to the ring, too. He motioned for me to come to him, and I did.

When I reached the ropes, he said, “It’s bullshit, man. They should have never allowed that
in the ring.”

I blinked. “Thing? What thing?”

Atticai looked at me with dead eyes. “No Tandra can handle a Carni. It’s not a fair fight.” What are these words?
Mani? Carni? Tandra.
What the hell were these people talking about?

I said as much to Atticai, and he just shook his head and walked away.

What the heck was that all about? I swore everyone in that group was bat crazy.

The announcer announced that Tommy had knocked me out, and I gave Tommy one more hug and told him I’d see him at home.




Chapter Ten


I got home and took a long hot bath. Ironically, the only thing that hurt was my back. I swear it was still hurt from that a-hole hitting me with a bat a few weeks ago.

After my bath, I put on a pair of sweats and laid on the couch and waited for Tommy. I thought about the fight. I couldn’t believe I’d lost. Honestly. I have only lost two fights in my entire life. I lost my very first boxing match and I lost today. I wished my dad would have seen Tommy and I tonight. He would had been proud of both of us.

I closed my eyes and took a moment and thought about my parents, especially my dad. My dad was a vivid dreamer and loved to tell me his dreams. The last thing he had ever said to me was on the morning of their accident. I had just gotten up for school and as I went into the kitchen, my dad was sitting there staring off into nothingness.

“Hey, dad, what’s up?” I had asked, still bleary-eyed from sleep.

He looked over at me. “Oh, I just had the most amazing dream, son.”

This wasn’t the first time my dad had told me about an intense dream he had, but whatever this dream had been, well, it was obviously giving him some serious food for thought.

“What was it about?” I asked, opening the kitchen door and grabbing the milk. If my father wasn’t there, I would have downed the milk straight from the carton. As it was, I found a box of cereal and started making breakfast.

“It was about you, son.”


“Actually, it was about us. We were camping up in Big Bear. You were a lot younger, maybe around seven years old. I had lost you and went looking for you in the woods. I couldn’t find you anywhere and I began to panic. I sensed you were in danger. I sensed you were in great danger. I ran and ran looking for you, until I reached a giant cliff.”

“A cliff in the woods?” I said, confused.

“Hey, Josiah, it’s a dream. A big, pink Easter bunny could show up and there would be no rhyme or reason for it, alright?”

He was so cranky in the morning. “Sorry, Dad. Go on.”

“Anyway, I walk to the edge of the cliff and I look down, and about 300 feet below I could see you. You were calling out for me. I yelled down to you, that I wanted you to wait there, that I would be coming down for you. But then something horrible started to happen.”

I was about to shovel in my first spoonful of Cap’n Crunch. I waited, genuinely intrigued.

He went on. “About twenty hyenas surrounded you. They were growling and hissing at you. And as they started closing in, all I could do was watch from above, feeling completely helpless. I was going to have to watch all these animals tear you apart, and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it. So without thinking, I jumped. It was more like a dive. It was instinct, you know. I had to to protect you. And as I fell, something miraculous happened. My arms began turning into wings. My entire body had changed into a beautiful white bird. I swooped in and grabbed you just in the nick of time.”

Now the first spoonful found my mouth. “Wow. That’s pretty crazy,” I said, talking with food in my mouth, which immediately irritated my dad.

He frowned at me. “Anyway, it was so real. Josiah, I can still feel the air beneath me.”

I had looked at my dad and he had this amazingly peaceful expression on his face. Sort of far-off and dreamy. A sort of tranquility I had never seen in him before. The irony was, of course, that he would die eight hours later. He would never be able to save me from the hyenas.

As I lay there on the couch, remembering my last conversation with my dad, with tears filling my eyes, I turned the TV on.
I put on some Jimmy Kimmel since it was 12:30 in the morning. So where was Tommy?

I didn’t know, and soon I dozed off.


* * *


My cell phone was ringing. My eyes cracked open and I tried to gather my thoughts. My body and mind were beyond the point of exhaustion. I grabbed the phone and did my best to focus my eyes on the Caller I.D. It was a local number, but I didn’t recognize it. And as I answered the call, I saw Daphne peeking in the window at me.

“Hello,” I said. My voice sounded groggy as hell.

“Is this Josiah Reign?” A woman asked on the other end.


“Are you a relative of Tommy Jensen?”

“No, I mean yes. We’re practically brothers.” Okay, now I was worried.

“Tommy has been in an accident.”

I sat up. “What kind of accident?”

“We’re not exactly sure. We pulled his file and you were the only contacted listed. He’s in the ICU.”

“Which hospital is this?”

“San Bernardino Memorial.”

“Okay. I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

I jumped up and put on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and headed out the door. Daphne was on the hood of my truck almost as if she were waiting for me. I got in my truck and honked my horn so she fly off. She did, squawking at me, and I pulled out of the parking lot and headed to the hospital.

Twenty minutes later, I was pulling up to the emergency entrance. Surprisingly, there were a lot of empty parking spots. Even at 5:00 a.m., I would have thought most of Southern California ER’s would have been busy. Learn something new every day. I went through the double doors and headed straight to the nurse’s desk.

“Hi, I’m here to see Tommy Jensen,” I said to the dark-haired, heavy-set Latina woman behind the desk.

“He is in the ICU. Why don’t you have a seat and someone will be out shortly to speak with you.”

“But I got a call from you guys. Can I go back and—”

“Have a seat and someone will be out to speak with you.”

“All right.” I sat down in a seat near the back. There were sure a lot of people in the waiting room, considering how few cars there were in the parking lot.

A police officer came in from outside. He walked over to the nurse and the nurse pointed him in my direction. I guess the “someone” who was to speak with me was going to be a police officer. He came right over to me. “Are you Josiah Reign?”

“Yes, sir, I am.”

“I need to ask you a couple of questions.”

“Sure,” I said.

“What relation are you to Tommy Jensen?”

“There is no relation. He’s my roommate. He’s the closest person in the world to me, but there is no relation.”

“Were you with Tommy tonight?”

“Well, sort of.”

“What does that mean?”

“Tommy had a fight tonight at the Honda Center in Anaheim.”

“A fight? You mean a professional fight? A boxing match?”

“Close. It was a mixed martial arts fight.”

“You mean like ultimate fighting?”

“Yeah, something like that,” I said.

“You were at the fight?”

This guy wasn’t going to believe what I was about to tell him, but it was the truth so I had nothing to lose. “I actually was his
in the fight.”

“You’re kidding me? You fight also?”


“And you fought Tommy tonight?”


“Who won?”

“He did.”

“He did?”

“Yeah, he did,” I said, suddenly annoyed.

“Wow, there’s a first for everything.” The police officer sat down in the chair next to me. “So what did you guys do after the fight?”

“Nothing. I went straight home.”

“You didn’t stop off for a beer or an ice pack?”

“I received all the ice packs I needed before I left the arena.”

“What did Tommy do after the fight?”

“He was supposed to come over so we could go out and celebrate our first fight together.”

The police officer stopped writing and looked me in the eyes. “You were going to celebrate getting your ass kicked?”

“No, not exactly. You see, Tommy is in line to fight for the title in our weight class.”

“I see.” The police officer paused. “Did you throw the fight?”

“Of course not.”

“Well, that’s neither here nor there. Have they told you the severity of Tommy’s injuries?”

“No. I don’t know anything.”

“Did Tommy call you and tell you he was going to be late?”

“No, he didn’t. What has happened to Tommy?”

“We’re not exactly sure. All we know is that he was attacked.” He paused and leveled his stare at me. “And, due to the nature of his injuries, it appears that he was attacked by some kind of wild animal.” I think my eyes bugged out of my skull. Before I could speak, the officer went on. “Even more unusual, he was dropped off at the ER, where the nurses found him lying near the door.”

“Who dropped him off?”

“We don’t know.”

“Someone just dropped him off and took off?”

“Exactly. So where were you at 1:00 a.m. this morning?”

“I was at my house just about to fall asleep.”

“Can anyone else vouch for that?”

“No. I was alone.”

“Well, hopefully Tommy will regain consciousness shortly and he can shed some light on what happened.”

The police officer closed his notepad, nodded at me and walked outside. I just stared at him. Had I really heard him right? Tommy had been attacked by a wild animal?

I sat there and waited. And waited. Two hours later, I got up and went to the nurse’s station.

“I’ve been here two there anyone who can give me any kind of update?”

“The doctor will be out shortly to talk to you.”

“The doctor?” I questioned.

“Yes, the doctor.”

I was about to head back to my seat when I heard someone call my name. I turned around and there was a man of Middle Eastern descent coming toward me.

“Yes, I’m Josiah.”

The man walked over to me. “Are you related to Mr. Jensen?”

“I’m pretty much all he has. What’s going on?”

The doctor paused. “I’m sorry. He didn’t make it.”

I’ve been hit hard in my life, but never have I been hit harder than that. All the air left my lungs and I struggled to find words.

The doctor went on, but his voice reached me as if speaking from a deep well. “Mr. Jensen was pronounced dead ten minutes ago.”

“His name is Tommy. Please call him Tommy.” My voice sounded strange to my ears. Panicked, strained, high-pitched.

“I’m real sorry.”

I took in a lot of air. I could tell I was close to hyperventilating. “But...what happened?” I managed to say.

“He had bite marks all over his body. It appears he was attacked by multiple animals. But that’s for the medical examiner to decide.”

“But this doesn’t make any sense! He was on his way home from a professional fight.” My brain spun. For all I knew I was spinning, too. I wished like hell that there was something nearby to hold onto. I would have used the doctor, but I didn’t think his frail body could support me. “What kind of animal was it?”

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