Vampire Girl (17 page)

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Authors: Karpov Kinrade

Tags: #vampire, #paranormal romance, #fantasy romance, #twilight, #outlander, #demons, #Romance, #young adult romance, #vampire romance, #shifters, #fairies, #fae romance

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hat night over dinner, Fen waits for me to broach the subject of the slaves I acquired. "I assume you've heard," I say, sipping my drink and watching his body language across the table.

He stares at his dinner as he talks. "Indeed. I think all the realms have heard at this point."

"I take it Levi isn't happy?"

Fen snorts. "Levi is never happy. It's a byproduct of his curse. I do think envy is the worst of all the seven sins. To never be content with what you have. To always covet what others possess. Miserable way to live."

"Are you angry?"

Finally, he looks up at me, his piercing blue eyes holding mine. "Should I be?"

I shrug. "I have no idea. You don't share much these days."

"I am not mad, Arianna. I admire what you're trying to do. But you must know, you can't save them all. That's not the way this world works. There's more to our history than you understand."

I bristle at that. "I've been doing my research. Kal has been helping me understand."

He shakes his head. "You can research the history of this world, but you can't know what I lived through. You can't know through words what I have learned through blood."

I exhale at that, my body slumping in my chair. "I have to try, Fen. I have to at least try to help the people who need it."

For the first time in weeks he reaches his hand out to mine and holds it in his. The warmth and strength of him pulses through me, and my fingers run over the raised demon mark on his wrist, memorizing the curves and patterns. His curse. His duty.

A heavy silence fills the space between us, connects us together in a palpable way. I breathe him in, feel his pulse, revel in all the unspoken words between us. There's so much I want to say. So much I want him to understand, and so much I want to know.

I'm about to try, about to open my mouth, and my heart, and tell him what I'm feeling, when a young man bursts in to the dining area. He bows, then hands Fen a parchment sealed in wax. "I was told to deliver this to you immediately, Your Highness."

"Thank you," I tell the messenger. "Ask our cook to get you something to eat and drink before you head out."

He bows to me, mumbles a thank you and leaves us.

Fen reads the letter quickly, frowning deeply. When he's done, he stands abruptly and curses.

"What's wrong?" I ask, standing as well. Baron leaps to his feet with us, ears perked, teeth bared, ready to fight whatever is making his master angry.

"You must have really pissed Levi off. He's insisting I bring you to High Castle tonight to meet the princes."

"But that wasn't supposed to happen for another week. I don't even have my dress yet."

"Asher had it delivered this afternoon. It's in your room."

"It's so late," I argue. This doesn't feel right, but I'm not sure why.

"We have to go. The Council decided it."

"Why are you never there when they decide things about me?" I ask.

"Because I'm never informed until after the fact." He practically growls, and I can tell his temper is tethered by a string.

"Doesn't that seem fishy to you?"

"It does. But you will be safe. Levi wouldn't dare make a play at you with everyone there."

I nod. "I'll go get ready."


bathe in the waterfall shower, then Kara and Julian brush out and dry my hair and help me dress. I wear the necklace Kayla loaned me, and when I look in the mirror, I have to admit I look like a princess. I smile. "Thank you, ladies."

They both curtsy.

I turn to them. "I haven't had a chance to talk to you about the slaves I bought today. I want them treated well. Please make sure they have comfortable jobs they enjoy and are under the care of people you trust."

Julian nods. "We will."

"I'll check in on them when all this is done."

As a last measure, I strap my dagger to my inner thigh. Just in case.

I meet Fen downstairs, at the entrance of the castle. He's dressed nicer than I've ever seen him, in a black vest with gold buttons and a red shirt beneath. "Did you borrow that from Asher?" I ask with a teasing smile.

He narrows his eyes at me. "No. I do know how to dress appropriately for an occasion."

"You look good," I say. "But I prefer you in leather."

I wink at him and straighten the lapel of his coat. Our bodies are close.  This time, we're not holding swords; he's not teaching me to kill someone. This time it's just us, so I press closer. He holds my hand, pressing it tight against his chest.

"I have something for you," he says.

I step back as he pulls out a small leather pouch from his pocket and hands it to me. "I commissioned Kayla to make it."

When I open the pouch, tears burn my eyes. Inside, lies a white gold ring with a Shooting Star Crystal in the center and beautiful root designs on the sides. I slip it on my middle finger and admire it. "Thank you," I whisper.

"You're welcome." He holds out his arm, and I slide mine into his as we walk through Stonehill to the boat that will take us to High Castle.

I know this is hard for him. Hard for us both. Why grow closer to someone who will leave you in less than a month?

But this ring is a reminder. There is something between us. And no matter what happens, I will always be grateful for Fenris Vane.


hen we arrive, trailed by Marco and Roco, we are greeted by six armed guards. They escort us to the ballroom, where the floors glitter with gold and paintings of war cover the arching ceiling. More guards, clad in red and black armor, line the walls and doors.

"Whose men are these?" I ask Fen, clinging to his arm.

"Levi's," he says with a growl.

The ballroom is empty save for us and the guards. A raised platform carved from marble stands in the middle. One of the guards grabs my arm. "The princess must—"

Fen grabs the man's wrist, twisting it until the guard collapses to his knees. "You will not touch her," growls the prince.

"Of course. Apologies, Your Highness." He glances between Fen and me as he speaks, clearly unsure about which of us he should apologize to first. After a moment, Fen releases his grip.

The guard stands, cradling his limp wrist. "The princess must situate herself in the center." He points to the platform with his good arm.

Fen is about to argue, but I place a hand on him. "I'll be fine. Let's just get this over with."

I walk to the platform. Fen keeps Baron by his side. Once I'm 'situated', the floating lights in the ballroom flicker off, and we are left in complete darkness. A bright yellow sphere begins to glow ahead, blinding me. It's a spotlight, and I am the focus. I hear others enter the room, presumably the other princes, but I can't see them.

"What's this about, Levi?" Fen demands.

"It's just our way of getting to know the princess." His voice is cold and smooth like polished stone. "You've had her all to yourself long enough."

"Everyone will have their time with the princess," Asher says offhandedly. "No need to worry yourself."

"Says the man who has already met her," another voice says.

"Oh, Niam, has our brother here pulled you into another one of his sad conspiracy theories?" Asher asks. "You know Levi is always bitter, but you shouldn't let him get to you too."

"We just thought it best we all have a chance to talk to the princess," Niam says.

"She is quite the prize," another voice says. I recognize him from just one meeting. Dean, Prince of Lust. This time, my knees don't go weak.

"It seems curious that so many of us weren't invited to the recent Council meeting where so many of these decisions were made," says Asher, who seems the most level-headed right now. I'm pretty sure if Fen tried to talk, he'd just start fighting.

"What can we say," Levi says. "You've been awfully preoccupied with other endeavors of late, Asher. Where have you been disappearing to so often?"

"Some of us have real work to do," Asher says. "We can't just sit around all day wishing we had what our brothers have."

There's a thud. Then a groan, and then Asher laughs. I suspect Levi must have punched him. "Now, now, brothers," says a new voice. "We're here. The princess is here. Let's just get on with it, shall we? I have work to do and no time for this rot."

"Shut it, Ace," Levi spits. "You aren't in charge here."

Ace laughs. "Nor are you, dear Levi. And that rankles you, doesn't it?"

"What is the plan for our girl, here?" Asher asks.

Levi answers. "We have some questions for her first."

"Let's have at it then," Asher says. "What are your questions?"

I suck in my breath and exhale slowly, trying to calm my nerves. My legs shake and there's nowhere to sit. Whoever came up with this idea just lost their chance at the crown.

"What criteria will you take into consideration when choosing your mate?" Levi asks.

Just his voice makes me want to punch something. "For one thing, I'll consider if the prince in question is a complete ass who would treat a woman like an animal in a circus. Spoiler alert, that will not impress."

Fen barks a quick laugh and I smirk a little, knowing he'll see it.

I hear Niam's voice next. "So you have already developed opinions about princes you haven't met?"

"My opinions come from my direct experience of you. For some, that bodes well. For others, let's just say you're definitely making an impression, just not a favorable one."

The lights are hot and my throat is getting dry. A rivulet of sweat drips down my spine, making my skin itch. Someone clears their throat to ask another question, but I interrupt. "What is this about? Why are you guys behaving like spoiled toddlers fighting over a toy? Do you really think this will impress me? It's my understanding that—"

"You don't speak to a prince like that!" Levi roars.

"And you don't speak to the princess and future Queen like that," Fen says in his deep, gravelly voice.

"I thought you didn't want to be involved," Niam says. "Seems like you're pretty invested in it now."

"Enough!" Levi says. "It's clear we won't get more answers from her. It's time for the revealing."

I stiffen. His voice sounds lecherous and my stomach rolls. Dean smirks. "Sounds delightful."

Levi continues. "Princess, you are to undress and present yourself to us for examination. If you resist, the guards will be forced to finish the job."

"You bastard!" I scream.

Someone snaps. "Guards!" Four armored men approach me. I kick one in the knee. He stumbles back. Someone grabs me from behind. Hands pull at my dress. They tear away at my clothes.

Baron growls. He jumps into the light, knocking one of the men to the ground.

Tears burn my eyes. Not from sadness. From rage.

I grab the dagger from my inner thigh.

And stab a guard in the arm.

His grip loosens. But there are still two pairs of hands on me. They rip off what remains of my top. I slash at them, screaming and spitting. One of them grabs my wrist. He is strong. Too strong. My fingers ache. I drop the dagger.

And then he is there. Fen.

He grabs a guard by the throat and squeezes. The man's neck explodes with bits of blood and meat and bone. The other man stumbles back, pleading for his life. It is too late.

They have unleashed the Prince of War.

Fen leaps into the air. His knee slams into the man's head and sends him to the floor. The man groans in pain, his face a mangled mess of purple and red. His nose is caved in. Still, I recognize him. The guard who grabbed me earlier. Fen stands above him. "I told you not to touch her."

He slams his foot down into the man's face.

It shatters.

All goes silent. Red stains the marble platform. Bits of bone litter the floor.

Fen faces the light where the remaining princes sit. His hair is dark with blood, and he roars an inhuman war cry. "Does anyone else challenge me?"

Someone claps. "Impressive dear brother," says Levi. "No challenge. I will have my time with the princess." I see a shadow move in the darkness. It disappears through a door. Others follow.

Fen passes me what remains of my torn top, stained with crimson, and I cover my chest with the rags.

Asher steps into the light. "This is a fine mess we've gotten ourselves into," he says, looking down at a splash of blood that touched his sleeve. 

Fen reaches for me, ignoring his brother. "Are you hurt?"

I'm shaking, and it's hard to talk. "I don't know. Not badly, I don't think."

He embraces me, pulls me tight against his body. I can feel his heart beat frantically beneath his clothing. His muscles are tense and flexed under my hands. He is still ready for battle, but I can tell he's trying to calm himself.

When he steps away from me to address the brothers who remain, I realize I'm no longer shaking.

"I need to get her home." He turns to Asher. "You need to find out what Levi is thinking."

"It seems you've got the better end of this deal," Asher says. But he doesn't argue as Fen takes my hand and escorts me out.


ara and Julian don't speak as they help me bathe and rub ointment into my bruises. When I'm in my nightgown I cross the hall to Fen's room and let myself in. He paces the room, bathed as well and dressed in fresh clothing.

When he sees me he crosses the room and wraps his arms around me. I fall into his touch. We speak no words. He carries me to bed and there, in the silence of night, he holds me. He holds me as I curse at the past and groan at the pain.

He holds me as I cry.

Chapter 11


"Ace is brilliant. He's also lazy, or so he says."

—Fenris Vane

think it's
time for you to visit your friends back home," Fen says during breakfast.

When I woke this morning, he had already left to hunt with Baron. I was half way through my meal when they joined me.

I feel a pang of shame at his words. It's been too long since I even thought of home, so immersed have I been in this new life. But the thought of seeing Es and Pete again raises my spirits and makes the aches and pains I have from being beat up last night more bearable. And when I fantasize about proper coffee, and internet, and all the trapping of modernity that I miss, I actually smile. Then I groan because my lip is split and my jaw is bright purple from a nasty bruise.

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