Vampire Girl (11 page)

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Authors: Karpov Kinrade

Tags: #vampire, #paranormal romance, #fantasy romance, #twilight, #outlander, #demons, #Romance, #young adult romance, #vampire romance, #shifters, #fairies, #fae romance

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"There were no wounds," says Fen.

"None that we noticed. If we reexamine the body, perhaps we'll find a small gash. Maybe they used a small needle-like weapon or—"

"You would have our father dug out from his grave?"

Zeb shrugs. "I'd consider it. Ace is keen on the idea. Don't you want to figure out what happened?"

Fen looks down and sighs. "We'll have to take this before the others."

"Ace and I are already drafting the proposal," says Zeb, smiling. He clasps his brother on the shoulder.

Fen shrugs him off and signals his wolf to stand by him. "We have to go, Zeb. But the meal was great, as usual."

Zeb frowns. "So soon? I'd hoped you'd stay for drinks. Maybe more dessert later."

Fen shakes his head. "I need to get her settled into my place so I can get back to work."

"Right. We will find out who did this, you know. They will pay."

Fen nods, and we leave the tavern. I don't ask the question that's burning in me until we are back on the boat. "Why didn't you tell him you suspected one of the princes?"

The boat begins to glide through the water and Fen stays alert and focused until we are away from the city. It seems the canals have different paths depending on where you are going: direct paths to move through the realms quickly, and side paths to travel within them. We are back on a direct path when Fenris finally answers me. "Until I know who to trust, I have to be careful. You should too. I plan to find out the truth before our month is over, so you don't end up in the wrong hands, but if I fail, don't tell any of them what you've learned. It will only put you at greater risk."

The red drink we had is making me sleepy, and despite my best efforts to stay awake, sleep claims me. When I wake, we are slowing, having already arrived in Fen's realm. The sun is rising over the mountains, a large golden globe in the sky that doesn't seem to do much to warm the land we are now in. I hadn't noticed that the further we traveled the colder it got, but now I'm shivering and Fen hands me my cloak.

"Is it always this cold here?"

"No, we have four seasons. This is the beginning of winter. We haven't seen cold yet. But it's coming."

"So... is that when hell freezes over?"

The look he gives me is funnier than my lame joke and I can't help but laugh. He remains stoic, and I nudge him with my foot. "Oh come on, you know that was funny. Lighten up."

"I am the Prince of War. I do not 'lighten up'."

We climb out of the boat and hike up a winding stone path carved with glyphs reminiscent of the mark on Fen's wrist. Dark trees loom over us, and something shuffles in the shrubbery. A squirrel runs out from the darkness, cheeks stuffed with food. I say hello to the critter at my feet. Fen grumbles something about "squirrels" and "just meat". Baron licks his lips. In a second, the squirrel disappears back into a bush, leaving behind tiny prints in the snow. I chuckle, a slither of early morning sun hitting my face, and we move on. The forest begins to part, letting more light flow onto the steps. We reach a tall wooden gate, one sentinel on either side, clad in silver steel, wielding spears, their faces covered in white fur hoods. Large trees arch over the entrance to form a shaded path beyond the walls. When Baron walks up and scratches at the gate, the guards open for us.

The city beyond the walls is just waking up. There's a scent of freshly baked pastries and breads stirring on the air, and the sounds of stores opening and people greeting one another.

The castle is in the distance, beyond the city, a sharp and jagged extension of the mountains that surround the area, forming three of the fortress's four walls.

Waterfalls cascade down the sides of the peaks, pooling into ponds and lakes that line the outskirts. I hear them before I see them, feeling their deep rumbling. They give the air a clean, fresh scent.

We walk under the trees that stretch over us, and as the sun hits the bark, something catches my eye. I walk toward one of the trees and run my hand over it. The trunk of the tree, of all the trees, is embedded with crystals of all shapes and colors. My hand lands on one particular crystal that pulses with its own light, like a bursting star set aflame in opaque quartz.

"We call that a Shooting Star Crystal," Fen says from behind me. "Many of these crystals can also be found in your world, but that is one unique to ours. It's said that it brings great power to those who know how to wield it, and can bring out great power within one for whom it is trapped. Some say it's also the knowing eye of truth, seeing through falsehoods."

"It's lovely. Do you believe it's that powerful?"

He shrugs. "I don't fancy myself an expert on such things."

"Fen here is more a steel and brawn kind of guy," a woman's voice says.

I turn and find a tall, slim, graceful woman link arms with Fen. She is stunning, with long blue hair, striking silver eyes that are shaped almost like a cat's, and... pointed ears. She wipes a dirty hand on her leather apron and holds it out to me. "I'm Kayla, this oaf's sister. You must be Arianna."

His sister? I shake her hand, surprised at the strength in someone so petite. "Yes. It's nice to meet you."

I try not to stare at her ears, but clearly I'm failing, because she laughs and touches the tip of one. "I'm half Fae," she says, by way of explanation. "Our father had a dalliance with one of his slaves. My mother."

I nod, pretending to understand.

Fen puts his arm around his sister and grins. "Kayla here is the best blacksmith in the kingdom, and our official royal blacksmith at Stonehill," Fen explains. "Swords, knives, even jewelry. She's the best in all the realms."

"How fascinating," I say. "I'd love to see what you do sometime, if you don't mind."

"Not at all." Kayla tugs on her long blue braid, her eyes crinkling in genuine happiness. She points to a building not too far from us, where black smoke rises from it. "That's my forge. Stop by anytime."

Kayla turns to Fen, her smile slipping. "I came to let you know we need a larger supply of steel if you want so many swords prepared so quickly. I'm running low."

Fen nods. "I'll see to it you have what you need."

"Good enough." Kayla turns away from us, waving as she does, and heads back to her forge.

"So if you’re a prince, does that make her—"

"A princess? No. She's a bastard. A Shade. Everything she has in this life she's had to work for." His eyes grow dark. "My father... my father did not treat her kindly."

I take his arm, hoping to cheer him. "Show me more of your city."

Fen walks us through the mountain paths. Many of the shop owners and people greet us, but Fen is so lost in his own thoughts, he ignores them. I frown, seeing how they turn away from him, disappointed. Fen needs to work on his people skills.

We arrive at a drawbridge that crosses a stream of water made by the many waterfalls, and we cross over, into the entrance of the castle. Up close it's even more beautiful, in a fierce, defiant kind of way.

"This is Stonehill Castle," Fen says, an edge of pride in his voice. "Your home for the next month."

I nod, staring at the castle, then I turn to him, a question on my mind from his talk with Kayla. "Fen, why do you need so many swords so quickly?"

"Because war is coming, and it's my job to be ready."

Chapter 7

Fenris Vane


Fen here is more a steel and brawn kind of guy."

—Kayla Windhelm

walk forward
and push open the large doors. A draft of snow and wind follow us in, and I close the gates behind us to preserve some warmth. But these stone walls stay cold, and we will not have heat until we arrive at the inner quarters.

"It's late," I say. "You probably want to sleep. I'll show you to your room. In the morning, I'll give you a proper tour if you'd like."

"Actually, I'd like the tour now," Arianna says. "I'll need to know my way around if I'm to live here."

I grunt.

"Unless of course you're too tired..."

"I'm never tired." I say.

She tosses a dark braid over her shoulder and turns her head to look at me, her lips so red, her eyes so bright. "Then show me around, Prince." She walks forward, down the great hall draped with crimson banners, my sigil, the white wolf, upon them. She starts to skip, and I wonder how she can be so carefree, with everything that has happened.

Who is this girl?

When I was assigned to protect her, I did my research, learned about her childhood and schooling. I thought I knew her, but now I see, I knew nothing at all. There is something... different about her. The feeling of danger has been buzzing in my blood since she entered my life. It is a distraction I do not need and should not have, but she is part of the puzzle, and so she must be protected. Even from myself, if that's what it takes.

"Come on slowpoke," Arianna says.

I walk forward slowly. I have lived long enough to know how to say no to temptations, but there is something about Arianna that pushes past my walls, and that is not safe for either of us.

Baron nudges against her leg, making puppy eyes. Even my traitorous wolf senses the difference in her. I wonder, would he turn on even me to protect her?

"Here." I motion to a door on the left. "This leads to the west wing. There you will find the kitchens and storage rooms. In the east wing, you will find the servants quarters."

"And is this your throne?" Arianna climbs the few steps at the end of the hall and sits down on the chair, a massive thing carved from grey stone, a red banner draped over the back. "Fancy."

There are only a few servants awake at this hour, but they all freeze and stare at the princess. She doesn't seem to notice, or perhaps she just doesn't care. "It's my least favorite part of the castle," I say, walking up to her. "But it is useful when one needs to appear powerful, when one must enforce the laws of the land."

She swallows, the smile slipping from her lips. I can't bring myself to regret intervening when Dean threw his charms at her. But it was foolish nonetheless. I have an investigation to mount, a murderer to capture, and a kingdom to save from the brink of war. I do not have time for this.

"Show me your favorite part," she says.

Despite myself, I smile and guide her to the center of the hall, under the wooden archway. Once we pass, she looks up. "It's a tree," she says, placing a hand on the bark.

I lead her to the side, up a staircase that winds around the trunk and past branches. Different paths sprout out from our own, leading to different rooms and levels. "This tree grows through the center of the castle," I say, pointing to the leaves glowing with yellow light. "This is my favorite part."

She stands still, her mouth agape.

"I know it's not what people expect when they hear Prince of War, but—"

"It's amazing," she says.

I smile, glad she is pleased with what will be her home for a month. Maybe even longer...

No. I will not think of that.

My lips twitch and she smiles. Guilelessly. Beautifully. Like we share a secret no one else knows.

But I'm the only one with secrets.

And she can never know them.

I turn away. "You would think, from the outside looking in, that the interior would be dark and gloomy, but I had windows carved into brick throughout. Some clear, some stained glass, and it gives color and light to the nooks and crevices."

She looks around thoughtfully, a small frown on her face. I broke the moment between us, but it is the way things must be.

She follows me with light steps up a path to the second level. I can smell her, and it's a scent I find hard to resist. Sweet and spicy, just like her.

We stop in front of a wooden door carved with eagles. "This is your room. I had your staff prepare it for you, so it should have everything you need.  But if not, the women who serve you occupy rooms downstairs, and you can summon them with a bell by your bed. They can get you anything you require to make your stay more comfortable."

"Where do you sleep?" she asks. Her eyes seem to dig into my soul, prying it open.

"I'm in the room down the hall." I point to another door, this one decorated with a wolf. "If you need anything."

"Okay. Thanks. I guess I'll see you in the morning." Her hand rests on the doorknob, and she looks at me questioningly.

"Did you need something else, Arianna?"

"Just Ari. And, actually yes. I have two favors to ask."

"And they would be?"

Her eyes dart from mine to her hands as she fidgets with the blue sandstone ring she always wears. "I'd like a sword."

It was not what I was expecting. "Do you know how to use one?"

She shakes her head. "No, and that's my second favor. I want you to teach me."


he fire in my room is already lit when I enter, and I stand in front of my bed. I'm not sure I'm ready to sleep, though it is late and I haven't slept in three days. It is a myth that my kind do not need sleep. We just need less of it and for different reasons.

Arianna wouldn't let me leave until I promised to do as she asked. I don't have time to play teacher to a novice, though I must admit her desire to learn is encouraging. And perhaps it will help keep her safe.

Baron trudges into the room after me. "She finally tell you to go?" I ask.

The wolf lies down in front of the fireplace, with something akin to a smile on his face. Ari had tried nudging him in my direction with no success a few minutes ago. She acted contrite about it, but I saw the smirk.

"You know," I say, "I'd feel a lot better about the whole thing if you'd just snarl at her like you do at everyone else.

He sighs. Then snores.

I strip off my clothes and head to the bathroom. Since we cannot use modern technology, we have had to find creative ways of making magic work for us. My washroom includes a bathtub that fills up with fresh water and heats itself using magic. The toilet is simple, an ancient design that drains waste into a sewage system. The sink uses water from the mountains. The shower is the best thing my brother, Ace, has ever invented. Next to a large window that overlooks the mountains a small waterfall sprouts from the wall. Magic heats the pipes built into the castle. I step onto the stone and let the water wash over me, pounding into my tired muscles until I feel clean and more relaxed. When I exit the washroom, Ari is there, sitting at the small table by the fireplace. She stands, her eyes wide when she sees me standing there naked, holding my towel. "Oh, crap, I'm so sorry. I was just... I thought I would wait... I didn't..."

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