Vampire Dreams Revamped (A Sons of Navarus Prequel) (2 page)

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Authors: Gabrielle Bisset

Tags: #vampires, #paranormal romance, #vampire romance, #erotic paranormal romance, #sons of navarus

BOOK: Vampire Dreams Revamped (A Sons of Navarus Prequel)
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Terek opened his eyes and noticed Brandon
and Vasilije watching the erotic scene as it played out in front of
them. A part of Brandon felt ashamed, as if he'd intruded on
something private, but Terek's face remained placid as he sat there
naked and fawned over.

"Brandon's here to join us, Terek," Vasilije
said with more than a hint of satisfaction in his voice. "I told
him if he sees anything he wants, it's his."

"All you have to do is say the word, and any
of these women can be yours. I'm happy to share, Brandon," Terek
said in a relaxed voice that betrayed no possessiveness at all.

A dark haired woman began to slide her hands
up and down his cock, and even Brandon had to admire what Terek had
going for him. Larger than any other man in the room, he was
impressive. The woman thought so too, it seemed, because after only
a few seconds of rubbing oil on his shaft, she climbed on top of
him and slid down his cock with a moan that went straight to
Brandon's balls.

As she began to ride him, Terek peeked
around her shoulder and smiled. "You might like this one,

Vasilije seemed to enjoy the sight of Terek
and the beautiful brunette, but motioning with his head, he said,
"Let's keep going. There's someone else you know here."

Passing by three more men he'd never met,
Brandon saw sights common to Vasilije's parties. One man fucked a
woman in the ass while the other two enjoyed another of his sire's
favorites, Elizabeth. Quiet and far sweeter than Delilah, Elizabeth
was Vasilije's equal in hedonism. Brandon had seen her take on more
than two men at parties before, but each time he saw her she
retained a charming, almost innocent look to her that never ceased
to amaze him. As he walked by, she lifted her head from sucking one
of the men's cocks and smiled as if to say hello.

"What about Elizabeth?" Vasilije asked.
"I've tried to have you taste her delights for years. You wouldn't
regret it, dear Brandon. Trust me."

As delightful as he was sure sex would be
with her, Brandon silently begged off with a slow shake of his
head. Vasilije would have to save that matchmaking for another

"Now here's someone I know you'll

Brandon looked down on the floor to see a
vampire named Thane with a woman in his arms as she fed from his
neck. Far more his kind than Terek or Elizabeth, Thane had been
made vampire in Tudor England. Less than a hundred years older than
both Vasilije and Brandon, he had a youthful sense to him that
carried an innocence rarely seen in vampires. He bore the outward
appearance of a Victorian, proper and upright, as Brandon did, but
there was something in his brown eyes that appeared hopeful and
kind, and never had Brandon seen him anything but pleasant and

Silently, Thane flashed him a look of
recognition as the woman he'd just fed climbed onto his lap to fuck
him. Innocence gave way to lust and as he walked away, Brandon saw
even a vampire he considered to be much like himself had chosen to
enjoy himself. Since Vasilije had decided he would too, maybe it
was best to just give in.

Stopping at an empty space on the floor,
Vasilije pointed down toward three pillows. "Relax and have a good
time, Brandon. I have just what you need."

Brandon sat without a word, sure that any
resistance would be futile. At least, he could be sure that
whomever Vasilije offered him would be beautiful and willing. As he
waited for him to return, he watched those around him enjoy
themselves as he rarely did. Their ability to indulge in pleasures
like this impressed him. He wasn't a prude, by any means. He loved
sex as much as any of his kind, and while he hadn't fucked as many
women as Vasilije, he wasn't living like a monk. He just wanted
what vampires like Vasilije didn't seem to care about.

He wanted one woman who loved him and who he
could love in return.

But to tell his sire that would be a waste
of breath. Vasilije saw pleasures of the flesh as one of the prime
benefits of being a vampire, and resigning himself to one woman
never seemed to interest him in the least. Brandon had broached the
subject of his settling down with a single woman once, but all he'd
gotten in return was a look of disgust and an answer snapped back
at him. "When I tire of the life I have now, I'll be quite happy to
settle down with one woman. Until then, I fuck as often as I choose
because I can. You should too instead of spending all your time
thinking about monogamy, for Christ's sake."

The moans and whimpers from those around him
as they took pleasure in one another filled his ears, exciting him.
It had been a while since he'd been with a woman, and even if he
did prefer the idea of one woman to spend the rest of his life
with, it couldn't hurt to enjoy himself for one night. In the dim
light, he slid out of his coat and undressed in time for Vasilije
to return with what he believed he needed.

As he watched his sire approach him, he
couldn't deny his choice. The woman on his arm was stunning, no
doubt. Blonde with blue eyes that made her look like a china doll,
she would have been someone he would have chosen for himself,
except for the fact that she was naked and at one of Vasilije's
orgies. Putting that aside, she was exactly as Vasilije had
promised—just what he needed.

"Brandon, this is Violet."

Holding out his hand, he took hold of hers
as Vasilije let her go and left them. Brandon pulled her gently
down onto the floor next to him and studied her face. Her skin was
pale, but she wasn't a vampire. A tiny lick of anger nipped at his
heart at the thought that Vasilije had brought him a human instead
of a vampire knowing he'd never let him turn her, no matter how
much he enjoyed her.

"Hello, Brandon. It's so nice to meet

When she spoke, he heard her fear and
wondered if she was as jaded as all the other willing participants
at the party. It hadn't occurred to him that as she stood there
naked staring down at him that she wasn't there of her own free

"Violet, don't be frightened. We can just
sit here if you'd like."

To be honest, after sitting in the middle of
a room full of vampires fucking, he wanted much more than to merely
sit with her, but the fear he was sure was present in her voice
made him want to take care of her. Vasilije would be disappointed,
to be sure, but he'd get over it.

Without answering, she pushed him back onto
the floor and slid down his body. Her lips covered his cock and
whatever fear he'd thought she'd felt vanished as she took him into
her mouth and sucked gently as her tongue flicked the head. Zings
of pleasure raced through his cock and balls, exciting him even
more. Her mouth made him forget he was surrounded by a dozen or so
others and he let himself go, reveling in the delight of being
satisfied by another.

Each stroke up and down inched him closer to
release, and this human woman he'd just met moments earlier and
would probably never see again became the center of his world for
those few minutes she was between his legs. Her tongue worshipped
his cock expertly, taking his body to heights he had forgotten
existed in his loneliness. As his desire raced toward the finish
line, she grasped the base of his cock and milked him as her cunt
would have if he were inside her as she sucked him to that final
moment of ecstasy. He pulled her to him, holding the back of her
head, as she took everything he had without a whimper. Exhausted,
but wanting to give something back to the one who'd given him so
much, he pulled her up so her face was level with his and kissed
her softly on the lips.

"Thank you, Violet, for making me

Silently, she turned her head and moved her
hair aside, exposing her neck to him. After giving him such
pleasure, she wanted to give him even more.

"No, that's not necessary," he said as he
gently turned her to face him.

Big blue eyes stared back at him with a look
of hurt in them. "Vasilije said you would like that. You

"I do, but let me give you something."

Violet put her hand on his chest and shook
her head. "No. I'm only allowed to give you what you need. He was
quite clear about that."

"Why are you here? Is he forcing you?"

"No. I want to become one of you, but he
says I'm not ready. So I wait until he says I am."

Brandon felt a sickening feeling come over
him. Vasilije was just stringing this girl along, no doubt. He had
no intentions of giving her what she wanted, but he'd let her
perform for his friends.

"You don't want to be one of us, Violet.
Leave here and go home."

Hanging her head, she whispered, "You don't
want me any more than he does."

Brandon lifted her chin and cradling her
face in his hands, he said quietly, "Stay here."


Brandon dressed and began to search for his
sire, ready to leave and not see him for another month. No matter
how hard he tried, Vasilije would never be able to make him into
the kind of vampire he thought he should be. The less he saw of him
and the life he lived the better.

Sounds coming from his bedroom told him that
Vasilije wasn't far. Brandon stormed down the hallway, intending to
tell him how much he disapproved of his treatment of Violet, among
other things. He flung open the bedroom door to find his sire in
the middle of Delilah, literally.

She lifted her head and shot him a look of
pure hatred, but Vasilije merely smiled as he continued to pump
into her from behind. "Did you need something, Brandon? I'm a
little preoccupied right now."

"I'm leaving and I'm taking Violet with

"Like her? Good. But what do you plan to do
with her? I won't let you sire her."

"You don't plan to sire her and she wants
that, so why not let me?"

Vasilije never missed a beat and continued
thrusting into Delilah, but she quickly became enraged at the
conversation taking place around her. "Do you fucking mind? Can't
you save the world after we're done?"

Something in Brandon snapped. Maybe it was
Violet's innocence. Maybe it was Delilah's jaded callousness.
Whatever it was, he wanted to kill her as much as she had always
wanted to kill him, and in seconds his fangs shot into his mouth.
Delilah's did the same, and she hissed a threat at him. She'd
barely gotten the words out of her mouth and Vasilije had her on
her back, his hands squeezing her thin neck.

"Never threaten him like that again or I'll
make sure your life isn't worth living. Do you understand me?"

Delilah grunted and when he let go of her
throat, she rolled off the bed and pushed past Brandon as he stood
in the doorway. Vasilije calmly slid into his clothes and sat down
at a table on the other side of the room to eat from a plate of
fruit and cheese.

"I'm sorry, Vasilije. I didn't mean to ruin
that for you."

He shrugged and popped another square of
cheese into his mouth. "Don't worry. I wasn't enjoying myself
anyway. Now about Violet."

"Let her go. She's too nice for you to
string along and then simply drain."

Vasilije turned to face him, and Brandon saw
an uncharacteristic look of hurt on his face. "Do you think so
little of your sire that you believe me to be a mere murderer of
young women?"

"I think you will make her as lonely as
you've made me if you turn her."

Taking a deep breath, Vasilije said, "First
you believe Violet will be used and discarded, and then you believe
she'll be too taken care of for the rest of her life. Which is it,

He didn't know which it was, but he didn't
want to see those blue eyes sad again, which he was sure would
happen if she remained around Vasilije. "I don't want to get into
this now. I need to go home."

"And poor Violet?"

One more time he'd try to convince his sire
to let him do as all his other vampires had. "Will you allow me to
sire her if you insist she become a vampire?"

"No. She'll be mine."

Crestfallen, Brandon nodded his
understanding and turned to leave.

"But I know how much that means to you,
Brandon, so someday I may say yes."

Without turning around, Brandon walked
silently to the front door, nodding at Stanton as he left. He
wanted to cling to the words his sire had just uttered, but the
words someday and may rang in his ears.

That he didn't understand why the one who
preferred him over all others wanted to see him lonely for the rest
of his existence meant nothing. He was alone and would remain alone
as long as Vasilije saw fit to keep him that way.











Chapter Two

The dark streets of the city lay sprawled
out in front of her, filled with both possible danger and
salvation. As she ran, her feet pounding against the stones beneath
them, her breathing came in pants that stole the moisture from her
mouth. Her eyes frantically scanned for someplace to hide as she
pushed her legs to run faster.

She could hear his feet as each one solidly
hit the ground behind her. His stride much longer than hers, he was
coming closer with each step.

If he caught her...

The pounding of her heart hammered in her
ears as the blood pushed faster and faster through her body. Up
ahead, she saw a door ajar in a rundown building. If it was empty,
she might be able to find a place to hide and hopefully escape from
the pain of what awaited her if he captured her.

She slipped through the doorway, but her
cape caught on the doorknob, costing her precious moments. As she
worked to free herself, she heard his footsteps slow down to a
walk, a sign he was as sure as she that he’d won.

Finally, in desperation, she tore the fabric
from the knob, and free to run once more, she turned and ran
headlong into the chest of a man who stood silently watching

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