Vampire Affliction (10 page)

Read Vampire Affliction Online

Authors: Eva Pohler

Tags: #Teen & Young Adult, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Myths & Legends, #Greek & Roman, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Vampire Affliction
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“Lord Hades,” Vladimir said.

“The most powerful object,” she clarified.

Vladimir stepped closer to her and studied her. “Our lord wants you to steal the helm of invisibility?”

“He wants
to steal it,” she said.

“Us?” Vladimir asked.

“Me and Hector. I need a wing man.”

“Why not Jeno?” Vladimir suggested. “Someone I can trust?”

“We need someone Hades can trust,” she said. “Someone who isn’t a vampire.”

“Yes, I see,” Vladimir said. “So the helm will become our leverage.”

“That’s right.” Gertie smiled triumphantly. “Not human beings, but something better.”

“Jeno will go with you, too,” Vladimir insisted.

Gertie glanced first at Jeno and then at Hector, trying to read their minds. Jeno’s was heavily guarded, but Hector’s was clear:

We may have survived the vampires, but if we steal the helm, Hades will kill us for sure.

Chapter Thirteen: The Underworld


At nightfall, Gertie and Jeno each held one of Hector’s arms as they set off from the labyrinth at Knossos and flew over the sea for Athens. Jeno knew of only one way into the Underworld, and it was beneath a mound of rubble at the acropolis.

“Over there,” he said, pointing.

They landed beneath the moonlight next to a construction site where the humans had already begun work on reconstructing the mess Athena had made.

“Dig here,” Jeno said, laying down the pack that held Persephone’s platter. “Until we find the sinkhole.”

“What if we don’t get through before daybreak?” Gertie asked, not looking forward to being scorched by the sun.

“We dig fast,” Jeno said. “I don’t know of any other way.”

They all three began pulling stones from the heap and tossing them into the back of a huge truck, where the humans had already dumped a good amount of rubble.

“So what’s our plan?” Hector asked. “We go inside with the platter and say we have this gift from Dionysus. Then what?”

Jeno shook his head. “They’re going to thank us and tell us to leave, so we need to delay that somehow.”

“Do we even know where the helm is kept?” Gertie asked.

“In Hades’s private chambers,” Jeno said.

“Impossible to get to.” Hector hefted up a large stone and tossed it angrily into the back of the truck. “This mission is impossible.”

“No it’s not,” Gertie said, as she, too, flung rocks onto the pile. “We just have to think.”

“We have invisibility,” Jeno said. “The two of you can distract Hades and Persephone with the gift. Keep them occupied for as long as you can while I steal the helm.”

“But Hades doesn’t know either one of us,” Gertie said to Jeno. “
should be presenting the gift. After all, it’s from the lord of the vampires. It should come from a vampire.”

are a vampire,” Jeno said.

Hector’s mouth pressed into a thin line.

“You and Hector present the platter,” she said to Jeno. “Otherwise, they’ll wonder how we got inside. If they see you, they’ll know.”

“How?” Hector asked.

“He’s been going there for centuries to groom Hades’s horses.”

Hector lifted his brows. “Good to know. Maybe this mission isn’t so impossible.”

“So we’re good then?” she asked. “I’m stealing the helm.”

“I should steal it,” Hector said. “Hades is less likely to kill me if I get caught, since I’m the son of Hephaestus and grandson of Apollo.”

Gertie frowned. “I’d have to bite you again.”

“So?” Hector lifted his hands in the air.

Jeno shook his head. “It would take too long to teach you how to use invisibility.”

“I’m a fast learner,” Hector insisted. “Let me do this.”

Gertie turned to Jeno. “We
been seen together in the Underworld once before.”

Jeno sighed. “I don’t know.”

“It’s the only plan that makes sense,” Hector said.

After a beat, Jeno said, “Okay, but we need to dig faster.”

“Gertie should bite me.” Hector stood up and clinched his fists. “That way I can practice invisibility.”

“Once I bite you, you’ll only have about five or six hours before the power wears off.”

“I need to practice,” Hector repeated. “Come on.”

Gertie glanced at Jeno, who nodded. Then she stood up and took Hector’s wrist, since the wound on his neck was still healing. Before she put her teeth to his flesh, she noticed his hand trembling.

“You don’t have to be afraid,” she whispered, feeling like a monster.

“I’m not afraid.”

She looked into his mind and discovered the real reason he was trembling. It was her touch. Her touch made him excited and nervous and charged with energy. She blushed with a mixture of relief and confusion and closed her eyes as she sank her fangs into his wrist.

After she had taken several draws, Jeno said, “That’s enough. Stop, in case he needs to be bitten again later.”

Gertie nodded and wiped her mouth. “Sorry.”

Hector’s eyes were closed. He was momentarily paralyzed. Gertie was still in his head, experiencing the ecstasy of the vampire bite right along with him. That, along with the strength that came with feeding, bolstered her stamina and mood. She sighed and went back to digging, and in a few moments, Hector did, too.

As they picked up the pace, Jeno and Gertie explained to Hector how to achieve invisibility. Occasionally, Hector would stop digging to practice. Once he got the hang of it, Jeno suggested that Hector remain invisible until they found the sinkhole.

“I’ll try not to take that personally,” Hector said with a laugh.

“When should he strip down?” Gertie asked.

“When should I
?” Hector asked.

“Didn’t you notice that we can still see your clothes when you go invisible?” Gertie pointed out.

“I thought it was just me seeing them.”

“He should do it after we get by the Hydra,” Jeno said. “He can hide his clothes and sword in the stables.”

It felt like a miracle when, an hour later, after the truck was already full, Gertie came upon stones that were wet. The discovery rejuvenated the three of them, and they dug faster. Soon they had cleared the sinkhole to find a body of water about ten feet in diameter.

“This should lead to the Hydra’s hole,” Jeno said. “Are we ready?”

Hector let out the energy he’d been holding, in order to become visible to them again. “Ready.”

Gertie took a deep breath and, as she exhaled, said, “Ready.”

“The Hydra will not be happy to see us,” Jeno said to Hector. “Just follow my lead, and as soon as we get to the other side, fly to the top of the cavern, flat against the ceiling. Got it?”

“Got it,” Hector said.

Jeno dove in, wearing the backpack with Persephone’s platter. Gertie followed. Hector took up the rear.

As soon as they emerged on the other side, the Hydra screamed and lunged for them. Gertie and Jeno flattened against the ceiling in a flash, but Hector drew his sword.

Gertie had forgotten how enormous and terrifying the Hydra was with her dragon head, sharp teeth, and flaming breath. The monster shrieked and snapped as the eight headless necks flapped wildly. Hector ducked and swung around to the back of her. She reared up, turned, and lunged again, this time singeing the ends of his wet blond hair. He swung at her with his sword, missed, and leaped out of the way as flames shot from her mouth.

“Stop!” Jeno shouted.

Hector tried to listen to Jeno, tried to lift up toward the ceiling, but the Hydra pierced his jeans with a claw and had him hooked, like live bait on the end of a fishing string.

“Hector!” Gertie squealed, flying toward him.

Jeno grabbed her arm and pulled her back just as the Hydra’s tail swept around toward Gertie. It would have crushed her had Jeno not acted. Hector twisted his body around and came down hard with his sword right across the Hydra’s claw, freeing himself and trimming her nails simultaneously.

Gertie smiled with relief as Hector flew toward them, but her smile was premature. The Hydra reached out with her other claws and snatched Hector away. As the monster was about to fry him with her flaming breath, Hector sliced free of her grip. She grabbed at him again with bleeding claws. He jumped up, turned around with his sword flying, and then swung the blade right across her neck. The Hydra’s head fell into the pool of water with a loud splash.

“No!” Jeno shouted. “She was just doing her job!”

“She tried to kill me!” Hector yelled back

“Why did you draw your sword in the first place?” Jeno asked.

Hector’s face turned red. “Instinct.”

Gertie put a hand on Jeno’s shoulder. “She’s immortal, right? Hector didn’t kill her.”

“We need to get out of here,” Jeno said. “Follow me.”

When they reached the stables, the Fury Megaera appeared to them with her falcon perched on her shoulder.

“What are you doing here, Jeno?” she asked. “I told you not to come back.”

“My lord, Dionysus, asked me and my friends to bring Lady Persephone a gift.”

“A gift?” she repeated.

Jeno removed his backpack and took out the platter. He handed it to Megaera, whose eyes lit up with surprise when the beautiful grapes appeared.

“The grapes are from the vines of Dionysus,” Jeno said.

“How do we know they aren’t poisoned?” she asked.

Hector reached over and plucked one before popping it into his mouth. “Delicious.”

“Why would Dionysus give this to my mother?” the Fury asked.

Jeno hesitated.

“Because we have a favor to ask in return,” Gertie said quickly.

Megaera arched a brow. “What favor?”

“We aren’t at liberty to tell you,” Hector said. “It’s for your father and mother’s ears, and no one else’s.”

“Very well, but I’ll be watching you.” She handed over the platter to Jeno and vanished.

Great. I’ve been seen.
Hector said to them telepathically.
So much for using invisibility.

Gertie, what were you thinking? What favor are we going to ask?
Jeno’s thoughts assaulted her as he stuffed the now empty platter back into his pack.

I don’t know.
Gertie admitted.
The Fury wanted a reason. That was the first thing that came to mind.

We can ask to speak with Tiresias.
Hector said.
That’s our favor. To ask him how the uprising will turn out.

Oh, that’s brilliant!
Gertie said.
Don’t you think so, Jeno?

Not brilliant, but it will do. Hector, take off your clothes and leave them and your sword here, in the stables.

But I’ve been seen,
Hector objected.
That Fury already knows I’m here.

We don’t know that she’s told anyone yet,
Jeno said.
We’ve got to stick with the plan, unless you got a better idea?

Hector went invisible and did as Jeno said.

I’m not too keen on leaving my sword behind
, Hector said as he strapped the belt to Gertie’s waist.
You wear it. Just in case.

Jeno led them past the stables, following the river of fire, until they came upon a huge iron door.

“Meet us back at the acropolis,” Jeno whispered.

“Fine,” Hector said. “If you get caught, pray for mercy.”

“Hades isn’t well-known for his mercy.” Jeno knocked on the door.

A beautiful goddess with long black hair streaked with white opened the door and asked, “What’s this? How did you get past Cerberus?”

A Doberman growled through the opening.

“Is that Cubie?” Gertie whispered in disbelief.

The Doberman grew quiet as the goddess asked, “How do you know my Cubie?”

“I’ve read about her,” Gertie said. “She used to be the queen of Troy. You must be Hecate, Persephone’s, like, best friend. Is Galin here, too?”

“Who are you and how did you get past the gate?” the goddess demanded.

Jeno stepped forward. “We came by way of the Hydra. I’m Jeno, the vampire who has served Lord Hades for centuries as a groomsman.”

“What are you doing here?” she asked.

“Dionysus has asked me and my friend to present a magical gift to Lady Persephone.”

“Let them in, Hecate,” a deep voice boomed from inside. “I know why they’re here.”

“As you wish, Lord Hades.” Hecate opened the door and stepped aside.

Gertie and Jeno exchanged looks of concern before entering. When Hecate slammed the iron door shut behind them, Gertie feared Hector hadn’t had enough time to get through.

Are you with us, Hector?

He didn’t answer.

Hades towered above them, beautiful and magnificent, with curly black hair and steely black eyes. Beside him stood someone whom Gertie supposed was his equally beautiful wife. Her long hair, the color of corn, was adorned with a pomegranate flower just behind her ear.

Gertie and Jeno stood side by side looking up at the king and queen of the Underworld.

Hades crossed his arms and then reached up with one hand to pick at his beard. “So, you’ve come to steal my helm.”


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