Vampirates 6: Immortal War (11 page)

Read Vampirates 6: Immortal War Online

Authors: Justin Somper

Tags: #JUV001000

BOOK: Vampirates 6: Immortal War
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“So!” exclaimed Moonshine, prowling around Cheng Li’s cabin. “This is the nerve center of the Alliance war effort.”

Cheng Li folded her arms and nodded. “Pretty much,” she said.

Moonshine seemed utterly transfixed by the many charts, crew lists, and diagrams pinned to the wall. Cheng
Li studied him, thinking that despite his latest growth spurt, he seemed like an excitable kid feverishly exploring a playroom of new and amazing toys.

“Isn’t it risky to keep information like this on display?” Moonshine asked. “What if one of those scumbag Vamps managed to force its way in here?”

Cheng Li arched an eyebrow. “I hardly think that crew lists and navigation charts, though vital to us, are sensitive documents. Rest assured, the really important stuff is kept in my safe.”

Moonshine’s eyes bulged with interest. “And where’s that?” he asked.

“Need-to-know basis,” said Cheng Li with a smile.

Moonshine scanned the room. “My guess is behind the family portrait,” he said, gazing at the portrait of Chang Ko Li, Cheng Li’s father, which hung above the captain’s desk. It was clear that his interest lay less in the picture itself and more in the possibilities that lay behind it. Cheng Li remained insouciant though he had guessed correctly. Shrugging, Moonshine turned away, his attention soon alighting elsewhere. “And what’s

Moonshine had walked over to a round diorama. The central display was made of turquoise glass and bordered by a silver rail. The turquoise glass was rippled, evidently to represent the ocean. Leaning against the silver rail to scrutinize the display more closely, Moonshine saw that through the glass ran red lines of latitude and longitude. The undulating glass ocean was covered with small models
of ships—roughly half of them red; the other half blue.

Cheng Li came over to join him. “This,” she said, “shows to our best knowledge the latest recorded positions of all the key Alliance and Vampirate vessels. Ours are the blue ones; theirs, for reasons I’m sure you can fathom, are red.”

Moonshine let out a breath and gazed at the display as if it were the best toy ever. “You mean you can pinpoint exactly where
The Diablo
is right now?”

Cheng Li nodded. “Look for a red ship numbered five.” She passed him a miniature telescope. “This might be useful,” she said.

As Moonshine stared through the eyepiece, he felt his spine begin to tingle as each of the blue and red ships came to life, charting their urgent paths across the swelling ocean. He felt his heart begin to race. This moving multitude of vessels was both terrifying and thrilling; an epic conflict and here he was, right at the epicenter of it.

“Any joy?” Cheng Li asked.

“What? Oh, er, no.” Moonshine brought his excitement under control. The ships ceased their motion, becoming painted models once more. He scanned their tiny sails for the all-important number. At last, he saw it.

“There she is!” he cried. He removed the telescope from his eye and used the small instrument to point out the model to Cheng Li.

“Ah, yes,” she said. “Well spotted!”

Moonshine frowned. “She’s red.”

“Of course,” Cheng Li said. “We have the ships dipped in color when they change possession from one side to the other.”

“And she’s surrounded by a lot of other red ships,” Moonshine observed.

Cheng Li nodded. “Yes. That’s to be expected.”

Moonshine spoke through gritted teeth. “I hope you have some blue paint ready, because you’re going to be in need of it very soon.”

Cheng Li smiled. “Trust me, Captain Wrathe, we have a truckload of blue paint. Our every waking breath is directed toward painting every last ship on this ocean bright blue.”

It was Moonshine’s turn to smile. “I’m still getting used to being called Captain!”

Cheng Li nodded. “It’s your official rank now. The fact that you are not currently in possession of a ship has no bearing on that.”

Letting go of the silver rail, Moonshine drew himself up to his full height, squarely facing Cheng Li. “Have you thought any more about my proposal?” he asked. “Will you really help me put a team together to take back
The Diablo

For a time, Cheng Li’s intense almond-shaped eyes coolly appraised Moonshine Wrathe, the newest captain in the Federation. There were
many reasons to decline
his proposal, yet Cheng Li felt something in her gut that she couldn’t quite explain. She found herself nodding once more. “Yes,” she said. “I’ll help you, Captain Wrathe.”

“That’s awesome, Captain Li!” Moonshine punched the air. “This calls for a drink! I heard you have your own bar in here. Why don’t I whip us up a couple of Coraltinis to celebrate?”

Cheng Li smiled softly. “I suggest we hold off on the celebrations until
The Diablo
is back under Alliance command. For now, I think some hot seaweed tea would be more appropriate.” She gestured toward her conference table. “Take a seat.”

Moonshine obediently pulled out a chair while Cheng Li poured two bowls of the pungent tea. As she did so, there was a knock at the door.

“Enter!” Cheng Li called, without glancing up.

The door opened and Connor and Jasmine strode into the room, closely followed by Cate. Bo Yin lingered behind the others, in the doorway.

“Right on time,” Cheng Li said with satisfaction, then watched as, to her surprise, Lorcan Furey followed the others into her cabin. She smiled as he approached her. He had lately taken to wearing a steel-gray uniform, which made his blue eyes shine all the more brightly. “Commander Furey,” she said, struggling as she always did in his presence to retain her composure. “How good to see you again.”

Lorcan nodded, somewhat formally, but smiled warmly back at his ally. “You, too, Captain Li. I came over to discuss some strategy matters with Cate. I gather my visit may have proved opportune timing.”

Cheng Li nodded. “Most opportune,” she said. Reluctantly drawing her eyes away from him, she gestured around the table. “Please take a seat, everyone.” She glanced over to the doorway. “You, too, Bo Yin! Come and join us.”

Clearly thrilled to be included, Bo stepped inside and shut the twin panel doors of the captain’s cabin behind her. As she made her way to take her seat beside the others at the captain’s table, she noticed that Moonshine Wrathe was staring at her. Without the others noticing, he gave her a cheeky wink. She turned away, blushing furiously.

“Well now,” Cheng Li said, “I think you all know Moonshine Wrathe, except perhaps for you, Commander Furey?”

Lorcan smiled. “It’s true we haven’t been formally introduced.” He stood up and extended his hand toward Moonshine. Moonshine rose to his feet and they shook hands.

“Commander Furey is one of the most senior-ranking Nocturnals within the Alliance,” said Cheng Li. “He is joint director of military strategy with Cate.”

Moonshine gave the Alliance salute to Lorcan. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Commander Furey.”

Lorcan returned the gesture. “You, too, Captain Wrathe.”

As the two young men sat down, Cheng Li addressed her comrades once more. “As you know, Moonshine has come up with an intriguing proposition, and I want to garner your opinions on it.” She turned to Jasmine. “If we have any chance of success, the tracking team needs to focus its attention on if and when
The Diablo
breaks from the Vampirate fleet.”

Jasmine nodded. “Already on it.”

“But also,” Cheng Li added, “if any Vampirate ships start moving in a similar direction once our plans are under way”—she turned from Jasmine to address the rest of the group—“Cate and I have listed the personnel who will be involved—and you all have a key role to play during the attack. That is, except Commander Furey. Cate will commence training drills from tomorrow morning.” Cheng Li now locked eyes with Lorcan’s baby blues. “Our preferred hour of attack is 0600 hours, Commander Furey. What do you think?”

Lorcan nodded. “Yes, at that point the Vampirates’ recovery time will be at its slowest. They will return to full strength, but this will give you your best chance to infiltrate the lower decks with minimal casualties to the Alliance.”

“Provided nothing goes wrong!” Jasmine said.

Lorcan nodded once more. “Yes, provided nothing goes wrong, Deputy Peacock. But I have some suggestions of
what to look out for. Stealth is going to be of the utmost importance.”


As the others started to leave, Cheng Li rose from the table and approached her desk. There was plenty of work waiting for her there and no time like the present to get stuck in.

Bo Yin strode over to her. “Thank you for including me in the meeting tonight, Captain Li.”

“You’re very welcome, Bo,” Cheng Li said, shuffling through her papers. “You should know that you have fast become an invaluable member of this team.”

“Thank you,” Bo said, swelling with pride. “Can I do anything further for you? Perhaps you’d like a fresh pot of tea?”

“No,” Cheng Li said, “no, you go and get some rest. You’ve done more than your share today.”

Bo Yin turned and followed her comrades out into the corridor. Moonshine Wrathe still lingered in the captain’s cabin and Bo left the doors slightly ajar for him.

“I’ll be going then,” Moonshine said.

“Oh, yes.” Cheng Li glanced up, removing her glasses. “How silly of me. For a moment there, I forgot you weren’t one of my crew!”

Moonshine smiled. “That’s good, I think.”

Cheng Li shrugged.

“I’d like to work closely with you,” Moonshine said. “And I thought perhaps we could find a way to share Cate—assuming she was interested.”

Cheng Li folded her glasses contemplatively. “Cate is perfectly capable of making her own decisions about her future.”

“But you’re her captain,” Moonshine said. “And I know that she has this vital role in military strategy. But if we put our heads together, I’m sure we could find a creative solution to this.”

Cheng Li smiled. “Don’t push your luck, Captain Wrathe. I think you got what you came for today. Let’s leave it there for now. When you have a ship under your command, we can address the issue of who’s going to be your deputy.”

“Fair enough,” Moonshine said. Then, grinning playfully, he added, “If Cate proves unwilling, perhaps your feisty little Bo Yin could take up the post?”

Cheng Li unfolded her spectacles, slipping them back over her nose, and bowed her head to resume her business. “Good night, Captain Wrathe,” she said, her tone leaving him in no doubt whatsoever that he had been dismissed.


Later that same night, a lone figure stepped ashore at the Blood Tavern. He entered the vestibule and approached Lilith’s dome.

“Back again?” Lilith said, looking at the young man curiously. “You’re a thirsty lad… third night on the trot, isn’t it?”

The young customer wasn’t keen to be engaged in conversation. “I’d like a pint, please,” he said, pushing his money across the counter.

Lilith’s hand clamped down on the notes. “I’ve been trying to place your face these past few nights. Didn’t you first come in here months back with a friend of yours?”

Connor shook his head. “You must be thinking of some other guy,” he said.

“Wait a mo! You wanted blood for him back then, not yourself. Said you were a pirate. Your name was… oh, it’s on the tip of my tongue… Connor! That’s it—Connor…”

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