Valour (34 page)

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Authors: John Gwynne

BOOK: Valour
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‘With me,’ Evnis yelled and kicked his horse on. This time he and his warriors raked the edges of Owain’s men, striking fast, killing and then veering away before they could be
ensnared in the crush of bodies. They did this time and time again, defending Rhin’s flank.

Then there was a thundering in his ears, overwhelming the din of battle. Riders were pouring down the slope, charging straight at him and his shieldmen. He recognized the man at their fore.


Desperately he dragged on his horse’s reins, ordering his men to pull clear or Owain and his warriors would catch them in the flank. Snarling, Evnis realized he was not going to pull free
in time. He hefted his shield and screamed his frustration. Then Owain’s horsemen were crashing into his shieldmen.

Horses neighed and screamed, warriors yelled, swords clanged, a multitude of impacts set Evnis’ ears ringing. He felt fear churning in his gut, slithering like a restless snake, slowing
his limbs, as if he were moving through water.

I will not die here, not now. See it through, see it through, see it through

Something whispered, in his ear or in his mind, he could not tell.
You are mine, and I have work for you to do. Kill Owain
. He felt the fear drain away, his limbs loosen, and he gritted
his teeth, raised his sword and spurred his mount at Owain.

Many of his shieldmen were down, horses spitted on spears, caught by Owain’s charge. But others were rallying, Rafe’s face appearing amongst them, following Evnis as he struck at
Owain’s men. He crushed a skull with an overhand blow, backhanded another across the face, stabbed another in the armpit, turned a blade on his shield, punched the wielder with the hilt of
his sword, teeth spraying. Then he could see Owain, sitting tall in his saddle, hacking at one of Evnis’ shieldmen.

Owain’s sword chopped into the warrior, almost severing the man’s head. Evnis watched as Owain pulled his sword free, looked about, eyes searching. Then they saw him and narrowed to
slits. ‘Traitor!’ Owain yelled and kicked his horse on.

There was a great noise from the hill behind them, a frantic blowing of horns from the ridge. Men were milling at the hill’s crest, turning to stare at something hidden by a dip in the
land. A cloud of dust hovered in the distance.

Evnis smiled.
Rhin’s second surprise


Veradis stared into the distance, shading his eyes with one hand. Behind Owain’s rearguard a thick column of warriors was marching towards them.

‘How many?’ Bos asked beside him.

‘About a thousand. They are Rhin’s.’

‘I guessed that,’ his big companion said.

Owain’s rearguard, mostly mounted, were milling around, some turning to face the newcomers, others still facing towards the battle in the vale. Many amongst them were blowing horns in
warning. A rider cantered out towards the warband hurrying along the giantsway. He hefted a spear and pointed it at the approaching enemy, began trotting towards them. Ranks behind him followed,
raggedly at first; slowly, the whole of Owain’s rearguard followed his lead.

They have a good captain
, Veradis thought. That is what I would do. Strike quickly, though the odds are still against them. They are too few.

‘Keep your sword loose in its scabbard; things are about to get bloody.’

‘It looks bloody enough already, down there,’ Bos said, pointing into the valley where Owain’s and Rhin’s warbands were engaged in battle.

‘That is only the beginning,’ Veradis said, pulling his helmet on.

‘Owain’s going to want to reinforce his rearguard,’ Bos said to Veradis. ‘To help them before Rhin’s men scatter them.’

‘I know,’ Veradis said. ‘And it is our job to stop him. Best get to it.’ He held a fist high and his own messenger blew a horn, his warband spreading along the ridge,
forming the shield wall. Two hundred warriors long it stretched, five rows deep, an impenetrable barrier as the shields came up. The thunder of hooves drew his attention as a large force of the
Jehar rode past the shield wall. Akar, the warrior who had commanded the Jehar throughout the campaign to Haldis was leading them. They pulled up on the far side of his shield wall, blocking any
passage for Owain between the hill and the first fringes of woodland down in the valley. For Owain, the only way to his rearguard now was through Nathair’s warriors. Veradis watched as Owain
began drawing troops out from the rear of his warband, men that were not fully committed to combat; soon he had a few hundred gathered about him, more joining.

Behind them, Rhin’s reinforcements and Owain’s rearguard clashed on the giantsway. Veradis saw that Rhin’s men were huddled tight, shields and spears bristling as Owain’s
horsemen tried to split them apart. Men were falling on both sides, screams drifting on the breeze.

‘Here they come,’ Bos said.

‘Remember, we will not attack, only defend ourselves.’ Those had been Nathair’s orders. They would aid Rhin indirectly, by thwarting Owain’s movement on the field, by
keeping his forces separated. Veradis drew his short sword and braced his feet.

Owain’s men were coming up the hill, a little hesitantly. The shield wall had never been seen by these warriors before, and it was not the traditional method of battle. Veradis saw Owain
and his mounted shieldmen behind them. The King of Ardan was grim faced.
He is no fool – can see he has been betrayed. Defeat is a knife-edge away for him now
. Veradis felt a moment of
sympathy for the man, a flash of guilt for the part he was playing here. He buried it.

Owain called out behind his men, urging them on. The bulk of them ran at the shield wall, clearly preferring that to the mounted Jehar who stood calmly waiting to either side of Veradis’

The first ranks slammed into the shield wall, the impact shivering through Veradis’ whole body. A series of jolts and thuds followed as Owain’s warriors piled into one another, the
weight quickly becoming immense. Veradis bent his legs, pressed his shoulder into the curve of his shield and held on. Screams rang out along the line.
My men are striking back
. It was
inevitable, he knew. They could not just stand here – eventually shields would be pulled down and his own men would start dying. He raised his sword, slid it into the gap between shields and
thrust. He felt resistance, then his blade was cutting into flesh; someone screamed. He pulled his blade back, stabbed again. And again, kept on stabbing until the muscles in his arm burned.
Fingers grasped the rim of his shield and he headbutted them, his iron helmet breaking bones. A sword swiped at his ankles, sliding underneath his shield, but he saw the blow coming, managed to
block it, trod on the blade with his iron-shod sandals.

A horn blast filtered through the din of battle, a high, keening sound that he recognized. The Jehar. He risked a glance over his shield rim, saw the Jehar joining the battle, their longswords
slashing from horseback, cutting great swathes through Owain’s men. In heartbeats the assault on the shield wall was over, Owain’s men breaking away, running for their lives. They only
had one way to go. The battle in the vale was continuing. Rhin seemed to be gaining the upper hand as Owain’s men started to try to escape the combat, panic spreading from the disaster on the
hill like a disease. Rhin’s main host blocked the way through the vale, the marshland denied any flight westwards and Nathair’s forces were an immovable object along the ridge of the
hill, removing any hope of a retreat to the south. The only way left was west, into the broken woodland that fringed the vale, and that is where Owain’s men ran.

Screams rang out behind Veradis and he turned to see the Jehar joining the battle about the giantsway, too. Owain’s rearguard was now caught between Rhin’s reinforcements and a group
of the Jehar. Even Alcyon was striding into the fray, swinging his axe and taking lives like the angel of death. Owain’s men broke apart, most of them on horseback, scattering in countless
directions. The Jehar rode them down.

So many dead. Just warriors obeying their lords
. He shook his head, surveying the corpses sprawled all about them.
All for the ambitions of kings and queens
. He looked along the
ridge, eyes searching for Nathair, and spotted him sitting tall on his draig. Relief swept him that his King had survived the battle – indeed, their entire force seemed to have sustained few
casualties. And the battle was won, Nathair’s plans furthered.
Warfare is strategy
, Nathair had said to him, and strategy had certainly won this battle. It just did not feel very

It is for the greater good
, he reminded himself.

‘What now?’ Bos asked him.

‘We’ll hold our position until Nathair orders differently,’ Veradis answered.

The battle in the vale was chaos now, most of Owain’s warband realizing that the fight was lost. Owain himself was on the slope, a few dozen of his mounted shieldmen about him, others on
foot still rallying to him. The King of Narvon pulled his horse in a circle, surveying the chaos about him, then spurred his horse west, towards the woodland. He did not gallop or leave in wild
panic; his passage was orderly, controlled, and he still gathered men to him as he passed, his presence bringing an edge of calm. He rode into the shadow of the woods.


Cywen could not believe what she was seeing, almost did not know where to look, so much was happening at once.

The battle in the vale had been a terrible, vicious thing. She had seen death before – the ambush in the Darkwood, the night Dun Carreg fell – but nothing on this scale. Its savagery
and cruelty took her breath away, made her feel sick. The shield wall was like nothing she had ever seen before. It had dealt out death with a cold efficiency that seemed to go against all she had
learned of the warrior’s code.

Evnis’ treachery had shocked her at first.
Though I should expect little else
, she thought. Conall had remained calm throughout, seeming composed as he watched the events unfold.
He must have known
, Cywen realized. His mood did appear black, though –
probably at being denied his part in the conflict

Her eyes focused on Owain, saw him sitting tall on his horse, moving away, along the ridge of the hill towards the woodland that stretched into the distance. There was a shieldman clutching a
banner beside him, the red bull of Narvon serving as a rallying point for Owain’s routed host. She recognized the warrior holding the banner, red hair spilling from his iron helm. Drust, and
he was riding Shield. Her heart clenched in her chest. Shield still lived.

No, Shield will be lost forever

Without thinking, Cywen bent in her saddle and slid free the knife that she had hidden in the leather sole of her boot. She whispered to Buddai, the hound sitting close by. Conall was still
focused on the battle, his eyes twitching, fists constantly clenching. She reached over silently and sliced the girth of his saddle, then kicked her horse into motion. The animal leaped away
– a dun mare that she had helped Gar break.

Behind her she heard Conall shout her name, glanced back to see him yanking on his reins, urging his horse to give chase, then he was sliding, and falling. Cywen grinned as she heard him

Her mount was small framed and she was fast. Cywen bent low in the saddle, spurring her to a gallop along the ridge towards the woodland, behind the shield wall, heedless of Owain’s
scattered troops. Buddai barked behind her as he tried to keep up. Owain and his followers had already disappeared amongst the trees. To her left Cywen saw warriors from Rhin’s warband
following the stragglers of Owain’s routed forces, cutting them down as they ran. Deeper into the vale a knot of mounted warriors was gathered before the treeline. Cywen saw Evnis at their
head. Even as she watched they rode into the shadows of the woods.

I still may get to see him die today

Conall was nowhere to be seen, though she knew he would be after her soon. Some of the Jehar were gathered, one of them pointing towards the woods.
Planning to hunt Owain down
. And then
she saw Veradis. He was high on the hill, talking to Nathair, Calidus and the giant close by. They all looked towards the woods, and just for a heartbeat Cywen was sure that Veradis stared straight
at her. Then he was moving, picking his way through warriors, heading steadily her way.

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