Valiant Heart (6 page)

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Authors: Angela Addams

Tags: #werewolf;The Order of the Wolf;Hunter;Huntress

BOOK: Valiant Heart
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“You'll do whatever you must, whatever duty demands,” Greer said before breaking from my side to swoop in and hug Kelly.

Her words gave my smile of greeting a hard edge. I'd watched a man I was supposed to love die once in my life already. The pain he'd caused me had halted my hand when I could have done something to help him. He'd suffered, and I'd stood cold, detached, watching but taking no action. And I had no regrets. None.

So why was the idea of getting rid of Lance, a practical stranger, so appalling? I knew the answer to that and I knew it was going to be the reason why I needed to avoid any bond with the man. Even with the promise of leadership in the balance, even with Ella's help, I knew the way my heart worked. I knew the vulnerabilities there.

Bonding with Lance was a bad idea. A really bad one. It had to be off the table unless there was an immediate way out.

Chapter Seven

Call to Action

He didn't like the plan: head right into wolf territory via teleporting, no less. At least he was going to be rid of Greer. That woman was menacing in a way he couldn't quite pin. Every action, every word held double meaning and her powers were confounding. Nothing visible, or helpful from what he could see—she seemed to be able to take the powers from other Huntresses. At least that was what he had put together when he saw her administer another
to Talia. It was a dangerous ability and he was glad she wouldn't be anywhere near Kelly.

He knew the Huntresses weren't too keen on his traveling with them. Not even his Huntress liked the idea, which was troubling and actually hurtful, if he was being honest. She'd been rejecting him from the moment they first met, her cold glares enough to remind him of their one hot encounter. As much as he didn't want to invite another wallop to the sac, a part of him desperately wanted to be with her again, if only to reconnect. He craved her touch more than he really wanted to admit and had jacked off a half-dozen times since he'd come in her pussy.

Her revelation to him the night before had bothered him too. She was carrying baggage, had been hurt in the past. She didn't trust men? Fine. Trust could be earned. It was her ridiculous unbending loyalty to these Amazons that was the real challenge. She'd obviously bought into their doctrine and he wasn't totally sure how to break that belief system and prove to her that she was his and vice versa. How could she even deny their chemistry?

He shoved the last of his things into his knapsack. They had been given an hour to pack and prepare, Greer's commands another thing that grated his nerves. Who the fuck put her in charge anyway?
Bring what you can carry,
she'd said. The mission was meant to be a short one yet he still didn't fully understand how they planned on finding Kelly's wolf to begin with. And the Huntresses weren't parting with that secret either.

“Fucking Amazons,” he grumbled as he zipped up the bag and swung it over his shoulder, adjusting his scabbard that lay across his back. Sword, blades, 9mm. A few extra magazines of ammo in his bag, protein bars, two bottles of water and a change of clothes. Roughin' it.

With a last glance around the barracks, he noted the Hunters who lay asleep on their beds. He grunted his disapproval as he left. They'd been up all night with the women, their orgy noise keeping him up too, with his hand on his cock as he thought about Ariana and her sweet taste. He'd be glad when this whole thing was over, Kelly revitalized and Ariana at his side. Greer and her fucking band of Amazons gone for good.

They were supposed to meet in the backyard. He checked his watch. Ten minutes to spare. His stomach rumbled and he smiled. No way was he leaving without a full belly. Instead of heading outside, he detoured to the kitchen for a little sustenance.

Twenty minutes later and he came waltzing outside in search of the women. “Oh come on!” Lance snorted as he surveyed the scene. “Holding hands? We going to sing or something?”

Ariana glanced over her shoulder at him, a scowl on her face. “Damn, you're here. We were going to leave without you.”

That he didn't doubt for a moment. “You can't get rid of me that easily. I'm a big boy, I needed some breakfast.” He pushed his way in between two of the warriors, a wink and a nod in Kelly's direction to make sure all was good. She looked tired but calm, a smirk on her face. “So, what now?” He secured his backpack on both shoulders and looked at Ariana expectantly.

She sneered, her lips twisting in a way that was actually kinda hot. She'd opted for a make-up free look once again, her eyes bright and wide, giving her more innocence than she deserved. Her hair was tied up in a high ponytail, the bottom sweeping her neckline. He avoided looking at her wolf bite. It just pissed him off, so instead he scanned her body, making sure he cocked an eyebrow and made a big show, adjusting his dick, which was growing hard at the sight of her anyway. That earned him a snicker from the other women, and a growl from her.

“Take the warrior's hands.” She scanned the group. “Remember what I just told you. Keep hold of each other and don't forget to breathe. Harper…whenever you're ready.”

Keep breathing? What the fuck? Lance opened his mouth to demand an explanation when his legs seemed to slip right out from under him. His stomach pitched like he was on one huge roller coaster that went from zero to a hundred in a matter of two seconds. He couldn't see, not really. Everything was lights, colors, all a blur, whipping past him as he tumbled. He gripped the warriors' hands tighter, suddenly terrified at the possibility of losing them. Dizziness rocked through him, his skull feeling like it was going to crush in on itself. With a jarring thump he hit something, his feet planting hard, sending shooting pain through his legs and up his body as he slumped and then rolled. He sucked in a deep breath and then retched—toast, peanut butter, oatmeal, apple, coffee, everything that he'd eaten for breakfast a mess on the grass under his nose.

“I told you to breathe.” Ariana stood over him, her tone snarky, no compassion there.

He lifted his hand to his eyes, shielding them from the suddenly intense daylight. “Fuck,” he groaned then retched again, dry heaving since there was nothing left to purge. “Coulda warned me.” He grumbled as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

She made a move forward, a hand outstretched as if to help him up. “I tried—”

“Lance, are you okay?” Kelly's fingers were on his forehead, her soft touch giving him familiar comfort, concern written across her delicate features.

He glanced at Ariana and pushed himself up, noting that she looked a little green herself. She pulled her hand back, her gaze flicked from him to Kelly. She crossed her arms and turned away to address her women. Hmmm, interesting reaction. Was she jealous?

“Can you stand?” Kelly's tone was all compassion, exactly what lacked in his Huntress. “Let me help you.”

He waved her away with a pat on her arm. “I'm okay, just a bit dizzy. How are you feeling? You lose your breakfast too, or am I the only one with the embarrassing distinction?”

Kelly giggled as she backed a step away. “I didn't barf, but that wasn't the most pleasant means of travel. Ariana warned us though and I kept breathing.” She smirked when he gave her the finger. “You weren't the only one who yaked though.”

He got to his feet, cocking an eyebrow in Kelly's direction before bending over to brush grass from his pants.

She snickered softly. “Seems you and your Huntress have something in common.”

He snapped his gaze to Ariana, who was still speaking to a few of her warriors, her side to him. “Oh really?” She did look a little queasy, her skin sallow, dark circles under her eyes.

“But don't tell her I told you that,” Kelly teased.

He brushed another few pieces of dirt away and straightened, adjusting his backpack as he did. “So what's the plan?” He reached over his shoulder, hand on the hilt of his sword. “Wolf territory, eh? So where are the wolves?”

Ariana shifted her upper body, arms crossed. “Don't wish them upon us too soon, Hunter. Trust me when I say we are not top of the chain here. A little humility would suit you well and probably save your life.” She held his stare for a heartbeat more before shifting back to her conversation.

“So you've zapped us into dangerous territory and what? We just stand around and wait to become wolf meat?” He unsheathed his sword in a sweeping arc. “That's not the way the Hunters do things, Huntress. I want to kick some wolf ass!”

He knew he was acting like an ass but he couldn't help it. He was used to being in charge, used to calling the shots, and instead he'd barfed up his breakfast and had no clue where the fuck he was or what the hell plan was in play. And instead of comforting him or at least attempting to make him feel less like a loser, his Huntress was freezing him out.

“Keep your voice down, Hunter,” Ariana hissed as she turned and stormed toward him, putting herself at his sword tip. He immediately lowered his weapon, terrified that she'd thrust her body in harm's way.

“What the fuck are you doing?”

“Harper has been scouting the area for the past couple of hours.” Ariana's tone was hard, spitting her words like they were poison. “There is no immediate threat. We've been here before—we've got at least twenty-four hours before the wolves pick up on our presence. Maybe more since we have such small numbers. Stand down and put your damn weapon away before you skewer someone with it.”

They glared at each other, Lance's breath coming out hard and fast. Fuck if he didn't want to throw her down and nail her right there on the grass. Everything about her frustrated him, her commanding attitude, her rejection of him, her frosty demeanor, and yet he knew what she hid from him. He knew there was warmth there. She felt the pull. He could see it in the way her eyes dilated, the way her nostrils flared, like she was sucking up his scent. He took a step closer.

She took a step back, crossed her arms, shook her head.

He held her stare for another heartbeat and then sheathed his sword.

“We're ready, Ariana.”

Ariana looked over her shoulder. “Good.”

She turned and walked to the women who Lance just noticed were seated facing each other, legs crossed, holding hands over a small, smoldering fire. Lance motioned for Kelly to move closer with him for a better look. Kelly gripped his biceps loosely, her eyes alight with curiosity.

A third woman lifted a small satchel, opened it and dropped a pinch of something into the flame. The flame extinguished, or appeared to, and a plume of smoke rose. Both of the seated women leaned forward, inhaling deeply. The ones standing took a step back.

“Don't breathe the smoke in, Kelly. You aren't ready for that yet,” Ariana said as she motioned Kelly away.

Lance wanted to know what was going on but he kept his mouth shut, the pulse of magic rising up from the two women seated hand in hand enough to make him dizzy. Their chant started softly, a low vibration of sound that sent shivers up his body. Kelly ran her hand from his arm to his hand, gripping it as she no doubt felt the magic as well.

Just as suddenly as it started, the chanting ended and an eerie silence fell. The forest itself grew quiet, as if blanketed by something. The hairs on Lance's neck rose, like hackles warning of danger. Power crackled. The women who were seated snapped to attention, eyes suddenly open, vacant but staring into one another's, lips moving, whispering. It was creepy as all hell.

“Still here. The wolf is still here. Beware, Huntresses, keep watch. Blood sacrifice. She is here, closer to her destiny. Keep watch. Blood sacrifice.”

And over and over the Huntresses repeated their chant. Their words a frenzy until they collapsed back, hands unlatching on a whoosh of breath.

“What the hell was that?” Lance couldn't help but gape, his eyes wide as he looked from the fallen women to Kelly to Ariana.

Everyone ignored him. All shuddered as the magic evaporated. Including him.

“That was a message from the Goddess,” Ariana said. She moved to help the two women rise. “You did well, sisters. The message was clear. Eat something and we'll get moving shortly.”

“The message was clear?” Lance frowned, wondering if Ariana had inhaled some of that smoke. “What Goddess?”

“She means Artemis, Lance,” Kelly said, her tone one of awe. When he glanced at her, he saw that she had tears in her eyes.

“That's right, Kelly, the Goddess, our Goddess,” Ariana said smugly.

“You're able to communicate with her?” Kelly moved past Lance, practically shoving him out of the way. “What does she tell you? Does she speak to you often? Can I speak to her?”

Ariana chuckled. “She doesn't always speak to us, no, but she has taken a bit of an interest in helping you, it seems. She values your gift and wants it strengthened.”

“And that was her way of sending a message? You understood that?” Lance scoffed. That these women were in touch with Artemis was hard to swallow. “Are you sure your women weren't high?”

Ariana shot him one of the usual death glares but ignored him otherwise, addressing Kelly instead. “When the time is right, we'll walk you through the ritual. See if she will speak with you directly. For now, though, we got what we need. Your wolf is still in the area. Now all we need to do is track him.”

Kelly beamed, wiping a few tears from her cheeks. “Wow, so quickly. Thank you.”

Ariana nodded. “We've got some water, protein snacks in the pack over there. Get yourselves something to fill your bellies. We won't be stopping again until dusk.” As she walked away, she gave orders to her women. “Cat, I want you and Ella on point. Keep an eye out for a doe. We need a sacrifice tonight for the Goddess.”

“You don't believe that shit, do you?” Lance said to Kelly as Ariana moved out of earshot. He grabbed her arm so she would face him. “Kelly, seriously, you don't think they were actually telling the truth, do you? I mean, I know they believe it but they're fucking nuts…”

“Why do you think they're lying? Why do you distrust them so much? That's your Huntress, Lance. You don't trust what she's telling you?”

He flinched at the accusation. Of course he didn't think his Huntress was nuts, just the rest of them. “My gut is telling me that we're only getting half-truths most of the time. Lying by omission is still lying.” He let her go. “You need to be careful, Kelly. I see how enthralled you get by them. I just want you to be a little more guarded. Don't trust so easily. Not even my Huntress.”

She blinked, screwed up her face. “You think she'd do something to harm me? You?”

“No, not directly. But this horseshit about the Goddess, really? You believe that? What came out of their mouths was gobbledygook. It made no sense.”

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