Read Valiant Heart Online

Authors: Angela Addams

Tags: #werewolf;The Order of the Wolf;Hunter;Huntress

Valiant Heart (21 page)

BOOK: Valiant Heart
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“Hands off, beastie!” I screamed as I dove, slashing the monster back, tearing open a gaping wound as I hooked my sickle into its chest and spun it to face me. “You wanna fight?” I snarled. “Come and fight me.”

By the time I'd dispatched the beast, Lance was on the ground, bleeding out despite his crude tourniquet.

I knelt at his side and pulled his pants back to assess the damage.

He opened his eyes, pain and fear riding just there for me to see. “Where's Kelly?”

“She is being saved, Lance.” I nodded behind me, knowing that Greer was taking up the challenge that I couldn't.

His eyes grew wide, whether from what he was witnessing or because I'd slipped my fingertips in his wound, blasting it with my powers to stop the bleeding. He slumped into unconsciousness a moment later, his expression one of peace.

And my choice locked firmly into place.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Where the Heart Belongs

Lance couldn't have been out for more than a few minutes, the pain of his leg wound subsiding as Ariana's power took hold. He frowned at her; what was he missing? He looked past her to see Greer standing over Kelly as if she was going to…

“Holy fuck! Ariana, stop her!” He tried to move, tried to jump up to save Kelly from Greer's sword, but it was too late. In a sweeping arc, Greer dropped the sword, swiping it across her chest. “No!”

Ariana shoved him back, forcing him down despite his efforts to rise again.

“She killed Kelly!” he growled, fury unleashing on Ariana as he struggled against her hand.

“No, Lance, she didn't.” Ariana nailed him with a hard look. “Greer would never hurt Kelly. She's too important.”

Lance paused, her words catching him off guard. Movement caught his eye and he watched in awe as Kelly started to rise. With the helping hand of Greer, she sat up, only a soft moan escaping her lips.

“What the fuck?” Lance could see that there was no wound on Kelly's chest, nothing to indicate Greer had struck her.

“It's the sword, Lance,” Ariana whispered as she tended to his side wound, pushing his shirt away so she could get a better look.

“The sword?” Lance squinted at the blade in Greer's hand, then snapped his eyes back to Ariana. “You gave her your sword?”

Ariana gulped, nodded slowly, but didn't speak.

She'd given up her sword. She hadn't chosen it over him.

Overwhelmed with emotion, he gripped her face in both of his hands and pulled her toward him. Ignoring the yelp of surprise and the pain of his remaining wound, he sucked on her lips good and proper.

She pulled away from him on a gasp. “I—”

“I what?” he teased, “‘I want you more than some stupid sword? I realized what a stubborn woman I was being and finally came to my senses?'”

Ariana pursed her lips, narrowed her eyes and then jabbed her fingers straight into his wound.

It was his turn to yelp.

“I have to heal this.”

“Where's Saska?” Greer asked as she helped Kelly walk over to them.

Ariana glanced up with a shrug. “I didn't see what happened after I pushed Andrew into the portal.”

“She left with a handful of beasts,” Melonie said as she ambled into the small clearing, a satchel hanging from her shoulder. “I saw her get carried off when Greer severed Kelly's bond.”

Lance frowned. So that was what had been going on. Greer had used Ariana's sword to sever the bond. “You okay?” he asked Kelly, despite already knowing the answer.

“No,” Kelly said, her tone heavy with grief. “But I'll live.”

“Do you still feel him?” Greer asked as she put her hand on Kelly's arm, steadying her as she swayed.

Kelly shook her head. “No, not at all.”

“I'm sorry,” Greer said, her tone earnest, like she actually meant it.

“I was terrified, Greer. He was pulling me into Tartarus with him, his control on my mind too strong for me to fight. I would have gone right in there with him and been trapped in hell forever.” Kelly gripped Greer's hand. “You saved my life.”

Lance surveyed the area, dead beasts lying all over the place, Huntresses still dispatching the ones who writhed on the ground. The noise of the battle had quieted to moans and grunts. One kneeling beast cut short as a Huntress did her duty.

Melonie shifted to survey the area as well. “The plan worked.”

“Somewhat,” Greer said with a nod.

Lance glanced at Ariana, who met his gaze with a blank stare. She hadn't known about the plan, and he could see the flicker of hurt as she processed that.

“What plan?” Ariana let his shirt drop, the wound on his side almost totally healed. She stood, her sickle in her hand, fingers tensing and relaxing.

He pushed himself up, before easing himself into a standing position.

“Ella told me about the toxic balloons once we split up. She had it worked out with Melonie that she would climb one of the trees and launch them,” Greer said.

“What was in those balls?” He'd been splattered by some of the contents of the balloon-like spheres during the fight, but hadn't experienced any ill effects.

“Some kind of liquid that was toxic to the beasts,” Melonie said with a shrug. “She had me help her whip them up before we left camp.” She reached into her satchel and pulled out one of the balls. She tossed it lightly to Lance.

He caught it in one hand, marveling at the paper-thin glasslike encasement. The liquid sloshed inside.

“And you trusted her?” Ariana's tone was full of suspicion.

“Yes,” Greer said. “Ella gave me her magic. She let me siphon her again, almost to the point of death so that I could catch Saska off guard. Taught me how to do a couple of spells.”

“And it worked,” Lance said as he handed the orb back to Melonie. “Somewhat.”

Greer narrowed her eyes at him. “We didn't lose Kelly.”

“No, but you lost Ella, one of the ancients. A Huntress died under your command. Isn't that what Ariana was punished for back at the camp?” Lance leaned forward, ignoring Ariana's warning look. “What's going to be your punishment, Greer?”

Much to his surprise, Greer flinched, her eyes tearing. “My punishment? Oh, don't worry, Hunter, it's far greater than you could ever hope for.”

Ariana frowned. “What do you mean?”

Greer held the sword up, its blade flashing with magic. “I made the choice. I gave up my heart to this weapon.”

Lance didn't understand, didn't see what the big deal was. Wasn't Greer's Hunter long dead? Was she mourning his loss only now?

“Do you know what I held most dear in my heart, Ariana?” Greer asked.

With a gasp, Ariana nodded. “The tribe.”

“That's right.” Greer laughed bitterly. “My beloved tribe, my Queen, my family.” She moved the sword so it glinted again. “And now I'm the champion for wronged Huntresses. And every moment I stand here, talking to you, the proximity to my tribe is a moment that I should be spending on the search for those who need me. My heart belongs to the sword now and all that it can do for me.”

Ariana shook her head. “You can't leave, how will I—”

“Lead?” Greer reached over and tugged the strap of Ariana's sword sheath so that it came undone. She quickly secured the holster and sword to her back. “With your Hunter, Ariana, just as Ella wanted. Get Kelly back to the Queen and figure out a way to mend the damage that's been done.”

“What will I tell Queen Val? About you, I mean?” Ariana asked.

“I'm going to hunt Saska down, bring her to justice.” Greer paused, surveying the area once again. “And then I'm going to do my duty to the sword.”

“At least Saska doesn't have the prophecy,” Kelly said. “I only have traces of it floating in my head. Like pieces. Andrew retrieved the full thing, though.”

“And took it with him to Tartarus,” Ariana said with a snarl. “Saska will no doubt attempt to release him.”

“She left injured. If she survives her wound, I'll find her,” Greer said before turning back to Ariana. “You need to get Kelly to the Queen. She'll know what to do. That was always the plan.”

“The plan?” Lance grumbled. “As in, you all planned to take Kelly away from the Order?”

“Stand down, Hunter,” Greer barked. “You make it sound like we were going to kidnap her or something.”

“But you've gotten what you want, haven't you?” Lance argued. “She has nothing tying her to the Order now.” He knew there was no going back to Wolves' Bane for him or Kelly, but it pissed him off that Greer was getting her way in the end. He had always known she had another agenda. Which meant Ariana had as well. Something he'd have to deal with later.

“Lance,” Kelly said softly. “Something needs to happen. Ella was right—we're too fragmented. If the Queen needs me to go to her, then I plan to. If she can figure out a way to access this prophecy, then we need to give it a try. The prophecy…” She tapped her forehead. “It's big, bigger than Andrew really understood. Ella wasn't wrong about the significance of it, though. It could mean destruction, or rebirth. I don't know. We're too weak as we are. Our resources scattered and the beast numbers out of control.”

Greer nodded. “There might be some merit to what Ella was saying in other ways too. Artemis started her tribe as a bonded pair. Hunter and Huntress fighting in unity. I'm willing to admit that there might be something to that. You need to rally everyone, Ariana. Reimage the Order if you must. Bring our tribes together and find some kind of unity. I'll take care of the ones who are damaged.”

She hugged Ariana briefly. Lance saw the shudder that ran through his mate's body and heard her whispered words to Greer. “I'm sorry. I didn't know what this would cost you. Give it up, Greer. Let someone else take on the role. Please. I can't do this without you.”

“There's no undoing this.” Greer pulled back, her face stern. “I had my suspicions. I knew that it would demand something heavy from me. I just hope Queen Val understands that I didn't betray my vows.”

“She won't think that!” Ariana said, her voice quivering. “And I'll make sure she understands that this was my doing, that I was too weak—”

“Not weak!” Greer snarled. “Wise. You weren't willing to give your heart up and I commend you for that. Your strength lies in your bond. I shouldn't have pushed you away from it. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you'll be fit to lead your own team.”

One final meaningful look passed between the two. Maybe Greer was communicating with Ariana telepathically. Or maybe they just understood each other that well. Lance didn't know for sure, but he could tell whatever was going on was ripping Ariana apart. When Greer finally turned and walked away, Ariana stumbled against him as if she'd been pushed. He wanted to wrap her up in his arms, to comfort her, but he knew that would only her push away again. So he braced her up, letting her lean on him for strength, being the wall that she finally needed.

They made it back to the cabins via Harper, and for once Lance didn't end up on his hands and knees retching. Ariana, though, was a little worse for wear.

“I'm going back to retrieve Ella's body so we can give her a proper funeral,” Harper said to Lance, eyeing him wearily as if she expected him to argue. “You'll take care of things here?”

It was a good sign. The tribe was accepting him for now. It was both shocking and humbling.

He gave her a nod. “I will.” He moved to help Ariana stand. He tried to lead her toward her cabin so she could rest.

“No, Lance, I need to mend those who are injured. We need to rally, get back to the Queen.” She tried to move away from him, to steady herself on her shaky legs.

He held her at arm's length, staring her down. “You need rest and so do your women. Let me take care of the injuries. None are mortally wounded.”

“Lance, I need—”

“You need to let me take care of things for now, Ariana. You need to give your body and your heart a chance to sort things out. Rushing everyone off on another journey to see your Queen is asking them to push beyond their limits. You want to lead? Then recognize that there is a time to delegate. I'll take care of things. You rest.”

She stared at him, her hard glare softening. “Okay,” she sighed. “Okay, you're right.”

“I'm what?” Lance teased. “Gosh, I thought I heard you say I'm right.”

A small smile crept over her lips before she stuck her tongue out at him and then walked away.

Chapter Thirty

The Tribe

“I'm not madly in love with you,” I said as I curled closer to Lance's warm body.

He chuckled, the sound rumbling through his chest, vibrating against my cheek and I smiled. “No?”

“Not at all,” I lied, my smile widening.

He snaked his hand down and squeezed my ass. “That's too bad,” he said as he nudged my head up so he could roll me over, wedging himself between my thighs. “Because I had some plans for you that involved a lot of lovin'.”

“Lovin'?” I snorted. “Lame.”

He raised his eyebrows. “Now I'm lame?” He gripped my wrists and pulled them above my head, locking me beneath him as he wedged his cock against my aching pussy.

“Well, I do like you.” I smirked. “A lot. I'll probably keep you around for a while.”

“I can live with that.” He kissed my forehead.

I smiled up at him, my body tingling, legs spread wide, wanting him to thrust into me so badly I could weep for it. I liked him. I could see some benefits to our union. “You gonna fuck me, Hunter, or what?”

With a smile, he lowered his lips to mine, nibbling a little before pulling away again. “No.” And then he rolled off me in a flash. Before I could cry out my disappointment, he pulled me on top of him, straddling his waist, cock fit snuggling beneath me. “You're gonna fuck me.”

I smirked down at him. “Is that so?” And then I rocked my hips, coating his shaft in my cream, my aching clit abrading against the ridge of his crown. “Mmm, okay.”

He reached up to cup my breasts, fingers sliding down to pinch my nipples, rolling them between thumb and index finger until I was aching there as well. I lifted myself, grasped his dick in my hand and then positioned him just at my pussy lips.

“This feel good, Hunter?” I teased as I rubbed his head along my folds. “It feels so good to me.”

He groaned, his eyes shuttering, his hand back to cupping my breasts, palming them roughly. “It would feel even better if you shoved me up inside you.”

He arched his back as I pinched the head of his cock, moaned when I soothed the pain by doing exactly as he said and slid his cock deep inside, rocking down until I encased him completely.

“Like that?” I said on a gasp, my hips moving on their own as I ground down on him, looking for that perfect spot where he hit just the right….
ahhhh, yes,
that was it.

He moved his hand to my ass, slapping me playfully before squeezing a little harder, helping me to ride him. My breasts swayed and his eyes were riveted. He nudged me forward, one hand on my back to push me down so that he could take one nipple deep into his mouth, tongue flicking, teeth grazing.

Yeah, I could definitely get used to having Lance under me.

And then he wasn't under me anymore. With another lightning fast move, he'd rolled me beneath him once again, body pressed close to mine as he drove hard and fast into me. He crushed his lips to mine, tongue delving deep, consuming me as he made me moan. With every stroke he ratcheted me higher, my orgasm building, his kiss drugging me until I couldn't think straight.

He pulled his mouth away on a gasp, like he hadn't been breathing. As he drove his cock into me, moving the bed with every stroke, the headboard pounding the wall, he stared into my eyes and I couldn't tear myself away.

“Mine,” he growled, his hand holding my breast, fingers over my heart. “Mine.”

I didn't deny it. His orgasm crashed over him, shooting his hot cream into me, making me hit the pinnacle of release, making me cry out when the waves of my climax rolling on and on, milking him for more.

We pulsed, our bodies joined even though our movement had stopped. He was staring down at me. His eyes soft, his fingers still on my chest.

“I give myself to you, my Huntress, with a vow of protection that no beast shall put asunder. Take all of me and use me as you will.” He whispered it reverently, like this time was the most important.

The truth was, I did love him, or at least I was starting to. And Ella had been right. The more I loved him, the stronger I would get. There was no denying that.

“I don't know what comes next.” I lowered my eyes, feeling shy all of a sudden, uncertain of what needed to happen.

Lance lifted my chin so he could look at me once again. His eyes filled with warmth, no judgment there. “I've got your back, Huntress, for as long as I shall live. Whatever comes next will be up against the two of us.”

And I melted for him all over again.

Sunrise found us waiting, all surrounding the pyre for Ella's funeral. Her body was wrapped in the cotton weaved sheer cloth, her features distinguishable, the blood from her wounds seeping through despite having been cleansed before wrapping.

Harper held the flaming torch, ready to touch it to Ella and set her on fire. I stepped forward, leader now, if only for a short time. Queen Val would be my ultimate judge, and I wondered what would happen when she found out Greer was gone. That I'd put her in the position to choose. I scanned the warriors before me, each one having battle wounds that Lance had helped to heal. He stood at my side, giving me support with his proximity.

“I know that this journey has been long and demanding. We've lost too many sisters on our path to success. We had an ancient among us, a gift if we so choose to heed her words. Ella walked with us, fought with us, gave us wisdom. No matter how it started, how she came to be a part of the tribe, in the end she was a sister to us all. Even in her death, she gave what she could. For that, we wish her a safe journey to the afterlife to join our other departed warriors. I'm sure she will be guiding us on any journey we take from this day forward.”

I nodded to Harper, who leaned forward and touched the torch to Ella's body.

We stood in silence while the flames consumed her. I didn't know what the others were thinking, but in my head were Ella's words. When she'd come to me in the guise of Artemis, when she'd told me that we needed to unite the tribe and the Order, she did so with the purpose of strengthening us. I glanced at the warriors one by one. Some of them had been with the tribe for as long as I had, some even longer. We'd battled beasts, we'd scoffed at the ways of the Order, cursing the elder incarnation of scholars who had turned on our ancestors. Greer and Queen Val were the only remaining warriors from that time who had experienced firsthand betrayal from their Hunters. Their lingering fury had driven us, given us a misguided purpose. It would be a task to convince the Queen of a new directive. Easier maybe if I could get these warriors on my side first.

I shifted away from the pyre. “I see that many of you have some lingering wounds that need mending. Now that we're rested, Lance and I can take care of those for you.”

A heartbeat passed, where all women looked at me with a little confusion. Lance or me, which to choose? They could clearly see there were too many of them for me to handle alone.

Kelly was the first to go to him. Not surprising really but I was grateful she did because as he tended to her, Harper moved in next, then Melonie after her.

The first warrior who came to me had a laceration to her arm that was bleeding through her bandages.

“Lily, you should have let Lance take a look at this when we first got back to camp.” I tsked as I unwrapped the covering, seeing the slash for what it was. Clearly a beast had clawed her brutally.

Lily scoffed. “He was busy with the others.”

I looked up at her, a little bit surprised by that. “And you would have gone to him had he not been? You'd have trusted him to care for your wounds?”

Lily gave a tight nod. “He's one of the tribe, sister. I'd trust him with my life.”

I felt tears well but sucked them back as I glanced from Lily to Lance. He was busy working on Harper now, taking care of the last of her scratches. He looked over at me and winked, a cocky grin on his mouth. Of course he'd heard that.

I smiled, shook my head and then returned to my task, suddenly feeling a lot more hope for future of the tribe. With Lance at my side. He had my back and I'd have his, for as long as we both should live.

BOOK: Valiant Heart
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