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Authors: Rhian Cahill

Valentine's Dates (8 page)

BOOK: Valentine's Dates
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The sun streamed in through the open French doors. The first thirteen days in February had been unseasonably wet and cold, but not today. Today the clouds had floated away and the sun shone on the yard below. Vee didn’t look down; she didn’t want to spoil the wonder of walking out of the house later, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy the view of the harbour.

“Are you ready? Wade’s starting to pace. I think the fact Brent isn’t is making your brother worse.”

Vee smiled at the reflection of her sister-in-law in the mirror. “I’ve been ready for this date my whole life.”

Emily skimmed her fingers over the strip of lace on Vee’s shoulder. “You know I loved my wedding dress, but I have to admit this one is the most gorgeous creation I’ve ever seen.”

“It turned out exactly as I pictured it.” Vee admired the exquisite dress in the mirror.

Emily laughed. “I honestly didn’t think you were going to convince the designer to make it.”

“He caved when I threatened to find a first-year design school student if he wasn’t capable of making the dress to my specifications.” Vee smoothed a hand down the front of the form-fitting lace bodice. From the waist up, the dress was an intricate weave of white lace over a gold satin backing. The designer’s initial protest that it would look like his grandmother’s doilies sewn together held merit, but she hadn’t allowed it to deter her from getting what she wanted. And the end result had turned out far more stunning than Vee had imagined. With the A-line skirt in the same white as the lace, the dress had a hint of old, but was thoroughly modern and suited her figure perfectly. “Nothing works better on a man than his own ego.”

“Too true.” Emily picked up the delicate rose bouquet Wade had the gardener make from their mother’s prized roses and handed it to Vee. “I can’t believe my husband thought of using your mum’s flowers for the bouquets.”

“Me either. Or that he’d suggest Brent wear Dad’s engraved cufflinks.” Vee felt the sting of tears and breathed deep, willing the urge away. She didn’t want to ruin her make-up. “He never would have thought about any of that before you.”

“Don’t be silly, of course he would have. He loves you and wants you to have a little piece of your parents with you on your special day,” Emily argued.

“No, before you he was dead inside, just going through the motions. Then he met you and you brought him back. You gave me back my brother and I can’t thank you enough for that. Or the rambunctious little devil who’s drooling on his suit.” Vee indicated the sleeping Davie on the bed behind them.

Emily smiled and grasped Vee’s hand. “I’d give you a hug, but I’m not risking mucking up that dress or your hair or your make-up. Or mine.”

Vee laughed and, taking a deep breath, said, “Let’s get this Valentine date started.”

Brent stood under the rose covered arch and waited for his bride. He wasn’t nervous. It never entered his mind that she might not show up. A grin spread across his face.

“Hey.” Wade elbowed his side. “You’re not supposed to smile like that until the bride arrives.”

He turned to face his best friend and future brother-in-law. “I’m not allowed to be happy waiting at the altar?”

“Hell no! You’re supposed to be shaking in your boots, tugging at your collar, and sweating buckets with the fear she won’t show.”

“Not a chance of that happening,” Brent said. “It took numerous bribes to get her to wait this long. I wouldn’t be surprised if she walked down the aisle with bells on like she threatened.”

“Oh God, I hope not.” Wade glanced over his shoulder to the end of the red carpet runner. “Then again, it sounds like something Vee would do.”

Soft music floated on the air and Brent’s heart raced with anticipation. He didn’t care if she showed up in her PJs or one of the shirts she’d pinched from his wardrobe, he just wanted to get this date started so they could make it official.

Davie appeared at the top of the aisle, Emily by his side, and Wade let out a sigh beside him. “Damn. I’ll never get used to those two being in my life.
my life,” he murmured.

“Halfway there,” Brent reminded himself.

“What?” Wade asked.

“Nothing.” Now was not the time to have

The music changed and the strains of Nickelback’s
Holding On To Heaven
filled the air. A bark of laughter burst from his throat only to be cut off mid-breath when Vee came into view. It was so typically her to choose a song no one else would walk down the aisle to. She moved towards him, her long white dress swirling around her bare feet, the little bells attached to an anklet she wore on her right leg barely audible over the music and whispers of the crowd.

He heard the celebrant say something, but his attention was completely on Vee and the damn bells she’d promised to wear. And she knew it. Her lips kicked up on one end and the sparkle in her eyes told him she had more ways to dazzle him planned. As she drew closer he checked the urge to meet her halfway. Not that he cared what anyone else thought, but Morgan might take offence to being pushed aside.

Brent had been shocked and please when Vee had suggested their friend walk her down the aisle. She’d wanted Wade to stand up for him as best man and insisted it was the more important role of the two. It had taken some convincing, but eventually Wade had seen the wisdom of the move. To say Morgan had been thrilled with Vee’s request was an understatement. And as the two of them made their way the last few steps, his friend still had a proud smile on his face.

The ceremony went off without a hitch. There were photos and toasts and finger food, and Brent soon found himself separated from his new wife. People milled about on the lawn in their designer-best. Spotting Vee over on the terrace, he made his way across the lawn. Sneaking up behind her, he slid his arms around her waist and pulled her in close. “Are you having a good time?” he asked.

“It’s been the best date of my life.” Vee turned her head and kissed his jaw.

“I’m glad. I wasn’t sure you’d go for the whole Valentine’s Day wedding.”

“You do realise I accepted this date for a reason.”

“My good looks and charm?”

“Mm, those are certainly a bonus. But what I’m after is a second date.”

“A second date?”

“Same time next year?”

“You want to do this again?” Brent glanced around them.

“Well not quite this elaborate, but yes, same date every year for the rest of our lives.” She spun in his arms and stood on her toes to whisper in his ear. “And I’ll take your heart.”

“A lifetime of Valentine’s dates?” He pretended to ponder the request. “I suppose I can manage that, but I’m afraid I can’t let you take my heart. I have no control of that traitorous organ. It was stolen years ago and never returned.”

Vee laughed. “That was one of those sneak attacks I’m so good at.”

“Valentine Coleman, there was nothing sneaky about it. You marched right in and plucked that thing out like you owned it. And you do. Then, now, always.”

The End


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About the Author

Rhian Cahill is the alter ego of a stay-at-home mother of four. With motherly duties rapidly dwindling, Rhian is now able to make use of the fertile imagination that kept her sane for all those years of slavery. Spending some years living overseas and visiting tropical climates has helped inspire some steamy stories. Multi-published in erotic romance, Rhian (with the help of Mr. Muse) spends her days and nights writing. When not glued to the keyboard, you’ll find her with a book in hand avoiding housework as much as possible.

For more on Rhian, you can visit her website
, connect with her on Twitter @RhianCahill or visit her Facebook page
. You can also download Rhian’s free app from the iTunes or Google Play stores.


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ISBN: 9780857990280

Title: Valentine’s Dates

Copyright © 2013 by Rhian Cahill

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