Valentine Cowboys (11 page)

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Authors: Cat Johnson

BOOK: Valentine Cowboys
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Justus halted to a dead stop. “I’m not talking about just the rest of the week while she’s visiting her grandparents. I mean if she does get the job here, we can’t continue to do this. Eventually we’ll get caught and all of our lives will be ruined.”

“Maybe not. Blue was willing to accept you and I were gay as long as he didn’t see it. Surely that means he’d accept that we’re straight but are both with the same girl. Right?”

Justus screwed up his face. “Yeah, well, it’s not just Blue we have to worry about. It’s everybody else.”

Dakota had never seen Justus look so miserable. He had to do something to fix it. “Then I’ll bow out.”

“What?” Justus’s blond brows knit together.

“You and Melody can be together. Without me.”

“No.” Justus shook his head. “Our agreement—”

“We fulfilled our agreement. We were both with her. She didn’t break up our friendship. She didn’t choose one of us over the other. We’re not fighting over her, I’m simply bowing out.”

“Why? You don’t like her?” Justus’s voice rose.

“Of course I like her.” Dakota let out a short laugh at the understatement. “I like her a lot, but I won’t die without her. I’m not so sure about you.”

Justus frowned. “That’s not true.”

“Don’t look so insulted. I’m just saying you two might have something real and I’m not going to stand in your way.”

“You’re not standing in my way.”

“Justus, this is a gift. It’s what you’ve always wanted. Accept it and be grateful.” Dakota turned and started walking. He expected Justus to run up behind him and say something. He didn’t.

Out of the corner of his eye, Dakota saw Justus pause and pull out his cell phone. He was probably calling Melody to tell her the good news that the two of them could be together without him. That was fine. Good. Exactly what he’d wanted. Dakota let out a sigh and kept walking.

“Dakota! Hold up.”

He stopped walking as Justus jogged toward him. There was a deep frown creasing his brow. “Melody texted me.”

Dakota waited. “And?”

Justus held the phone out toward him and Dakota read the text.
I didn’t get the job

He blew out a long slow breath. “I’m sorry, Justus. I know you wanted her to stick around.”

Justus shook his head. “No, I’m sorry for her sake because she needed that job, but it’s better in the long run, I think. She’s smart. She’ll find a job in the city, I’m sure. This way neither one of us is with her. It’s better.”

“Justus, I told you I’m fine with it—”

“I heard you the first time. Look, I’m going to text her back and tell her we want to see her again tonight. Both of us.” Justus accentuated the word
. “You okay with that?”

Dakota smiled. Justus was obviously sticking to their pact. Both of them would be with her or neither of them would. “Yeah, I’m okay with that. She’s probably going to need the cheering up.”

“That’s what I figured. Where are we going to take her though?” Justus glanced back at the calving shed. “We can’t bring her back here.”

“No, definitely not. If no calves are coming and we can get away for a few hours tonight, I say we head to that hotel on the highway. We both have money saved up, so paying for it won’t be a problem.” Dakota liked the idea of having Melody totally naked between them in an actual bed.

Plenty of room and privacy. A whole night would be better, but whatever time they could steal would do.

“All right. I’ll ask her. Unless you want to ask.” Justus held his phone out toward him again.

Even though Dakota had essentially backed out of this and given Justus freedom to pursue Melody on his own, Justus was still making sure Dakota was included equally in anything that happened with her. That was Justus for you. Good and loyal, right down to the bone.

Dakota shook his head and pushed the phone back toward Justus. “No, it’s fine. You can ask her, but make sure you tell her I’m very sorry about her not getting the job.”

“I will,” Justus said. “And we can both tell her again tonight, in person.”

“Yes, we will.”

That’s not all they’d be doing in person. Yeah, Dakota was perfectly willing to bow out gracefully and let his best friend be alone with the girl he’d been in love with since fifth grade, but as long as Justus still invited Dakota to join them, he’d be a fool to say no. Dakota’s mama didn’t raise no fool.

They’d both do a whole lot more to console her than just tell her they were sorry if Dakota had anything to say about it. They may be sending Melody back to her parents in the city still jobless, but she’d certainly know there were two cowboys back on the ranch who cared about her. That had to count for something.

Chapter Nine


Melody lay facedown on the bed in the guest room in her grandparents’ house. She’d have to get up eventually. Her grandmother would wonder where she was and why she was hiding in her room all day. She would also notice Melody’s red, puffy eyes. She’d been crying on and off ever since she’d gotten the call from Mrs. Stowe that morning.

It wasn’t exactly a shock the school had chosen to go with the applicant who had actual teaching experience over the unemployed graduate with the apparently useless degree in art history and no practical experience of any kind, but it still hurt.

Now what?

She forced herself to sit up and swung her feet over the edge of the bed and to the floor. Now, she’d get up and get dressed. She’d put on some makeup to cover her red nose and go meet Justus and Dakota, that’s what she’d do.

Melody flipped open her phone and read that day’s text-message exchange between them. They wanted to see her tonight to cheer her up. Life still sucked, but if anything could help her forget that for even a little while, it would be Justus and Dakota. She smiled when she reread all the messages again. At least five times throughout the day a new text had come through from Justus’s phone.

Dakota and I are thinking of you.

Can’t wait to see you tonight.

Cheer up. We both luv ya!

Each and every one had brought fresh tears to her eyes. Two of the nicest guys in the world and she’d be saying goodbye to them in a few days. Swiping her hand over the moisture in her eyes once again, Melody got up and headed for the shower.

A little flutter started inside her stomach as she stripped naked and stepped beneath the hot stream of water. She’d be naked again soon enough and pressed in between the two men. That thought chased away her tears as nervousness combined with excitement replaced sadness.

Dakota’s hands and mouth would be all over her, pushing her to places she’d never known she wanted to go. Justus would be there with kisses and loving strokes that soothed her and made her want to lean in for more. Both of their cocks would be inside her again. Her face flushed when she thought of all the ways they would take her tonight. Her muscles clenched in anticipation. She still felt deliciously sore from last night. All the sensation did was make her want more. Make her want to be filled again.

As she soaped up her hand and washed herself, inside and out, she pictured them with her here under the stream hitting her back. Justus in front of her, his soapy hands running up and down her body as he kissed her. Dakota at her back, his slippery cock teasing her from behind. Her legs wrapped around Justus’s hips as he held her weight in his hands and plunged inside her. Dakota stepping up and teasing her hole with a finger before sliding his cock inside her ass. Being between these two incredible men and feeling the overwhelming sensation of being totally and completely taken once again.

Justus had mentioned going to a hotel, and asked her if that would be all right with her. Realizing they actually could all shower together there, that her fantasy could easily become reality, she closed her eyes and let the pulsing heat of the water against her skin wash away any last remnants of her depression.

Melody heard the chime on her cell phone sound and smiled. She didn’t need to even reach out of the shower stall to where she’d left it on the sink to know who it would be from. Justus and Dakota were thinking of her, just as she was thinking of them.

How had she gotten so lucky? She didn’t know but she’d hold on to whatever happiness she could find for as long as she could.

* * * *


A little nervous, Melody drove up to the tiny hotel along the highway outside of town where they’d told her to meet them. Their truck was already there. Comforted by the sight, she immediately felt a surge of relief. She should have known they wouldn’t leave her waiting alone in a strange place.

As if it had been choreographed, both truck doors swung open in unison and two cowboys ducked their hat-covered heads and stepped out. Her heart picked up speed and an uncontrollable smile bowed her lips.

“Hey.” Justus smiled. He ran a hand down her arm and leaned in for a quick kiss on her cheek.

Dakota, always the darker of the two men in both coloring and mood, was a little more serious than Justus now. He glanced around them and held up a key. “Let’s get on inside.”

He was worried about them being seen. She probably should have been the one worried about that. Instead, she was too busy being overwhelmed by the mere presence of the two men. What exactly was it about them that got to her? Was it because what they did together felt as wrong as it did right? Or was it just them—these two incredible men who for some strange reason both wanted her?

Melody couldn’t think more about it because the moment the door closed with all three of them inside, Dakota’s mouth covered hers. With a moan, he pulled her closer and plunged his tongue between her lips. Then he pulled back and glanced at Justus. “Take off your coat and kiss her. I’m getting naked.”

Breathless, as much from his kiss as his proclamation, Melody let her coat drop and fell easily into Justus’s arms. As her eyes drifted closed from Justus’s kiss, she heard the unmistakable sound of Dakota’s boots hitting the floor, one at a time. She could picture him peeling them off and dropping them, one by one. Then he’d move to stripping off his jeans.

Meanwhile, there was an amazing man right in front of her. Justus grabbed her hips and pulled them closer, pressing her against the evidence of how happy he was to be there.

Justus broke the kiss and leaned his forehead against hers. “I’m very happy to see you.”

She smiled. “I’m happy to see you, too.” She’d be even happier after he’d shucked the clothing and she could see all of him. All of his hard muscles and sharp lines.

“I’m sorry about the job.” The sincerity was evident in his tone, but she didn’t want to talk about that now.

Melody pressed a finger to his lips. “Shh. No talk about that. How about the two of us get naked, too. Dakota’s way ahead of us.”

She glanced over and sure enough, there were the tight white cheeks of Dakota’s ass facing her as he bent to pull down the bedspread and sheets. She couldn’t help but notice the strip of condoms and the tube of lube already on the nightstand. Her insides clenched at the sight.

Glancing up, she saw Justus was staring at the same thing. He must be realizing it too, that tonight felt different than the other times they’d been together. In the truck when they’d all tasted of beer and had been fully dressed as well as in winter coats in the near total darkness, even the incredible orgasms she’d had, hadn’t felt serious. It had been more like the fumbling high school encounters she’d had with boys, only they’d never known what to do to her body like Dakota and Justus did.

And last night in the dimly lit calving shed with the scent of cows surrounding them and half of their clothes still on, it hadn’t seemed as serious as tonight either. It hadn’t felt real. Not like this.

Here there was an actual bed and bright lights. Here they were getting completely naked. No hiding behind clothing. They’d all be totally exposed in front of each other.

Tonight the guys, her guys, both smelled of the same clean soap and aftershave. They’d done that for her. For this. Just as she’d showered and took extra time getting ready for them.

Dakota landed naked on the mattress with a bounce and folded his arms behind his head. “Uh, you two are way overdressed. What are you waiting for?”

His grin, and the angle of his erection as it pointed directly at the ceiling, had Melody smiling.

“I don’t know.” Next to her, Justus laughed. He glanced at her. “Ready?”

She nodded. Justus reached down and grabbed the hem of her shirt. He pulled it over her head. After tossing her top onto the only chair in the small room, he reached for the button on her jeans.

He leaned low and pressed his mouth close to her ear. “Kick off your shoes.”

After he said the words, Justus took her earlobe between his teeth and pulled gently. That caused a tug that ran straight through her, all the way down to her pussy, clenching and begging to be filled. Her eyes drifted closed and she tilted her head to the side. Justus took advantage of that and ran the flat of his tongue down her throat.

A low moan left Melody’s throat and she felt him smile against her neck. “You like that.”

She nodded.

“Good.” He abandoned her neck to push her jeans down her legs. She stepped out of them to stand before the two men in nothing but bra and panties.

“You’re still dressed.” She ran her hands over the front of his shirt.

He gazed down at her. “I guess we better do something about that.”

Melody began unbuttoning his shirt until his strong lean chest and stomach were exposed. She slid the shirt down his arms and tossed it to join hers. “You better sit down and get rid of those boots.”

Justus sat and Melody kneeled in front of him. She reached down and pulled off each of his boots. There was something very intimate about the act. Meanwhile, she was very aware they weren’t alone. That Dakota lay on the bed, slowly stroking himself and watching her and Justus’s every move.

A part of Melody was getting into being watched. She upped it another notch by opening Justus’s belt buckle and sliding his zipper down. She freed him of the jeans. Still on her knees, she was eye level with his erection when it sprung up after being released from the confines of his underwear.

She slid his length between her lips and Justus’s eyes drifted shut. Angling her head just enough so she could see Dakota on the bed, she caught his gaze and held the eye contact as she slid Justus’s cock in and out of her mouth.

Dakota’s lips parted as his eyes narrowed, watching her. He stroked himself as she stroked Justus and she was more turned on than she’d ever been. Feeling brave, Melody released Justus from her mouth and wet her finger in her mouth. His legs were spread wide and he was slumped low in the chair. It was easy enough for her to slide her slick finger back and find his tight hole. She circled it, then pressed just the tip inside.

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