Valan's Bondmate (26 page)

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Authors: Mardi Maxwell

BOOK: Valan's Bondmate
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Valan’s hips jerked forward as he thrust into her, harder and deeper, until he was afraid he would hurt her, but still he couldn't stop. His spine tingled, his buttocks tightened, and he exploded into her. The force of it nearly sent him to his knees. Shaking, he lowered her to the floor and held them both up while he tried to catch his breath.

Lia yawned, and he chuckled, pulled her from the shower, dried her, and then himself. She loosened her braid, then wrapped a drying cloth around her wet hair. He led her to the bed and slid her under the fur covering and joined her.

"When you wake up you’re drinking a glass of milk."

Lia gagged then giggled before she cuddled up to him and fell asleep.

He wrapped her in his arms and thought about what she'd told him. He'd yearned for a mate and children of his own. Knowing she loved him after all he'd done to her humbled him. He yawned and closed his eyes.



They woke thirty micro-units later and had to rush around and dress for their evening with Cam and Minda. Valan brushed the tangles from Lia's hair, braided it, and tied another ribbon with tassels to the bottom of the braid. He hurried her down the stairs and out of the house, only slowing when they reached the gate to Cam and Minda's home.

Lia looked at the house and giggled. It was the strangest house she’d ever seen, and looked like a huge humped-back bug squatting on the ground. A set of stairs led to an arched door with oval windows on either side. Lia thought they looked like an open mouth and staring eyes. Several balconies sprouted from its sides at different levels.

"Don't laugh, Lia. I know it looks like a monster from a child's nightmare. I told Cam it would when he designed it but he wouldn't listen to me."

"It's uh, fascinating."

"That's one word for it. I offered to try and fix it for him, but he said he was used to it now."

As they climbed the stairs and rang the bell, she asked him, "Do you really think it can be fixed?"

"Only if he tore it down and started over." When the door opened, they wiped the smiles from their faces and turned to greet Minda.

She laughed. "You get used to it after a while."

Lia fell against Valan and laughed while Valan tried to keep the smile from his face. Cam came to the door and glared at them.

"Stop laughing at my house." He pushed Minda onto the front portico and closed the door with a snap. Taking her hand, he led them away from the house. At the gate, Minda stopped and looked back. "You have to admit it's probably the most unusual house on Zarronia."

"Minda, you're perfect for me." Cam squeezed her hand and the four of them chose the shortest path to the marketplace.

After looking in several shops they got discouraged, unable to find anything suitable for dancing. The gowns were either too long and tight or too short. When Minda suggested they could cut slits in the skirts of the longer gowns, Cam told her she would do no such thing.

"But, Cam, we can't move in the kind of gowns we're wearing without embarrassing ourselves. We need something looser but longer."

The debate went on for several minutes until Valan led them into a shop across the courtyard that sold children’s clothing. He went through a rack of boys' pants and found a pair and held them up while motioning to Lia. Holding them against her waist, he grinned. Cam watched for a moment, then started going through the rack until he found a pair for Minda.

Valan handed the pants to Lia.  "Go try them on."

She took them and disappeared into a dressing room. When she came out, he frowned and shook his head. The pants fit her like a second skin, outlining every delicate curve. When she turned around and he saw how they hugged her bottom, he ordered her back into the dressing room to wait for him. He chose another pair and took them to her. She was bent over, pushing the pant legs off her feet when he entered. The view of her plump rounded ass was fantastic.

Forcing himself to keep his hands off her, he held the pants open while she pulled them up her legs and fastened them. One of her hands held her gown up out of the way, while she used the other to balance herself on his shoulder. Valan decided this pair fit better. They were baggy on her bottom and legs. He grunted his approval.

"I'll need a shirt. Something baggy."

Valan left the dressing room. When he returned he handed her a shirt. She put it on then twirled around for him. The shirt came to her knees and was split on both sides almost to her waist. Valan smiled then pulled her out of the dressing room.

Minda came out of a dressing room in an identical outfit. "This is perfect, Lia. And, so comfortable," Minda said as she moved to stand next to her.

Valan and Cam studied them.

"You may wear the clothes only at the gymnasium, Minda," Cam said.

"Valan?" Lia asked.

"We will purchase them. Go take them off and put your gown back on."

After they paid for their purchases, Valan and Cam would have left the marketplace, but Lia and Minda spotted the bakery. Before the warriors could lead them away they chose several sweet rolls and some juice.

Valan paid the baker. Determined to leave the market, he ordered her to follow him. Minda wandered to a bench, sat down and began devouring the sweets. Lia shrugged, glanced at Valan's back, and sat down beside Minda to eat her roll. Two large shadows appeared in front of them.

Lia looked up and smiled, her lips covered with sticky honey. Valan leaned down, kissed the honey away, and took a seat next to her.

"I gave you an order."

"I can't eat and walk, Valan."

"From now on every time you displease me, I'm going to extend our agreement to another room in the house. Starting with the dining room. This cycle." Smugly, he relaxed on the bench, and stretched his arms along the back of it as he observed the other shoppers.

"That was not our agreement." Nervously, she glanced at Cam and Minda. They were listening to every word.

"When we get home, I’m going to spank you for arguing with me in public."

"All right, I agree, but not willingly!" Her mind ran in circles as she tried to think of a way out of this new situation. It wouldn't be very many cycles before she wouldn't be able to argue with him in any room of the house. She'd have to get him to agree to some rules. "I agree you can extend the agreement to another room, but only if I can eat broc—."


"Those things around you." When he began to disagree, she quickly added, "And, I'll drink the milk willingly!"

"Done," Valan said. "Let's go home."


Chapter Eleven



Four cycles later they left for Lanteria. The journey usually took eleven cycles. They made it in four, and Valan and the engineers were very pleased with the performance of the new engines.

Lia and Minda were free to explore the starship without escorts. They'd spent three cycles going from one level to another, and peeking into the rooms they found. The previous cycle, they'd discovered the diplomatic quarters. Each suite was comprised of four rooms. A living space, a dining area, and two bedchambers with attached bathing chambers. They also had huge viewing screens showing the stars from all sides of the starship.

Now, on the sun rising of the fourth cycle, they stood on the bridge and watched as the Invincible approached Lanteria. It was a sickly shade of yellow and reminded Lia of stinkgoat milk and how Valan was taking advantage of their new agreement.

He prepared all of her food trays, and always included a glass of the detested milk. If she wanted to complain, she had to stand in the hallway and yell into the dining room at him. He only laughed at her behavior and ordered her to eat. She couldn't count the number of times she'd heard Valan say Doctor Veeson said it was good for her and she had to drink it.

"Lia?" Valan placed his hands on her shoulders. "Go to our quarters and pack our clothes. As soon as I secure the ship, I'll come get you and we'll take a shuttle to the surface."

"We aren't going to transfer to Lanteria?"

"No. I want to have a shuttle available in case we need it."

"Lanteria doesn't look very, uh, nice. Is it like Zarronia?"

"No. It's a lot different from Zarronia. And, I have a list of orders for you." He heard her groan and grinned. "You will obey me in this. It's very important. Now, go pack."

She finished packing as he entered their quarters with Minda and Cam. They sat at the table, while Valan chose his usual place behind his desk, and beckoned to her. She glanced at their guests and shook her head. He beckoned again. She mouthed "no" and stubbornly sat down on the bed.

"Now, Lia." Then, craftily added, "I've decided our agreement covers our quarters on my starship."

"It does not!" She couldn't believe his audacity.

"It does now, and you're in the bedchamber and can't argue with me."

"You are in the den and our agreement doesn't cover the den."

"It will soon, if I have to come to the bedchamber to get you."

Huffily, she rose and went to him, stiffly allowing him to pull her on his lap. "You are impossible to deal with, barbarian."

He grinned and laughed when he glanced at Minda and Cam who were gaping at them. Lia blushed. "You know what I think? I think it isn't the law a bondmate has to sit on her mate's lap when they talk." She sent him a narrow-eyed glare.

Valan returned it with an amused grin. "My law is the only one that matters where you're concerned. Now, there are several laws I want you to follow while we're in Tarva. First, you will not go anywhere without me. Second, if I tell you to do something, you will do it without questioning me. Is that clear?"


"Good. One more thing, there are a lot of undesirables on Lanteria. You will not speak to anyone I have not introduced to you. Do you understand'?"


He scooted her off his lap, picked up the bag, and escorted her to the shuttle bay. Cam and Minda walked behind them, and she heard Cam giving the same warnings to Minda. Except he explained to Minda why she had to obey him. Valan never explained, he just ordered and expected her to obey.

A warrior stood by the door and nodded to Valan as they entered the shuttle. After they were seated, he closed the door, and sat down in the pilot’s seat. Valan took the seat next to him and Lia could see the pilot nodding his head as Valan spoke. Probably giving him a list of orders, as well, she thought. Suddenly she realized he treated her like one of his warriors. He ordered and she obeyed. He found a duty for her to perform and she was supposed to perform it without question or argument. She'd fallen right into his hands. All this time, she'd thought he was the one being trained when in fact she was the one being trained. By Valan! He looked back at her and she forced a big smile to her lips. 

He was very pleased she loved him, and he made her say the words again every chance he got, but he had yet to say them to her. Because, he didn't love her. She was like his saber-cat, She-Cat. Eirik told her Valan eventually set his pet free when She-Cat grew restless and unhappy. But, he couldn't set her free, so he'd decided to make her happy to stay with him. And, he succeeded most of the time.

He'd let her run, until she'd run right into his waiting arms. What a beast he was! As beastly as the one-eyed Witvian mindstealers he'd told her about. She may have lost her heart, but she hadn't lost her mind—yet. Commander Valan Eirikson was in for the battle of his life. He just didn't know it. He wanted an obedient bondmate, well, she would give him one and see how long he could stand it.

While she'd been sorting things in her mind they'd landed on Lanteria. Cam and Minda already exited the shuttle and were waiting for her and Valan to join them. She rose and stepped out onto the yellow ground. It was hot beneath her sandals and burned through to the bottoms of her feet. Even the air was hot and hard to breath. Valan stepped out, carrying their bag, and two small, black rods. He handed one to Cam and shoved the other one into his vest. "Cam, you lead the way. Lia and Minda can walk between us, and I'll bring up the rear. Keep your guard up."

"Are we still going to No-Thumb's Tavern?"

"Yes. I already contacted him and told him we would need two rooms next to each other."

Cam nodded. As they left the shuttle field and entered what might have been the marketplace if not for all the taverns and gambling establishments. Lia studied her surroundings, amazed at the variety of people walking around and the amount of filth in the streets. Even Orm wasn't as noisy and dirty as this place.

There were people, or rather life forms, everywhere. Most of them appeared to be males but occasionally she saw a female who was obviously a pleasure giver. Lia heard several of the female’s call out a greeting to Cam and she felt sorry for Minda until the same females began calling out blatant invitations to Valan. She clenched her fists and tried to ignore them. 

She caught a small movement out of the corner of her eye. A pile of old furs lay in the shadow of a building. It moved again and slithered along the wall in the direction they were walking, keeping pace with them. As it drew near a horrible odor filled the air. She heard a hissing sound and thought it was coming from the furs, but suddenly a small smoking hole appeared in the path next to the furs. It screeched and fled back into the darkness. She looked behind her and saw Valan putting the small black rod back into his vest.

"It was a Lanterian mining spider. They're all over the place. If you look at one, it will follow you everywhere you go. Their smell makes them very unpopular."

"Do they bite?"

"No. They like to eat Lanterian rock for some reason and that's why they're called mining spiders. The Lanterians set them loose in the mines and let them dig, or rather eat the tunnels through the rock."

Lia shuddered then caught up to Minda and took her hand when she saw how upset she was by the females calling out to Cam. 

"Lia, I don't know what to do. All these females know Cam. I was hoping this trip would change things between us, but now I don't know."

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