Up to No Good (6 page)

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Authors: Carl Weber

BOOK: Up to No Good
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I smiled as I thought about just how easy this was. Sometimes, all I had to do was walk into a room and women were making moves on me. It’s like I gave off some sort of scent—Man Who Loves Women cologne—and it got their juices flowing immediately.

“You don’t want to go there with me,” I told her, and I wasn’t kidding. Just like any time a woman flirted with me, I got right to the point. I was always honest with women about my intentions, ever since I got busted lying to two women in high school. I wasn’t trying to hurt nobody just to get laid, so I never hid the fact that I wasn’t looking for a wife or even a girlfriend. I liked women—a variety of women—too much to give up my freedom.

The funny thing was, the truth got me much further
than the lies I ’d heard some men tell. Sure, some women walked away once they figured out I wasn’t going to get on the husband track, but many others seemed to welcome the challenge. This waitress was in that group.

“Oh, and why don’t I want to go there?” She hadn’t moved to get my sugar. “Maybe it’s the other way around and you don’t want to go there with me.”

“Is that right?” I flirted back. If a woman didn’t turn and run once I set out my rules, then I figured it was game on.

“Yep. I’m like a drug. Some people get addicted to cigarettes, some to drugs, or gambling, or whatever. But any man who’s ever had a taste of this ends up addicted to me.”

I like a woman with confidence, and I must say, this one had my imagination running wild with the things I planned to do to her once we got past these preliminary games. The way she was eyeing me, I already knew where this conversation would end up—in my bedroom.

“Yeah, I can say the same thing about myself,” I bragged. “I’ve never had a complaint department. Only satisfied customers.”

She laughed.

“Oh, you think I’m kidding?” I said. The self-satisfied smirk stayed on her face, so I explained, “I’m just try’na tell you I got skills of my own, so I ain’t one of those men you can whip it on and then I’ll be ready to take it to the next level.”

“Is that right?” she said, sounding doubtful.

“That’s right. I got one level and that’s that. I don’t chase after women. I don’t call. I’m just not a one-woman man.”

“Well, you ain’t had none of this yet,” she argued. “Once you try some of my sugar, you’re gonna change your tune.”

I shook my head. “I doubt it. I have yet to meet a woman with paradise between her legs.”

This woman was definitely excited by my challenge. I swear I saw her nipples harden through her uniform. I checked her name tag, which told me her name was Salli Reid. My eyes told me Salli Reid had it going on underneath that uniform. She might not have paradise between her legs, but I had no doubt it was still some treasure. She wasn’t traditionally beautiful, but she had legs that went all the way up to an ass so perfect you could sit a cup of coffee on it and it would stay hot all day long. Then she had this tiny waist, which reminded me of one of those old-fashioned cartoons, and a nice firm rack that I’m sure kept her tips coming.

I was quite sure she was telling the truth when she said, “I got guys I knew in high school still try’na get another taste.”

“Mmm-hmm,” I answered, allowing my eyes to roam freely over her figure. “I’m sure you do. But that’s not me, sweetheart.”

She stared me straight in the eyes, clearly up for my challenge. “You get a taste of this and I ain’t got to worry about you calling me.” She took a napkin off my table and wrote on it. She slid it to me and said, “I get off in an hour. Call me.” Then she finally went to get some sugar for my coffee—even though I wasn’t even interested in my breakfast now that I had such a tasty dessert to look forward to.

Before Salli came back with the sugar packets, another sister walked by, switching her ass on the way to be seated at a table. She gave me a subtle nod to let me know she liked what she saw, but I wasn’t interested.
This sister looked a little too young for my tastes. In my experience, it was the young ones who got attached. I preferred women like Salli, a little more mature in years and in attitude and less likely to become a problem when I hit it and quit it. Actually, if I had my choice, I ’d stick with married women. They were usually cool with one-night stands, because they already had their men at home to provide for all their other needs.

I wondered if Salli was married. When she came back with my sugar packets, I was happy to see that she was sporting a nice-sized diamond on her left hand. Yeah, this was gonna be fun.

“Here’s my address. I’m going home now, so if you want to stop by after you get off …,” I said as I wrote the address on a napkin.

“I’ll do that.” Salli licked her lips and grinned at me as she stuffed the napkin into her bra. “Are you ready to order?”

“Nah. I think I’ll skip breakfast. I got me a taste for something that’s not on the menu here.”

I got up, left a twenty-dollar tip on the table, and told her, “See you in an hour.”

“Hey, Daddy.”

When I got home to get the apartment ready for Salli’s visit, I found Jamie in my kitchen, cleaning out the fridge. It wasn’t enough that she had a live-in man and a full-time job at the real estate company I started in my late twenties; she still found the time to be up in my business and in my space. Because I loved her so much, I usually just let her behavior slide, but today was not the day. Salli had me worked up, and I was not about to miss an opportunity to get a piece of her.

“You got to go.” I picked up Jamie’s purse from the counter and slipped it on her shoulder.

“I’m not done.” She motioned to the fridge.

“Oh, you’re done. I got company coming.”

“Who?” Jamie put her hand on her hip like I deserved her attitude.

“Jamie, you’re not my keeper. Now, get out.” I tried to hustle her to the door, but she stood her ground.

“Daddy, why are you messing with these skanks?”

“We both know that you think being your father is a full-time job, but
, I’m also a man.”

“Oh, you’re not about to give me that ‘men have needs’ speech. I have heard it all before, Daddy.”

“Well, you’re not listening anyway. Don’t you have a man at home?”

“Why do you need these women?”

“Good-bye, Jamie.” I had no intention of letting her mess up my game, but she had no intention of giving up that easily.

“It’s not like you’re a kid. You’re too damn old to be sleeping with a different woman every night. What are you trying to prove?” Her voice kept getting louder, probably because she thought that was the best way to get me to give in. On any other subject, I might have, but when it came to me and my sex life, I had never let my daughter influence my choices, and I wasn’t about to start now. I pulled out my biggest weapon—her spending habits.

“Jamie, go home or go to work so you can stop sending me your credit card bills.”

“Fine.” She rolled her eyes, knowing she was defeated. “But you are still getting old, and sleeping around won’t make you any younger!” she yelled before storming out of the house.

I raced up to my room, changed the sheets, lit some candles and incense, and jumped in the shower. Salli would be here shortly, and I wanted to make sure I was clean and ready for all the dirty fun I planned to have.

Salli showed up a while later, still dressed in her uniform. I invited her in and slid her sweater off her shoulders.

“You feel a little tense,” I said. “I ran you a bath. Would you like to go relax in the tub for a while?”

“You don’t waste any time, do you?”

“Why should I? I told you what I was all about, didn’t I?”

“Yeah, you sure did,” she said with a smirk.

I took a step and pressed up against her, close enough that she could feel my body heat—and my package pressing against her backside. Her shoulders relaxed ever so slightly, and I figured things were ready to get started. That’s why she surprised me when she said, “I shouldn’t be doing this,” and took a step away from me.

“Oh, so you’re all talk?” I challenged.


“Then what’s the problem?” I glanced down at her ring finger. “I promise I won’t tell anyone.”

Her right hand instinctively covered her left to conceal the wedding ring. “That’s not it. I do what I want anyway.”

I seriously doubted that was true. There was no way a man with a wife as fine as Salli would willingly share her.

“Then what is it? You scared of this?” I asked with a glance down at my erection, which was straining to get
out of my pants at this point. “It’s okay if you just realized you’re in over your head. You wouldn’t be the first woman.”

“Oh, you think you’re all that?” I saw the sassiness coming back to her. What a relief. I was starting to think she was going to be more work than she was worth.

“I don’t think anything; I know it. Now, I let you know who I am, and if you can’t handle it, then let me walk you to the door.”

I moved toward the hallway, but instead of following me, she tossed her bag down on a chair and kicked off her shoes.

“Lead the way. As long as you recognize that this isn’t something you’re gonna want just once.”

“Yeah, once is usually enough.” I took her hand and led her up the stairs to my bedroom.

“Are you ready to be satisfied?” I breathed close to her ear. She nodded, and I sat her down on the bed and started to massage her feet.

I kissed her legs, working my way up. Once I reached the top, I slid her pantyhose off and nibbled the inside of her thighs. She whimpered, a combination of pleasure and anticipation. I could have brought her to orgasm right away, but I wanted to savor our time together, so I stood her up and led her into the bathroom.

“I’m going to take care of you,” I whispered, staring into her eyes.

I loved the way her ass was straining against the fabric of her uniform. Lord have mercy, this sister had the kind of body I loved, everything in the right place, and I couldn’t wait for her to let go and get loose.

“Why don’t I help you out of this uniform so you can get in the tub?”

She gladly obliged, and in no time, I was caressing
her smooth, creamy skin with scented oil while she bathed.

When she got out of the tub, I toweled her off, massaging her butt cheeks, the insides of her thighs, her stomach, and her breasts. I had Salli hollering my name before I even got undressed. I took off my clothes, lay her on the bed, and let my tongue take care of all her needs.

Salli had the kind of orgasm that let me know somebody was not handling his business at home. This was a woman in need. Once I slid on a condom and entered her, she let me know just how much she needed what I had to offer. She grabbed my ass, smashing me deeper inside of her, and screamed at me to give her more, harder, faster.

We went at it for nearly an hour in every imaginable position. Salli had at least four orgasms before I finally exploded into the condom. She flopped back onto the mattress looking completely satisfied and gazed up at me in a way that made my radar go up. I felt good, too, but I wasn’t about to lie down next to her and cuddle. That was never part of the deal.

“You got to get up. I have to go to work.” I threw my robe on, collected her clothing, and handed it to her.

“Damn, that’s kind of cold.” She rolled her eyes.

“No, just real. I told you this wasn’t gonna be some big romance. You said you could handle it,” I reminded her.

Reluctantly, she got up and began to dress. After a minute, she regained some of her confidence and told me, “I can handle it. You’re gonna be the one calling me for seconds.”

I didn’t bother to correct her. She’d been pretty good in bed, so I saw no need to hurt her feelings. She’d get the message loud and clear when she never heard from
me again. I ’d just have to find a new twenty-four-hour diner to have breakfast at.

“Thank you.” I walked her to the door, trying not to appear like I was hustling her out, although that’s exactly what I was doing.

I’m sure she was switching her ass all the way to her car, but I didn’t even bother to watch. As soon as I got my rocks off, you could twirl around naked and I ’d barely notice. It’s just the way I was, and I made no apology for it, especially since I never played like I was any different.

I jumped in the shower, then dressed and headed to the office, my body relaxed and ready for work.


Two weeks after my wedding fiasco, I was sitting in my dad’s living room, drinking Grey Goose from the bottle and “trying” to watch TV. I say trying because my father was getting his late-night exercise, and the way his “workout partner” was crying out, I could barely hear myself think. She was so loud that I almost felt embarrassed for her, but then again, this wasn’t the first woman who had snuck over here after ten for a booty call since I ’d moved in with my dad. This one was by far the loudest, though.

What I didn’t understand was how my father never got caught up in any drama, because he sure enough had himself one hell of a middle-aged harem. Tonight it was some woman who taught Bible study at the church, but what they were doing up there sure wasn’t godly.

Speaking of ungodly, I lifted the bottle and took a long, hard swig of the vodka. I swished the liquor around in my mouth, closing my eyes and savoring it, until an image of Keisha appeared in front of me. I wasn’t quite drunk yet, but I was definitely on my way. I ’d been drinking pretty heavily lately, but it still wasn’t
taking away the pain of what Keisha and Omar had done to me.

I know this sounds crazy, especially after what went down between her and Omar two weeks ago, but I missed Keisha. Don’t get me wrong; I hated her, but in some distorted, sick way, I missed her too. It was as if a piece of me was missing from my life, and deep down, I knew it was her. Now I knew why so many couples got back together after one of them got caught cheating. God, was I ever going to stop loving her? I swallowed the liquor and opened my eyes to erase the image of her face. I felt so alone.

I heard through the grapevine that Keisha had taken our honeymoon tickets and gone on vacation. Can you believe that crap? That heifer had a lot of nerve sitting out on some sandy Jamaican beach, drinking fruity cocktails out of coconut shells after her treacherous behavior had destroyed my life. I knew she was back now, because I ’d scoped out her car outside her job this afternoon, but she still hadn’t shown her face, not even around her own family.

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