Up From the Depths (27 page)

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Authors: J. R. Jackson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Horror, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Post-Apocalyptic

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: A Light Weight Machine Gun (LWMG) firing a 7.62mm bullet that can be belt fed, drum fed, vehicle mounted, tripod mounted, or hand carried. Popular in Rambo movies, the M60 has seen some modification over the years into the M60E3. The M60E3 has a shortened gas cylinder and an added a foregrip and integral bipod. This weapon is loosely based on the MG 42, the feared German machine gun of WWII.

M110 Semiautomatic Sniper System (SASS
): A highly modified SR25 rifle in use by US Army Ranger units and some Recon teams. Loosely based on the Stoner AR10 rifle which is an American made 7.62mm battle rifle.

: A grenade launcher attachment. This is an under the barrel, 40mm, pump action, breech loaded, single shot grenade launcher. Mounts under the M4 or the full size M16 as well as several other military rifles. Increases firepower of the individual soldier and removes the position of a dedicated grenadier within a squad or platoon. Replaced the single shot M79 grenade launcher from the Vietnam era.

: Heavier model SAW based on the M249 but chambered in 7.62mm, the same caliber as the M60. This medium weight machine gun can be belt fed, drum fed and has been seen with a box magazine attachment. See M249, SAW.

: (MK48 Naval designation) The Minimi, or SAW for Squad Automatic Weapon. A Belgian (FN) manufactured LWMG or Light Weight Machine Gun. It is currently adopted by US forces and several countries. This machine gun fires the 5.56mm round same as the M16/M4. Can be belt fed, drum fed, or magazine fed or adapted to use the M16/M4 magazine. Usually comes with a lightweight bipod attached to the forward gas piston. Purchased to replace the older, heavier M60 Light Weight Machine Gun (LWMG). See SAW.

M320 GLM
: Grenade Launcher Module (GLM). The M320 is replacing the M203 as a single shot grenade launcher. It can be mounted on almost any military rifle or used in a stand-alone configuration. The major differences between the M320 and the M203 is that the 320 has a side opening breach where the 203 has a slide forward breach for reloading and unloading and the 320 can be used without being attached to a rifle. See M203.

: Mutual Assured Destruction. One of the reasons that the Cold War never went ‘Hot.’ The MAD theory describes that in a nuclear exchange with relatively evenly matched opponents, there will be mutual levels of destruction, and therefore no real winner.

: Madigan Army Medical Center. Most military hospitals are referred to by abbreviations similar to this. Exceptions are Walter Reed, Bethesda, and so on.

: Mobile Auxiliary Surgical Hospital. Not exactly the television series by the same name. The last MASH was deactivated in 2006 and the equipment donated to Pakistan. It has been superseded by the Combat Surgical Hospital (CSH or cash). See CSH.

: Marine Pattern camouflage. Adopted by the USMC it contains a digital pattern style of camouflage, or ‘digi-pat’, with blends of green, tan, and gray.

MC-130 Combat Talon
: A four engine, propeller driven, cargo aircraft used by special operation services. Based on the C-130 Hercules transport, the MC-130 mission is the infiltration, pickup, and resupply of special operations forces, psychological operations support, and the air refueling of (primarily) special operations helicopter and tilt-rotor aircraft.

: Marine Expeditionary Unit.

: Multi-Function Display. A touch screen that allows the user to tap sections of the display to call up data

: Modular Integrated Combat/Communications Helmet. Yet another replacement for the Kevlar K-pot and an upgrade from the ACH. See ACH.

: Military Satellites. A slang term.

: Modified Helicopter. The upgraded version of the Army’s CH-47 Chinook cargo helicopter. Based on the original airframe design from the early 1960’s, the MH model was developed for special operations and its major difference is the capability for in flight refueling and the advanced electronic cockpit.

: Modified Helicopter. A heavily modified UH-60 Black Hawk utility helicopter. It is designed for the insertion of special operation forces and differs mainly in electronics and in-flight refueling capability. It is equipped with at least 2-.50 caliber machine guns or miniguns in door mounts. Other weapon systems and Mission Support Stores in pods can be added or used as needed. Some of the ‘sling wings’ (helicopter pilots) also call this helicopter the ‘Cat Fish’.

: The M134 (7.62mm) or M214 (5.56mm) Automatic Gun is sometimes referred to as a Minigun. Originally developed for use mounted in and on helicopters and light aircraft. Like most General Electric Gatling gun type weapons it has six rotating barrels and the potential for an absolutely incredibly high rate of fire. It is electrically driven, and has a firing rate that can be adjusted from 1000 rpm (Rounds Per Minute) all the way up to an unbelievable 10,000 rpm (yes, that’s 10,000 rounds per minute). It is usually in 7.62mm caliber, but other models (M61 Vulcan) are 20mm mounted in fighter aircraft such as the F-15, F-16, and F-18.

: Mark 19 Automatic Grenade Launcher. A belt fed 40mm, automatic grenade launcher capable of firing over 350 grenades a minute to a range of 2200 meters.

: Highly modified version of the venerable M60 or M60E3 Light Weight Machine Gun (LWMG) used specifically by Naval Special Warfare (NSW) units. See M60, NSW.

: Highly modified version of the M249 SAW used specifically by NSW and special operations units. See NSW, M249, SAW.

: Mission Oriented Protective Posture. Chemical, Biological, Radiological protective garment that is issued to military personnel when there is a possibility of operating within one or all of those environments. There are 4 levels to MOPP. Level 1 is the suit, hood, boots, gloves, and mask carried in their deployment pouch. Level 2 is the suit worn but not sealed. Level 3 is the suit, boots, and gloves worn. Level 4 is everything worn and the suit sealed. Not a very comfortable garment to wear for any length of time.

: Military Occupation Specialty. the alpha numerical designation for the job one does while in the US Military

: Military Operations, Urban Terrain. Combat within an urban area i.e., cities. Some installations have training areas that resemble small towns with actual buildings although not normally with paved streets or actual glass in the windows. These training areas are designed to teach soldiers how to operate within built up areas.

: Military Police. Sometimes referred to as ‘Mud Puppies’.

: German Heckler and Koch submachine gun. The Machine Pistol version 5 comes in various calibers from 9mm, .40 caliber to .45 caliber. There are 168 variations and 7 different trigger groups. The MP5 is used globally by police, military and paramilitary units.

: Machine Pistol Version 5 Naval variant, which has the Naval trigger group.

: Machine Pistol Version 5. Made by the German firm of Heckler and Koch, this model has an integral suppressor meaning the suppressor is part of the actual barrel not an add-on attachment.

: Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle.

: Meals, Ready to Eat. Jokingly referred to as Meals Rejected by Ethiopians or Meals Ready to be Expelled. The U.S. Military ration pack replacement for the traditional ‘C’ rations. It comes in a thick brown or tan plastic envelope, which has a complete meal inside including flatware, seasonings, moist towelette, chewing gum and matches. Some menu choices leave a lot to be desired. An MRE has the recommended daily amount of calories and vitamins in each packet, and rumor has it that they are supposed to be good for you.

: German Heckler and Koch rifle patterned after the G3 military rifle but normally has a heavy match barrel, bipod, and usually a mounted scope. This rifle is favored by several special operations and police forces globally for its accuracy and dependability.

: National Aeronautical and Space Administration. Agency responsible for the United States Space Program and tracking mostly civilian satellites.

: National Emergency Airborne Command Post. Pronounced ‘kneecap’. Also known as the National Airborne Operations Center (NAOC). Pronounced ‘NAY-OCK’. This is a highly modified Boeing 747B (E-4B) containing communications and other equipment that allows the President, Vice President, Secretary of Defense, or other civilian official in the chain of command to direct operations. There are four EA-4B Advanced Airborne Command Post aircraft known to exist known as project Nightwatch. Sometimes referred to as the Doomsday plane. See E-6 Mercury.

: National Command Authority. The President of the United States (POTUS). Generally a term used by military forces. See POTUS.

: Non-Commissioned Officer. Any enlisted personnel who have achieved the rank of E4 resulting in the rank of Petty Officer 3rd Class or Sergeant depending on the branch of service.

: The National Military Command Center. Referred to as ‘NIMIC.’ It is located at the Pentagon and is responsible for issuing Emergency Action Messages (EAM) to launch control centers, submarines, recon aircraft, and battlefield commanders. NMCC provides continuous support, intelligence, communication, and monitoring of all communications, electronic activity, and systems to ensure minimum connectivity for the Single Integrated Operational Plan (SIOP) execution, worldwide monitoring and crisis management. This allows the JCS up to the minute status on all US armed forces and their capabilities. See JCS.

: Night Optical Device. Sometimes referred to as ‘NOGs’ for Night Optical Goggles.

: Nap of the Earth. Flying an aircraft as low to the ground as possible to mask its sound signature and avoid radar detection or to evade other hostile aircraft/missiles. Some aircraft have terrain following radars and other electronic navigational aids specially designed to allow this type of flight.

: Flame retardant material used in aviation flight suits and other items of clothing such as flight gloves.

: Naval Special Warfare. Encompasses SDV, SEAL Teams, and SWCC units. See SDV, SEAL, SWCC.

: Night Vision Goggles.

: Operational Detachment Alpha. Also referred to as a ‘A-Team.’ A small, tactical operations group within US Army Special Forces usually consisting of 10-12 personnel.

: Operational Detachment Bravo. Known as a ‘B-Team.’ Usually a support unit or larger operational unit supporting the ODA, usually consisting of 12-24 personnel. See ODA.

: Operational Detachment Charlie. Known as a ‘C-Team.’ Usually a support/command element that supports both the ODA and ODB during deployments. This could be by way of COMMO (Communications), vehicles, artillery, heavy weapons, or a combination of all of these. See ODA, ODB.

: Olive Drab. A color commonly found or referred to within a military environment. A shade of green.

: Eisenhower E Office Building (EEOB). Formerly known as the Old Executive Office Building (OEOB). Originally, it was the State, War, and Navy Building, is an office building in Washington, D.C. across the street from the White House. The building is maintained by the General Services Administration and occupied by the White House Office of Administration/Executive Office of the President. It is also rumored to be a hub for a vast underground tunnel network that connects several key buildings.

: Officer in Charge. Known as the 1-IC. Usually a term used within the NSW/SPECOPS community as the average SEAL Team consists of an OIC and 2IC conventionally, a Lieutenant and a Lieutenant Junior Grade (LTJG). See NSW, SPECOPS, SEAL.

Petty Officer
: Enlisted rank of maritime service branches, Navy, and Coast Guard. Rank structure is roughly equivalent to ground force ranks. Petty Officer 3rd Class is similar to a Specialist or Corporal (E-4). Petty Officer 1st Class is similar to a Sergeant First Class.

: President of The United States.

: Primary Flight Control. The air traffic control center on warships, specifically aircraft carriers or helicopter assault ships.

: German Heckler and Koch 7.62mm match grade semiautomatic rifle. Similar to the HK MSG3 in caliber but having many cosmetic design changes regarding the pistol grip, rifle barrel, and magazine capacity.

: Rigid Hull Inflatable (Boat). Pronounced as ‘rib.’ One size up from the Inflatable Boat, Small, (IBS), can sometimes be referred to as an IBM, or Inflatable Boat, Medium. Sometimes generically referred to as a ‘RHIB’. Due to their size, these cannot be stored aboard a submarine.

: Reduction in Force. A federal program that studied officers and units, and then made decisions on what units would be disbanded and what officers would be given an early retirement as they were deemed to be non mission essential.

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