Up All Night Long: From Lust to Love (Romance Anthology) (20 page)

BOOK: Up All Night Long: From Lust to Love (Romance Anthology)
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He wanted her too.

Chapter 23


"Congratulations, coach." Kari reached over and rubbed his large shoulder, Jake turning and pulling her into a hug in the middle of the crowd. He lifted her off her feet as the crowd around them went wild. Bar Harbor had been crowned champions of the northeastern high school basketball conference, and Jake as their coach got a standing accolade. He set her down and she laughed, the smile on her face almost hurting as she enjoyed his victory alongside him.

Things started to settle, Jake taking her hand and moving them out of the gym. He turned to wave at a few of the boys that called after him. Squeezing his hand, she moved in closer to his side.

"Damn that was fun." He laughed and held the door open for her.

"Winning always is."

"Nah... I mean it is, but playing is the fun part. Seeing what you're capable of no matter what odds are stacked against you." He looked down at her and tugged her closer. "Let's go change and head downtown. I want to show you some of the little shops and stuff. My mom loves it here. I'm thinking you'll like it too."

Kari smirked. "Oh yeah? I look like a shopper?"

He laughed, opening her door. "All women are shoppers. Some just having figured out what they like to shop for."

The ride to the hotel was quick, Jake picking at her the whole time. She tried not to imagine the shower being for both of them - together. He pulled up and they parked, getting out and walking to the hotel. He reached for her hand and looked over at her.

"I'm not sure being friends first is going to work. I can't seem to keep my hands off of you."

She laughed, walking into the small hotel and shaking her head at him. "You've actually yet to put your hands on me, though I keep imagining what it might be like."

He looked down at her, pulling her to a halt as he softly growled. He tugged her toward him, and leaned down, his lips by her ear as his hands slid over her hips and around the full curve of her butt, grabbing softly and pulling her closely. "Tonight you'll know exactly how they feel. I'm going to memorize every inch of you with my hands, my lips, my teeth..."

He brushed his lips by her cheek as her blood began to boil, the strong grasp of his hands on her backside causing her imagination to run wild, her body to ache with a violent pulsing tick that ran through her stomach. She turned her head slightly, her lips by his ear. She leaned in and kissed it softly, her tongue brushing by the opening as a soft moan left her.

He pulled her tightly against him and turned his head, capturing her lips again. She pulled back, realizing that they were still in the lobby of the hotel. His eyes followed her as she moved from him, looking over her shoulder and shaking her head.

"We're in trouble."

He laughed and walked to the front desk, the male attendant's eyes wide and cheeks flushed. Jake pulled out a card and laid it on the desk in front of him. "I need to check in."

The guy looked from Jake to Kari and muttered something as Kari moved up and pulled Jake's arm, getting his attention.

"I already have my room. There's no reason for you to pay for one too."

He looked at her for a minute, seeming to search for acceptance over what might happen if they stayed together for the night. She met his gaze head on and held his stare. She knew what would happened and lamented internally that it wasn't happening now instead of tonight.

He turned back to the attendant who held Jake's card suspended in the air, a look of question on his young face. Jake took the card and nodded at the guy. "Never mind."

The guy chuckled as Kari pulled her room key from her purse and reached for Jake's hand. They slipped in the elevator as he turned to her, a look of lust spilling across his handsome features.

"Let me take a quick shower and we'll go. If we start anything I'm going to devour you. Let's go eat and let me show you around and then tonight if you're willing - if you want me - I'm all yours."

She swallowed hard, nodding and taking a shaky breath. It had been a year since she'd shared her body with anyone. She wasn't even sure she remembered what to do or how to do it well. His thumb rubbed hers absently, the concentrated look on his face making him all the sexier.

They walked to the room as Kari moved up to unlock the door. Jake's hand slid around her hips, his fingers splayed along her stomach as he pressed himself to her back. His arousal apparent and shoving her to a whole new level of desire. She groaned and pressed back against him as he leaned forward and licked the column of her neck.

"Fuck dinner..." he whispered.

She reached back and swatted his thigh, opening the door and moving in the room before turning around to face him. He walked in with intent, his hands reaching for her as she laughed.

"No. Go get in the shower and we'll spend time together later. I want to enjoy the night and it's six o'clock. Go get in the shower."

He smiled and took a step back, pulling off his hoodie and tossing it across the room. "Okay... but it's already six. We're just wasting time with dinner when all we'll be doing is making love to each other in our heads."

"Shower." She pointed, hoping that he wouldn't take anything else off in front of her.

He pulled at the edge of his black T-shirt, pulling it over his head and leaving the beauty of his upper body on display. A full eight-pack lined his stomach, the thick muscles of his arms and chest perfect, lean, and yet well defined. A light brush of dark hair covered his chest, his stomach, and dipped down into his black pants. She took a deep breath and another step back.

"Shower," she whispered, her eyes taking in as much as she could.

He laughed and turned to walk to the shower, stopping to push his pants off, his shorts, and the tiny black jock strap he wore. His back was more brilliant than his chest, large strong muscles bunched as he worked himself out of his clothes. He looked back and smirked, his body on display for her as she stood there, her jaw dropping.

"Okay, shower." He walked away, his confidence breathtaking.




Jake smirked as he walked into the bathroom, his game dangerous. He'd decided that if they were going to do this, he was going all in. Getting hurt over a shallow relationship that never really took off wasn't going to fly. He was going to limp away from her if things didn't work out. First things, first - he wanted to know more about her. Her history. Who she was. If she had more siblings. How she was raised and what she believed.

A close second would be taking her into his arms and melding his body into hers. He knew no better way to express how he felt than making love to a woman. Taking the time to make her shake, make her back arch and her legs tighten around him. He groaned and got in the shower, trying to rush through washing himself just so he could get back to her. If she didn't want to be intimate that night he'd hold back, but by the fire in her eyes he'd noticed moments ago, it wouldn't be long.

He closed his eyes and imagined her against the tall windows of the upper bedroom at the old Manor property, her body bare and her legs wrapped around him as he pressed her perfect back and full rear against the glass, losing himself deep inside of her. He turned off the shower, reaching for the towel and looking down his body, cursing the demand of his hormones to lay waste to the room just beyond him and claim the beautiful woman in it as his own. He wrapped a towel around his waist and walked out into the bedroom, Kari looking up from her phone as she sat on the bed.

"That's not fair." She huffed and remained seated. She was stronger than him. He'd have already walked across the room to her. He smirked and reached for his bag, throwing it over his shoulder and walking toward the bathroom.

"What's not fair?"

"You coming out here wet in nothing but a towel."

He laughed. "You're lucky I wore the towel."

She bit at her lip, the sound of the bathroom door shutting doing nothing to ease the desire that pulsed through her veins. He was by far the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. His body was honed for long nights of sex, his smile capable of making her feel far more precious than she was. Kari got up and walked to her bag, pulling her shirt over her head and dropping her pants. She slipped into a white cotton dress, her feet sliding into simple sandals. It wasn't warm enough outside for the outfit, but she'd use it as a reason to snuggle into him. She wanted to bring one outfit that made her feel good about herself, even though she hadn't expected him to be there.

She reached up and let down her hair, running her fingers through it as he walked back in the room, a soft whistle through his teeth catching her attention. She turned as he moved toward her, his black hair wet, his upper body bare. His jeans fit perfectly, the small space around his waist drawing her attention. Her fingers would easily fit into the recess space, allowing her to tease him the way he should be teased.

He stopped in front of her, reaching up to run his fingers through her hair. "God, you’re gorgeous."

She smiled, her lips quivering slightly.

"You have no idea, do you?" he asked, leaning down and brushing his lips across hers. She reached out, her fingers exploring the hard muscles of his back. She groaned as he moved forward, pressing himself against her as he devoured her mouth.

The thick wetness of his tongue pressed into her mouth and she opened herself for him, sucking gently as he rocked against her. He broke the kiss and moved to kiss her cheek, her jawline, down to her neck, nipping at the soft skin of her throat. Her heart swelled in her chest, her arms pulling tight and holding him to her. The moment shifted, her lust burning fear across her. She was setting herself up for failure again.

To make love to him would only scar her more when he left. He moved back, seeming to feel the change and looking down at her, his arms tightening around her.

"You okay?"

She nodded, choking back tears. "I'm good."

He smiled and pulled her in tighter, his hands clasped behind the small of her back. "You're a horrible liar, which is actually a good thing."

She laughed and shrugged, her breathing shaky at best. "Just scared."

He stared at her, the look in his eyes an even mixture of kindness and lust. He reached up and touched the side of her face softly, his thumb brushing over her lips.

"Me too." He leaned down and kissed her again. "Come on. Let's go enjoy our night and whatever happens, happens."

She moved back and reached for her purse, leaving her phone on the table and not caring who might call. She needed a night away from everyone and being with him would be good for her. They'd promised not to intentionally hurt each other and where she really didn't know him that well, something about him sat right upon her. She didn't believe in fate or destiny, but if she did, these moments would play into a bigger story, one that she might look back on in years from then and make reference to.

Chapter 24


Small shops lined the cobblestone road, Kari walking slowly with Jake, her hand in his and her mind on their next steps. He stopped and pointed to a Christmas store, a smile spreading across his lips.

"Let's go in here. It's my mom's favorite shop."

"Christmas in the middle of spring?"

He laughed and held the door open, the smell of cinnamon and pine trees filling her senses as she walked in, Jake close behind her.

"My mom would have it be Christmas year round if she could." He moved toward the ornaments room, stopping to look through them. "She always picks out an ornament for each of us each year, and then gets one for her and my father, and one for the whole Isaac family."

Kari moved up beside him, her eyes scanning the colorful objects, some of them dancing and singing. She reached out and picked up a paint brush, the painting attached to it a view of the ocean.

"Beautiful," she whispered and put it back. "We didn't really celebrate Christmas much."

He pointed to the little ornament. "Do you paint?"

She shrugged. "I used to think I would be an artist when I grew up."

"What happened to that dream?"

She smirked. "Same thing that happens to all dreams. I grew up."

He popped her butt and shook his head. "Get your own answers, miss reporter."

She jerked, his sudden familiarity with her almost unraveling. She looked over at him as he walked around the shop, his eyes moving along the walls.

"I guess it’s a Southern thing to be so laid back with people?"

He looked over his shoulder. "Absolutely. We decide we like you and you're basically family."

She laughed and reached to touch the small ornament one more time, the thought of chasing her dreams of being an artist pulling at her. Jake opens the door to a possible relationship and she thinks everything else is going to move forward too? Scoffing at herself, she turned to find him right behind her. He didn't touch her, but his eyes raked across her, a warm smile on his mouth.

"What are you doing tomorrow when we get home?"

She looked up at him, reaching out to put her hand on his chest, rubbing softly. "I have to help Sicily paint the new bakery shop she bought on the square downtown. Want to help us?"

He put his hand over hers and leaned down, kissing the side of her face before moving back. "Wouldn't be anywhere else."

"You don't have to be at the fire station?"

"Nah, not until Monday night." He pointed to another room just beyond that one. "Go in there and pick out a few peppermint sticks for us to try. I'm going to find the restroom. I'll meet you there."

She ran her fingers down his chest, over his stomach, and grabbed onto his jeans, tugging a little as she bit her lip. "Sounds good. I am going to get you back, by the way."

He moved back and smiled. "Oh yeah? For what?"

She walked toward the additional room and spoke over her shoulder. "For wagging your naked ass in front of me earlier."

"I can't wait..."

The small room was filled with various treats, the tangy smell of citrus rushing up to greet her. She stopped at the counter, a large, older man walking out, his beard thick and white, reminding her of Santa Claus. He walked around the counter and pointed to the chocolates just beyond the glass.

"Most people like the peppermint sticks here, but I'm a sucker for those right there." He tapped on the glass and smiled over at her, Kari returning the expression.

"What are they exactly?"

"They're called turtles. They're found mostly in the South, but we love them here, too. Carmel and pecans rolled together and dipped in milk chocolate." The old man made a sound of appreciation and touched his stomach. "Helps me keep my figure for the kids around the holidays."

Kari laughed and pointed at the candies. "Then I'll take four, and a few of those peppermint sticks."

"Good choice. No point in tying yourself down to one thing." He moved to bag up the goodies as Jake appeared next to Kari, his arm sliding around her waist.

"You get us something good to share after dinner?"

"She hooked you up right, son." The old man adjusted his glasses and looked over the top of them at Jake. "You guys eating down here tonight?"

"Yes, sir. Just not sure where yet."

"Might I suggest Parry's? It's a really good steakhouse just a few blocks over. Really nice ambiance and the tables are spread quite far out so you can enjoy some intimacy."

"Sounds perfect." Jake pulled out his wallet and paid for the candy, smiling down at Kari.

They thanked the man and left the small shop, walking hand-in-hand down the small streets. Shops of every sort beckoned them to come and taste or touch - try, and definitely buy. Kari pulled him into a soda shop, a soap shop, and an antique store. He pulled her into a hunting outlet, and a small secondhand shop where he bought the ugliest pair of shoes she'd ever seen.

They walked back out into the night, the restaurant up ahead of them.

"Are you ready to eat? I'm starving." Jake squeezed her hand and looked down at her.

"I am, too."

They walked to the small red brick building, Jake taking their bags and putting them together, leaving them with only one to carry. He handed it to the host at the front and asked for a quiet place where they could talk. The young girl smiled sweetly and walked them to a small circular booth at the back of the building. Soft candlelight played on the table in front of them as they slipped in, moving close to sit shoulder to shoulder.

Kari picked up the menu and balked. "Oh no. This place is much too expensive."

Jake reached over and put his hand on her thigh. "Don't look at the prices. Just see what looks good to you and let's enjoy. It's our first date. It should be expensive and highly uncomfortable."

"I'm completely at ease." She laughed and looked over at him, the soft glow of the candlelight creating shadows on his face that somehow made him more handsome. His dark gaze moved about her face, his tongue brushing out to lick at his lips.

"Something deep inside of me wants to change that."

He slid his hand down her leg until his fingers found the edge of her skirt. The roughness of his fingertips along the soft skin of her thigh caused her breath to catch. She reached down and put her hand over his as it reached her upper thigh. Turning toward him, her eyes widened, lips parted as she inhaled sharply. He smiled and used his other hand to pull her head toward him as he kissed her, sucking her upper lip into the warmth of his mouth. The waiter approached and Jake finished the kiss, kissing her once more and pulling both of his hands back to his own lap.

"We'll take a bottle of red wine. Whatever you suggest."

The waiter bowed slightly and walked off as Kari sunk down in the seat beside him, the musky smell of Jake's cologne rolling over her. She closed her eyes and breathed in slowly as he pulled her hand into his lap. He held her fingers in his as he dragged their conjoined hands over his arousal, his eyes filled with hunger as she looked over at him.


"I wanted you to know what you're doing to me. What you've been doing to me for the last week. I look like a teenage boy sporting morning wood every time I think about you, which is all the damn time."

She stroked him again and pressed herself against his side, the warmth of knowing how she could affect the insanely hot man next to her giving her a boost of confidence. She kissed his shoulder, her teeth digging in just a little as she groaned softly.

"I want you so bad. Whose idea was dinner?"

He laughed and took her hand into his, setting it between them as the waiter approached.

"I have no idea, but never again..."




Dinner was delicious, Kari eating a small version of the steak Jake enjoyed. The sounds of appreciation coming from him after almost every bite had her in knots by the time the evening ended. The waiter offered dessert, but they both refused, Jake's voice a little more steady and calm than hers.

He smiled over at her as they slipped out of the booth and wrapped an arm around her shoulders as they left the small building, the afternoon and night having been magical. Kari snuggled into his side, her fingers slipping into the top of his jeans and rubbing softly along the back of his hip. He looked down at her, his eyebrow raising. The fire burning inside of her had a few more minutes of patience before it exploded and she gave him a look to let him know.

They drove in silence back to the hotel, Kari's knee bouncing up and down as she tried to think through what would happen. It had been a while, and having been with Frank for so long, she wasn't sure what another man might want in the act of passion. She looked over at him, but he was lost to this thoughts, his knuckles white as he gripped the steering wheel tightly. Relief at the sudden realization of their budding relationship rolled over her. All she wanted was to be loved, to hold someone at night, to share life with the right person.

Jake might just be that guy.

He parked and turned the truck off, looking over at her in the darkness. Silence sat between them, his face expressionless.

"What are you thinking? I don't like that expression on your face," she whispered.

"I haven't slept with a woman in two years. I'm just praying that I can take my time and enjoy you. I feel like a starving man in the middle of a buffet." He smiled, breaking the weirdness between them. "I've always wanted a woman who looks like you, Kari. Your dark hair and full hips, your beautiful face, and delicious backside."

She stared, unsure of what to say.

He winked at her and got out of the truck, walking around to open her door. Kari slipped out and into his arms, Jake pulling her close and leaning down to kiss her. He let the kiss linger, licking at her bottom lip as she stiffened.

"How have you stolen my thoughts? My needs and desires? My heart so fast?" He touched his nose to hers.

"I don't know, but you've done the same to me."

"Good. I'm going to steal your innocence too."

"Please?" she whispered as he turned and walked into the hotel with her, a smirk on his perfect lips.




Jake steeled himself as they moved into the elevator, the smell of her intoxicating. The slight quiver of her lips and shaking of hands making him almost come undone. He brought her fingers to his mouth, kissing them softly a few times before carefully biting the soft spot on her wrist. The delicate moan from her told him all he needed to know. His body throbbed painfully, all thoughts of love and spending hours talking thrown to the wind. He didn't want to hear another work or speak one, unless it was in the throes of passion.

The elevator opened and he reached around her, putting a slight amount of pressure on her lower back as he moved them toward the room. She fumbled with the room card, her breathing off kilter, which simply added to the desire swirling in his stomach. He moved in behind her, his eyes taking in her long thick hair as it rolled down her back. The large curve of her butt almost stopping his heart. How he hated thin women. She was perfect - voluptuous and sexy as hell.

Kari turned and stood in the center of the room as he walked toward her, the predatory male in him rising up. He growled softly, bending down just a little before he reached her. He scooped her up in his arms, her legs wrapping around him as he moved his hands up the back of her thighs, pushing the dress with his efforts. He reveled at the softness of her skin. He buried his face in the side of her neck and breathed her in, walking until he pressed her to the wall behind them. Jake shifted his hips, grinding himself against her, his tongue rolling over her neck and up to her ear as she panted softly.

"I've wanted this since we met." He rolled his hips against as she pulled at his shirt. He helped her work it off of him as his fingers grazed the flesh of her backside, her panties small and not giving him an obstacle to work against. She groaned loudly and he shuddered, turning them to move her to the bed. He laid her down carefully, pressing his upper body to hers and moving back to look at her.

"Tell me you want this, Kari. Let me here you whisper my name, baby."

She arched and he moved down, taking her small breast into his mouth, her dress still very much in the way. Her words were mixed with soft panting, the beautiful creature so unsure of herself and yet he was convinced that she was perfectly made for him.

"I've wanted you since the first time we met. I just knew you were way out of my league." She laughed, but his assault on her chest caused her to groan again, killing the sound.

He moved back and reached for her hand, helped her sit as he worked her dress off of her. The small white panties and bra so much more tantalizing than he imagined. He breathed in quickly and shook his head.

"No, you're way out of my league." He moved back and kicked his pants off, his body on display and fully prepared for a long night of making love to the beautiful woman before him.

"Oh, my God," she whispered as her eyes closed, the sound of her enjoying the sight of him causing his body to painfully contract. He moved toward her, his fingers playing with the small band of her panties, the flat tanned stomach beneath them begging for his tongue.

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