Until Twilight (3 page)

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Authors: Desiree Holt,Cerise DeLand

BOOK: Until Twilight
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Desiree Holt & Cerise DeLand

breasts heaving at him as she struggled for breath. He continued to stroke and suck

until the last aftershock faded and Isabella lay limp on the bed. Moving her unresisting body, he adjusted her until she lay lengthwise, her head on the pillows. Then he bent

down to her kiss her, his tongue still coated with her juices probing her mouth. Lane

was overcome with a desire to feel those full lips around his cock, to slide it into the heat of her mouth.

His hand coasted over her body, cupping her breasts and tweaking her nipples

before sliding over the smooth skin of her tummy and finding her wet heat again.

“I think one of us is overdressed,” she gasped, tearing her mouth away. “And

there’s room on this bed for both of us.”

Lane chuckled softly. “If I’d taken my pants off too soon it would all be over but the


“I’m ready to shout,
cara mio
,” she whispered. She reached a hand to his face and traced the line of his lips with one finger. “Right now.”

If he didn’t get naked soon Isabella was afraid she’d leap off the bed and rip his

clothes off herself. He was the most attentive lover she’d had in ages, concentrating on her pleasure first rather than his own. But now she needed to feel his skin against hers.

To touch him everywhere. To wrap her fingers around the cock pressing so urgently

against his fly.

The smile he gave her was teasing but hungry.

“Getting impatient, are you?”

“Impatient for a lot more.” She shifted her body on the bed, opening her legs to

tease him with the sight of her drenched pussy. Tiny little shivers still skated over her skin and the throbbing inside her pussy that the release had momentarily stilled was

back in force, vibrating through her body.


Until Twilight

Her eyes locked with his as he stood up and pulled off his shirt. She was sure she

drooled at the sight of that hard-muscled chest dusted with dark hair, the sculpted

definition of the muscles in his arms and shoulders. In the fading light that filtered in through the open balcony doors the lines of his masculine face were in sharp relief. The whole picture made Isabella squeeze her thighs together against the pounding of the

pulse in her cunt. Incredibly, the orgasm had only whetted her appetite for more. Much


When he unfastened his slacks and stepped out of them along with his boxer briefs

she thought she might swallow her tongue. His cock was absolutely magnificent,

springing forward from the dense thatch of curls surrounding it, the sac with his

testicles hanging heavy beneath it against his thighs. God, the man was absolutely

beautiful. And every inch of him radiated sex.

She wet her lips. “Come here, Lane.” She held out a hand to him.

He paused to bend and retrieve something from his wallet—a condom, of course—

before climbing onto the bed next to her.

Bella mia
,” he crooned, one hand cupping a breast as he kissed her forehead, her cheeks, the line of her neck. He nibbled the lobe of her ear and licked the soft place

behind it, the one that sent such shivers racing through her and heated her blood.

Isabella slipped a hand between their bodies to find the hot length of his cock and

wrapped her fingers around it, stroking the velvet skin over the hard steel. It flexed in her hand and when she circled the tip of a finger over the head she felt the thick drop of liquid beading at the slit. Boldly she rubbed it with her finger, then lifted that finger to her mouth and sucked it languidly.

“Jesus, Bella,” Lane hissed. “Have mercy on a man.” He clamped his hand around

her wrists, stilling its motion.

“But I want to,” she told him, even as he continued to place kisses at strategic

places. “I want to make you feel good, too.”

“Oh, let me tell you, I feel better than good.”


Desiree Holt & Cerise DeLand

Still he moved her hand and bent his head to take a nipple in his mouth, pulling on

it with his lips and biting it lightly. His hand continued to mold her breast as he tugged and nipped. She moved restlessly, wanting more, wanting to feel every inch of him

against her. She wove her fingers into his thick hair, arching her breasts up to his

mouth, rubbing herself against the thickness of his cock and the concrete hardness of his body.

When he shifted abruptly she moaned a protest but he kissed his way down her

body, taking his time. Licking every inch then feathering kisses. He ran the tip of his tongue through the crease where hip and thigh joined and dipped it into the

indentation of her navel. It was sensual torture. She wanted more but she didn’t want

him to stop. All she could think in her scattered brain was that here was a man who

knew how to make love to a woman. Then he was between her thighs, spreading them

wide and placing an open-mouthed kiss on her cunt.

She bucked against him, every nerve ending firing, her blood pounding in her ears.

When he lifted his head, she looked down at him through heavy-lidded eyes and saw

her cream glistening on his lips. She watched as he grabbed the condom and easily

rolled it onto his cock. Then he pushed her legs back, positioned himself at her entrance and with a swift stroke plunged into her waiting pussy.

Automatically she wrapped her legs around his waist, digging her heels into the

small of his back to pull him into her as tightly as she could. He braced himself over her for a moment, then began a slow glide in and out, an almost languorous movement,

adjusting his body so his pubic bone rubbed her clit with every motion. Every rasp of

that sensitive flesh sent more liquid into her cunt, lubricating a channel already wet and waiting.

When he drew back she could feel every inch of his erection slowly scraping against

her sensitive walls. When he thrust forward his balls slapped against her, turning her

arousal into an explosion of lust. She tried to urge him to increase his pace but he

seemed determined to draw it out as much as possible. She could see every muscle in


Until Twilight

his body taut with the effort at control, desire and need blazing in his eyes. Sexual

warmth suffused her, the blood in her veins turning into molten liquid, her inner

muscles clutching at him.

She was sure she couldn’t endure it for another moment, all her nerves were crying

for more, a dark coil of need was unwinding faster and faster inside her, Lane increased his rhythm, quicker now and harder. He leaned forward more so her already sensitive

breasts rubbed against the hair on his chest. She was on fire everywhere and everything ceased to exist except the heat surrounding her, the man over her and the thick, hard

cock pounding in and out of her.

More, more, more. It echoed in her head. She used her legs to pull herself even

closer to him as the wave inside her built up and up, crested, and exploded. At the same moment Lane stiffened, gave one last hard thrust and emptied himself. She could feel

the spurts of hot, thick semen through the thin barrier of the latex, the heat of it

expanding through her body.

Isabella clutched at him as she fell into space, rockets exploding as she spun and

whirled, her body convulsing again and again and again. Finally she lay gasping for

breath, her heart hammering, Lane on top of her catching his weight on his arms. The

only sound in the room was their breathing as they drew air into oxygen-starved lungs.

At last he brushed strands of hair from her damp cheeks and smiled down at her.

Molto bene, cara
,” he said in a low, deep voice.

She smiled back at him. “Very good indeed. You make love like an Italian

Renaissance man, Lane Hallowell. I do believe you are a famous lover reincarnated.”

“Then perhaps we made love like this in another life.”

She laughed. “Oh, I think I’d remember that.”

He chuckled. “Give me one minute here and I will attempt to remember.”


Desiree Holt & Cerise DeLand

“We should revive our memories and our bodies with good wine. Sadly,” she said

looking forlorn as only pampered Italian beauties could and not seem petulant, “I have

none. But I can go down to the
at the corner and get us a good bottle.”

He ran his open palm down her throat to cup a breast. Against her nipple, he

whispered, “I like you as you are, undressed. What if I call the shopkeeper? Will they

deliver it up to us?”

“Giorgio Silva is the owner’s name.

, he will bring it up for me.” She leaned up to nuzzle Lane’s ear. “He does it often.”

Lane lifted a brow at her. “On other afternoons?”

She knew he asked if she had enjoyed other trysts like this here. “Exactly.”

Lane’s expression fell to a boyish dismay that dissolved any concern of hers that

Lane Hallowell had taken her to bed to add her to his list of conquests. “I am damn


“You must not be. I have had few lovers. Carefully selected. Carefully discarded.

And you?”

“The same.”

She nodded, pleased with his answer and sensing his honesty. “Our wine then.”

She told him the phone number to call.

He slid carefully from her body and padded to the bathroom to dispose of the

condom. Isabella forced herself from the bed, pulling a satin robe from her closet and

belting it at the waist. She heard Lane moving behind her, picking up the phone,

ordering from Giorgio in flawless Italian.

Oh, my god
, she thought.
I really have found myself a Renaissance man. I can hardly wait
to see him in action on the job.

If Nemesis hires me. If I want the job and if I can work with him without making a fool of
myself over him.


Until Twilight

He came up behind her on the balcony, his hands warm on her shoulders, his lips

tracing the line of her throat down to her shoulder.

“I love this view overlooking the city,” she told him, reveling in the warm, wet

mark of his mouth on her skin. “It’s like an artist’s palette of colors.”

“I agree. And a fitting place to drink our toast as soon as the wine arrives.”

She turned to look up at him, his additional six inches of height towering over her.

He had a commanding presence now flushed with passion. A man enchanted. As was

she by him.
Be careful of your heart, Bella.
“And what will we be toasting?”

His smile curled her toes. “Why, to our new partnership, of course. And our first

assignment together.”

Isabella raised an eyebrow. “Partnership? You mean you are offering me the job?

But we’ve hardly had the interview.”

He stroked her cheek and brushed his fingers lazily against her cheek. “I read your

dossier. It told me everything I need to know professionally. The important thing was

to determine if we blended personally.”

“Oh? And you’re saying we do?”

“I think the second part of the interview confirmed that, don’t you think?” he

leaned down to brush his lips against hers just as a knock sounded on the door and the

cell phone in the pocket of his slacks rang.

“I am heading into the shower,” Bella pointed toward her bathroom. “Get the door,

can you?”


Desiree Holt & Cerise DeLand

Chapter Three

He fished for his phone, but whoever had called had hung up. Having an idea it

was Nemesis headquarters calling, he slipped on his trousers as he watched a soft smile curving Bella’s lips before she whirled for her bathroom. His body still flushed from his molten coupling with this incredible woman, he felt his cock twitch as he studied the

elegant beauty of her naked ass.

“Stop it, Lane,” he muttered as he buttoned his waistband and headed for the front

door, touching the face of his phone as he went. From the exchange code on the screen,

he glimpsed that the call had originated from Nemesis headquarters in south central


On the second ring, he was greeted by a chipper woman with business definitely on

her mind.

“Good morning, Maddie. Up early, aren’t you?” He greeted the woman who was

part owner with Nicole Welles of the private security company he worked for.

“Especially in your condition, you should be home in bed, shouldn’t you?”

“This baby is not due for another two weeks, and it doesn’t matter where I am,

Lane, sitting, standing, walking, he’s going to be a powerhouse just like his father.”

Lane chuckled. Another insistent rap sounded at the front door. “
Sì, sì
, I’m

coming!” he hollered to Giorgio at the front door.

“I called to hear about the interview.”

“Interview, right,” he answered haphazardly, realizing he needed euros to pay this

guy and dug in his pocket for his money clip. “Sorry. I promised I’d call. But the

meeting went well. Terrific, in fact.
,” he told her as he swung wide the door and smiled at the pudgy older man with a goofy grin on his face. “
Uno momento.


Until Twilight

“I get that you are somewhere and busy, but I need more substance than just a

headline. I have that new assignment for you. It’s urgent and—”

“So much for my vacation.”

“You knew it might come through quickly.”

“I did,” he admitted.

“So if Isabella is ready to come on board and be your partner, I need to negotiate

her employment with her.”

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