Until My Heart Stops Beating (7 page)

BOOK: Until My Heart Stops Beating
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              “Open your mouth.”

              She did as she was instructed.

              Holding the can steady as he squeezed, filling her mouth with the slightly sweet white substance that he was more than ready to lick off. After throwing the empty can on the floor he lowered his body down on the bed next to hers as he began kissing away the tasty goo that filled her mouth. Slowly, he moved down following the trail of sweet dessert she had laid out for him on a human platter. He licked her all the way down stopping at her treasure chest of fine jewels. Gently, his tongue traced her vagina. Little by little he began to eat the strawberries while licking up the cream sending sensations throughout her body that caused her to moan in pleasure. He was taking no prisoners now. There was nothing separating him from tasting her essence. She had been cleaned of everything except her own natural flavors. Lifting her legs and spreading them wide apart, he delved into her honeywell chomping down on her causing her to moan in pleasure. He kept up the slow rhythmic motions of his tongue until she exploded, releasing juices that he slurped up like droplets of water dripping from a leaky faucet.

                            Wiping his mouth, he lowered his body on top of hers. His mouth covered hers as they became entangled in an ardent kiss. The desire to be inside of her intensified with each moment. Unable to hold back he separated her legs with his knees and entered her sending a shockwave through both of their bodies. Grabbing a handful of sheet, she squealed as he grunted, meeting each other stroke for stroke. A massive explosion was on the horizon, pushing her legs in the air above her shoulders, he went deeper. She cried out in pleasurable pain. The sounds emanating from her mouth only encouraged him to give her a little more of what he had to offer.

              “Oh Declan.”

              The emotion in the sound of her calling his name was better than any song sung by the greatest soul singer alive. Hearing it had him in ecstasy wanting to stay there forever but he couldn’t. Her moans and cries turned him on. Harder and more rapid, he stroked. Lowering her legs around his waist, she continued to take all he had to give. Feeling like a trooper, she pushed him down on the bed and got on top.

              “My turn,” she whispered.

              He smiled holding her around the waist. “Don’t hurt me baby,” he joked.

              She guffawed. “I promise I won’t.”

              Makeba didn’t hold back. She waited too long for this. With everything she had, she rode Declan like an award winning jockey but her ride was cut short when he exploded. Feeling spent, she fell onto the bed. Little did she know it wasn’t over. Declan reclaimed his spot on top pleasuring her until the sounds escaping her lips sounded like she was singing opera. Feeling her body tremble under his, he intensified his movements. Suddenly his back arched as he grunted. Rapidly, he slid in and out of her. Sensations of all sorts ravaged through his body until he let loose dispelling his fluids inside the latex condom. He kissed her on the lips then fell onto the bed depleted of energy. It wasn’t long before he was snoring, something he had never done before tonight. Smiling, Makeba eased out of bed and hurried to the bathroom.

              Returning from the bathroom after taking a quick shower she wiped Declan’s penis with a warm washcloth she brought out with her waking him from his sleep.

              “Thank you baby.”

              “You’re welcome,” she smiled as she laid the rag on the nightstand and crawled back into bed.

              Pulling her close to him, he cradled her in his arms and whispered in her ear. “I love you.”

              Nothing could compare to how she was feeling at that moment.               Smiling, she whispered, “I love you too.”

              “Don’t you want to know how long?”

              Confused by the question, she asked, “How long what?”

              “How long I’m going to love you?”

              She busted out in laughter. “Ok, I’m curious. How long are you going to love me?”

              He pulled her even closer squeezing her tight. “Until my heart stops beating.”

              Overwhelmed with emotion a lone tear rolled down her right cheek.


              “I promise,” he replied kissing her on the crown of her head. Moments later, he lifted her chin bringing his lips to hers, parting them with his tongue and began exploring every inch of her mouth as his hands traced her body. Again, he pulled her under his body and made love to her until dawn.

              Morning was upon them. Carefully Declan raised himself up on his left elbow facing her. Watching her sleep as the morning sun sparkled against her skin was a breath of fresh air. Feeling like he had struck gold, he became overwhelmed with emotion. The woman he was lying next to had such a profound effect on him that for the first time in his life he was imagining what it would be like to be a married man. Softly and sensually he kissed her on the lips. Her eyes fluttered as she turned on her side away from. Chuckling at her reaction, he rubbed her arm and got up from the bed. After ordering breakfast, he took a quick shower and dressed. The knocker alerted him that room service was at the door. Quickly, he opened it stepping to the side as his breakfast was being wheeled in. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a ten dollar bill to tip the worker. The room service worker thanked him and left closing the door behind him.

              Declan had a very important meeting at 11:00 am. He glanced down at his watch, realized he was running behind schedule,  grabbed a pen and paper from his briefcase and wrote a note of apology to Makeba. Snatching his suit jacket and briefcase, he hurried out the door.

              Startled by the sound of a slamming door Makeba jumped up.


              There was no answer.

              “Declan,” she called. Once again there was no response.

              Securing the sheet around her, she crawled out of bed and entered the dining area. Lifting the covers off the dishes, she smiled at the butter almond pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs, cheese grits, toast, fresh hot coffee and orange juice. Observing a small folded piece of paper on the table, she picked it up and opened it.

              Good morning sleeping beauty,

              I apologize for not being able to have breakfast with you this morning but I have a very important meeting I have to get to. I took the liberty of ordering all your favorites. Enjoy!

              P.S. Please get something to wear for tonight. I have a meeting with an investor and I would love for you to accompany me. Talk to you soon. I love you.



              “On a Saturday,” she whispered.                           

              Makeba returned the note to the table and grabbed the glass of orange juice drinking every drop and leaving everything else. Although the food looked very appetizing, she didn’t have an appetite. Relieving herself of the sheet she had wrapped around her, she returned to the bedroom throwing it on the bed then headed for the bathroom. Turning on the faucet adjusting the water until it was the ideal temperature, she got in the shower standing directly under the showerhead letting the water beat against her flesh. With her eyes closed flashes of her love making scenes with Declan clouded her mind. Smiling, she reached
for the soap lathering up her washcloth running it over every inch of her body. Moments later she exited the shower. There was no way to moisturize since she came empty handed last night. There was no lotion, perfumed spray or make-up for that matter. Putting on her clothes then using her finger as a makeshift comb, she ran them through her hair pulling it back into a ponytail. Rushing out of the bathroom, she grabbed her house keys and purse and left the room feeling like a brand new woman. Once outside the hotel she hailed a cab and went home excited about joining Declan later tonight at his business meeting.




              Happy her father was not home, Makeba entered the kitchen observing her mom standing at the sink washing dishes.

              “Hey mom.”

              She approached her and kissed her on the cheek then took a seat at the kitchen table.

              “Hello honey.”

              Placing the last dish on the drying mat, Mrs. Jones turned to face her daughter. Wiping her hands on her apron, she took a seat at the opposite side of the table.

              “I know you’re grown, but why didn’t you call?”

              “Mom I-“

              Mrs. Jones held up her hand to quiet her. “When you’re not coming home you call. It’s not about keeping tabs or treating you like a child. I don’t care how grown you are someone should always know your whereabouts in case something happens. That way, if something does happen, they’ll know where to begin their search. We’ve had this discussion too many times to be having it again.”

              “Mom, I’m sorry and yes you’re right. We should not be having this conversation. It will not happen again.”

              “Good. Now,” she smiled, “were you with your friend?”

              Giggling as she twiddled her fingers, Makeba replied, “Yes.”

              “He’s a good catch.”

              “I think so.”

              “This must be serious."

              “Why do you say that mom?”

              “It’s been about five months honey and you’re spending more and more time with this man. When are we going to formally meet him?”

              “I would love that but dad-“

              “Shush! Don’t fret about your father. He’ll come around. He’ll have to sooner or later.”

              She stared at her mom for a few moments.

              “Say what’s on your mind girl.”

              “You don’t have a problem with me dating Declan?”

              “Makeba, follow your heart and if where your heart leads you makes you happy then I’m happy.”

              Excitedly she jumped up from her chair, ran around to her mom and wrapped her arms tightly around her neck.

              “Thank you mom. Thank you so much."

              She rubbed Makeba’s back. “You’re welcome baby. Besides, there’s going to be a lot the two of you are going to have to deal with without me or your father adding to it. Interracial relationships aren’t easy baby.”

              Releasing herself from the embrace, Makeba returned to her seat. “But it shouldn’t be any different from any other relationship.”

              “No it shouldn’t but that’s the ideal not the real deal. Many people will have a problem with it. You’ll get stares, hear whispers, and receive comments that are unflattering. You’ll have to thicken your skin. If this is what you want be prepared for the consequences. Having a black family in the White House did nothing for race relations. Personally, I think it brought the haters out of hiding.”


              Mrs. Jones rose from her chair. “If you love him then it will all be worth it. I have to go now. I need to go to Jersey Gardens Mall.”

              “For what?”

              “Do I ever need a reason to spend your father’s money?”

              They both chuckled and left the kitchen going in separate directions.



              Makeba laid her purse on the dresser, retrieved her cell phone then plopped down on the bed. Scrolling through her contacts, she pressed on Rasheeda’s number. After connecting to her she added Marcella making it a three way call. Once she revealed that her and Declan had finally taken their relationship to another level, the girls begged for intimate details but she wouldn’t give them anything more than telling them it was the best lovemaking experience she’d had thus far. They pressured her for more information but she stood her ground. One of the greatest pieces of advice she received from Grandma Jones, her father’s mother who died seven years prior, had always been drilled in her head. She would tell her to never divulge how good your man is in the bedroom to your girlfriends because curiosity will get the best of them and they’ll develop a desire to see if he’s as good as you say he is, even at the risk of destroying your friendship. The girls finally conceded and changed the subject. Not long afterwards, Makeba ended the calls. Suddenly in need of a nap, she laid the phone on the bed beside her, adjusted herself into a more comfortable position and eventually fell asleep.




              Glancing up frowning at the bright sun peering through while turning on her side seeking a more comfortable position, Makeba noticed her white sheer curtains moving vigorously as a light breeze blew through the window brushing against her skin. Finally finding the comfort she so desperately sought, she was on the brink of dozing off again when she heard her phone ring. Looking at the screen revealed it was Declan. Smiling she answered anxious to hear his voice.

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