Until My Heart Stops Beating (13 page)

BOOK: Until My Heart Stops Beating
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      Two and a half hours later Declan was unlocking the door to his hotel room with his key card. He was hoping that Makeba was already there. When he opened the door he dropped his bags and opened his arms as she rushed into them. From the looks of her puffy eyes it looked as if she had cried all day. He cradled her in his arms as she began to cry some more. He wanted so badly to take her pain away especially since he couldn’t help but feel somewhat responsible for what she was going through. Had it not been for him pressuring her to tell her parents about their engagement, she wouldn’t be in this predicament.

              Taking a few steps back, he gazed into her eyes and said, “Honey, I am so sorry. I never meant for this to happen.”

              She sauntered over to the sofa. “I didn’t think it would be this bad.”

              He sat down beside her. “Makeba, I would never make you choose between your father and me. I would not be upset if you change your mind. I want you to be happy.”

              She looked at him inquisitively. “Are you having second thoughts?”

              He quickly grabbed her up in his arms. “Never baby. Never! You are my life,” he replied then he covered her mouth with his in a short but sweet kiss.

              She took a deep breath in relief. “My
dad and I will work this out. I know we will.”

              “Yes,” he agreed.

              Declan rose from the sofa pulling her up with him. He suggested that she take a hot shower. She agreed. While he had some free time he called guest services inquiring about entertainment in the area. They told him that there was an opera tonight at NJ Pac. He asked if they could get him two tickets for tonight. The guest service agent promised him she would try but she couldn’t guarantee anything since it was last minute. He thanked her then hung up.

An opera would be great, he thought. To see an opera was one of the things that was on her things to do list. It would be awesome if the guest service agent could work her magic and get those tickets.

              A few minutes later, the guest services agent called back with good news. She was able to get balcony seats. He was ecstatic. He asked her name. She told him her name was Jennifer. He wrote it down
so he wouldn’t forget. He would surely reward her for her efforts before he checked out. The only problem now was finding Makeba something to wear. He always traveled with dress and casual attire so he had a suit with him. Makeba on the other hand he wasn’t sure about.

              Declan knocked on the bathroom

              “I’ll be out in a minute,” she yelled.

              He moved his mouth closer. “Did you happen to bring something dressy?”

              She opened the door. “I brought a
black dress and shawl just in
case you wanted to go out for dinner. Why?” she asked as she strutted past him.

              “I figured you could use a night out. He looked at his watch. We have approximately forty five minutes to get ready. I’ll go shower while you get dressed.”

              Smiling, she inquired, “Where are you taking me?”

              “I am not telling you. You’ll have to wait and see.”

              “Ok,” she replied.

              He ogled her grabbing both sides of her face in his hands. “This is how I like to see you. All smiles,” he said before kissing her gently on the lips. “I love you.”

              “Ditto Mr. Whitaker.”

              He chortled as he walked away.




              Makeba was on cloud nine. Dinner at Nikko’s was great but the opera was nothing short of amazing. It was all she expected it to be and then some. Declan had definitely turned her frown
upside down. This outing was what she needed to get her mind off of the fight she had with her father.

              They stood outside of NJPAC waiting for the arrival of their car. It was a black Lincoln Town Car provided by the hotel. Makeba stood alongside of him with her arm under his still smiling. Her smile was so infectious he couldn’t help but let one spread across his face as well.

              “I take it you enjoyed the show.”

              She gazed up at him. “Very much so. It was even better than I had expected it to be.”

“I’m glad honey.”

              Declan reached in his pocket for his phone. “Where the hell is the car?” he asked dialing the number to the hotel.

              Makeba gently took the phone out of his hand. “It’s such a beautiful night and we’re actually in walking distance of the hotel. Let's enjoy a stroll under the starry skies.”

              “I’d be delighted to dear.,”  he smiled.

              He held her hand as they began to walk towards their destination.

              “Either we’re crazy or deeply in love.
We have to be one of them to be walking the streets of Newark at eleven-thirty at night.”

Makeba chuckled. “Well, we’re not crazy and I don’t care what time it is. I
feel safe when I’m with you.”

              Her words made him feel like a million dollar man.

              Makeba stopped abruptly.

              “What’s wrong?”

              She sat on one of the benches in Washington Park, a small park not too far from NJPac.

              Facing him, she asked, “Declan, why do you want to marry me?”

              His forehead creased as he frowned. “What kind of question is that?”

              She lowered her gaze. “I just want to know, that’s all.”

              He lifted her chin for eye contact. “I want to marry you because I am at my best when we’re together. You make me feel like I can conquer the world. There has not been a time in my life when I was as happy as I am when I’m with you. You complete me. Now that I have you I can’t envision a life without you in it. Makeba, I don’t want you, I need you.”

              She became emotional. His words were like lyrics from a beautiful country love song. He stood, pulling her up by the hands and into his arms.

              “You have become the reason I look forward to tomorrow.”

              She pressed her head against his chest as her teardrops stained his suit jacket.

              “Damn sister it’s like that?”

              They both looked in
the direction where those words came from. It was a tall dark-skinned guy with dreadlocks and he wasn’t alone. From their appearance they were from the streets. Whatever desires Makeba had to respond went out the window. These guys were looking for trouble and she didn’t want to give them a reason to start any.

              “I’m saying,” said the second shorter
man with a close crop haircut, “damn ma you couldn’t find a brotha to hit that?”

              “I’m sure she could have but she found me instead,” Declan boasted.

              “Mother fucker who’s talking to you?” dreadlocks asked hurrying toward them
with his partner on his heels.

              Declan pushed Makeba behind him. As if on cue a patrol car pulled up. Two officers exited the vehicle, one male and the other female. The female officer rested her hands on her gun belt while the man shone his flashlight in everyone’s face. They asked if there was a problem. Declan was getting ready to say yes but Makeba cut him off and assured the officers that everything was fine. The male officer did not believe her but there was nothing he could do but take her word for it then ordered everyone to disperse.

              Declan and Makeba began strutting to the hotel not bothering to look where the two men they exchanged words with had gone. They didn’t care. They just wanted to return to the hotel without further incident.

              Just as she had hoped, they made it back to the hotel safely. Makeba went into the bathroom to freshen up. She had such a wonderful evening thanks to Declan and she wanted to thank him properly. When she came out of the bathroom he was still on his computer. She crossed the room to join him.

              “What are you doing?"

              He glanced at her then turned his attention back to his laptop. “Oh, something came up at work.”

              She didn’t want to disturb him any further by complaining even though she
was disappointed. “Ok,” she said sadly walking away.

              Picking up on the tone of her voice, he jumped up from the sofa and hurried behind her grabbing her arm. She turned to face him.

              “I’m so sorry babe. I would like nothing more than to join you right now but I have something to take care of. I promise when I’m done I’ll join you.”

              She kissed him on the lips and walked away.

              Shifting herself trying to get comfortable, she ran her hands over the other half of the bed only to discover it was empty. She glanced at her phone. It was 3:30 am. Rising from the bed groggily, she yawned as she continued her stride. When she reached the seating area she observed Declan asleep on the couch with his laptop still on. She shook him vigorously in an effort to wake him. After multiple attempts he finally opened his eyes.

              “Declan, come to bed.”

              He sat up wiping the sleep from his eyes. “Gosh, I must have been really tired.”

       “Yes,” she replied grabbing his hand and leading him into their sleeping quarter.

              They crawled under the covers. In no time they were sleeping peacefully in the comfort of each other’s arms.

              The next morning Declan was dressed ready to start his day. He waited patiently for Makeba to wake up on her own but she was taking a little too long.
He sat on the edge of the
bed beside her but didn’t wake her up right away. He wanted to look at her for a few moments. Even in her sleep he found her simply breathtaking. As if being next to her on the edge of the bed wasn’t close enough, he laid down on his right side. With his elbow bent upward and the side of his face nestled in his hand, he ogled the woman who stole his heart.

              Makeba opened her eyes and smiled at the sight of him gazing at her while she slept. “Good morning handsome.”

              “Good morning beautiful. I was about to wake you up sleepy head.”

              “Why didn’t you?”

              “I couldn’t bring myself to disturb something so picturesque. You were like a Nubian Queen peacefully sleeping on a bed of roses waiting for your prince charming to kiss and awaken you.”

              She became emotional hearing such beautiful words escape his lips. “Then you should have kissed me awake
my prince.”

              She smiled as a lone tear rolled down her cheek.

              “You’re right. I should have and since you’re already awake I hope the opportunity to kiss you has not passed me by.”

              She gazed into his eyes. “Never.”

              He leaned down covering her lips with his. “I’ve been waiting on you all morning,” he said interrupting their lip lock while suddenly changing the mood.

              She sat up against the headboard. “Why, where are we going?”

              “It’s a surprise,” he replied standing to his feet pulling her up by the hands. “You think you can cut your shower down to ten minutes? I know how long you like to stay in there.”

              She chuckled. “What’s the urgency?”

              “You’ll see when we reach our destination. Now go!”             

              She walked towards the bathroom. “Ouch!” she shouted at the sting of Declan’s hand smacking her on the butt.

              Fifteen minutes later Makeba was still in the bathroom. He knocked on the door. “Honey, we have to go.”

              Opening the door a little agitated, “Ok, I’m ready.”

              “Well let’s go then,” he countered.

              He grabbed her by the arm with one hand, picked her purse off the chair with the other, and escorted her out the door. Once downstairs they got in an awaiting Lincoln. They drove for about twenty five minutes before Declan asked her to close her eyes. She did as she was told without question. After her eyes
were shut
he took a handkerchief out of his pocket, covered her eyes with it, and tied it in the back securing it in place.

              Once the driver came to a complete stop. He got out and walked to the passenger side to open the door. Declan exited the vehicle first then assisted Makeba out. She didn’t know what the hell Declan was doing but decided to go along with the game anyway. The driver closed the door behind them. She heard Declan thank him. She could also hear paper rattling and the driver saying thank you right afterwards which led her to believe that Declan had tipped him. He grabbed hold of her arm and guided her a few paces from where they were standing.

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