Until I Met You (19 page)

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Authors: Jaimie Roberts

BOOK: Until I Met You
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“I don’t like it, but okay.  Are you alright?”  I heard her sigh and could feel the parental concern seeping in from one end of the line to the other.  It made me feel as guilty as hell knowing I had put her in this position.

“I’m fine—really I am.  Are you and dad okay?”  I could hear her sarcastic laugh.

“We’re fine.  Just worried about you, that’s all.”

After about five more minutes of trying to convince my mum I was fine and in safe hands about a million times, I was able to hang up.  I told her that I would call every morning and every night so that she knew I was okay.  That seemed to settle her nerves somewhat.

“You should have told me Seth was coming; I would have left straight away, instead of arguing with you about it.”

I was going to tell him he wasn’t coming, but I had lied this much.  Another one wouldn’t harm.  “It’s okay; he won’t be here for another hour or so.  Shall I make you a cup of tea?”

“That would be lovely.”

I was busying myself so much in the kitchen that I almost missed “Angels” playing in my bag.  Jonathan looked up at me questioningly as I searched through my bag again.  It would seem no matter how big or small an item is, I can never seem to find anything in it.  Eventually I got it rooted out and pressed the button to answer.

“Hello, Angel.  Just wanted to see how you are.  Are you missing me?”

I smiled without meaning to.  It just seemed to happen whenever he was near, or I heard his voice.  “In answer to your first question, I’m fine.  In answer to your second question—I don’t have to answer that.”  I could hear his laughter and the sound quickly brought the butterflies back.

“Well, according to your mother that means you are.”

“I’m not very happy that my mother has divulged all my trade secrets to you.  It really is quite annoying actually.”

He laughed again, but changed the subject.  “I got a message from Jonathan about the penthouse.  I gather it’ll be ready in a couple of weeks and I have viewings for my flat tomorrow?”

“Yes, that’s right.  I spoke to Jonathan about that.  I guess you must be excited to be moving shortly?”  I looked over at Jonathan as his head pricked up at the sound of this name.  He quickly gathered what I was talking about and carried on with Jerry.

“Yes I am a bit.  I wouldn’t mind seeing it again after the viewings.  Is it okay if we go there together after?” 

“I don’t see why not.  That should be fine.”  I didn’t feel fine though.  I had a big problem of Jaden to deal with, without mixing in my growing feelings for Seth.  I just couldn’t cope with it right now.

“Are you okay, you don’t sound right?”

Oh great!  He can even tell there’s something wrong just at the sound of my voice.  “I’m fine, really.”  If I had a pound for every time I said that tonight, I’d be rich beyond my wildest dreams.

“Okay.”  He sounded unconvinced, but took my word for it.  “I’ll see you tomorrow.  I look forward to it.”

I started laughing nervously.  “Yes, see you soon.”

“Is that an invitation?”

Oh shit, he picked up on that.  I was only saying it because I had already told Jonathan he was coming here within the hour.  “No, no, not at all.  Bye, bye now.”

I hung up the phone as quickly as possible and took a deep breath.

“Does he affect you that much?”

“Pardon?” I asked, shooting my head up towards Jonathan.

“You’re all flustered after speaking with him.  Has someone finally managed to affect that normally cool exterior of yours?”

“Not at all.”  I carried on making the tea and pottered about a little.  “Quite frankly it’s bad timing all this.”

Jonathan took a deep frustrated breath.  “You can’t blame Seth for this you know.  He didn’t know anything about you when you first met.  It’s not fair to pin that on him.”

I knew he was right, but I still couldn’t help feeling the seed of doubt I had planted in my head.

“Anyway, I should imagine he’ll want to help you now more than anything.  In fact, the timing couldn’t have been more perfect.”  He smiled, placing his finger up to Jerry who just rewarded him by biting it.  “Ouch, why does he keep biting me now?  He did it twice when you were on the phone.”

“It’s probably because I’m his bitch and you’re now invading his territory.”

Jonathan frowned, looking across at Jerry.  “But he wasn’t like this with me at my house.”

“Well, that’s because I wasn’t there.”

“So you’re Jerry’s bitch?”  He gave me a cheeky smile which resulted in my laughter.

“Yep, he’s the only man I would let be his bitch,” I said giggling.  He came over to where I stood and motioned for me to take Jerry.  I put my hand out and Jerry gladly stepped onto my finger.

“I better be off, before
bitch gets here.”

“Hey,” I said slapping him.

“Sorry, I couldn’t resist that one.  He seems a changed man since he met you.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked, confused.

“I used to see him out and about all the time with lots of girls on his arm, but since you walked into his life, I hardly see him out and about at all.  Let alone with any girls.  I don’t blame him though.  He’s caught the heart of a very special woman.”

I actually blushed.  Someone only has to mention his name and the butterflies started.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you blush before.  It’s kind of cute.” 

He winked, which resulted in a quick smack around the arm from me.  “Stop that now, Jonathan.  I think you need to go now.”

“Okay, okay.  I know when I’ve outstayed my welcome.  I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I opened the door to let him out and he walked through, hesitating somewhat.  Once he had obviously made up his mind he turned around with a cheeky grin.  “Just remember one thing—be safe.”

“Jonathan!” I screamed, hitting him again.  “Get out, you dirty bugger.”  He laughed a little, but stopped to look at me.

“Seriously, Angelina.  Will you be okay?”

“I’ll be fine,” I answered, rubbing his arm.  “Thank you.”  I pulled him in for a hug which had Jerry flapping his wings about like a mad bird.

After he left I went back to the unease of the empty flat.  I made sure the doors were bolted shut again, had my dinner for one meal, and did my normal chores to get ready for bed.

I read for a bit, but it was no use.  I tried to get lost in the story—help my mind go somewhere else—but it just wasn’t happening.  Jaden’s face kept popping up from nowhere, haunting my mind and torturing my soul.  Even in bed, I was restless in sleep.  I kept thinking he was in my room, only to shoot up out of bed and realise I was only dreaming.  I was kind of in a state of sleep without sleeping.  To say it wasn’t one of the best night’s sleep I had had in a while was an understatement.

By the time morning came I was like a zombie.  I went through the rituals of getting ready, but was kind of running on autopilot.  I received a text from Seth telling me how much he was looking forward to seeing me and that he missed not having me around all the time like he did in Cornwall.  It made me smile and my heart flutter that little bit, but something was telling I didn’t deserve to enjoy it.  I let my guard down and look where it got me.

I went into work, but I was very quiet.  I kept my head down and I knew Shelly and the others noticed, but I tried to keep my conversations to a minimum.  I think they could tell I needed space to figure whatever it was I needed to—whatever the hell that was.

Jonathan was asking if I wanted the others to take my appointments, and I replied that this was my job and had to carry on with life as normal.  I couldn’t live my life in fear forever.  No matter what happens, the world still goes round and life still needs to be lived.

After a couple of viewings in the morning, I drove down to Belgravia to see Seth’s apartment for the first time.  I was excited and nervous about seeing him again after such a lovely goodbye yesterday. 

My viewing wasn’t for another hour, but I wanted to get there, see the place, and speak with Seth before the prospective buyers came.

I parked my car in Chester Square and took the little steps up to the front door.  After he let me in, I walked up the steps to his door and was gobsmacked once I walked inside.

“Seth, this is beautiful.”

“Well, hello to you, too.  It is quite nice, but I’m looking at something much more beautiful than this.”

I blushed a little as he stared at me.  He was wearing a white shirt, with a maroon tie, and grey trousers today.  He looked hot as hell, but then, he always does in anything he wears.

“Not wearing your baseball cap today?”

His smile brightened up my day and made me forget for just a second about the troubles I had from yesterday.

“I could put it on now for you if you want?”  The cheeky grin of his filled up his face as he edged closer.

“No, no, that’s fine.  I have work to do.”

“Ah, so it is a distraction.  Tell me what you like about it.”  He came closer and placed his arm around my waist.  His eyes searched mine as he took in every detail of my face.  My body immediately released all my tension, and melted into the curve of his.  Then his lips were there.  A sound escaped me without any warning; the feel of his mouth on mine is just too good.  I gave into to it completely, feeling safe and secure in his arms.  No one had ever made me feel this way.

The kiss was so tender and sweet it made the butterflies flutter even harder.  Seth moaned his appreciation and reluctantly pulled away.  “I don’t have to tell you anything,” I breathed heavily into his mouth.

His lips brandished a winning smile as he gently trailed his fingers down my cheek.  “You look tired, Angel.  Are you okay?”

I immediately stiffened back to the normal state I was in since yesterday.  Of course he notices and asks me what’s wrong.

“Nothing,” I said unconvincingly.  “I didn’t get much sleep last night, that’s all.”  He looked concerned and I knew he was going to want to press me about this, but I couldn’t let him.  Not here, not now.  “I need to look around this place before this couple turns up.  I also need to know what price you are hoping to achieve.”  He studied me for a moment, but didn’t push it.  Instead he led me into a very spacious living room with the most enormous windows.  There was a fireplace roaring to life which made it feel even cosier then it already was. 

I suddenly had this image of Seth and I in front of it on a sheep skin rug… naked.  It was hard to tear my head away from the image, it was so inviting.

Seth caught me staring at the fireplace and smiled.  “I wonder what it is you’re thinking, my cookie.  Could it possibly be the same thing I find myself daydreaming about each night since I met you?  Maybe in this new place, we can live out whatever fantasy you got going on in that beautiful head of yours.”

I giggled and lightly slapped his arm.  “Seth, you’re incorrigible.”

“So you were thinking about me and you naked in front of the fire?”

I gave Seth a cheeky grin.  “I don’t have to answer that.”

That sexy eyebrow rose.  “That’s a yes then.”

Suddenly, I remembered the conversation Jonathan and I had last night.  “Do you know, I already have Jonathan talking about separating us because of our personal involvement?  This is business now, and we really should be keeping it that way.”

“Really, he said that?”  I nodded my head.  “Okay, this is something that needs to be addressed—but for now—we’ll keep it business.  I don’t want you getting into trouble because of me.”

I gave him an appreciative smile, and from then on it was all business. 

Looking around the place it was hard to fathom why he wanted to sell it.  The place was beautiful.  It would certainly tear at my heart strings if I had to sell something like this.

He showed me his room, which was a complete distraction.  His bed was huge and inviting.  The only thing that put me off was wondering how many girls he has had in there.  It wasn’t an image I wanted to conjure up.  Suddenly the place didn’t look so appealing.

He told me that the furniture will stay and that he had already ordered new stuff for the penthouse, which would arrive the day he moves.  The date was set for two weeks time for completion, and he was happier at the thought of being close to me. 

I must admit, it was wonderful to hear, but I couldn’t help but wonder.  “What’s so special about me, Seth?  Why do you feel the need to be close to me?”

He looked frustrated.  “You don’t realise it yet, do you?  You look so hard and confident at times, but then you throw this at me.”  He raced over and pulled me close, taking my breath away.  “No matter what you think about yourself, my angel, you’re special, and you just have to live with that.  You have family and friends who love, and care for you—that would do anything for you—and it’s exactly the way I feel about you, too.  You’ve stolen my heart, Angelina Bradshaw, and I don’t want you to give it back.”

Swallowing hard, I tried desperately not the let the tears show.  Why did he have to pull that one on me? 

With a gentle lift of my chin, I met his eyes.  I could tell he wanted to kiss me, and I certainly didn’t want to stop him if he did. 

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