Unthinkable (Undeniable Trilogy #1) (11 page)

BOOK: Unthinkable (Undeniable Trilogy #1)
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“Okay, sit here. I`ll be right back.” I felt a need for a shower after that exchange. His voice fucking impairs me and renders me helpless and his scent is intoxicating. He returned to the table with the main course and it looked good.

“Mmm, this is amazing,” I said after taking a bite. “The chicken is seasoned perfectly and the sauce is robust. Simply marvelous.”

“Thank you, baby. That means a lot to me since you are the first person—woman—I have cooked for. I have cooked for my family before, but that’s the extent of those who have tried it.”

I smiled at his attempt to be humble. We continued our conversation over dinner while listening to the jazz music playing in the background. This was the most relaxed I had felt in a while and he made sure I was comfortable.

“Are you finished?” Nicholas asked.

“Yes, my plate is clean. That was a good meal.”

“Thank you. Let me clear the table and straighten up the kitchen. You go in the living room and relax.”

“No, Nick. Now I appreciate all of this, but at least let me help you in the kitchen.” I was being stubborn and would not take no for an answer. I didn’t want him to feel like he had to wait on me hand and foot to get my attention since he already had it. On that note, I got up and took the glasses to the kitchen since he already had the plates and began to clear off the table and counters.

“Where do you keep your storage containers?”

“They are in the cabinet above the dishwasher.” He was washing the pots and pans he had used and was loading the dishwasher. I reached above as he was bending over to place the plates in the bottom rack when he raised up and we were face to face. There was an electric spark charging between us and I could feel his hunger growing for me. We stood in silence for a moment until the water began to spill on the floor. He had left his glass dish under running water that had now filled beyond capacity.

“Shit!” We broke the silence and hurried to clean the water up. We laughed in response to the awkwardness and continued our conversation. We talked more about our friends and the fact that each of them had been growing closer, especially Tia and Chris since she showed him a few properties, and he agreed to purchase one only if she helped him decorate it. She has spent the entire time over there and after Nick had shown me pictures of the house, not much decorating had been done.

We finished in the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of wine, and sat on the couch. He put his leg behind me and turned me so that I was leaning back on his chest. “What was your childhood like Nick?” I asked, trying to keep the conversation going because I knew sex wasn’t too far behind.

“For starters, I was born.”

“No, really?” I replied in the same funny tone that he was leading with, causing laughter to erupt from us.

“No, seriously, I almost didn’t make it from what my parents told me. My mom had a difficult time with me. The cord was around my neck and she had to have a C-section.”

“Oh no,” I said, my tone sad.

“But, that wasn’t the worst.” He took off his shirt to show me the tattoo on his chest above his heart. I had seen it before, but never asked the story behind it. “I actually had a hole in my heart valve and had to go through various cardiologists as I grew up. They wanted to do surgery, but my mom was against it; total faith walker. But, after my fifth birthday, the hole had closed up and I didn’t need surgery. My mom and dad were happy and they decided to have Jaimie, my younger sister. I was the rare shot. My mom was told that she couldn’t have kids and then I showed up.” His eyes were full of love and happiness. My heart swelled at the sight of him and this peaceful moment.

“Don’t you have an older brother?” I asked.

“Yeah, um, Lance was a product of an affair my dad had.”

“Oh, sorry. I didn’t know and we don’t have to talk about it.” I felt embarrassed for asking that question.

“It’s okay, Maya. We all are aware and we don’t try to cover it. My parents were married for about two years when the doctors told her she wouldn’t be able to conceive. My dad wanted a kid and that drove them apart a little.”

“A little, huh,” I replied.

“Needless to say, after that, they managed to work things out and my dad petitioned for full custody of Lance. My mom raised him as if he was her own. Four years later, their little miracle appeared—me.”

“What a touching story. They must love each other. How long have they been together?”

“Thirty-three years far.”

“They seem so happy together.” I was thinking back to the announcement about Hansen signing us to be their marketing gurus and how they looked at each other.

“They are. It’s sort of like I feel when I’m with you. In a blissful state of mind where nothing matters to me. Losing myself in your presence, in your beauty.” He leaned down and kissed the top of my head. “I wish I could explain to you why I feel this way around you, but I can’t. I just know I love this feeling. I’ve never been able to explain it ever. Even in college, I could never explain why you had this control over me.”

I laughed inside knowing that’s how I felt about him. I looked up at him and his eyes had a glaze over them. I don’t know if it was the moment or the wine, but I wanted him now. I turned around, straddled him, and began kissing him, catching him off guard.

“Maya, you are beautiful and smart and incredibly sexy. I just want to be with you. I want to experience all there is to know about you.” He reached down, moved my panties to the side, and slipped his fingers inside me. I rested my head on his shoulder as I began to grind against his fingers.

“This right here, I love this,” he whispered in my ear as he nibbled on my earlobe. I started kissing him feverishly as he kept sliding his fingers in and out of my pussy. I was drenched in his desire for me. He grabbed the back of my head and pulled it back revealing my neck, which he couldn’t help but lick and suck on with an intensity undoubtedly leaving marks.

“Nicholas,” I moaned in a tone inviting him to take me right now. He must be fluent in moan because before I knew it, he had thrust deep inside me. I gasped with pleasure with each thrust and my moans became louder. He placed his hand over my mouth to stifle my sounds of pleasure and I started to suck on his fingers, the same ones he had in me. I moaned at the taste of my sex, which made him grow harder.

“Fuck, Maya, what are you doing to me?” he gritted out as I began to meet each thrust grinding down on him. Without warning, he exploded inside me holding his breath. I followed shortly after and bit him on his shoulder to stifle my sounds, which made him gasp.

“Shit!” he whispered, obviously too spent to say it louder.

I rested my head on his shoulder as we were still connected and he wrapped his arms around me, holding me close.

“Let’s go get in the shower,” I spoke softly in his ear. He turned his head and kissed me softly on my lips.

“That sounds good. Whatever you want. Damn you rode the hell out of me. Let me see if I can even move.” His sarcasm was funny. At least, I hoped he was joking. He stood with me still in his arms and carried me to the shower. We stepped in, fully clothed, and he turned the water on, chilling us with the first start cold water, then it gradually warmed up as the steam began to build. We began to kiss slowly, taking our time to explore each other’s body as we undressed. Once we were fully naked, he backed me up against the shower wall, picked me up, and wrapped both my legs around his waist.

“Don’t let go,” he commanded and suddenly rammed his delicious cock into my wet entrance and started making love to me. I held on as he thrust fast and hard while devouring my mouth to quiet my moans. My nails raked across his back as I braced for the impact that was sure to come. Our undoing occurred at the same time, which made it more powerful. We stared at each other for what felt like forever as the water continued to caress our bodies. No words, no motion, only taking in what is in front of us. I relaxed my grip on his waist and stood on my now jelly-like legs. We grabbed the body wash and began to wash each other, finishing our shower. When it was evident that we were done, he turned off the water and we stepped outside the shower onto the bath mat. He wrapped us in towels and led me to his bed, laying us down with me in his arms.

“Maya, I enjoy having sex with you, but do you mind if we don’t have sex tonight? I’m exhausted.” His sense of humor was welcoming and as was his sincere comment. I was extremely exhausted too.

“Sure, we can lay here and cuddle,” I spoke quietly.

I felt comfortable, safe, and secure in his arms. All my fears of a relationship were gradually being erased.

“Maya, do you like horses?” I was thinking that was a playful comment about what happened on the couch earlier.

“I haven’t been around any real horses, only the carousel at the fair or amusement park. Why?”

“Well, my dad is starting a horse stabling business for people who own horses but don’t have the place to keep them. I am helping with the business because it keeps me active so I don’t get into trouble. My dad bought this horse ranch cheap from an old friend of his and we rehabbed it and designed a few new things. I would love to take you out there sometime.” I had a zinger lined up for his sarcastic remark if he had made one, but he was sincere as if he was taking this to the next level.

“Sure, that sounds like fun.”

“Maybe we could spend the weekend there if you didn’t mind.”

“I won’t mind at all as long as I’m with you.”

“Good.” He held me tighter and kissed the top of my head. I was rubbing his arms in a soothing manner while my mind started to wonder about us. We barely mentioned it before, but I had to know my position in his life.

“Hey, Nicholas?”


“Where do I fit in your life? We are both young and you are incredibly handsome and sexy, it’s hard to imagine you tied down to one person.” That last part struck a chord within me as I thought about Tabitha.

He turned me toward him, raised up on his side, and pushed my hair from my face. “Maya, I only want to be with you. I don’t want to be with anyone else. You are mine, okay. I am yours, understood?” I nodded in agreement. “I am going to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to make you see that this right here is meant to be.” Those words, this moment, this man made me feel more relaxed. I took a deep breath and slowly exhaled.

“I don’t want to hurt you ever and I would think that you felt the same.”

“Of course I do.”

“So we take this walk slowly. No need to rush because we know, in the end, it will be you and me.” He leaned in and kissed me with passion and concern. He caressed my face as I lay down on the bed then moved his hands to my breasts and gently tugged at my nipples.

“Damn, I want you bad,” he whispered. He began to suck on my neck, no doubt leaving marks as hard as he was sucking.

“Nicholas, I think we should stop,” I whispered, thinking of how we agreed no sex tonight.

He looked at me with a deep lust in his eyes, breathing heavily. “Why stop?”

“Didn’t we agree to cuddle and not have sex?” I reminded him. He exhaled loudly and seemingly disappointed.

“Yes, yes we did,” he replied. He lay down beside me with a full erection. I tried to lay on his chest, but he stopped me.

“Maya, let the beast go back in his corner before you touch me. I don’t want to be responsible for what he may do to you.” I laughed aloud at what he said.

“Okay, I’ll lay here and look at you and the beast.” I turned to my side and stared at him.

I admired his profile as he was still on his back. His sculpted arms up under his head. His washboard abs were relaxed and I could see his chest rise and fall with each breath. His waist tapered off into a well-defined V shape. My, he is a manicured man I thought to myself. His happy trail was neatly trimmed and you could see the definition of his thigh muscles even in a relaxed state. I looked at his cock, still hard, still fully erect and the vein was very prominent with the head a little glossy from the excitement. I found myself becoming extremely aroused looking at him. My heart beat increased and my breaths became labored. I felt my slickness increase as the throbbing continued. I reached over to touch him and he quickly grabbed my hand.

“Maya, don’t!” he warned sternly and softly. Our eyes locked and for a brief moment, a cone of silence encompassed us. All you could hear was the air we were breathing. The tension was becoming too much for me to handle and I wanted him now. I licked my lips with desire and softly whispered his name. In seconds, he was all over me. The urge within him strong, I couldn’t resist, couldn’t breathe. We were so enthralled with each other that we fell to the floor, but that did not break us. We continued to tangle within each other, biting and sucking on each other in a primal manner. He rolled us over with me now on the bottom and pinned my hands above my head. We locked on to each other and stared for what seemed like an eternity as he reached under his bed and grabbed a small red nylon rope.

“Do you trust me?” he asked.

“Yes, I trust you.” I was curious to know what he had in mind. He took the rope and bound my hands together.

“Is that too tight?”

“No, it’s fine.”

“Maya, if you don’t want me to do this to you, please say so. I don’t want it to seem like I am forcing you to do this.”

BOOK: Unthinkable (Undeniable Trilogy #1)
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