Read Untamed Fire Online

Authors: Donna Fletcher

Tags: #western historical romance, #alpha hero, #spirited heroine

Untamed Fire (43 page)

BOOK: Untamed Fire
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Gaby removed her slippers and walked closer
to him, picking up the white lace fan that someone had presented
her with as a wedding gift. She placed one hand on her hip and with
the other snapped open the fan and swung it to rest beneath her
eyes. With her smile hidden, she began to dance.

She swayed temptingly to the music, allowing
the provocative tempo to take her away. She fluttered the fan down
her body seductively, touching the tips of her breasts, her belly,
and lower. Then she moved it up once again.

Her mouth became dry and, without thinking,
she ran her tongue slowly over her lips, wetting them, then biting
down on her lower lip as she gave thought to her movements.

She danced like she had never danced before.
Her steps were sure and graceful, full of passion and desire, for
they were meant to stir Rafael’s blood and her own.

Her breathing grew heavy, her body heated,
and when the music stopped, she collapsed at his feet.

He reached down and lifted her chin. “You
will dance like that for no else but me.”

, Don Rafael,” she teased.

He picked her up and carried her to the bed,
discarding their clothes in minutes.

He covered her body with his. “I can’t wait,
, you fired my blood. I want you now, fast and
furiously, and then,” —he teased with a bite to her neck— “I want
you slowly and lazily.”

His promised words fueled her passion. “I’m
yours in whatever way you want me.”

“Whatever way?” he repeated with a

“Whatever way, for tonight I will not be
able to get enough of you. My desire for you is beyond reason.”

He teased her lips with faint kisses.
“You’re wicked. Do you have any idea what your dancing and words
have done to me?”

Gaby wiggled temptingly against him. “I can
feel what they have done.”

He took her hands in his and stretched them
above her head. “You have a burning, untamed fire in your blood,
,” he said and slipped contentedly inside her.

She accepted him with pleasure and smiled as
she nipped at his lower lip. “Only for you, Rafael... only for


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Coming soon Rosa’s story...

Rosalita Mendez pulled with all her might to
retrieve the water bucket from the community well. Her arms ached
as did her back. She felt the stretch of each muscle with every
yank of the rope, the sweltering heat making the laborious chore
that more difficult.

“Blisters again,” she sighed as the hemp
line slid roughly along her hands.

“Rosa, you complain when your job is so
easy?” Marinda Chavez teased with a hearty laugh.

A sad smile graced the delicate features of
Rosa’s face. And even with wisps of her silk brown hair falling
along her brow and a trace of perspiration touching her slender
neck, her natural beauty still shined through.

Marinda shook her head and spoke half in
jest and half truthfully. “I hate you for being so beautiful.”

Rosa opened her mouth to protest.

“Don’t bother to deny it. Every woman in St.
Lucia comments on your lovely face. And every man cannot keep their
eyes off you. Your skin is clear and perfect like the angelic
carved statues in the church and your body...” Marinda shook her
head again. “What I wouldn’t give to be petite and slender like

“You are far from fat and besides Paco loves
you just the way you are,” Rosa said after hefting the heavy
water-filled bucket to sit on the sill of the well.

With the mention of her new husband, Marinda
beamed. “He tells me that I am a beautiful goddess who he will
worship forever.”

This time a happy smile appeared on Rosa’s
face. She was truly pleased that her friend had found love. Paco
Chavez had followed Marinda around like a love-starved puppy for
months, claiming that he would wait for her forever. Forever hadn’t
been long away. Paco’s irresistible charm had swept the robust
Marinda off her feet, and they had wed two months ago.

Marinda looked around the well at the other
women. She waited until some of the older women walked away, their
water jugs full, and the few younger women who lingered were deep
in conversation before she whispered to Rosa, “I’m glad Paco wed me
when he did. The search still goes on.”

Rosa involuntarily shuddered. “Don Alejandro
has still not found a wife for his son?”

Marinda shook her head and kept her voice
low. “Who would want to marry Esteban Cesare, handsome though he
may be?” Marinda crossed herself for protection before continuing.
“It is said he had done unspeakable things during his sixteen years
with Pacquito’s band of renegades.”

Rosa could not help but feel a twinge of
sympathy for Esteban Cesare. “It was not his fault that he was
captured by renegades when he was fourteen years old.”

“No, it wasn’t,” Marinda agreed. “But why
did he stay with them these many years. Why didn’t he return as
soon as escape was possible?”

Rosa kept her thoughts to herself. She
understood what it was like to be in a position where although
escape seemed possible... it wasn’t.

“I have heard that no decent family will
accept Don Cesare’s generous marriage offer for his son. All the
wealthy haciendas have closely guarded their daughters since his
return and that now Don Alejandro looks to the peasant people for a
suitable wife.”

Rosa raised her brow in question. “Don
Alejandro would allow his son to wed a peasant woman?”

“The gossips say he is desperate for his son
to return to a normal life, marry, have children, and help run the
wealthy Cesare lands. I suppose he hopes it will help bury his
son’s sinful past and he would once again be accepted into their

“His son needs to heal... to forgive before
he can forget.”

“Forgive who?” Marinda asked always curious
by Rosa’s strange responses.

“Himself, of course,” Rosa answered as
though it was common knowledge and everyone understood.

Marinda’s voice dropped so low that Rosa had
to lean closer to hear her. “Forgive himself for what... for all
the vile things he has done?”

“No,” —Rosa shook her head— “forgive himself
for the strength it took him to survive. Few people would have such

Audible, shocked gasps drew both their
attentions and they looked up to see what had caused the startled

Don Alejandro and his son Esteban were
riding in an open carriage through the center of St. Lucia at a
slow pace. The shiny black and silver trimmed conveyance glittered
in the morning sun. Don Alejandro waved and called out to friends,
his smile broad, pleasant, and sincere.

Esteban sat straight and stiff as though
prepared to battle any ill wind that blew his way. His demeanor was
arrogant and unapproachable. But his handsome features caught the
women’s breathes and sent their hearts beating rapidly.

From the size of him compared to his father
sitting beside him, he had to be several inches over six feet. And
from the fit of his garments his body was well-honed. His
black-as-night hair shined and was pulled back in a tie at the nape
of his neck.

The carriage neared Marinda and Rosa.

“Don’t look into his eyes,” Marinda warned
before lowering her head.

But Rosa could not take her eyes off the
handsome man that had had tongues wagging since his return and
besides he looked straight ahead as if he wasn’t the least
interested in those around him.

Don Alejandro waved to her, which she had
expected since on several occasions business had brought him to the
home of the family she resided with. Rosa smiled and waved
recalling the older man’s warmth and friendliness.

Esteban’s head turned then with a sharp snap
and caught her eyes in such an intense grip that Rosa was held
spellbound. It was as though his eyes penetrated her, and she could
feel the heat and fury contained within him as he stayed his
glance, his head turning slowly to hold it there as the carriage
continued on. It wasn’t until the conveyance disappeared around the
end building that she was free of him.

The breath, she hadn’t realized she had been
holding, came out in a short gasp. Her knees turned so weak that
Marinda grabbed her arm and helped her to lean against the well

“I warned you not to look at him,” Marinda
scolded. “Now that you have cast your eyes upon evil, you will

Rosa trembled from Marinda’s dire prediction
or from Esteban’s potent look, she couldn’t be certain. She knew
one thing though. She would not look upon his dark sinful eyes ever


“The young woman interests you?” Don
Alejandro asked shortly after the carriage pulled away from the St.
Lucia Mission. As usual Esteban had refused to enter the church.
Padre Marten had not encouraged him. Until Esteban confessed his
sins, the scared ground of the church was no place for him.

Receiving no immediate answer Alejandro
asked again, “The young woman... she interests you?”

Esteban did not look at his father when he
spoke. “I have no intentions of marrying... ever.”

“It is your obligation as my son to marry
and produce an heir,” Alejandro reminded impatiently for what he
felt must have been at least the hundredth time.

Esteban turned his head slowly as his brow
drew together in a frown and spoke in a tone that always managed to
send a chill through Alejandro. “I will

Alejandro stirred uncomfortably in his seat.
“We will discuss—”

“We have discussed enough!” Esteban snapped.
This ridiculous idea his father had must be put to rest
immediately. Marriage was not now nor would it ever be part of his
life. “I have not taken another man’s orders for several years. You
will do well to remember the things I have told you, Father, and
cease this senseless search for a wife for me.”

Alejandro gave a gentle shrug as though it
was no burden. “Your mother and I only wish your happiness.”

The one corner of Esteban’s mouth rose but a
fraction. Alejandro had learned quickly that this slight, almost
undetectable expression was what passed as a smile for his son. And
laughter? He had heard none from his son since his return and it
made him wonder if Esteban was even capable of ever laughing

“I am happy, Father,” Esteban said much too

Alejandro could hold back no longer.

? You barely speak to anyone. You never smile or
laugh. You distance yourself from your mother whenever she
approaches you. This is what you call

Esteban had remained stoic throughout his
father’s brief scolding. Even now no emotion clouded his face. “I
have changed. If you and Mother find my change too difficult to
accept, perhaps I should leave.”

Alejandro’s hand flew to his chest, his
heart skipping several beats and his breath catching. He could not
lose his son a second time. He would be devastated not to mention
his dear wife Valeriana’s reaction. It was unthinkable. He shook
his head slowly; his expression sad. “Your mother and I love you
and would be heartbroken if you were to leave us. We want only what
is best for you.”

“What is
,” Esteban emphasized,
“is to
me be.”

Don Alejandro simply nodded in response and
watched with little interest as the carriage turned onto Cesare
property. His generous wealth laid spread out around him. Vineyards
of fresh grapes, orchards abundant with fruit, livestock enough to
feed the entire valley, yet it all seemed unimportant at the
moment. The only thing that concerned him was his son.

“Rosalita Mendez is a sweet

Esteban stiffened considerably, and it
brought a pleased smile to Alejandro’s lips. He had finally touched
an emotional chord in his son, or perhaps Rosalita had.

“She was so very delighted and grateful when
I presented her with drawing charcoals and papers that she insisted
on drawing a portrait of me. Your mother contended that Rosalita
had captured my true nature, especially around the eyes.”

Alejandro stopped, disappointed that he
wasn’t holding his son’s attention. He recalled what best stirred a
man’s interest in a woman. And smiled as he said, “Many of the
young men fancy Rosalita.”

That did it.

Esteban turned with a snap to glare at his
father. His voice remained controlled but his tone was hard. “And
does she enjoy their favors?”

Alejandro refused to allow his son’s caustic
remark to disturb him. “She is a good girl and keeps them at a
respectable distance.”

“She wears a gentle smile,” Esteban said
although Alejandro felt certain it was more a spoken thought not
meant to be shared.

“She is gentle and kind; truly a good
woman,” Alejandro assured and tempted fate further with his next
words. “Would you like to meet her?’

Esteban remained silent as the carriage
pulled into the circular entrance of the courtyard of the Cesare
hacienda and stopped beside the fountain spurting water to the

He stepped down out of the carriage and with
deliberate slowness turned back around to catch his father’s
hopeful look with his potent one. “She fears me. I can see it in
her eyes, and she has good reason to,” —Esteban raised his hand to
stop his father from interrupting— “
good reason

Esteban loosened the black slim tie at his
throat and opened his shirt down to his waist, as if shedding the
image of Don Cesare’s respectable son and returning to who he had
been forced to become... a wild, merciless renegade. And his words
proved it. “The moment I laid eyes on her I wanted her. My blood
fired with uncontrollable lust, my groin throbbed and I thought of
nothing more than stripping her naked and taking her like a wild
stallion would take a mare.”

BOOK: Untamed Fire
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