Untamed Fire (26 page)

Read Untamed Fire Online

Authors: Donna Fletcher

Tags: #western historical romance, #alpha hero, #spirited heroine

BOOK: Untamed Fire
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“I am tall.”

“This is true,” Gaby agreed.

“If you turn around and slip to the edge, I
will stand beneath you and you can place your feet on my shoulders.
When I feel them there, I can reach up and lower you to the

Gaby thought a moment. It sounded logical,
and Sanchez was rather tall, but there was something about the idea
that made her doubt the wisdom of the plan.

“Well, do you try it, or do you wait an hour
or more for one of the vaqueros to retrieve a tall ladder from the

Gaby looked up at the burning sun, shading
her eyes from its hot glare. She’d be baked if she stayed up there
much longer.

“We’ll try it your way,” she called

Sanchez removed his hat, handing it to
Carlos. The older man winked at him as he stepped back. Sanchez
moved into position beneath the roof’s edge and called up when he
was ready.

Gaby murmured a small prayer and turned,
lowering herself down slowly. Her feet dangled, touching

“Where are you?”

“Just hold still a minute and let me get
underneath you.”

“All right, but hurry, I can’t hold myself
up here like this much longer.”

In seconds Gaby felt his shoulders beneath
her, and she placed one foot firmly on his one shoulder, the other
one quickly followed.

Sanchez’s hands reached up and grabbed hold
of her ankles. “Now, let go easy.”

“Are you certain you have me?”

“Very certain. Don’t worry, I won’t let

“All right, but hold tight,” she said and
pushed herself away from the edge... a bit too hard.


Rafael heard the commotion, had been hearing
it for some time. First there was the loud thud, then silence, and
now this yelling. Didn’t the workers have any sense? He was tired
of being disturbed. He had work to finish, and Gaby to find. She
had successfully eluded him for the last few days, but no more.
Tonight she was his.

He slammed the ledger closed and walked out
of the room, determined to put an end to this nonsense.


“Sanchez!” Gaby screamed as she felt herself
slipping, his hands sliding along her legs, her skirt billowing in
the air, and landing with a thud on his shoulders. She grabbed hold
of his head which was hidden beneath her skirt. Her legs lay
dangling around his neck and the flesh of her thighs hugged his

Sanchez stumbled from left to right. He
couldn’t see anything with her skirt covering his face, and he
couldn’t remove it because her hands were locked over it, not to
mention he was fighting to maintain his balance. He also couldn’t
hear much either. He grinned. He was having a hell of an enjoyable

“Sanchez!” Gaby screamed again as he
stumbled about.

“Sit still,” Sanchez yelled back, but no one
heard, since her skirt muffled his words.

Carlos and Nieto were laughing too hard to
be of any help.

Lupe had run out from the cookhouse, Elena
following, as well as Anita. They stood there shocked, their mouths
open wide.

Sanchez stumbled. Gaby tilted. And everyone
around them laughed.


The voice was like a roar of thunder.
Everyone stilled including Gaby, which gave Sanchez enough time to
gain control of the situation.

Rafael’s face was livid with fury. “Who’s
beneath your skirt? And what the hell is he doing there?”

That familiar smile of hers lit her face,
the smile that was a prelude to trouble. “It’s Sanchez, and we’re

The others had to bite back their laughter
as they saw Sanchez’s covered head shake rapidly back and

“He doesn’t seem to agree with you,” Rafael
said, his nostrils flaring as they usually did when he grew

This time Sanchez nodded and Gaby patted his
head. “Of course he does. This was all

Sanchez moaned.

Rafael walked toward them, looking up at
Gaby. “Sanchez wanted you on his shoulders?”

“Yes, he insisted,” she said with a slap to
the vaquero’s shaking head.

Rafael kept his eyes on Gaby while his hands
lifted her skirt, placing it behind Sanchez’s neck. The vaquero’s
face was bright red.

“You told her to get on your shoulders?”
Rafael asked. His voice was dangerously calm.

“I only meant to help her.”

“Help her want?” he roared.

“Carriages! Wagons!” A voice shouted. “The
Galvezes are here.”

Rafael walked behind Sanchez and roughly
pulled Gaby off him. “I will speak to you later. Go!”

Sanchez hurried away, the others following

Gaby tried to move, but Rafael’s hand was
firm and strong around her wrist. He pulled her to him, twisting
her arm behind her back to press her chest against his.

“If you wish someone to play beneath your
I will
oblige you.”

Gaby’s free hand swung up to slap his face,
but he caught it.

“Later you will explain why your legs were
locked around Sanchez’s neck.” His nostrils flared once again and
he pushed her away, his anger too near the edge to say more. “Go...
and behave.”

Rafael watched her run to retrieve her
basket. He had the strangest feeling she was running from him and
the thought frightened him.


She looked at him, clutching the basket to
her chest.

“You will come to my room tonight, after you
finish seeing to my mother.”

She looked at him with shock, her dark brown
eyes wide, her mouth open partially, as if to speak, but unable to
find the words. Her fingers rose to touch her lips ready to stifle
a cry. Her eyes filled with pain and she ran, dropping the basket
as she went.

He attempted to call out to her, but it was
no use. He had hurt her badly and he had hurt himself. He had never
demanded she come to him. He had always tempted and teased her
until she was willing. He had never, never treated her like a
whore—until this minute.

“Damn, Gaby, loving you is driving me
insane,” he whispered harshly and walked away to greet his


Gaby stood back along with the other
servants as Rafael and Dona Maria welcomed their guests. The women
commented in hushed whispers over the beauty of Dona Isabel. Gaby
agreed; she was stunning.

She was Gaby’s height and her black hair was
woven in an intricate braid and fastened to the back of her head
with an ivory fan comb. Her skin was pale and smooth, hardly a
wrinkle touched it. Her trim figure looked like that of a young
girl’s. The white lace dress she wore hugged her full breasts and
slim waist. And when she walked it was with regal grace.

“Isabel, it is so good to see you,” Dona
Maria cried and carefully, so as not to disturb her perfect
appearance, gave the woman a gentle hug.

“And it is good to see you, Maria,” she said
in return, her voice lacking the enthusiasm of Dona Maria’s

Gaby didn’t care for the woman and her
obvious pretentious manner. Her husband, Don Felipe, didn’t appear
as full of himself as his wife did. He was of fair size, slim, with
pleasant features, and gray touched the temples of his dark hair.
He smiled often and seemed genuinely glad to see the Cabrillos.

It was the third occupant of the carriage
that disturbed Gaby the most. Ignacio Galvez was the nephew of Don
Felipe. He was handsome, strong featured, tall, although not as
tall as Rafael, slim and charming, definitely charming. He seemed a
perfect match to Dona Isabel, since they both obviously cared for
nothing but themselves.

“Come,” Dona Maria directed. “You must be
weary after your journey and thirsty.”

“Yes, thirsty,” Felipe said, “thirsty to try
your fine wine, Rafael.”

“Come then,” Rafael said. “You will not be

“I suppose you will join the men, Ignacio”?”
Isabel Galvez asked irritably.

“Yes, Aunt, I shall.” He bowed slightly
before her, taking her hand in his and placing a gentle kiss upon

His attentive gesture appeared to soothe her
and they all walked toward the entrance.


“I don’t want to serve them,” Gaby

“Dona Maria distinctly requested that you
serve the guests,” Lupe said, fussing over the silver tray artfully
arranged with fruits, cheeses, and cakes.

“But it isn’t my job. It’s Anita’s.”

“Dona Maria was concerned with Anita’s
health, therefore, she instructed me to make certain you

“That’s not true and you know it, Lupe.”

Lupe smiled and patted Gaby on the shoulder.
“Dona Maria feels your beauty and contagious smile will brighten
everyone’s mood.”

“I don’t feel like smiling,” Gaby said, her
heart still aching from Rafael’s demand that she seek his quarters
tonight. She had never expected him to treat her like a

“You should talk to Padre Jose,” Lupe
insisted. “He will be here often over the next few weeks.”

“Perhaps I should,” she agreed, still not
certain it was the wisest choice, but realizing it might be her
only one.

“Now take this tray and—”

Gaby’s face lit with a radiant smile.

“Good, you read my thoughts,” Lupe said and
picked up the tray handing it to Gaby.

“I shall dazzle the guests,” she teased with
a giggle and left the room.

“You will break the men’s heart, my
, especially one in particular,” Lupe whispered and
crossed herself.

Gaby entered the dining room with her
customary flourish. Her smile remained constant and genuine. Her
full hips swayed as she walked, as though they were attuned to a
lively melody.

Ignacio’s relaxed manner changed suddenly.
His posture became erect and his eyes focused on Gaby and remained
there, his inspection not at all discreet.

Rafael grew more and more annoyed as he
watched the young man’s eyes wander over Gaby, coming to rest on
her backside. It was obvious he was interested, too interested.

“You have a beautiful smile, my child,”
Felipe said, helping himself to a slice of cheese.

“Thank you,” she said.

“She may have a sweet smile, but she speaks
when she isn’t asked to,” Isabel said. “Really, Maria, you should
teach your servants proper behavior.”

“Gaby is—”

Rafael’s brisk and annoyed tone cut his
mother off. “Gaby is under my dictate, Dona Isabel. I decide what
is proper for her and what isn’t.”

Ignacio learned back in his chair and

“Forgive me,” Dona Isabel said, “I did not
understand the situation.”

“You still don’t,” Rafael said rudely.

Dona Isabel was shocked by his tone as was
his mother, but both women remained silent as was proper.

“So how are the vineyards doing?” Felipe
asked, hoping to break the tension.

Rafael lifted his glass. “Judge for

Rafael caught Gaby’s eye as the conversation
continued. He saw and felt her pain. He had not meant to hurt her.
He had been angry and jealous seeing her on Sanchez’s shoulders,
her skirt covering his head. He had not thought rationally before
he spoke, he had allowed his anger to rule and she had suffered for

He continued to stare as did she. There was
a soft, silent plea in her eyes and he understood. He reluctantly
moved his head slightly toward the door, dismissing her.

Gaby placed the tray on the table near Don
Felipe and left the room. She walked to the cookhouse and burst
into tears.

Lupe quickly dried her hands on her apron,
then hugged the girl to her. “Easy, child, easy,” she soothed. But
the sobs wouldn’t stop.

“Elena,” Lupe called out and the woman
hurried in from the other room. “I need someone to serve the

Elena nodded and untied her apron.


That evening Raphael looked splendid in his
black attire and white ruffled shirt. He sat at the head of the
table, a don in every respect.

He matched the rest of the splendor of the
room, the silver candelabra with their flickering spikes of light,
the fine china, the sparkling crystal, the polished silverware, and
his guests in their court finery. It was a stunning sight and it
made him sick.

He wanted Gaby in her soft cotton blouse and
skirt, her bare feet, her hair loose, enjoying the simple things;
like the flowers she loved to pick, the butterflies she hated to
disturb, the picnics she loved to take his mother on, and the music
she loved to dance to.

He was beginning to see so many things
differently. It was hard to believe that he had behaved in such a
manner as his guests, holding that air of superiority with other
people, when now he found it repulsive.

Rafael picked up his wine glass and slowly
brought it to his lips, wishing to avoid the conversation at the
moment. He would be pleasant to his guests and hoped their stay
would not be long. Then when it was over, he and Gaby would have a
serious talk.

He was glad Elena was serving supper. After
the noon meal, he had sought Lupe out to do just that, wanting to
spare Gaby any more hurt when he had learned she complained of not
feeling well and asked to be excused of her duties for the
remainder of the evening. Dona Maria had granted her request.
Rafael agreed and wondered if Gaby was ill, or if she were more
upset with him than he had thought.

“Oh, Ignacio,” Louisa Ortega gushed
dramatically, “that sounds so exciting!”

Rafael’s attention was brought back to the
table and the conversation. They were speaking of court life in
Spain and all its pageantry and splendor.

“I don’t know how you stand living here,
Maria,” Isabel said. “It is so empty, so barren, so boring.”

Rafael was surprised to see his mother’s
lips tighten in annoyance, as if she was attempting to control

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