Untamed Fire (17 page)

Read Untamed Fire Online

Authors: Donna Fletcher

Tags: #western historical romance, #alpha hero, #spirited heroine

BOOK: Untamed Fire
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It was a useless attempt. His eyes ached to
watch the provocative sway of her full hips, her slim legs, and her
bare feet.
Bare feet!
He turned in a flash and caught sight
of her bare feet disappearing into the arbor. Without hesitation,
he followed her.

Gaby laughed with delight, popping another
plump grape into her mouth. It was comfortable in the shade, so
cool and of course the sweet grapes only added to the pleasure of
her chore. She had several bunches of the red grapes carefully
cradled in the basket. A few more would be more than enough, but
she took her time, not wanting to hurry.

She reached above her head for a fat juicy
grape. It slipped from her grasp and dropped down into her blouse.
She squealed, feeling its cool descent and quickly, without
thought, pulled her blouse down just enough to capture the elusive

She laughed as she rolled it up her chest
tickling her skin. With two fingers she plucked it from between her
breasts and popped it into her mouth. She bit into it and, as
though in protest, the grape squirted its sweet juice all over her
mouth and chin, two small drops dripping onto her chest. She wiped
them away with her finger and laughed some more as she continued
her task.

Rafael stood motionless. He was incapable of
moving. His heart hammered in his chest, his eyes having locked on
Gaby’s every movement.

Her sun-drenched skin reflected a fine sheen
of perspiration, the rich luster of her dark hair was even more
pronounced since it was unbraided and tied back with a single
yellow ribbon, its long length tickling her waistline.

Damn if she wasn’t tempting. He could feel
his willpower slipping and had been about to turn away when the
grape slipped into her blouse. His eyes had remained fixed on her
as she pulled the white material down, exposing most of her plump
breasts. He could see the tops of her dark nipples, large and round
and much too inviting.

He had watched, growing aroused as she
plucked the fat grape nestled between her breasts and took it into
her mouth. He pulled back startled when her sharp, white teeth bit
into it, sending the juice squirting over her. His tongue ached to
lick the sweet liquid from her chin and capture the tiny sparkling
drops that fell on her chest.

he warned himself repeatedly
having grown hard to the point of no return.
Leave now.
his legs wouldn’t move. When she took another plump grape into her
mouth, reached for the basket to place on her arm, and then
innocently licked her lips slowly with her long tongue, Rafael felt
his control snap.

His firm, muscled legs reached her in three
easy strides. His hand grabbed her arm, gripping it tightly. His
other hand tore the basket from her, threw it to the ground and
then he gripped the back of her hair until she winced in pain.

His hot blue eyes captured her frightened
brown ones for only a second, then his mouth crushed against hers.
His tongue forced its way between her sharp teeth and the little
nips she gave him to prevent his entry only excited him

Her taste was sweet, her tongue cool and
moist against his feverish one. He assaulted her mouth with a
vengeance, not thinking, not hearing, not caring until her tiny,
soft whimpers penetrated his senses.

It was then he felt her body quivering,
heard her gentle cry, and realized how brutal he was behaving. He
released her hair and slipped his other hand from her arm to around
her waist. His free hand tenderly raised her face up to look at

He tensed when he caught sight of her red
lips. He had not meant to hurt, yet in his urgent need he gave no
thought of her. He lifted his fingers and Gaby tried to pull back
away from him. The fear in her eyes hurt him.

don’t,” he whispered,
and his fingers touched her lips with such gentleness that it
caused Gaby to shiver. “Do you know what your lips do to me?” he
asked, tracing along the large bottom one. The one he had longed to

Gaby didn’t answer, she just stared at him,
not certain if it was fear or anticipation that made her heart
thump so wildly.

“They drive me crazy with the want of you
until I lose control.” His head slowly, so slowly, descended that
Gaby’s heart beat even more wildly.

open to me,” he

Gaby’s mouth parted slightly, but it was
Rafael’s tongue that touched her lips. Wet and moist the tip glided
over hers tenderly, instilling a different ache, a pleasurable,
sensuous one.

She parted her mouth more, this time
inviting him to slip in. But he patiently, deliberately continued
to toy with her lips, bruising them with desire.

Gaby whimpered once again, but this time not
in pain... in pleasure.

Certain she was ready, Rafael gently touched
his lips to hers, then pulled away and returned once again, softly
brushing, stroking his mouth across hers.

She eagerly met him and when his tongue
dipped inside her, she accepted it willingly.

Her eager surrender fueled Rafael and his
body responded immediately. He held a tight rein on his desire,
though it was no easy task. He wanted her with a passion he had
never known before and that excited him even more. He pursued her
mouth with gentle persuasion. He licked, nipped, and teased her
lips and then slipped inside to do the same until her moans grew in
intensity. He kept kissing her, though he warned himself to stop,
warned himself of the consequences and yet he paid no heed. He
continued kissing her.

Gaby felt her control slip. She tilted her
head back needing to take a breath from his endless kisses and her
own mounting passion, never realizing that her innocent action left
the soft column of her neck vulnerable.

Rafael feasted running his tongue along the
length of her silky skin, over the pulsating vein that throbbed
with excitement, and continued down her chest to the full flesh of
her breasts.

He took the top of her blouse between his
teeth and pulled it down exposing one full breast. Then his tongue
circled the nipple and took it into his mouth. It tasted warm and
hard, his tongue rolling over it again and again. He couldn’t get
enough; he wanted more, so much more. He felt his own hardness
straining to break free.

Rafael heard her moan, felt her pliant in
his arms. He could ease her back onto the ground, strip her bare
and delve into her without protest.


His name spilled with a trusting plea from
her lips, and he knew he could not take her here, like this, as
though she were a common whore. It was not fair to her and he had
given his word he would never hurt her.

Reluctantly, he pulled her blouse up to
cover her tempting breast. He kissed her lovingly and gently and
without a word left her standing bewildered and alone, knowing if
he stayed one minute more he would not be able to stop himself from
making love to her.

Gaby stood surrounded by the silence and the
cool shelter of the arbor. She shivered from the heated sensations
tormenting her body. Her fingers sought her pulsing lips but rested
a mere whisper away, almost afraid to touch for fear of what she
would feel. When she finally surrendered her body quivered. Her
lips were still sensitive from Rafael’s kisses. She had heard other
girls speak of how a kiss felt, but none had ever described it with
such clarity. Feeling hot and cold all at once, trembling inside
from the heat, shivering from the cool burning flesh and then there
was the tingling between her legs. It was like nothing she had ever

She closed her eyes and felt his mouth on
her breast once again, his tongue rolling over her nipple until she
wanted to stripe off her clothes and have him taste her all over.
Her skin blushed with the sinful thought. Would she ever feel this
way with another man? She shook her head sharply. She wouldn’t want
another man touching her so intimately... she only wanted

She cried to herself. He can
never be yours, never. He will marry befitting his class. He will
only have you when it’s convenient for him, when his wife is asleep
safe in his bed or in the afternoon in the stable amongst the hay
and horses. And what if there was a child? What then?

“You fool,” she cried softly. “He can never
be yours. He will never love you.”

She bent and picked up the grapes that had
spilled from the basket, discarding the crushed ones. Tears
trickled from her eyes and slowly made their way down her

“You are an idiot,” she whispered, “for only
idiots fall in love with the wrong man.” And that was exactly what
she feared she was doing... falling in love.

She hoisted the basket over her arm and
wiped the tears from her eyes. She scolded herself as she walked
through the arbor, warning herself to keep her distance from
Rafael. Warning herself not to disobey him any longer. Warning
herself not to be caught alone with him.

Gaby stopped as she emerged from the
secluded arbor into the bright sunlight. She shut her eyes tightly,
desperately fighting back the tears, fighting what she knew was

Dios Mio,
I will never be able to
deny him what he wants... for I want it too.


“There are only a few errands for you to see
to in town for me, Gaby,” Dona Maria said. “Afterwards, you and
Sanchez enjoy the day. Do not hurry back. Take your time.”

Gaby leaned over the older woman to adjust
her pillows. “Are you certain? Perhaps you will require my
assistance later in the day.”

Dona Maria took Gaby’s hand in hers. “I will
be fine. It is time you enjoyed yourself some. I hear that Sanchez
finds you attractive.”

“Sanchez is a good man.”

“And good men make good husbands.”

Gaby’s usual bright smile did not light her
face, and her bleak expression did not go unnoticed to Dona Maria.
“I’m not ready to marry yet.”

Dona Maria patted her hand. “Of course not,
but enjoy the day with the young vaquero. Laugh, smile and be

Gaby agreed with a nod and quickly left the
room. She hadn’t wanted to hear about what a good husband Sanchez
would make. It seemed that Lupe and Elena felt the same way and
constantly spoke to her about him. Was it that obvious of how she
felt about Rafael? Were they attempting to protect her from the
inevitable heartache?

She hurried to her quarters. Perhaps it was
time she listened to everyone and her own warnings. Today she would
turn her attention to the young handsome vaquero and forget Rafael.
And she would start by changing into more colorful clothing and out
of the drab dress of a Cabrillo servant.

Gaby hummed as she freshened her face with
cool water, replaced her plain white blouse with one embroidered
with colorful stitching along the low neck, and slipped on a bright
yellow skirt. She added an orange and green striped sash to her
waist and finished her sparkling appearance with a vibrant yellow
ribbon entwined in her long dark braid. She reluctantly added her
sandals, fearing if Don Rafael saw her he would use her
disobedience as an excuse not to let her go to town.

Feeling confident and happy, Gaby walked
from her room with a brilliant smile and a satisfying swing to her

Rafael entered the courtyard to find Gaby
about to leave. He was struck by her natural beauty and radiant
smile. It lightened his sour mood until she spoke.

“I’m off to town on errands for your mother.
Sanchez is taking me. Is there anything you require?” She had been
so pleased and happy with herself that she had not thought of the
consequences of what she told him. His expression warned her of his
dissatisfaction, but she refused to relinquish her pleasant mood.
“Is there?” she repeated, since he hadn’t answered her.

“What errands has my mother requested of
you?” he demanded, his voice deep with annoyance.

“Only delivering a few notes and picking up
a few things—nothing of great importance.”

“Then you should return shortly, by early

Mischief tickled at Gaby. She grabbed the
sides of her yellow skirt and whirled around Rafael. “That’s the
best part. I’m free to enjoy the rest of the day. Dona Maria
insists that I have some fun, and I’m sure Sanchez and I will do
just that.”

Rafael caught her by the arm, jolting her to
a stop. “I did not give permission for this trip.”

Gaby had a feeling he would say just that.
“Your mother—”

“My mother doesn’t have the authority to
send you to town, or give you part of the day off.”

She tried to pull her arm free, but he
tightened his grip. “Are you saying I can’t go?”

“I’m saying you may tend to your errands,
but that is all. Afterwards, you will return immediately.” He
released her arm.

“As you wish,” she said and turned to walk

“I mean it, Gaby. Do not delay your

She stopped and twirled around. “I will do
as you say.”

“As you always do?” he added with a slight,
almost undetectable, smile.

“As I always do,” she repeated with a
mischievous grin, the one that always appeared just before she got
herself into trouble.

His eyes focused on her lips, recalling the
way they had tasted the other day in the grape arbor and how she
had responded to his touch. He heard her soft moans, felt her melt
against him once again.

“I forbid you to go to town with

Gaby was stunned by the vehemence in his
voice. “Why?”

He stepped toward her, his eyes narrowed,
his lips set tightly in a frown. “You question my authority?”

He had rattled her with his dictatorial
attitude and she was growing tired of following orders. Not that
she listened, but still . . . “Yes, I do! Why can’t Sanchez take me
to town?”

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