Untainted: (Crime Romance: The Photographer Trilogy #3)

BOOK: Untainted: (Crime Romance: The Photographer Trilogy #3)
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The Final Book of The Photographer Trilogy
Sarah Robinson




Untainted © Sarah Robinson


Editing by Michael R. Burhans

Formatting by Michael R. Burhans


Balaat Professional Services

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Email Michael at [email protected]


Cover Design by Kim Black
Check out the amazingly talented Kim Black, Author of
The Cover Series

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Copyright © 2014 by Sarah Robinson

All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any way without the expressed written consent of the author.  The ideas, characters, and situations presented in this story are strictly fictional and any unintentional likeness to real people or real situations is completely coincidental.


This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please delete and support the author by purchasing the book from one of its many distributors. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.



Due to violent and dark subject matters, this book is meant for 18+ years of age only.




This series is dedicated to my husband, Justin, who is the best police officer I know and the inspiration for all the law enforcement parts of The Photographer Trilogy. He read every bit of this series before anyone else, and made sure every police procedure and reference was correct- but most importantly, he was there for me. He watched me cry and bleed my past into this book and encouraged me to continue, knowing that I needed to write Kate’s story, my story, in order to heal.


This book, and the entire Photographer Trilogy, is dedicated to every woman who has survived a sexual assault of any kind. To every woman whose stomach clenches when she walks down a dark alley. To every woman who has looked evil in the face and can still hold her head high, still love, and still remember that there is good in this world if you are willing to look for it.


To everyone who has learned that the evil we’ve seen and the evil we’ve been...

will never define who we are inside.


The world might be tainted, but we don’t have to be.





with Sarah








Read Books 1 & 2 IN

the photographer trilogy

Tainted Bodies
Barnes & Noble
, and


Tainted Pictures
Barnes & Noble
, and
Signed paperbacks are available on
Author website







Dear Readers-


      I spoke about this a bit in the Author’s Note in the revised version of Tainted Bodies (Sept. 2014), but I want to reiterate this important topic as the trilogy comes to a close. While the entire trilogy does broach the topic of sexual assault, Untainted in particular is a darker than average read. People are hurt. People are killed. People make mistakes, the kind that will have you screaming at your e-reader with rage, maybe even disgust.

Sexual assault and child abuse are openly discussed and somewhat detailed; however, please know that I am fully aware of how difficult those sections might be to read for most people. I am not, nor would I ever, write scenes like that for the “thrill” or “shock” value, or just to upset you. I write those specific scenes because this is based on a real story that deserves the harsh truth to be told. Even if it was a complete work of fiction, these are situations and crimes that do occur in our world much more often, and much closer to us, than we would like to think.
       I ask you to go into this story with an open mind, not only because this is based on a true story, but because these topics are important to discuss. These evils need to be understood and not hidden. Survivors need outlets to be able to feel and share their stories, it is the only way that healing can occur. I urge anyone with triggers from abuse to take care of themselves while reading any part of this trilogy. Use this reading as a form of healing, revenge, and justice- let it be the words you might not have gotten the chance to say. Most importantly, please know that there is always someone to call and resources available.  
      You are never alone.

The world might be tainted, but we don’t have to be.



                              Sarah Robinson


emergency numbers

If you feel like you might hurt yourself, please call 911 immediately.


If you need someone to talk to,

please call the
National Sexual Assault Hotline

1-800-656-HOPE or 1-800-656-4673 (open 24/7 and has an online hotline as well).


If you are feeling depressed or suicidal, please feel free to utilize the

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
(open 24/7) at

1-800-273-TALK or 1-800-273-8255.


If you are aware or suspect child abuse of any type, please call the

National Child Abuse Hotline
at 1-800-422-4453.
**These numbers are accurate as of October 2014. If they do not work at the time you try them, please Google the updated numbers or call 911 if it’s an emergency.



Sarah Robinson is the four-time Amazon Bestselling Author of
Sand & Clay
Logan’s Story,
Tainted Bodies
, and
Tainted Pictures
. Her very popular trilogy, The Photographer Trilogy, includes
Tainted Bodies,
Tainted Pictures,
and this current book,
. Her latest publications include
Sand & Clay
Logan’s Story
, both in the
Sand & Clay Series
. All of her novels have reached Amazon’s Bestseller Rank in Crime, Crime, Thriller, Contemporary Romance, and/or Romantic Suspense. She also has a very large social media following with over twelve thousand Facebook fans.

Her writing often concentrates on the complexity of love in emotions, combining psychological complexities and human flaws to create very real characters that readers can relate with. Her work focuses on redemption and forgiveness, learning to build on what has been broken. Her characters are often in conflicting situations, leaving the reader to decide what is right and what is wrong. She uses her stories to hold a mirror up to the reader and ask them to see things they never knew, or had forgotten, about themselves.

Sarah Robinson is a native of the Washington, DC area and has both her Bachelors and Masters Degrees in criminal psychology. She is newly married to her soul mate, Justin, who is just as much of an animal rescue enthusiasts as she is.  Together, they own a zoo of rescues including dogs, cats, and turtles, as well as volunteering and fostering for multiple animal shelters.






Death is nothing like the movies.  Spending your whole life watching crime shows and scary movies, you see murder scenes that range from comical to gruesome.  You think you have seen it all.  You think you know what it would be like.

You think you know what to expect.

You don’t.




Derrick slowly walked down the front steps of Kate’s apartment building onto the sidewalk, not even aware of the flashing cameras or murmuring crowd gathered around. The front of the building was roped off with crime scene tape and barricades, keeping the curious neighbors and passersby at bay while investigators tried to manage the harrowing scene they had just been presented with. 

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