Unstuck (3 page)

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Authors: Liliana Camarena

BOOK: Unstuck
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“New York? What?” Red Nick seemed to have a hard time finding his words.

“Yes! Weird uh? I think that being overqualified for the job was what got them to like my resume, I don’t know” I shrug while looking at a red dress.

“Well, we knew that it would be really easy for you to get a job like that. What we didn’t know was that it would be for Patrick Maynard, that’s amazing!”  His all white smile showed me he genuinely was happy for me.

“Yes, it kind of is. Not knowing what to pack is NOT amazing” I said as I extend my arms showing him my suitcase and bed.

“No dress code?” He asked while playing whit his phone. I just shook my head “Then pack for everything, I guess, better be prepared…”

“Yeah! Let’s eat” I said and we both went downstairs to the kitchen table where we talked about everything from the new job to his latest conquests. That’s what worked for us, we were comfortable with each other, we didn’t care when we would see each other and how, we were there for each other and that’s what we both needed in our life. We both were lonely people for different reasons, though. I was lonely and had lost the few people that had been close because my job came always first; he was lonely because he was a manwhore and was afraid of commitment. Sounds harsh but that’s who Nicholas was; I loved him to death but he could’ve had a wife kids and a whole family if he had wanted, he just didn’t. Seemed that he wanted to be the eternal bachelor and I guess that in a man that is attractive while in a girl, well I wouldn’t be an eternal bachelorette, I would simply be a pathetic spinster.

“So…” I said as I threw the leftovers into the trash can once we were done, “what I really meant to ask you is if it would be too much trouble for you to either adopt my fish or come feed them when I am not around.” I smile a big smile and batted my eyelashes and he just shook his head.

“Of course I would, Sugar,” he said with a small laugh.

“You would adopt them or feed them?” I stared while lying back on the kitchen counter.

“No, I guess I would feed them, moving the whole mini fish tank is too much so I guess I’ll come by,” I nodded. “I still don’t get why you bought them,” he sneered.

“Thank you and you are not always around, honey, I need at least fish to come home to,” I put my hands on my hips and he smiled while getting up from the table.

“Anyway, I’m going to leave you to your packing because tomorrow you need to wake up fresh.” He said as he walked to the door.

“I know, first day at new job.” I said shrugging.

“Look, Sugar, you need to make this change. You need to let go of being in control and start to relax a bit. You are 29 years old, you are hitting the 3-0 soon and believe me, you will go into full life evaluation mode and you want to have a change in your life by then if you dont want to throw yourself out the window,” he patted my shoulder. Wow! That was depressing.

“That’s what happened to you?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

“Oh Dear God, no!” he snorted, “when I turned 30 I became more attractive to women and my life evaluation mode flew out the window. I’m just saying that might happen to you and this change will help you see that life is about living it to the max.” He winked at me and opened the door.

“Fine.” I shrugged as he kissed my forehead.

“Call me tomorrow when you are free, let me know how it goes,” he said and I just nodded. Phone calls were the base our friendship was built upon. Thank God for smartphones and videochats.
























Next morning I jumped on my SUV and followed the GPS directions all the way to Maynard’s place. I had to follow the GPS because it turned out that I was going to New Hope. That’s around 50 minutes away from Philadelphia; I was really considering renting an apartment somewhere in New Hope so I wouldn’t have to drive one hour every day, but then again, maybe I didn’t need to do that because the office itself was in Philadelphia. It was something to think about but I decided that was something I would have to address next week when I came back from wherever we were going today.

I finally reached New Hope and drove towards the gates that kept Maynard’s mansion. And what a mansion! It was huge from what I could see. I mean, what’s usually behind humongous gates? Mansions, that’s what it’s. I pushed the button on the intercom and a male voice came on.

“Yes,” no question, just ‘yes’ as in answering a question.

“Good morning, I’m here to see Mr. Maynard,” I sounded to myself a bit small and timid as a reaction to the ‘Yes’ that came from the other side.

“Who is this?” I heard again with the same aggressive manner.

“Lucinda Stuart,” I said this time with a bit more of authority.

“Come on in, Miss Stuart, Mr. Maynard is waiting for you.” I then saw the gates open and I drove in. The aggressive voice turned a bit friendlier once I was cleared for entrance and that left me wondering why Mr. Maynard was waiting already. It was 7:50.
Stop freaking out Lucy,
I thought to myself. I was always trying to predict the behaviors of others.

I drove through a long path surrounded by trees until I stopped at the doorway of a stone manor that looked ridiculously big. I parked next to a black SVU and jumped out of mine. I grabbed my bags from the trunk and wheeled them towards the house. It turned difficult to walk on a pebbled floor in my ridiculously high heels but I made it to the front door in about 10 minutes (not even kidding). As soon as my heels were on firm land I saw the front door open and a huge, bald, white guy in a black suit opened the door.

“Miss Stuart,” he said holding the door wide open.

“Thank you,” I said with confidence and stepped into the house. It was amazing. Hardwood floors with black and white as the predominant colors. The wallpaper was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen and the stairs did resemble something out of a fairy tale dream. I could see the floor to ceiling glass windows in the living room that overlooked over entire acres of land. It was beautiful, the kind of house I always thought I might like to own one day. Maybe not anymore since my career change didn’t include the possibility of becoming CEO of a huge international company. I sighed in an attempt to let go of thoughts that would only make me feel guilty. Guilt over crushing my family’s hopes and dreams. They hated the path I was taking. They hated that I was no longer ‘Miss Stuart.’ They were so proud of Miss Stuart, it never mattered that we never got to see each other; as long as they could brag about my latest achievement they were fine with having Miss Stuart as a daughter. I sighed again, I had to let go of expectations altogether, specially the expectations of others.


“Mr. Maynard is in his office,” the huge guy said as he led the way with his hand. I walked in front of him wheeling my bags as he grabbed them, “I can take those,” he said with a little smile that put me at ease. He was not scary at all. In fact, I bet he could be a sweetheart.

“Thanks,” I said smiling back.

“No problem,” he nodded. Yeah, definitely could be a sweetheart.

I kept walking behind the big guy and stopped in front of two French doors that seemed to go upwards infinitely. Whoa! Those were some seriously high ceilings. My thoughts and wandering eyes were interrupted as I heard the big guy talking.

“Mr. Maynard, Miss Stuart is here,” he said peeking his head into the office.

“Yeah, thank you Mike, I’ll take it from here. Take care of all her belongings.” It was the voice I had once heard on the speaker and... Wait…he was taking care of my bag how? Ugh. I had to learn to let go of control. It’s fine. I would let them “take care of my belongings”.  Whatever that meant.

Mike smiled and opened the double doors for me to go in. I nodded and stepped into the room. My hands shaking so much I couldn’t hide my nervousness. Well, anyone would be on their first day working for the famous Mr. Patrick Maynard, even the famous Miss Stuart.

“Good Morning, Mr. Maynard” I said. He was looking out through the ceiling to floor window that had an amazing view of the gardens, a pool area complete with a pool house, a duck pond with no ducks and what seemed like endless acres of land.

“Good Morning, Miss Stuart,” he turned to look at me and walked to his mahogany desk and motioned me towards a chair in front of it. I felt excessively overdressed. There I was in a grey executive pantsuit while he stood in pre-washed jeans and a polo shirt. Even Patrick Maynard knew how to relax on a weekend.  It was me who was truly pathetic and needed to get a life.  Putting aside my lame, self pitying thoughts I sat on the chair that was waiting for my ass. What can I say? I was born a poet.

“You are punctual, that’s a quality I appreciate, Miss Stuart” I smiled and winced at the same time, he was praising my qualities but calling me Miss Stuart.

“Lucinda” I said smiling shyly. What the hell? Why am I shy around this guy? Well he was the owner of May, inc. “You can call me Lucinda” I say with more confidence and crossed my legs.

“Lucinda” he nodded and went on as he leaned forward “well, I asked you to start today because Sunday is usually a slow day. I don’t have anything scheduled until a gala event tonight, so we can go over a few details on things I will need.” I had a big suitcase full of clothes that were too dressy to just sit there doing nothing, but not fancy enough for a gala. Would we be taking the jet?

I could only nod. Too many thoughts racing through my mind. Mr. Maynard laid back on his chair, intertwined his own fingers over his crossed leg and gave me a vague look. He seemed to be deep in thought.

“Ok. First things first, you’ll be staying at the pool house. It has everything you need and more privacy than any human being could ask for…” What? Pool house? Just for tonight, right?

“Just for tonight, right?” I interrupted him. Damn habit. Let go, Lucy, let go.

“Just for tonight what?”he asked narrowing his eyes at me.

“The pool house. I am staying at the pool house only tonight, then I’ll be able to go back to my place next week… right?” I said a bit more shyly and in a respectful way. I had to learn to be an employee!

“No, Lucinda.” Hmm. My full name sounded great coming from his lips: “Lucinda”, said with authority. Shit! Focus! “You are to live here while you are my assistant. That’s why I hire assistants who are single. I’ll need you 24/7 and I won’t wait for you to drive one hour from your place to here. Why would I?” Damn! Arrogant much? But he was right. I wasn’t making any sense.

“You are right, Mr. Maynard, it’s just that I have a mortgage and …” I scolded myself. I needed to let go, I knew I would be able to pay my mortgage and live there because well, it was rent free. “I’m sorry, it’s nothing. I have no problem with staying here.” Just let go.

“Good,” he nodded. “Now, you might like to change into something more comfortable, it’s the weekend after all and today we’ll be working long hours before the event.”

“Yes, thank you Mr. Maynard,” I said.

“Mike will show you to the house. I’ll see you back here in an hour.” I got up and nodded when I walked out of the office Mike was already waiting for me. How did they do that? He appeared out of nowhere.

“Mike” I smiled.

“Miss Stuart,” he smiled back. I liked him.

“Lucinda, please.” I said as he started walking and me following.

“What’s short for Lucinda?” he asked not looking back at me. We passed the main entrance and foyer and went down a couple of steps into the living room and another couple of steps into the dining room. So elegant!

“Lucy,” I said while looking around, the place was huge and amazing and I was scared of touching something because it might fall off and break and cost a million dollars.

“Lucy. It suits you, you seem sweet,” I had to laugh out loud at that.

“Oh Mike, I’m anything but sweet. I can be a bitch.” That caused him to look back at me and raised his eyebrows.

“True story.” I said nodding. Mike laughed and shook his head as we went out into a huge garden and then into a path that led to the covered pool, a huge one in the shape of an “L”, and far at the back I could see the pool house. Well, it was a house indeed! Almost as big as mine in Philly. A pool house as big as the house I worked so hard to pay for and never spend any time in. Sad but true.

Mike opened the white door to a miniature version of the stone manor and I walked in. The first thing I saw to the right was a breakfast counter and I assumed that behind it there was a kitchen  and to the left a living room with red leather couches that screamed at me to get comfortable onto them. I took a couple of steps and I saw the kitchen behind the counter all white and simple looking although I was sure there was nothing simple about the furniture in this house. Next to the kitchen and only divided by swinging doors, was the dining room. Everything seemed taken out of a magazine. Come to think of it, it probably was. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was designed by someone featured on interior design magazines.

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