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Authors: Nicole Dykes

Unsocial (58 page)

BOOK: Unsocial
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“No, Brooke. I’ve got nothing to say. I don’t want to freakin’
talk about it.”

Dylan storms over to us staring Luke down, "You got into a
fight? Dammit, Luke."

I know Dylan is worried about this affecting his case, as am I. 
But this is not the place to go ballistic.  We all need to stay calm until we
get out of here.

The secretary calls us into the office. The principal is a gruff
looking older man in his early 60s. We all sit down, and he nods at Dylan,
"Well Dylan Monroe, I wish I could say it was nice to see you again. Of
course, it doesn't surprise me that your younger brother is following in your

What is it with all these asshole principals?

I see Dylan's fist clench at his side, and I clear my throat,
"I'm, Brookes Porter, Luke's case worker."

He greets me with a curt nod, "Ms. Porter." And then he
looks over at Luke. “It seems during lunch Luke and a student named Brent Conner
decided to fight. Unfortunately neither the two of them or bystanders are
willing to say what happened. Since Luke is part of an active case, I’m going
to have to forward you a report for his file.”

“Yes, thank you.  Here’s my card.” I give him my card with the fax
number to the office. “Can you tell us what happens now?”

“Certainly. Both students are suspended for the rest of the week
and may return on Monday.  Whatever work they miss will go down as incomplete.
Since there are only a few weeks left in the school year I won’t be expelling

Dylan glares at Luke, "Why were you fighting?"

Luke shrugs.

Dylan growls, "No. Why?"

He shrugs again, "I was pissed off."

"You were pissed off and decided to hit Brent? I’m not buying
that BS at all, Luke.”

The principal interjects, "It wasn't just one hit, it was an
all-out brawl, and as you well remember, Dylan, I will not tolerate that kind
of behavior in my school."

Dylan stands, "Don’t worry. I’ll be dealing with him.  Thank
you for not expelling him.”

The principal remains cold, "I took in account that it is his
first offense as well as the unfortunate year he’s had.”

Luke bristles, “This has nothing to do with my mom and dad,” he
says coldly.

Dylan nods his head, clenching his jaw tight, he wants badly to
say something as well, but instead we all leave and head out to the parking

Dylan finally loses some of his cool and asks Luke, "What the
hell were you thinking? We have like two fucking months before going to court,
and you want to pull this shit now?”

I try to diffuse the situation a little, "Dylan, calm down.”
I turn to Luke, "Just tell us what happened so I can put your side in the
report. I don’t think what your principal is going to write is going to be
good, and it may go better if there’s a good reason for what happened. And I
know there’s more to the story than just being pissed off because it was with

He glares at me, "I don't want to fucking talk about it. Let
him write whatever the hell he wants.  We’ve been clean up ‘til now, so this
isn’t going to be a big deal.”

This just
pisses Dylan off more.
"The hell it's not. It's a huge fucking deal.” He grabs the back of his neck
and spins half way around, then just as quickly spins back to face us. “Get in
your car and drive straight home. I'll pick the kids up today, and if you
aren't at home when I get there, Luke, so help me God." Dylan is furious,
and Luke decides it’s best that he obeys. He turns solemnly toward his car
leaving Dylan and me beside Dylan’s car.

"Fuck! We're screwed aren’t we? The principal is sending his
report, and with my stubborn ass brother deciding now’s the time to keep his
mouth shut, there’s no way you can fix this.”

"I don’t have to send anything in immediately. Dylan, I know
there is more to it, and even if there's not, it's not enough for you to lose
guardianship. Teenage boys fight."

"Not with this judge hating me already. He’ll think Luke’s fighting
will be from my influence.”

He could be right, but I don’t want to say it. "Look, when
you've calmed down, try to talk calmly to Luke. There’s got to be a reason for
fighting with Brent. If we find out what happened, and it can be taken into
account the history with him and your family, I can put it in my report.  We
both know what a shit Brent is, and before he dated Cassie, they weren’t even
on each other’s radars.”

He groans, "Shit. Why now?'

"It's going to be okay. Just try to talk to Luke.” We part
and I drive back to the office.

Did I mention I hate Mondays?

Chapter 35


After picking up Michael and Gabby, I pull up to the high school
for the second time today to pick up Cassie. I’m still fucking pissed and
frustrated with Luke for fighting with Brent. More than that, though, I’m
worried.  I know there’s only so much Brooke can do to smooth shit over, and it
pisses me off that’s she’s even put in the position to have to.  Luke is old
enough to understand that we’re under a fucking microscope right now.  I’ve had
numerous talks with him since all this bullshit started. And this close to the
end, I can’t understand why he wants to screw shit up for us. I’m just hoping
that once I have a talk with him, he’ll explain what went on.

Cassie climbs in the truck looking anything but happy, and I have
a suspicion her bad mood has everything to do with the fight.  I’m hoping if I
ask her she might be able to shed some light on what happened, especially with
the way gossip runs rampant through high school.

"Hey, bad day?"

She closes the door and buckles, "I’m sure you know our jerk
brother got into a huge fight with my ex-boyfriend at lunch.” She answers

eyes light up,
"Luke got in a fight?"

I nod looking at him in the review view mirror, "Yes, he did,
and he's suspended for the rest of the week."

Michael shrugs, "I guess it runs in the family."

I shake my head, "Not something to be proud of, little bro.
You were protecting yourself when you got in a fight. Luke’s fight is entirely

I follow the train of cars trying to get out of the parking lot at
a snail’s pace, then once clear I look over at Cass, "Any idea why Luke
would fight Brent?”

She folds her arms, "No."

"Were you there?"

She shakes her head, "No, I'm on a different lunch than them,
but the entire school was talking about it the rest of the day."

Cassie normally loves gossip and excitement, so I'm not sure what
the hell is up and why the fuck Luke fought Brent. "And you’re sure you
don’t know what happened?"

She shakes her head, "Don't know for sure, but there were a
ton of rumors flying around all day. Some people said Luke stole his
girlfriend. Someone said Brent said Luke sucks at football. All day it was ‘Hey
Cass, what's up with your brother?’ ‘Hey Cassie, is Luke on steroids or
something?’” “Or how about my personal favorite of today, ‘Cassie, your brother
is so hot, do you think he would fight for me?’ Ugh, so gross."

I laugh a little at that. It’s pretty evident that she's
embarrassed, which makes sense because she pretty much gets embarrassed by a lot
of things. I don't know which is worse, teen- boy or teen-girl drama. Normally
I would say girl, but today the boy is fucking up.

"Well, don't worry he’ll be punished. I hope you're mad
because he embarrassed you and not because he beat the hell out of Brent."

She shrugs, still pouting.
Shit. She has to be over that little
douchebag by now.
"Well, it’s pretty safe to say that Brent is never
going to talk to me again."

See, fucking girls will drive you crazy. "Cass, why would you
care? Don’t you remember how badly he treated you? Besides, you’re with Austin

She grins over at me, "I don’t care for that reason. It’s just
that Luke embarrassed me. Austin is so sweet, and now he probably thinks my
brother is a nut job.”

We pull into the garage, and everyone files into the house. I look
around and don't see Luke right away, so I go downstairs and knock on his
bedroom door. When I don’t get an answer there, I head for the gym. One thing
is for sure when Luke is pissed he can be found in either the gym or at the
shop. Since his truck is here, I know he has to be in the gym.

I pause outside door and try to channel Brooke.  I know I need to
stay calm, but we are going to talk about this. I can't ask Brooke to sweep it
under the rug and sacrifice her ethics, so I need to help give her a good
explanation for Luke’s behavior to put in her report.

When I open the door, Luke is in the corner punching the heavy
bag.  I grab the other side and hold it while he takes swing after swing trying
to work out whatever he has going on in his head.  "You wanna tell me what


"Luke, you have to tell me why in the hell you and Brent

Thwack, Thwack, Thwack.

Fuck this shit

I change tactics, or in other words, I lose some cool, "Luke,
what the fuck were you thinking? Do you know what shit like this can do to our
case? You want me to lose guardianship of you guys?"

"It'd just be a year, so what?

I glare over at him, "For you it would be.  What about the
other three? They would have years in foster care if I couldn’t get them back. 
Think of Gabby, she would have 11 years. She has just now gotten better, and
there’s no fucking telling what would happen to her in the system.  Would you
be cool with her getting hurt or any of them for that matter?”

guilt washes over his
face, and he leans into the bag wrapping his arms around it. Then just as
quickly he straightens back and starting punching again.
Thwack, thwack,
 "They aren't going to do anything because I got in one damn
fight. It's no big deal. Even the fuckin principal is taking into account that
it’s my first fight and, of course, there is the whole mom and dad dying
shit." He back away from the bag and starts kicking now.

"Does this have anything to do with them?” I ask cautiously.

He lands three kicks, “No.”

“Then tell me there’s a good reason for what happened, and don’t
tell me it's because you slept with his girlfriend or some shit. You said
yourself there are plenty of girls at your school."

He steps back from the bag and glares at me before turning and
heading for the door without answering. I shove the bag away from me and stomp after
him. I’m seeing fucking red now. It’s not just my family’s future he wants to
fuck with, but he’s threatening mine and Brooke’s relationship.

"Fine, you won't give me a good explanation, then, at least,
I can show the fucking powers that be that I handled it properly. You are
grounded for two weeks. You’ll be doing everyone’s chores. The only time you’re
leaving this house is to pick up the kids and work your hours in the shop. 
After this week, it will just be school, shop, and home. And don’t fuck up
again, Luke.  After this, I’ve reached my limit of patience with you. And if
you’re not at the shop, I’ll know if you’re home or not because I’ll be calling
the house phone. Your ass better answer every fucking time too." By the
time I shut up, I realize I’m shouting.
Not my proudest moment.

He whirls back toward me, “I’ve got plans this weekend; it’s my

Is he fucking serious?
don’t give a shit.  You’re fucking grounded. That means no birthday plans, Mike
Fucking Tyson, so you better call your boys, and any chicks invited, and cancel
your party.”

“Fucking fine, asshole,” he growls before leaving and slamming the
door behind him.

I know for damn sure I need to cool down before I head back to the
house because I don’t want the kids to see me like this. I jerk my phone out of
my back pocket when it vibrates and see a text from Brooke.

Brooke: Any luck with Luke?

Me: None. The little shit is stone cold silent and acting like an
ass. Cassie said she heard it was over a girl.

Brooke: Yeah, Cassie just texted and told me about it. She is
pretty upset about it. Embarrassed mostly.

Me: You don't think she still has a thing for Brent?

I shake my head.
Fuck, now I sound like a high school chick.

Brooke: Of course she does, but nothing to worry about. She likes

What the hell? I don’t even know what that means.
She's going to have to explain why I don't need to worry about
that next time we are together, but right now I don’t even want to try to
understand that shit.

Me: I'll let you know if he talks.

Brooke: Talk to you soon. Stay calm. It will be okay.

I make dinner, and Luke sets the table, making his anger known by slamming
drawers and doors. I call the rest in, and Jax walks in the back door just as
we’re sitting down, and pulls up a chair to join us. Then he gets a look at
Luke’s face. "Holy shit, dude, what the hell happened to you?"

Jax wasn't at the garage this afternoon and has no idea of the
drama that happened today.

Luke pokes at the food on his plate, "Just got in a fight. No
big deal."

Jax examines his face, "Tell me the other guy looks

Cassie pipes up, "Brent looks about the same. Luke beat the
crap out of him."

Luke glares over at Cassie, and Jax looks at him with surprised
glee, "Brent? That little dipshit. I’m sure he had it coming.”

Luke cracks a satisfied smile, and I shake my head at Jax, telling
him not to encourage it. Under other circumstances, hell I’d crack a beer open
for Luke and high five him. Unfortunately, his actions could weigh on a lot of
our futures, including mine and Brooke’s. I feel like a hypocrite, and that
pisses me off.

Cassie looks upset at Jax, "No he didn't. It's just over some
stupid girl."

Fuck, she sounds jealous that Brent was fighting over a girl. I'd
like to think I’m not a total idiot, but what the fuck about Austin. She fawns
all over him, and now her ex-douchebag boyfriend gets in a fight with her
brother over some random girl, and she's jealous. Shit, I don't miss high
school one fucking bit.

I rub my temples, "Let's just drop it for now."

Jax looks at me like I've lost it but thankfully lets it go so we
can finish our dinner in silence. Afterward, Luke takes care of the dishes
without having to be asked, but he doesn’t hide the fact that he’s not happy.
I’m finding it hard to feel sorry for his stubborn ass because he won’t give me
a reason to give a shit.

Jax and I go outside to the patio. The weather is mild, and the
sky is clear, so I stare at the stars looking for answers to the one-million
questions I have.  It also makes me think of being with Brooke out on that
country road, and I would give anything if I could go back to those perfect

We sit in silence for several moments before he breaks it, “So you
really think that fight is a big deal?"

I nod, "Yeah, I do."

"After all the shit you've told me you did in high school,
come on?"

"In a few months, it wouldn't be such a big deal. I’d
probably just talk to him or some shit, but yeah, I’m sure the motherfucker
probably deserved it, but Luke won’t say what the hell happened.  Right now,
though, our family is under a microscope by an asshole of a judge and social
services.  So yeah, this shit could turn into a huge deal."

"I get that. But i
t was
just a fight over a girl. We both know that shit happens all the damn time in
high school."

"If he would talk to me maybe I wouldn't be so pissed. At
least, Brooke could spin it in his favor or make it not look so bad like she
did for Michael.
But he won't talk about
it, and now we’re stuck in this limbo of what the judge is going to think. And
I have to punish him, Jax.  I can’t be his friend. I wouldn’t be doing him or
us any favors if I did. I’m not going to be an ass like my dad was.  When he’s 18,
he can do whatever his heart desires, and I’ll support him. But I can’t just
let his ass run wild while I’m responsible for him.”

He stands up, "Let's go out. You can blow off some

Fucking Jax. This is his answer to damn near everything.
I’m not in the mood to prove I’m the old Dylan tonight. I shake my
head, "Nah, it's been a long day."

He laughs, "Alright man, take it easy. I'll see ya


For the next two days, I call the house phone random hours that
Luke isn’t here at the shop working.  Fortunately for him, he answers every
time. I'm actually glad he’s not giving me shit, and if things continue to be okay,
I can probably stop calling so much.

It doesn’t take long for things to go to hell, though.  Friday, I
get a call on my cell from Cass while I'm still at the shop. "What's up

"Do you know where Luke is? I'm still at school, and I'm the
last one here."

School gets out at 3:20 and it’s after 4. Luke should have already
picked them up and be heading for the shop. I haven't called the house today to
check on Luke, and my first thought is that I hope he's okay. "Have you
tried his cell?"

"Five times."

"Okay. I'll leave
right now. Just hang tight.”


BOOK: Unsocial
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