Unraveled (20 page)

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Authors: Heidi McCahan

BOOK: Unraveled
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twenty six

The first notes of Lady Antebellum’s “Dancing Away With My Heart” spilled from the speakers. Several couples strolled hand in hand onto the dance floor. Lauren surveyed the crowd inside the community center. Wow. Packed house. Almost all of Emerald Cove had turned out for the Cove to Creek dance, including one particular blond-haired blue-eyed paddler. She watched him, talking to one of his old buddies. The mirrored disco ball sprayed confetti flecks of light across his broad shoulders. Her eyes lingered, enjoying the way his dark red t-shirt hugged his biceps. Her stomach flooded with warmth. He looked incredible tonight.

He turned and caught her staring. A knowing smile tipped the corner of his lips.
. He caught me. But she couldn’t look away.

Blake launched his empty plastic punch glass into the trash can, his form reminiscent of glory days on the basketball court. Her pulse quickened as he made his way across the room. He stopped before her and offered his hand. “C’mon, dance with me.”

Lauren took a long sip of her Diet Coke, then lowered the can back to the table. “This song’s overplayed. Said so yourself. Besides, I think I strained my hamstring today.”

He rolled his eyes. “Please. I watched you dancing earlier. There’s nothing wrong with your hamstrings. Or any other part of you, for that matter.”

Her cheeks flushed under his piercing gaze. She averted her eyes and reached for her Diet Coke again. He slid the can out of the way, his eyes never leaving hers.

“Are you done making excuses?” He grabbed her hand and tugged gently off the stool. Just one song. What could it hurt?

He nestled their hands next to his heart and drew her in close. She swallowed hard as she felt the warmth of his other hand pressed against the small of her back. Thank heavens for the music because suddenly she was at a loss for words. Shannon caught her eye over Blake’s shoulder and winked, then disappeared as Jess whirled her away. Lauren tentatively followed Blake’s lead, resisting the urge to rest her cheek against his chest.

“Relax.” He guided them in a slow circle.

Relax. Right. She would concentrate on the music and ignore that chiseled jaw and perfect lips that beckoned to her. Warning bells rang in her head.
Don’t kiss him
. That dimple was dangerous. She couldn’t trust herself. One song and she’d find a reason to put some distance between the two of them. She had to.

Somehow the rest of her didn’t get the memo. Her arm slipped around the familiar expanse of his muscular back and she floated around the dance floor. It was like they’d never been apart. His clean, woodsy cologne enveloped her.
I could get used to this.

The logical part of her brain battled back with facts and details.
Portland. Think about Portland. You need a job, remember? Not to mention a new roommate. Besides, staying means telling the truth.
She winced. Twirling around the dance floor tonight, she’d forgotten, just for a few glorious minutes, what loomed between them.

The song ended much too quickly and Blake pulled back, a frown creasing his brow. “As much as I enjoy holding you in my arms, I think your brother needs you.”

She stiffened. “Right now?”

“Seth is trying to get your attention.”

Lacing his fingers through hers, he led her away from the dance floor, the sea of curious onlookers parting to let them through. Seth stood near the door with Molly, his bushy eyebrows knitted together. She shivered, despite the hot, stuffy air in the packed community center. Something was definitely wrong.

“Seth? What’s going on?”

Seth licked his lips and dragged his gaze up to meet hers. “Y-y-you n-n-need to g-g-go home.”


Seth held up his phone. Lauren leaned in close to read the text message on the screen from Mom.

We found something in the loft. If you see Lauren, please tell her to come home.

Her whole body began to tremble.
Aunt Jane.
The ugly quilts
. She swayed, clamping her fingers around Blake’s arm to keep upright.

“Whoa.” He slipped his arm around her waist. “Everything okay?”

“Aunt Jane.” Lauren managed to find her voice. “We argued today about my grandmother’s care. I think she’s determined to get the last word.”

“Let me drive you home.” Blake pulled his keys from his pocket.

“No.” She shook her head. “I can’t let you do that.”

“I insist. Come on.”

“W-w-want me to come, too?” Seth glanced at the screen one more time and then at her. Confusion and worry strained his features.

Lauren reached up and touched his cheek. “No. You and Molly stay here and have fun. Thank you for finding me.” Her heart ached. What would he think of her when this was all said and done?

The silence in the cab of Blake’s truck was oppressive. Lauren watched him from the corner of her eye, his jaw set, his eyes locked on the road ahead. She longed to fill the space between them—observations about the weather, the latest Mariners game, or when Jess might propose to Shannon. Anything. Then she could pretend for three more minutes that this wasn’t actually happening. Or should she warn him?
Hey, would now be a good time to mention
—she cringed, hating herself for manufacturing this downward spiral.

He dropped his hand from the steering wheel and she longed for him to reach for her one more time. Instead, he leaned over and cranked the stereo. Kenny Chesney’s latest hit blasted from the speakers.

Blake slowed down and maneuvered the truck up the hill toward the Inn.
Stop! Turn around.
She wanted to scream. There had to be a way to make this right. The fading sunlight cast long beams across the yard, bathing Aunt Jane’s rented sedan in a rosy glow. Icy fingers of dread snaked up her spine. “I don’t think I can do this,” she whispered.

“Do what?”

“Go in there, now, with you.”

Blake shifted the truck into park. “Now you’re freaking me out. Let’s see what’s going on before we jump to any conclusions.”

She clutched the door handle but couldn’t move. Her heart pounded. Blake was already rounding the front of the truck. He opened her door and stepped aside. Sliding to the ground, her legs trembled again and Blake’s steady hand cupped her elbow.

Her eyes found his and the tenderness lingering there forced her to look away.
How can I break your heart twice?

“Come on. Let’s hear what they have to say.”

Every fiber in her being told her to turn and run but she forced her feet to follow Blake up the steps. He turned the knob and pushed the front door open.

Matt met them inside, his face ashen. He motioned them toward the living room. “We’re in here.”

Dad stood in front of the fireplace with his back to them, one hand propped on the mantle. He didn’t turn around when they came in. Mom and Aunt Jane sat on opposite couches. The tension in the room was thick. A plastic bin full of quilts sat in the middle of the floor.
Did they know?
Lauren’s stomach churned. “What’s going on? Aunt Jane?”

“Hello.” Jane stood and came toward them, her hand extended. “I’m Debbie’s sister, Jane.”

Blake tentatively shook her hand. “Blake Tully.”

Jane’s eyes widened and flickered to Lauren. “Yes, of course. It all makes sense. Then you’ll want to see this.” She went back to the couch and lifted the lid on a small white box.

“No,” Lauren whispered. “What have you done?” She swallowed back the bile that rose in her throat.
This couldn’t be happening.
Her vision began to telescope. Blake slipped his arm around her waist, pulling her against him, like a shelter from storm-tossed seas. She should be the one shielding him. His world was about to be shattered. Blake’s eyes darted between her and Jane’s hands.

“What’s going on?” He dropped his hand from her waist and stepped closer.

“Debbie and I were sorting through our mother’s things today.” Jane presented the photograph to Blake. “Imagine our surprise when we found this.” A picture of a swaddled baby with a knitted pink and blue hat filled Lauren’s vision.

Lauren started to shake. “How can you do this?”

“Who is this, Lauren?” Blake stared down at the photograph, his fingers trembling. He dragged his gaze up to meet hers, his brow furrowed.

Lauren opened her mouth to answer, but the words wouldn’t come. If only she could go back to that cold January day, when her decision altered the course of their lives. She would have done everything differently. Refused to sign. Picked up the phone. Told Blake the whole truth.

“Look. There’s more.” Jane grabbed another piece of paper.
No, no, no.

“Blake, your name’s on this one.” Jane dangled the paper. “Maybe you’d like to read it?”

Lauren’s vision blurred and she sank to her knees. “Please. Wait.” She whispered as he stacked the paper on top of the photograph.
I can explain.

The voice in her head taunted.
He’ll never forgive you.

“Lauren?” Mom’s voice sounded far away, like she was at the end of a long tunnel. “Say something. Anything. Please.”

Blake studied the paper for what seemed like an eternity. When he lifted his head, anger flashed in his eyes. Those amazing eyes which once regarded her with love and trust.

“What—’’ He dragged a hand through his hair. “How—where? My gosh, Lauren.”

Tears streamed down her cheeks. “I’m sorry.” She sobbed. Her carefully crafted explanations were nothing but empty words now.

Blake’s mouth gaped open. Then he clamped it shut, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed hard and examined the photograph and paper again.

“Congratulations,” Jane said. “Looks like you’re a daddy.”

Mom moaned and buried her face in her hands. Matt slid his arm around her shoulders.

“That’s enough, Jane.’’ With a curse, Dad stormed across the room and placed his hand on her shoulder. “I think you’ve done enough damage for one night.”

“Let me get this straight.” Blake’s voice was ragged. “Is this my son? Our son?”

Mom leaned forward while Matt buried his head in his hands. Lauren felt the weight of everyone else’s expectant stares. She wiped her nose on the back of her hand and nodded. “Yes. The baby’s mine. Ours.”

Dad blew out a breath and rubbed a hand across his forehead. Mom’s face went pasty white. Blake’s hand fell to his side, still clutching the evidence of her terrible secret. He pressed his lips into a thin line, shaking his head in disbelief. “No.”

“Well, isn’t this delightful.” Jane clapped her hands. “I would congratulate you, Debbie. But I’d be talking to the wrong sister, wouldn’t I?”

Her heart leaped into her throat.
. She got to her feet and stepped tentatively toward Aunt Jane. “What did you just say?”

“Lauren, I don’t think now’s the time—” Dad said.

She raised her hand to stop him. “No, I want to hear that again.”

“Nobody’s told you?” Jane’s eyes widened. “Well, this whole night is full of surprises.”

Lauren shot a glance at Mom. She huddled against the arm of the couch. Her shoulders shook and tears streamed down her cheeks. “What’s she talking about?”

“We wanted to tell you. Please believe me.” Mom dabbed at her eyes with a tissue.

Jane snorted. “Please. You ran me out of town and kept Lauren for yourself.”

Lauren gasped and clutched her chest. Matt stood up and moved toward Dad, as if he anticipated an argument.

“That is not true, Jane.” Dad’s face flushed red.

“Take it easy, Dad.” Matt placed his hand on Dad’s chest.

“Blake, I’m going to have to ask you to leave. Now.”

“Dad, wait.” Lauren pleaded.

Dad shook his head. “We’re not doing this tonight.” He motioned for Blake to follow him toward the door. “Let’s go.”

Blake cleared his throat, feet firmly planted on the hardwood. “Believe me, sir, I’d like nothing more than to run as far from here as possible.”

Lauren winced.
That makes two of us

He walked toward her, tears brimming in his eyes.
Please don’t hate me.
He stopped in front of her and she swallowed hard. Less than an hour ago, she was wrapped in his arms, floating around the dance floor. Funny how quickly it all unraveled. Her heart pounded. His eyes dropped to the photo and he swiped at a tear that slipped down his cheek. He held up the picture but she refused to look. Couldn’t stand it. “There are so many things I want to say right now.”

“I’m sorry.” She choked back another sob. “You have to believe me.”

“I need answers.” He cast a quick glance over his shoulder. “But it sounds like I’m not the only one. You’ve got to sort this out with your family. So I … I’m going to go.” He reached for her hand and pressed the birth certificate and the photograph into her palm. She let them both slip through her fingers and flutter to the floor, her whole body trembling.

“He has your nose,” Blake whispered, his voice breaking. It was like a dagger to her heart. Then he was gone.

Her head throbbed. She felt hollowed out. Gutted. Questions swirled through the soupy fog that was her brain. She pressed her fingers to her temples and tried to formulate a complete thought.

“Are you happy, now?” she whispered, voice quavering as she glared at Jane. “You’ve singlehandedly destroyed my life in one fell swoop.”

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