Unobtainable (15 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Rose

BOOK: Unobtainable
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“NYU.” A far cry from his educational background, but nothing to be snorted at. “I loved New York, my grandfather sent me, and it was his alma mater. EJ and Toby went there too.”

“We should spend a weekend in New York,” Harley suggested. “At Christmas, we’ll do the whole Rockefeller thing, lighting of the tree and skating. Maybe we could even stay through until New Years. You, me in time square at the stroke of midnight? It would be a blast.”

“December’s a long time away,” I said, because it didn’t take a math whiz, which I was, to figure out our time would be over by then.

“Just chalk it on your calendar will you?” he instructed, finishing his drink, crunching on the last of the ice cubes. “And I can do the fucking math too. We’re not going to stay friends?”

I laughed because he was on his way to wasted and it was crazy how he could read my mind sometimes. Too bad he couldn’t read it when I really wanted him to.

“What else do I need to know about Dyson Michaels?” he asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and chuckled, “Not too much else to know.” I held out my arms. “What you see is what you get, plain simple old me with no frills or fancy packaging.”

Harley’s brow creased as he took my hand in his. “Don’t sell yourself short, baby, you have a beautiful package, you don’t need frills to make me lo…want to be your friend.”

His quick save didn’t get past me, was he going to use the L word? Was he falling for me as much as I was falling for him, or was it the booze talking? Either way I was hoping somewhere behind his gorgeous pecs there was a little piece of his heart pining for me. Maybe come six months from now, he wouldn’t let me leave. He would be too head over heels to let me walk out the door.

“Finish your drink baby and call us a cab?” he smiled, all glassy eyed and lick your lips sexy.


Chapter Nine



I woke up the next morning and Harley’s side of the bed was empty and stone cold again, he’d been gone for some time, I was surprised and yet I wasn’t. He did come to bed with me last night and he had warned me of his early routine. So I could get angry, toss myself on the floor and throw a hissy fit, but would it be worth the bother? I doubted it.

Was it because he was a selfish bastard that he behaved the way he did? His dismissive attitude drove me crazy, but then again I didn’t think he was aware of how he operated. I liked his dominant ways in the bedroom, it made my skin tingle in anticipation because I knew the pleasure he would bring me, elsewhere I wasn’t so keen.

I hadn’t disclosed my feelings to Harley, therefore it was my own fault if he got away with his flippantness.

Quickly I got dressed in my dark gray suit with an off white shirt and gray spotted navy tie. Then I made scrambled eggs and toast, leaving Harley a heaping bowl of Fruit Loops cereal on the counter and hot coffee in the carafe.

I arrived at work before anyone else and once I brewed a fresh pot of coffee and poured myself a large mug I locked myself in my office and got to work on the stack of contracts I had been neglecting.

The morning whizzed past, lunch hour came and went. Lucky for me I had a few protein bars stuffed in one of my drawers. No one called or came to my door and with my door closed, I couldn’t hear if anyone passed.

It wasn’t until close to four that my door opened and Harley popped his head in. I was excited to see him and curious as to why he was breaking his own rule. Actually he wasn’t breaking it, he hadn’t stepped foot inside me office, so I guess that made it a moot point.

“Pack your bags sunshine, we’re taking a trip.”

I heard the words but all I saw was that brilliant smile.

“Where are we going?”

“I have a four day conference to attend in Denver next week and you’re going with me,” he wiggled his brows. “We’ll discuss it over dinner.”

“Hang on,” I said, making my way to the door since he was making no attempt to enter. “How are you going to explain my being with you?”

“That won’t be difficult, you and I are representing the company, me as head of sales and you as one of the partners. EJ can’t go, Clayton’s too busy and Toby doesn’t want to.”

“How encouraging is that?” I asked, turning my back to walk away. “I do enjoy being an afterthought.”

“Don’t be like that,” Harley said, grabbing my wrist and spinning me to face him. “You were the first one I thought of. I just had to convince your brothers they could live without you here for four days. I reminded them that we hadn’t taken honeymoon time and in a way they owed us. We leave next Wednesday night and come back Sunday. Come on, on our down time we can go golfing or something and we got tickets for a football game on the Friday. I’m not past getting down on my knees and begging, do you honestly want to sit around the apartment alone when you could be with me in the Mile High City?”

“I didn’t say I didn’t want to go,” I snarled.

“Dyson, you can be such a fucking girl sometimes,” Harley shoved me into my office and closed the door.

Watching out the window as people ran in all directions as the gloomy skies opened and it started to rain, the smile couldn’t have been scraped off my face. I probably looked demented to anyone passing by, but I didn’t really give a shit. Four nights in a strange city with my man where no one knew us, what more could I ask for? Golf lessons, I freaked a little.

The apartment was empty when I got home shortly after six. I wondered where Harley could be but reminded myself I was not his keeper. Changing into shorts and a t-shirt I headed downstairs to workout. I loved Harley’s gym, especially the treadmill. It had a screen for visual affect allowing me see the terrain I was running over. Hooked up with a few wire leads, it kept track of everything from my heartrate and speed, to hydration levels and even told me when to add fluids. The thing was amazing. I spent an hour on it before hitting the weights hard and finishing up with another half hour of casual running, on the country side course.

I stepped off of the treadmill and held my towel over my face, smiling when I felt two large hands encircle my waist and yank me back against a hard familiar body.

“Honey I’m home,” Harley ribbed. “Don’t you look yummy all covered in sweat and breathing hard? How did you know I like my men hot and sweaty for me?”

“I stink,” I said, turning in his arms. “And what do you mean, men?”

His tie was loosened, the first two buttons of his new powder blue shirt were open, and his eyes sparkling like diamonds. His lips touched my mouth ever so gently and his tongue glided across my lips as they opened to his command. Harley’s hands caressed the cheeks of my ass, then yanked our hips together.

“You smell absolutely edible,” he said, into the side of my neck, licking up to the lobe of my ear and sucking it between his teeth. He nipped it and I let out a groan.

“What time is it, you must be starving,” I looked at the clock on the wall, it was a quarter to nine. “I can make you dinner if you like.”

“Fuck dinner,” he growled into my ear, as his hands roved up and down my back and rear end. “I’ll have some cereal later, you’re all the dinner I need right now.”

My hands made haste of his shirt and tie and fought with the buckle of his belt. I slid his pants down over his hips and grinned when I discovered he had gone the entire day without underwear.
If I’d known earlier when he came to my office
, I thought. Then I laughed at myself because I would have done nothing. I must live by the rules.

I dropped to my knees, spit into my hand and stroked his cock until it became hard and ready for me. I licked up his length and hummed as I swallowed him whole. Harley let out an anguished cry, tangling his fingers into the hair at the back of my head, guiding me as my head bobbed back and forth.

“You have the most,” he let out a sigh as I sucked my cheeks in and looked up into his beautiful face. “Amazing mouth, it was made to suck dick.”

I pulled away and laughed at his disgusting remark, but I was somehow appalled and pleased simultaneously. He reached under my arms and helped me to my feet, then dragged me over to the weight bench, forcing me face first onto the vinyl material. My sweaty skin squeaked against the fabric.

“I hope you brought,” I barely had the words out, when I heard the tear of a foil wrapper.

“When do I not come prepared?” Harley tittered, tugging my shorts to my knees.

With a loud slap, Harley’s massive hands clasped my ass cheeks and spread them, exposing my puckered hole. My eyes rolled into the back of my head and I swear I saw stars when his tongue probed me, licking and lapping. The nerve endings at my entrance danced with delight, sending waves of elation up and down my spine. Grasping my cock and stroking it with wild ferocity, I let out a moan that would have woken the dead. I heard Harley giggle as he inserted two well-greased fingers, spreading them like scissors, as he pumped them into me.

“That’s it baby, loosen that hole for me,” Harley growled. “I’m coming in and I’m not going to be gentle.”

True to his warning, as soon as he had the condom secured, Harley thrust into me full steam ahead, burying his entire length to the hilt as I cried out and grabbed onto the bench for support. He was demanding as his fingers pressed into the flesh of my hips, pulling me back against him with each plunge using wild untamed greed to achieve his hedonism…our gratification. For as greedy as he appeared to be, he never for a moment allowed me to forget my pleasure was his.

My hand reached back, grasping his thigh, as he reached around and stroked me. Our moans and groans, the filthy words Harley used and the sheer animalistic essence hanging thick in the air was a heady mixture I would take to my grave.

“Fuck you’re so tight, I could stay inside you like this forever,” he said, tracing his palm up my spine, weaving his fingers into my hair and yanking my head back so he could devour my mouth. “This is what I needed.”

It was what I needed too, a shower first would have been nice but if it didn’t bother Harley, why should I let it bother me?

“I’m almost there baby,” he whispered against my lips. “I’m going to cum and then I’m going to suck you dry,” he growled.

That mouth of his had me nearly getting off right then and there. He shoved into me and held tight moaning, his body jerking over and over until he spilled the last of his seed into me, gritting his teeth and yelling into the air like the victor.

It was sexy as fuck the way Harley’s inner animal came out to play. He held nothing back, allowing complete and utter lust to assume responsibility for his cock and its actions, wonderfully gluttonous actions.

His brawn was impressive as he tossed me around like his captive onto my back, and sucked my swollen heavy cock into his mouth, slowly and deliberately sliding his mouth along my shaft. I could see the smile in his eyes as he delighted in my sweet agony, cupping my balls in his hand and rolling them with his fingers.

My head fell back, forcing my back to arch. I groaned with pleasure as he sucked harder and his pace intensified.

“Suck me…harder!” I yelled, as a tingling sensation raced along my spine and my balls tightened. “I’m going to cum, oh fuck.”

I shot my load and listened to Harley’s greedy moans as he swallowed and lapped, licking the remainder of my essence from the tip of my cock. He was smiling the smile of a champion as I lifted my head and our eyes met.

“Hungry?” I asked, mainly because I was famished.

“Not anymore,” he laughed, licking across his lips before slapping my ass. “I’m going to grab a quick shower and hit the hay.”

Wanting to ask, but not wanting to come across as a needy little girl, I stood and held out my hand. He smirked and slapped his palm against mine, rising to his feet. His beautiful bubble butt jiggled its way over to his pile of clothing and scooped it up. He wiggled his ass and winked in my direction as he climbed the stairs knowing full well he had me totally captivated.

“See you up there,” he finally said, putting my mind at ease.

If someone had asked how Harley made me feel, it would be such a mixed up conglomeration of emotions, I’d sound like a deranged lunatic. How could I put happy, sad, angry, confused, lustful, needy, wanton, hateful, spiteful, upset, desiring, as well as sick to my stomach at times and so deeply in love others, into one simple explanation? It couldn’t be done.

Quickly I showered in the tiny shower stall in the gym and slapped together a peanut butter and grape jelly sandwich, following it with a tall glass of milk and headed up to bed with a bowl of Cereal in my hand.

Harley pulled back the sheets, patting my side of the bed and I eagerly jumped into the bed, snuggling under the covers. Harley ate a handful of cereal and set the bowl aside.

“So the lawyer’s going to be asking us personal stuff,” I started. “We need to know more than our birthdays and color preferences. Tell me about your family, you already know my brothers and their families. Tell me about your mom and dad, do they live nearby?”

“My father lives in France, I rarely see him since my parents’ divorce. It’s complicated.”

“Why? Was it your fault?” I laughed.

“Yeah, it kind of was.”

My mouth fell open, I was joking. I didn’t expect him to say that.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything, I was only kidding around.”

“I guess I should explain,” he rolled onto his side, with his head resting on his arm. “My mother is Martha Helmsley-Cooper.”

Harley watched for my shocked reaction and he got just that.

“As in
The Honorable
?” I asked, earning myself the death glare, I was about to dissolve into ashes on my pillow.

“Please, the woman’s a fucking bitch, she wouldn’t know honor if she fucking fell over it,” Harley snapped. “The woman has no fucking scruples what-so-ever. She’s a coldhearted excuse for a mother.”

“Tell me how you really feel?” I asked, under my breath.

“Mrs. Helmsley-Cooper is the reason for everything wrong in my life,” he rolled to his back with his arm resting over his forehead. “It’s a long story, let me summarize it for you…she sent me to boarding school on my twelfth Birthday, I didn’t come home again until I graduated from Glasgow and then she arranged for me to live on campus at Princeton the next day. The farther I was away from her the better. If she could have sent me to another planet it would have been too close for the woman.”

“Mother of the year, eh?”

“Her political career was her priority, still is. I threaten that from happening every day of my existence.”

“So she sent you away? What kind of a threat could a twelve year old kid be?” I asked.

“My mother caught me kissing Rickey Sheppard in our pantry,” Harley laughed. “He was the cook’s son, which made it all the worse. I’d give anything to see the expression on her face again. The door opened, our lips were locked together and we were jerking each other off. Fuck, she nearly ripped the hair out of my head when she pulled me out of there. She said no son of hers was going to be gay. She threw my ass out the backdoor and locked it. My father let me in after she went to bed. They divorced a few months later. Anyway, I don’t want to talk about her.”

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