Read Unmasked (Revealed #1) Online

Authors: Alice Raine

Unmasked (Revealed #1) (28 page)

BOOK: Unmasked (Revealed #1)
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Digging my head deeper in the pillow, I sighed contentedly. Bliss. Pure bliss.

Ugh. Actually, no. Not bliss. The heavy weight now extending to my chest was starting to get quite uncomfortable. Peeling open my eyes to investigate, I found two blue pools twinkling down at me, and a lovely stubbly chin surrounding a stupendous grin. ‘Good morning sleepyhead.’

A goofy smile immediately broke on my face as I instinctively reached up a hand and slid it in the soft hair at the nape of Sean’s neck. It had been a month since his appearance on my doorstep after my girls’ night out, but even now I could still barely believe he was really here.

‘Morning,’ I whispered. Now
was the icing on the cake; it was the weekend, I had next week off because it was half-term, and as well as being warm and cosy, I also had my gorgeous man propped over me with a wicked twinkle in his eye.

This pinned position was pretty much how I’d woken up for the past four weeks. Well, every day when he’d stayed over, anyway. All in all, the previous four and a bit weeks had been simply glorious. Working around both of our job commitments we’d managed to spend at least four nights a week together, and the evenings and weekends had basically blurred into one long superb shag fest. Sean’s bedroom skills really knew no bounds.

Our lovemaking had, of course, been interspersed with talking, getting to know each other, and a few other boringly mundane activities, like actually having to leave the house to go to work, but overall the month had certainly been great. Cait and Sarah had even met Sean at my house for a coffee one morning, both winking at me and giving their approval as soon as he’d left the room to go to the loo. I’m not sure if the kids in my class noticed the difference in me, but my colleagues certainly did, with several of them commenting on my ‘happy glow’.

Sean and I had decided to keep our relationship quiet while we really got to know each other, so I was thankful when my colleagues assumed it was excitement about my upcoming finishing date and travelling plans that had me in a bit of a tizzy, allowing me to stay quiet about the Hollywood star currently residing in my house and throwing my life, and heart, into complete chaos.

As it turned out, Sean was always rather intent on a morning snuggle before I left for work, so I was now almost used to being woken up exactly twenty minutes before my alarm. Not that I complained. It didn’t necessarily involve sex. Often he just contented himself with an extended snuggle, although from the brooding look in his eyes this morning, I was fairly certain that sexy time was on the cards. Oh goody.

‘Sleep well?’ I asked huskily.

Nodding thoughtfully, he began to nudge his thighs in between mine, which as well as spreading me open for him, also removed some of the weight from my chest and stomach and allowed me to draw in a deeper breath. ‘Very. I always sleep well with you in my arms.’ His over the top declarations hadn’t lessened in the last four weeks either, making me feel spoilt for attention and well and truly worshipped.

As he nuzzled his stubbly jaw against my cheek, I could smell his minty breath as it wafted across my skin. He must have cleaned his teeth recently – which made me smile in amusement. If I’d attempted to leave the bed before he was properly awake, he’d have come running to find me! Suddenly self-conscious, I excused myself to the toilet and quickly relieved my bladder before brushing my teeth. Wandering back into the bedroom, I gave Sean my most seductive look as I slid back into bed, where I found myself promptly pulled beneath him as he secured me into his warm arms in a tight bear hug.

Smiling like a person crazy in love – which was exactly what I was – I slid both hands to his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. I had only meant it to be a chaste good morning kiss, but as soon as our lips met Sean had moaned into my mouth, plunged his tongue in to twist with mine and ignited into a man well and truly on a mission.

Crikey. What a wake-up call.

Suddenly, his hands and lips were everywhere; tracing along my neck, licking across my collarbone, pinching at my nipples and extending them, tickling down my sides, smoothing across my stomach, and finally, thankfully, cupping between my legs where I was now burning for him. Sean wasted no time sliding a finger into me, before groaning appreciatively and immediately adding a second digit and scissoring them to stretch me for him.

‘Oh God, Sean …’ I murmured, as I absorbed the pleasure of his touch and set about my own morning exploration, taking in the broad expanse of his back and the lovely toned muscles of his arms before landing on his firm, delicious arse where I gave a hard squeeze to each cheek, which caused him to thrust his rock solid erection into my thigh.

‘You’ve certainly woken up horny,’ I murmured breathily, prompting Sean to suck my nipple into his mouth so hard that I yelped in surprise at the sting, before his head rose from my breast. Instead of seeing the cheeky expression I had expected, however, his brows were drawn into a frown, and he was now pursing his lips. Confused, I felt my gaze settle on the action of his mouth. He only did that when he was thinking or worried, so what on earth did he have on his mind now, midway through foreplay?

‘Last day,’ he murmured darkly, before his head plunged into the crook of my neck, where he gave a hard suck before resuming his furious kissing and nibbling again and causing me to buck and writhe beneath him.

Last day? Last day of what? But then, like a punch to the gut, it hit me. Last day … It was our last day together; his filming started in LA next week and he had to fly out this afternoon. Shit. I’d been so drowsy that it hadn’t even occurred to me that the date I’d been dreading for so long was actually here. We would be apart for over two months now, until my school term finished in April, and that thought made me tense, my body now stuck in a confusing mix of lusty neediness and sadness as I struggled to wake up and absorb it all.

‘Don’t,’ he growled into my neck, ‘Focus on me. Here. Now.’ With that he thrust himself up into me so hard that I was jerked up the bed with a scream and left with very little chance to think about anything other than the huge cock now pulsing inside me and the hot, hard man arched over me. God. That felt even better than usual. I had adjusted to him over the weeks we’d been together, but nothing would ever quite prepare me for the delicious stretch when Sean thrust into me with that much vigour.

‘So fucking good …’ he murmured, his body stilling as he paused to make sure I was all right – something he still did every single time – his eyes intent and staring straight at me as I panted and clung to his damp shoulders. This always amused me, because he could remove the need to check on me if he just reduced the vigour of his initial thrust, but that ability and control always seemed to escape him in the heat of the moment.

‘Don’t stop,’ I begged, giving a circle of my hips. That was all the invitation Sean needed, because no sooner had I spoken he had pulled his length out right to the tip, where he hovered for several frustrating seconds and building my anticipation to almost painful levels as he held my wiggling hips immobile. I loved it when he was like this, so wild and determined. He could be rough when he was in this type of mood, but I loved that side of him. I needed it just as much as I needed tender Sean. It did, however, require me to fully relax so I could absorb the onslaught of hard, wonderful thrusts that I knew were about to come my way.

Sweat was building on Sean’s forehead, and I could see his muscles bunching and twitching as he held himself back. ‘Love you, so fucking much,’ he grated, before bucking his hips down and crashing into me.

‘Fuck!’ Instead of returning his sentiment and telling him how much I also loved him, I had yelled. How very nice of me. But there was no time for apologies now; Sean’s hips were clashing against mine relentlessly, the sound of groans and skin slapping together filling the air and I actually had to dig my nails into his back and wrap my legs around his waist to try and help me stay attached to him and not get thrust off the side of the bed from his frantic onslaught.

My head fell back, hanging off the side of the mattress, as I rolled my hips in time with his powerful moves, gasps and moans of pleasure escaping my lips as he hit against me in all the right places with each thrust of his talented hips. His lips dived to my neck again, sucking and kissing and licking as he continued to pound into me and drive me on towards a fast-approaching orgasm.

Supporting his weight on one hand, Sean propped himself above me, examining me intently with desire-filled eyes. His chest was heaving with laboured breathing as he continued to drive into me with long, deep lunges and proceeded to play with one of my nipples, tweaking and rolling it until I was a mass of gasping, pleading flesh below him, poised right on the edge of something that felt like it would be distinctly potent.

Giving one final hard twist to my nipple, he buried himself inside me so deeply that I was catapulted over the edge of my climax, stars flying before my eyes as I screamed my release, grasping desperately at his back to try and keep myself from passing out from the pleasure. Holy shit. I felt like I was coming apart from the inside out as my body kept on convulsing tightly around him in wave after wave of blissful pleasure. Barking his appreciation, Sean kicked his hips even deeper within me and came, his cock jerking and jumping within me as I felt his heat searing my insides.

Collapsing onto me, we both lay in a heap of tangled limbs and blankets, panting erratically and clinging to each other as we gradually came down from what had been an exceptionally explosive coupling. Had I said potent? Better upgrade that to earth-shattering, because holy shit, that had been incredible. Sex like I’d never experienced before. Not even with Sean.

After several minutes of silence, I felt Sean shift slightly on top of me. His glorious cock was still nestled inside of me, and to be honest, I could have quite happily stayed there all day. My eyes were still closed, but I knew he was looking at me. Pulling in a satisfied breath I smiled lazily and opened my eyes to be met by his gaze. Instead of smiling like me, Sean’s eyes were regretful, and his lips were once again pursed.

Assuming he was concerned by how rough he’d been, I rubbed at his sweaty back in reassurance and smiled. ‘You didn’t hurt me, Sean, I’m fine. I loved it. That was incredible.’ It really had been. Even with our desperation, it had somehow all seemed so much more intimate than usual.

Blinking several long, slow flutters of his eyelashes, he sighed. ‘I’m glad, but that wasn’t what I was thinking about.’ Concern settled in my stomach as I watched his face twist. He looked so distressed now that I really began to panic. Thinking about it, that sex really had been unlike anything we’d shared before, fraught and full of emotion and I suddenly began to wonder if I had just received a goodbye fuck? Was Sean going to finish with me now that he had to head back to his star-studded life?

‘Then what’s the matter?’ I asked timidly, my voice barely more than a whisper.

‘I’m so sorry, Allie,’ he murmured, wincing, and making me tense all around him. ‘I … I got so carried away that I … I didn’t use a condom.’ As much as I should have been stressing out about that, I instantly felt my body relax because at this particular moment in time, him going bare inside me seemed a far more preferable option to being dumped. Shifting myself slightly, I could feel the wetness inside me and realised that this explained the extra intimacy I had felt, and was why I had been able to feel his heat exploding inside me so strongly.

‘Oh,’ I replied lamely, not entirely sure what else to say.

‘Say something. Are you mad at me?’ he urged, still looking worried.

What did you say to a question like that? ‘Um. No, I’m not mad.’ How could I be? It was just as much my responsibility to think about these things as it was his, and I’d also been way too caught up in the moment to even consider it for a second. ‘Are you, you know … clean?’ I asked in embarrassment, realising now that this really was a question I should have asked him a long while ago. Like before I’d allowed him to plough himself inside me on his desk, perhaps. Or maybe before he’d bent me over the kitchen counter … hmm, maybe not. Things with Sean had been impulsive from the start. They still were, and as reckless as it was, discussions of sexual health had never really come to my mind.

‘I am.’ He nodded. I noticed he didn’t bother to check about my state of health, not that he needed to. I was definitely clean. ‘Are you on the pill?’ he asked, his eyes suddenly narrowing as his lips went back to being tortured between his damn teeth. It was a wonder they weren’t permanently swollen from the amount of abuse they took.

Was I on the pill? Oh, God. Swallowing hard, I drew in a deep breath. ‘No.’ I licked my dry lips, watching his reaction and waiting for him to explode with anger. But he didn’t, he didn’t look distressed by that news at all. In fact, he almost looked … excited. The thought of having children with Sean was actually a very appealing one, but not yet. Crikey, I was twenty-six and we’d only been together for a few months. It was
too early for that. ‘I got the implant a few years ago, but I’m not sure when it runs out.’

He frowned at this news. ‘What do you mean you don’t know when it runs out?’

Flushing with embarrassment, I shrugged self-consciously. ‘I got it done when I was first teaching, just in case I started dating anyone … but that was a few years back, and then I was too busy with work to bother. I’ve never had it changed because I wasn’t dating, and since things happened with you, well, it all happened so fast that I didn’t really think about it.’
Stupid, stupid girl.
I couldn’t believe I’d been so reckless with my own body. How long did those bloody things last? Four years? Three? Shorter? I really had no idea, but I must have had it implanted at least four years ago now, so the chances of me being unprotected were surely quite high. Bugger it.

We both lay there, just staring at each other for several long, silent minutes. To my surprise, I felt Sean hardening slightly inside me again, causing me to briefly wonder if he actually liked the idea of me getting pregnant with his baby. I obviously didn’t object as much as I had thought earlier either, because I was hardly rushing to get up and try to get his sperm out of myself, was I?

BOOK: Unmasked (Revealed #1)
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