Unlikely Venture (The Venture Series Book 1) (20 page)

Read Unlikely Venture (The Venture Series Book 1) Online

Authors: Kristen Luciani

Tags: #Unlikely Venture

BOOK: Unlikely Venture (The Venture Series Book 1)
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She shifted beneath him. “Are you taking over now?” Her attempt at a seductive purr wasn’t lost on James. He nodded without a word. His lips pressed to hers with a seemingly insatiable desire that sent chills to her core, despite the warmth emitted by the crackling fireplace.

This was it. There was no turning back.
Once we do this, everything changes…but it feels so right with him. How did I go so long without this? I’ve never experienced anything like it before. Maybe I’ve never really been in love. Oh my God, am I now? Is it even possible?

Jessica fumbled with his belt buckle for what seemed like hours. It was dark and she couldn’t see well.
Argh, why do they have to be button fly?
She cringed and bit her lip. Pain shot through her finger as a corner of her nail tore off.
Dammit! I’m really trying hard to be seductive here! Why am I so spastic? He’s going to think I’m a complete amateur!
Squeezing her injured finger, she freed the last button without incident.
She slid off his pants then reached into his boxer briefs, eager to find out what was waiting for her. A gasp escaped her lips before she could stop it. Irish curse? Um, that would be a big, fat swollen
. She wrapped her fingers around him, her pulse racing with delight.
Oh. My. God.

“What’s wrong?” He looked down at her.

She grinned. “Absolutely
. Now kiss me.” She pulled him closer and their mouths exploded against one another. He let out a soft moan as she stroked him with increasing intensity. “How does that feel?”

“Mmm. So good. I want to make you feel the same way.” His warm fingers edged under her panties and probed her inner folds. She was woozy with desire.
He knows just how to touch me. I can’t wait to find out what else he can do.

Jessica’s mind was a blur; her emotions spun out of control.
I can’t wait any longer, I want him now.
Her chest heaved as James traced his lips over her navel. Within seconds, the lacy panties were off and his lips moved to her inner thighs. She clenched the sofa cushions in blissful agony but James ignored her silent pleas for release.

“I know what you want, Jess.” His words made her quiver with exhilaration. “But you have to be patient.” She took a few deep breaths and tried to focus. Her body was frenzied by all of this teasing.
This is so hot but he’s driving me insane!
Her body grew more agitated with each passing second. His hands and mouth worked in tandem to stimulate her. Closer and closer…her pulse raced as his tongue inched toward her moist opening. She inhaled sharply and dragged her nails over his shoulders.

Her insides were ablaze as his tongue explored and tantalized. The anticipation alone was enough to catapult her toward climax. The urgency of his movements made her cry out in ecstasy, the pleasure almost too much to bear. His mouth pulled her into levels of exhilaration she’d never before experienced. Tears sprung to her eyes in response to the sensations.

Jessica’s skin tingled as he caressed her; it was so sensitive to his touch. All attempts to calm her breathing were futile. “Ohh…that was

His lips traced a leisurely path back to hers. “Hope you’re not done yet…we just got started.”

The feeling of his body pressed against hers was such luscious torture. Blinded by passion, Jessica gripped the smooth skin of his back to guide him closer. “Do you have a condom?”

“Yeah.” James pulled the packet from the pocket of his pants and struggled with the wrapper for a few seconds. He let out a frustrated sigh. She grinned and placed her hand over his.

“Now who’s the impatient one? Here, let me.” Gazing at him through lowered lids, she ripped open the wrapper and slowly rolled it on. His erection throbbed in her grasp. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from the look on his face; it took her breath away. Overcome with emotion, she drew him closer.

He lowered his mouth to hers as he slid inside. Jessica melted into him, entwining her legs at the ankle to drive him deeper. His erection pulsated and each fervent thrust made her cry out.

“I wanted to do this for so long, Jess. You’re so perfect, you feel amazing.”

Jessica arched back and tightened her muscles around him. He let out a loud groan at the unexpected pressure and his movements quickened in response.

He plunged further until her mind went completely numb. Every movement made her whole body sizzle. “Oh my God! Don’t stop!” Jessica screamed, delirious from the erotic blast that ravaged her whole being.

James let out a loud moan. Tremors rocked his body as the orgasm erupted. He collapsed next to her in exhaustion. “

She giggled. “Seriously.”

They lay tangled in each other’s arms. Jessica brushed a lock of hair from his eyes. She was so filled with emotion, words just wouldn’t suffice. The strength of their physical connection took her breath away. Being with James was pure elation, but what would become of the affair? Tonight wasn’t about sex; it provided the proof she needed that her feelings for James ran deep, much deeper than she ever imagined. She couldn’t bear the thought that this might be a short-lived romance once he found out the truth about her medical condition.

His lips nibbled her earlobe and she squirmed with delight. “Sensitive spot, huh?”

“Yeah.” She smiled at James.
There’s so much I want to say, but I can’t…
There was no way she was going to pour out her feelings under the influence of post-coital bliss. This wasn’t a cheesy romance movie. This was real and she wouldn’t muddy the waters with sappy confessions of adoration.

James traced his fingers up and down Jessica’s arm, sending chills through her. “Jess, I-I want you to know how much tonight means to me.”

She leaned into him, her head resting on his shoulder. “I do know. I feel the same way.”

“I didn’t actually expect this to happen when I came over here tonight. I mean, I definitely
to, but I wasn’t planning on it.” He flashed that adorable lopsided grin that always made her melt.

She didn’t plan on it either. The memory of seeing James earlier that evening—she’d thought about that moment for days, wondering how it would feel to kiss him again. But nothing could have prepared her for the experience of making love with him. It was pure bliss.

A loud gurgling sound broke the stillness between them. Jessica let out a nervous giggle. “I haven’t really eaten too much today. Too much excitement, I guess.”

James laughed. “Well, we kind of missed our reservation, although it was totally worth being blacklisted on Open Table.”

“It definitely was.” She caressed his feet with her toes.
Thank goodness I found time for that pedicure.

“So, what should we do about dinner? I don’t want to starve you. I’m afraid of what you’ll do to me if you miss another meal.”

“I think you should be more worried about what I’ll do to you if I get to eat something. Imagine what I would be capable of if my energy levels were restored…” She gazed up at him, a suggestive smile on her face.

James groaned. “Okay, that’s not really cool. Do you know how much you’re driving me crazy right now?”

Jessica widened her eyes with mock innocence. “What do you mean? I’m just making a point.”

“Point taken.” He drew her back down to the couch.

Who needs food anyway?



“I WASN’T SURE what you liked, so I got…well, everything.” James flashed a dimpled smile as he lugged in a large box of wine bottles.

Jessica peered into the box. “Merlot, cab, pinot noir, pinot grigio, chardonnay, rose…
. You really did get everything. Lucky for you, I don’t discriminate.”
It won’t hurt to have just one glass.

She scoured the cabinets while James paid for the pizza.
Her stomach gurgled again as she sauntered into the living room with plates, napkins and glasses. Numbness took over her right arm as she set out the plates.
She stretched it overhead and increase the blood flow but it was useless
. There’s nothing you can do about it now. Play it off so he doesn’t think something’s wrong.

James popped the cork on the cabernet. He held out a glass to Jessica and winked. “Since you’re going to be here for a while, this should hold you over.”

She forced a smile and took the glass.
I need it now more than ever.
“I hope you’ll be joining me again.”

“Yeah, I’d definitely like that.” He drew her in and kissed the tip of her nose. “Still starving?”

Oh, yes.

“I guess the pizza will have to do for now.” She took a large bite, feeling oil drip down her chin.
Argh! Where the hell are the napkins?
She grabbed a paper napkin with her left hand and mopped her mouth, grateful that James missed her food faux pas.
Doesn’t get any hotter than this.

“You have a problem with pepperoni?” She pointed to the growing tower of slices on his plate.

“Not really a fan of spicy food.” A sheepish grin spread over his face.

“Why didn’t you say something? We could have gotten it plain. I feel so bad now!”

“Don’t beat yourself up, I don’t mind pulling it off. You said you liked it and I wanted to get it for you. Not a big deal.” He shrugged and continued working.

Jessica leaned in for a lingering kiss. “Thank you.” As she sat back on the sofa, she swiped a few of the slices of pepperoni from his plate.

“I love love

James laughed. “Help yourself.” He popped the last of the pizza into his mouth. “So, you haven’t really told me too much about your family. What are they like? Are you close to them?”

Jessica recalled the recent family dinner with a fond smile. “We have our rough patches like everyone else but yeah, we’re close. They’re workaholics, too. My dad’s senior legal counsel for an international investment management firm and my mom’s the head of risk management for Morris Stanfield.”

James whistled. “Pretty impressive.”

“Yeah, they both work really hard. My mom is such an inspiration to me. She left her job at Morris after having my sister Haley and me and went back when we were in school full-time. She worked hard to move up the ranks, made lots of friends in high places and now she’s on top.”

“What’s your sister like?” James chewed on another slice.

“Haley’s great, a lot of fun,
dramatic,” Jessica snickered. “She landed an awesome position as a junior editor at
after college. It’s a perfect role for her, all fashion and style. The swag doesn’t hurt, either. I know
appreciate it!”

James smiled, a faraway look on his face. Jessica knew his thoughts were somewhere else.

She hesitated.
“I’d love for you to tell me more about your dad. Do you have a favorite memory of him?”

His blue eyes darkened. “He was such a great guy. It’s amazing how quickly things can change in your life, you know? One minute, everything’s awesome and the next minute, you’re finding out that he’s gone forever.” He sat back on his hands. “We spent a lot of time at baseball games, really bonded during those times. I was about seven when my dad took me to my first Giants game. I insisted on wearing my Cubs cap. It was way too big and hung over my eyes so I could barely see.” He gave her a rueful smile. “I knew he hated the idea of taking his kid in with that cap, but I was so stubborn back in the day.”

“Oh yeah? Way back
in the day

James snickered. “I’m much more laid back now. Anyway, we got hot dogs from a vendor and the guy dropped all three of them right into my dad’s lap, mustard and all. When the Giants scored a home run later on, we jumped up to cheer and I knocked over both of our drinks. Our sneakers were sopping wet and sticky but my dad never got annoyed. He laughed everything off, because that was the type of guy he was. It really was a great day…” James trailed off, a look of sadness clouding his features.

“How’s your mom handling it?” Jessica realized she didn’t know very much about his mom, other than the fact that he lived with her. She couldn’t fathom dealing with that kind of loss.

James sighed. “She’s so much better now. It took her a long time to come to terms with losing my dad like that. They were best friends, a perfect couple. Even though she’s in a better place now, she still has weak moments. I hear her crying in her room some nights. It’s horrible because I want to comfort her, but she’s not breaking down in front of me. I almost feel like she needs to let it out on her own, in the privacy of her own space. So, I’ve never mentioned it, but it breaks my heart every time I hear her.”

Jessica’s eyes welled up. “I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything. But thanks…for asking.”

They held each other in silence. She closed her eyes as his fingertips skimmed her back. The realization set in without warning, all of her fears, priorities and goals dissipating in the same instant.

I think I’m falling in love with you, James…and I don’t know how to stop it.



JAMES AWOKE WITH a start. His sleep-induced haze faded as the sharp pain shot down his neck. He moved his head to stretch the muscle, swallowing the expletive threatening to escape his lips.

What time is it, anyway?
The fireplace gave off the only light in the room. The windows were black; he figured it was still the middle of the night. That was fine with him. He was in no rush to move.

A quick massage did nothing to relieve the pressure. He clenched his teeth. Screw the pain. He’d suffer a hell of a lot worse just to spend another minute with Jessica sprawled over him.

He gazed at her peaceful expression, wondering what thoughts danced through her mind. A surge of emotion rushed through him when her green eyes fluttered open. Crackling embers cast a soft glow over her face; her dark hair glinted with flecks of orange and gold.

A sleepy smile played on her lips. “Good morning.”

“I don’t know if it’s morning yet, but it’s looking pretty good so far…”

“It’s only going to get better, I promise.” Her fingertips taunted him. His heart beat faster with each passing second. She traced a mischievous path to his abdomen, pausing with a suggestive wink.

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