Unleashing the Storm (4 page)

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Authors: Sydney Croft

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Romance, #Supernatural, #Occult Fiction, #Paranormal, #Suspense, #Adult, #Erotica, #Erotic Fiction, #Animal Communicators

BOOK: Unleashing the Storm
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not paying you for stud services. Those need to be strictly voluntary.”

here I always thought volunteer work was overrated,” he said as she tugged hard
at the zipper on his jeans. She stared down at his cock, then looked into his
eyes and back down to his cock, and yeah,
Who’s your daddy now, Kira?
Her hand circled his dick roughly and he growled. “Ah, fuck.”

that. Now,” she said, stroked him while she looked at him with those wide
amber-colored eyes and smiled. He wondered when he’d lost control of this
situation, even though he knew a man never really had any control when he was

he’d never been this bad.

wait a minute,” he murmured in a moment of clarity. “Gotta come prepared.” He
dug in the pocket of his loosened jeans and pulled out a condom, put the
wrapper between his teeth to tear, since his other hand was busy up her shirt
tugging at her nipple.

reaction could only be described as violent. She hissed, actually hissed, and
knocked it out of his hand. “No.”

don’t play with shit like that.”

on the pill.”

don’t care,” he said, bent to pick it up and she yanked him back to her by the front
of his shirt.

she said again. She nipped his ear again, harder this time as her sex ground
against his cock.


on the pill and I can’t use condoms,” she said, her voice low and throaty, and
she wasn’t going to relent.

was probably allergic. And if he didn’t take her, she’d move right to Derek,
would develop an intimate rapport that might shut him out. It was a move he
couldn’t afford to make, especially since instinct told him that Kira hadn’t
slept with Derek as of yet. Besides, this wouldn’t be the first time he’d taken
his life in his hands.

need you, Tommy,” she purred into his ear, her scent rising around them, the
smell of sex and lust and everything in between. In seconds, his only focus was
the woman in front of him, the beautiful, horny woman he wanted to take over
his knee and spank, the one he wanted to cuff to the ladder and make her beg
for him. Nothing else mattered, not the job, not ACRO, nothing except getting
inside her pants and inside of her.

head swam, like he had some kind of transient vertigo, and every one of his
senses heightened, almost to the point of pain, and told him to pull away
simultaneously. Told him that she was more dangerous than anyone at ACRO knew.

nuzzled him, everything moved in slow motion and he knew there was no escape as
every fiber of his being screamed with the urge to mate. To make her his and
his alone.

He turned her so she faced the ladder, used the whip on the back of her thighs
one final time before he told her, “Drop your shorts.”

complied quickly, sticking her perfect round ass out, and he kicked her legs
apart roughly.

didn’t bother pulling off any of his clothes. Instead, he grabbed her hips and
entered her hard as she held on to the ladder for dear life.

A low
keening wail rose from the back of her throat. He gripped her hips as her pussy
contracted around him almost immediately, a series of multiple orgasms ripping
through her that made his world rock, and still she wasn’t finished. She pushed
against him with an intensity he’d never had from any other woman.

he wouldn’t have allowed that, would’ve had her bound and helpless and he’d be
taking her on his terms. But his cock was prisoner to her and it didn’t seem to
mind a damn bit. She was taking him for a ride and his balls throbbed from the

think she’s still in the barn…” A woman’s voice rang out, too close for
comfort, followed by Derek’s. Ender wasn’t one to put on a show for anyone, but
he didn’t, couldn’t care. Something about Kira’s scent drew him to her like
he’d never been drawn before. She moaned his name, offered her neck to him, and
he heard her gasp when he bit deeply, holding her for his mating like a
stallion covering his mare. He knew she’d taste as good between her legs as she
smelled, wanted to pull out of her, spread her legs and lick her until she

he was going to do that soon. But the voices drew closer.

rough denim of his jeans rubbed the backs of her bare thighs, her shirt rode up
and they rutted, her orgasms still coming one right after the other again, and
still she didn’t stop. Her ass rubbed against him, her rhythm urging him
deeper, faster, gave him no choice but to spill inside her with a muffled groan
against her neck.

thin sheen of sweat covered her tanned skin and the last thing he wanted to do
was pull out of her. Good thing she felt the same way, because she wasn’t
letting go. She turned her head, a wide smile on her face, and when she opened
her eyes and gazed at him, the wild, desperate look was gone.

just looked content as hell. And sexy. He was already in more trouble than he’d
bargained for and he was only two hours into this mission.

voice became louder, calling out for Kira, but still, Ender didn’t rush pulling
out of her. When he did, he barely had time to tuck himself back into his jeans
before Derek called again. For a second, Ender stayed where he was, facing Kira
so she could pull up her shorts and fix her shirt with a slight bit of privacy.

she said, gave him a quick wink.

a problem. And now I’d really better get to work,” he said. He grabbed the
riding crop that he’d let drop to the floor and trailed it up her thigh before
tucking it under his arm. “I’d better take this. You don’t want to let it get
into the wrong hands.”

I was looking for you.” The woman whose voice he heard earlier came in, Derek
close on her heels. “I found Derek tying up the horses and he said you were

I was up in the loft,” Kira said. “Tommy, this is Deb. She’s our resident
animal nutritionist. She takes care of feeding all the exotics. Deb, this is
Tom, our newest farmhand. He just started today.”

hey, Tom. I’d be happy to show you around town later on when you’re finished up
here. There’s not much to do around here, but there are a few spots I’ll bet
you’d be interested in,” Deb said. She was small and blond and cute, but not
his type.

held out his hand, gave the polite, good ole boy nod and watched Deb assess his
face and body. “That sounds great,” he said, knowing he’d never go.

Deb smiled, flipped her hair, and he bit back a laugh when Kira grabbed Deb’s
upper arm and shepherded her away.

Doolittle was more possessive than he’d thought she’d be. Good to know.

he turned and walked past Derek, just close enough for the guy to smell Kira on
him like a badge of honor. Derek tilted his head and glared at him, and Ender
bared his teeth and let a low growl escape from his throat.

backed away first, muttering about fence posts, and Ender turned to pack up the
rest of the equipment Kira wanted out of sight.

one for me, asshole. Literally.

he’d first read the file on Kira and her animal instincts last night before he
left his house, he figured that someone had slipped in the part about her
spring fever to get a rise out of him.

was no joke, not the way, when he’d used the crop on her, her eyes had gotten
that slightly glazed look that only a major jones to get off could do. And
yeah, he’d be more than happy to turn her over his knee and give her a
spanking, make her comply with any and all of his whims. And that’s how he was
going to work her for this job—get through to her.

she was this easy to seduce, the enemy would have a field day with her. In the
wrong hands, Kira would be a menace to any society, and then some, and ACRO
wanted to make sure that she was firmly in their camp, and only a threat to
those who threatened the United States’, and her allies’, security and safety.

he was going to have to recommend that ACRO keep her under lock and key during
her spring fevers, not to mention keeping her…serviced. Until then, servicing
was his job, and a job he planned on doing better than well.

night fell, he’d take care of everything else.

8 P.M. EST

O’Malley, head of ACRO and all her operatives, sat at the head of the
conference table, rubbing his fingertips along the smooth oak while trying not
to tune out the two men who sat across from him, arguing over who would get
possession of Kira once Ender delivered her into ACRO’s eager hands.

Stockton, the Paranormal Division director, a man who had been at ACRO since
before it was even called ACRO, coughed. He’d only recently stopped smoking,
but it hadn’t been soon enough. Six months ago, ACRO doctors found cancer in
the man’s lungs after one of the psychics alerted Dev that something was
terribly wrong with the older man. So far, treatments had gone well.

an animal whisperer. Basically, an animal psychic. Which means she belongs in
my division. With the
” Henry argued.

no doubt, department heads are arguing like you two over who would get her,”
Dev said.

Henry concurred. “Mostly the Medium and Telepath departments.”

matter,” Jason Templar, the Special Operations director, said. “She’s
physiologically extreme.”

nodded, though they had no idea how extreme she was. The Science Division had
expressed concern that through her unique physiology, genetics and diseases
could be modified. In the wrong hands, that could spell disaster.

matter how psychic she is, her ability doesn’t affect human minds or actions.
She’s an RSO,” Jason finished.

Henry scoffed. “Just like Remy.”

sighed at the mention of Remy’s name, because he couldn’t go through this
argument again. Remy had a connection to the weather that was almost too
extraordinary to believe, and his control over Mother Nature had only grown
stronger since he’d arrived at ACRO and gone through the proper training.

lines between what made a person fit into which of the agency divisions were
not always clearly drawn. He’d just gone through this with a new recruit, an
excedosapien who happened to be mildly clairaudient. Both Para and Excedo
Divisions wanted the guy, who had ultimately gone to Excedo, though Para could
borrow him.

Henry was still fuming over the loss of Remy to the Rare Special Operative

two do realize that Kira will be assigned to the Animal Division.”

still needs a home division.”

laptop beeped, and he swiped his fingers over the touch pad. Because he was
tired it took slightly longer than usual to absorb the message from ACRO’s
parameteorologist, Haley Holmes. She’d narrowed down Itor’s secret location for
their massive weather weapon to three possible locales.

was good news, but with hurricane season starting next month, it wasn’t good

realized Jason and Henry were still arguing, and he ground his teeth. “Enough.
Write up your arguments and submit them to me tomorrow.”


hostile glare at Henry sizzled over Dev’s skin. Those two would never see eye
to eye. But then, Jason rarely saw eye to eye with anyone, and Henry had been
set in his ways since he was born.

left, but Henry remained seated.

have more to say?” Dev asked.

shifted in his chair, the creak of fabric on leather louder than it should have
been, and Dev knew his near future involved a splitting headache. “I want my
division to finally get a fair shake. Ever since you started bringing in
rare-ability types—”

aware of your views, Henry.”

and a handful of others had opposed Dev’s expansion of ACRO from the
exclusively psychic operation it had been under his parents’ direction. He
accepted the validity of some of the arguments.

in excedosapiens and RSOs had created several problems he couldn’t annihilate
no matter how hard he tried. The two types had a tendency to cause a lot of
trouble and could be hard to control. There was also the perception that the
RSOs received preferential treatment, given their extreme rare abilities and
notably small numbers in comparison to the agents in the Paranormal and
Excedosapien Divisions.

the other hand, the addition of excedos and RSOs had made ACRO the most
powerful agency in the world—secret or not.

BDUs rustled as he shifted again. “You know I have great respect for the work
you and your parents have done.”

inclined his head. “But?”

maybe ACRO has grown too big and unwieldy for one person. A few of us have been
talking, and we think it might be time for you to take on partners.”

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