Unleashed: Volume 3 (Unleashed #3) (13 page)

BOOK: Unleashed: Volume 3 (Unleashed #3)
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But then there was my
other hand which currently was balled into a fist at my side, itching
to shove him away hard in the middle of his chest. He couldn’t
weigh more than 150 pounds. I could send him flying.

“How have I lived
without Vietnamese food all these 24 years?” Kara asked me, lifting
a steaming forkful to her mouth.

“We should go to
Vietnam,” I found myself saying. “I’ve never been. We could see
it for the first time together.”

She smiled at me shyly
and looked down. I knew I was starting to extend our timeline,
starting to see this keep going past Sunday. I hadn’t laid it all
out yet, hadn’t discussed it with her. But more and more I was
feeling it wasn’t just a good idea, it was the only idea. The
thought that this would all end in three days, that she’d walk away
and we’d both go back to business as usual seemed ridiculous.

She couldn’t go back
to killing herself to save that failing ranch and waiting tables at
the diner for truckers passing through town. And locals. Like Bruce.
Screw that, I wanted Kara with me. We’d have to take this a little
longer, see where it went. I knew she’d agreed to this week for the
money, no doubt about it. But once I took care of all of her debts,
maybe she’d still want to stick around.

“I’d love to go to
Vietnam with you.” She smiled, an inside-out smile, radiating from
within. Kara positively glowed. Light makeup, no blow-out or up-do,
she bloomed like the most beautiful woman in New York. I don’t know
how she did it, but she made me feel like I could take out ‘Vietnam’
and insert anything into that sentence—anywhere, any place, any
time—and she’d still love to go with me. That’s how she made me
feel. And she’d done it from the start, back when I had nothing.

I might have wealth
now, but she’d never needed it from me. She’d looked at me like I
was a millionaire before I had a penny to my name. That made it all
the more fun to spoil her now.

“I have something for
you.” I took a small jewelry box out of my jacket pocket. The
pocket on the other side of the jacket had another something secret
for her, but not just yet. I’d put that into play soon enough.

I set the light blue
square box down on the table. With shy fingers, she picked it up and
opened it.

“It’s gorgeous!”
she exclaimed, taking it out and holding up the simple gold chain and

“It’s an apple,”
I explained as she brought the charm up to study it. The leaf was
decorated in small diamonds. “It’s from Tiffany’s. You know how
you call New York ‘The Big Apple.’ I thought you might like it.”
Usually I had my assistant Angie pick out gifts, but this time I’d
wanted to do it myself.

“It’s so thoughtful
of you. I love it.” Her eyes filled with tears.

“OK, now, none of
that.” I stood up, completely uncomfortable with tears. I never had
any idea what to do with myself. “Let me put it on you.” She held
it up to me and I fastened it at the back of her neck.

Sitting back down, I
saw that it looked perfect. Sweet and charming, exactly like her.
And, resting just past the neckline of her silk shift dress, it
brought my attention right back to where it never strayed far from:
nestled between her breasts.

“I see you wore the
dress I wanted.” I picked up my drink and took a sip. When I’d
headed to my meeting, I’d texted her at the hotel, giving her

“Did you do what I
told you?” She flushed, embarrassed. Still so shy and coy. I loved
that in her. It was real, too, not affected. That was my Kara, so
dirty and nasty, wanting my cock up her ass. But blushing like a

She nodded. No panties,
no bra.

My prick stirred. Kara
was bare for me and only I knew it. I had full access and a long
white tablecloth. What more did a man need?

“But you wore a
wrap,” I chastised. She’d placed a silvery cashmere shawl over
her shoulders and draped it artfully over her breasts.

She shrugged her
shoulders. “I felt naked.”

“That’s how I want
you.” I gave her a wicked, burning smile and she flushed from the
heat of it.

“You may leave it on
for now,” I granted her. “But when I say to take it off, it’s

“OK.” She nodded,
shaky. I knew she liked my control, my orders. She wanted to follow
what I told her to do, and man did I love giving her instructions. We
were a perfect pair.

“Give me your purse,”
I commanded.

She looked at me,
confused, but did as I asked. I liked how she trusted me. I slipped
the gift from my other jacket pocket into it, then handed it back.

“I want you to go and
do something for me.” I beckoned her closer. She leaned over and I
could smell her, honey sweet and light. Close to her ear, I
whispered, “There’s something in there for you. Go to the
restroom and put it up inside your pussy.”

She pulled away, her
back straight and surprised. I loved her eyes wide like that, open
with shock and arousal all at once. It might be my favorite look on
her, either that or flushed pink, lips parted screaming my name as
she came. Both worked for me.

It seemed to take
forever, Kara up and away from the table in the bathroom. A waiter
refilled our water glasses. Another one came to ask if I needed
anything. “Kara,” I wanted to growl, but I simply waved him off.
Impatient, I still liked the thought of her in a stall, embarrassed,
fumbling around inside her purse and pulling out the cool, metal egg.
She’d probably hesitate, unsure what it was, wondering if she
should do what I said or even how. I was pretty sure she’d never
had a vibrating egg up inside of her before. She probably didn’t
even know it vibrated. Yet.

A better man would have
stopped at the first gift, kept things classy and thoughtful. Not me.
Sure, I wanted to shower Kara with jewels, but deep inside I also had
ferocious needs. The beast in me needed to be served.

I watched her as she
walked back to the table, her eyes big, that shawl still draped
lightly over her breasts. Her naked breasts, as per my instructions.
My cock throbbed against my thigh. Under the thin gauze I could still
see them jiggle as she walked, nothing holding them in.

Other men watched her,
too. How could they not? She looked fresh and glorious, a newly
opened tulip sprung from the frozen March ground. I still wanted to
sock them all in the jaw and roar she was mine, pounding my chest.

Instead, I watched her
like a predator stalking its prey. That wrap was coming off the
second I got her beside me. I wanted to see that smooth, thin silk
draping down her full, round breasts. I wanted her nipples pressing
against the silk in the middle of this restaurant, her breath
catching, her eyes flitting around nervous, wondering if anyone could
see even though I had us seated over in a private corner.

The hem of her dress
barely touched mid-thigh, long enough for public but not by much.
Only I knew she had nothing underneath it.

She sat back down next
to me. I’d moved her chair closer while she was gone. I didn’t
want to miss a second of the show she was about to put on for me. The
one she didn’t realize was about to happen.

“How’d it go?” I
asked, nonchalant. In my pocket, I held the remote control button for
the vibrating egg. I didn’t press it yet, though. I waited.

“OK, I guess.” She
looked flushed, embarrassed, and took a furtive sip of her water.
“What is it?” she whispered.

“Something we’ll
both enjoy,” I assured her. “Now pull your chair in closer to the
table. And take off your wrap.”

She looked at me,
trusting, wanting, and brought the cashmere wrap down along the back
of her chair. Without the cover, I could see her lush, round breasts
underneath the silk, erotic and bare. Under my gaze, she began to
respond, her nipples pressing out hard, her breasts rising and
falling with her breath. She looked down, embarrassed, and crossed
her arms over her chest.

“No.” I shook my
head. She bit her lip, arms still up. “Kara,” I began, taking a
finger to her chin and directing her to meet my eyes. “Never be
embarrassed with me. I am not going to humiliate you. Do you

She met my gaze, her
eyes round and luminous. I swear, the way she looked at me, it was
like I was her hero even if I was actually a villain. Even when I’d
had nothing, she’d looked at me that way. In a city of beautiful
women, I had the best one.

Trusting me, she
brought her hands down to her sides, giving me my view. I could see
her breasts again, the silk against them as if poured down from
above, coating her and revealing as much as they covered.

“Look up at me,
Kara.” I fixed my gaze on her and pressed the button on the remote
control. To start, I kept the vibrations on low.

She gasped, grasping
the side of her chair and looking around wildly.

“Eyes on me, Kara,”
I whispered to her, commanding.

“Declan!” she said,
breathy, confused.

“Yes,” I encouraged
her. “Let me see how you feel.”

Her mouth opened
slightly in pretty pants, her eyes flickered closed for a moment. Her
nipples stood out, X-rated and explicit against the cool silk. She
arched her neck a bit, her chin tilted up.

“Does that feel good,
Kara?” With my thumb, I nudged the intensity of the vibrations up a

Her breath caught and
she squirmed in her seat, biting her lip.

“Declan!” she
cried, her voice a bit louder.

“Quiet now,” I
admonished. “You don’t want anyone to hear you.” Her eyes flew
open and she brought her hands to the table as if she’d been caught
touching herself. I took my finger off the button and let her rest.

“What are you doing?”
she whispered, astonished.

“I’m controlling
you,” I said simply, taking a sip of my drink. “I’m going to
play with you all night.”

“Declan, you can’t

I pressed the button
again, sending her directly into the medium power. Her words turned
into a gasp and she gripped the sides of the table.

“That’s right,” I
coaxed her. “Show me how good it feels.” She tilted her head
back, her nipples pushing against the fabric, her back arched. She
wasn’t going to be able to take too much of this, I realized. We’d
have to work up to it. Then again, I wasn’t going to be able to
take too much of it, either. My cock already strained for release and
all I could think about was how wet she’d be, how quickly and
easily I could slam into her and fuck her senseless until we both
came hard.

I had to touch her. No
one would notice. Amidst the soft lighting and ambient sounds of
laughter and clinking glasses we were nothing more than a couple
having dinner in a quiet corner. Only I could see the arousal on
Kara’s face, the way she fought for control. Futile, that. I had
control. I knew she’d be wet, but I wanted to check anyway, feel
the evidence on my finger. Maybe make her taste it there in public in
the restaurant.

My hand stealing
underneath the tablecloth, I started at her knee, then stroked my way
down her inner thigh up to the apex. She quivered underneath me, her
breathing strained.

“Don’t make a
sound,” I reminded her, as much to heighten her sensations as to
keep her quiet. I didn’t care if we made a scene, but I wanted her
to feel nervous, scared, excited. It made it all the more charged and

Whisper-light, I
feathered my way along her inner thighs, then up and along her sex.
Soaked. Fully dripping, swollen and drenched.

“That’s very
naughty, Kara,” I reprimanded her, stroking her slick pussy lips.
“I’m going to need to punish you for this. Getting so wet in the
middle of a crowded restaurant. You’re very bad.”

She moaned softly and I
couldn’t help it, I had to turn the power up, the vibrations
hitting her now strong and fast. Her breathing accelerated. I could
see the pulse in her neck pounding.

“Declan,” she
panted, hungry. “I might—I need—”

“Hmm.” I watched
her, my hand still underneath the table stroking her slick slit. I
pulsed, medium to high and back again. She whimpered in her throat. I
turned it off.

I kept it going for
another half an hour, while the waiter cleared our table, through a
delectable light sorbet to close. I’d stop, she’d catch her
breath, I’d start again and each time it took her deeper, closer. I
had her right where I wanted her.

“Declan, I, oh!”
She brought a spoonful of sorbet up to her mouth, dissolving it into
her hot mouth with a moan of pleasure as her pussy throbbed with

“Vladimir’s waiting
in the car outside,” I informed her. Her eyes opened and she looked
at me, eager. “You’d like to go?” I asked her, teasing.

“I need…” she
paused, licked her lips, wiggled in her seat. I loved making her
squirm for me.

“You need more.” I
had a smug, satisfied smile on my face, I knew it, but I had a
control button in my hand and I could play with her all night.

“Please,” she
begged softly.

We were outside the
restaurant in record time, whisked away into the darkness of the city
streets inside the limo. Finger on another button, I put up the black
privacy screen between the driver and us. What I needed to do to Kara
was between her and me alone.

I had her up and over
my lap, fastened there and pressing against my groin, my bulging
cock, so fast she gasped. The silk of her dress fluttered and slid
down her back, leaving her completely bare and exposed. I decided I
wanted her in silk all the time, no panties, all access any moment I

I brought my hand to
her smooth ass cheeks and stroked her as she whimpered.

“That was very bad,
Kara,” I reprimanded, bringing my fingers up to her dripping,
quivering pussy. “You got so wet in public. In a restaurant,
surrounded by all those people.” She moaned, aroused and ashamed,
her hands clutching at the leather seat. “Tell me, did your pussy
get soaking wet in there?”

BOOK: Unleashed: Volume 3 (Unleashed #3)
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