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Authors: Crystal Jordan

Unleashed (13 page)

BOOK: Unleashed
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He sucked in a breath, trying to speak in more than an animalistic growl. “This will be more comfortable in my bed.”
Tearing herself out of his arms, Gea stood and jerked her shirt over her head. She dropped it in his lap. “Last one who's naked gets to come last.”
He laughed up at her, glanced at Kienan, but the wolf was already on his feet, pulling off his clothes. Quill laughed harder as he stood, reaching back to grab a handful of his shirt and jerk it over his head. The race was on, each of them stripping on their way to the bedroom. Gea giggled, Kienan chuckling as he watched her dive for the bed, her pale body bared.
“Oh, Quill.” Gea lay on her side and grinned at him, propping her head on her hand. “Looks like you're waiting for us to come.”
He snorted, shaking his head at her, but he couldn't deny she was right. His pants were unsealed but still on. Kienan stood beside the bed nude, his silver gaze burning into Quill. The wolf-shifter's cock was hard, his expression even hotter. Lust pulsed through Quill with every beat of his heart. He pushed his pants down, shuddering as both his lovers took in the motion, hunger in their gazes as they looked him over.
He nodded to Kienan, flicking his fingers toward the bed. “Stretch out.”
The wolf moved to do just that, settling his body against the mattress, stuffing a pillow under his head. “Since you like to be the boss . . . now what?”
Chuckling, Quill scooped Gea up from where she lay and swung her over to straddle the wolf's thighs. “I think you can figure out what comes next.”
“I can figure out
comes next, and it isn't you.” Her brown eyes sparkled when she looked at him, a wicked grin on her lips.
He laughed, and it felt good. He liked being with them. Just eating dinner with them had been good. It didn't mean he needed them or was coming to depend on their presence in his life. He could do without them as easily as he could anyone else, but he was able to admit he enjoyed his time with them. And he was about to enjoy it a great deal more.
Gea lifted herself, and Kienan grasped her hips to bring her down on his cock. Her head fell back on a moan, and the muscles clenched in Kienan's jaw, his fangs bared as he panted for breath. They moved together, slowly, her body rising and falling on the wolf's thick cock. The sight made Quill's dick jerk.
“Are you just going to watch?” Gea rolled her head on her shoulder to look at him, her gaze glinting with humor and passion. “Come join us.”
The invitation was more than he could resist, but there was one more thing he needed before he gave in to temptation. He stepped over to open the drawer in the bedside table, pulling a canister of lubricant out. They were going to need this.
He unsealed the container and poured the liquid onto his fingers. Bending forward, he kissed the nanotat on her back and slipped his hand down between the soft globes of her ass. She sucked in a breath when he pierced her anus, a shudder running through her.
A groan wrenched out of him when the wolf reached out and caught his cock in one hand, rolling a thumb over the crest. Quill hissed, rocking his hips into the other man's touch to the same rhythm he finger-fucked Gea's ass. He had to grit his teeth to hold on to his self-restraint. He'd never had to fight so hard for control in his life. Only with the two of them. Maybe that was part of the fascination, but he was too far gone to care about that now.
Each time Gea sank down on Kienan's cock, she took Quill's slick fingers deep inside of her. He added a third digit, widening her. He wanted inside her ass. Soon. Very soon. He stretched her, adding more lubricant so the slide was all pleasure for her. Her cries grew frantic, her hips moving faster and faster until she froze, her inner muscles rippling in climax.
Kienan's grip on Quill's cock grew painful as Gea came, her pussy milking the wolf's dick. Quill caught the wolf's hand, pulling it away before he lost his tenuous hold on self-discipline. He set a knee on the edge of the bed, pushing Kienan's legs apart so he could kneel between them. Slipping a hand up to Gea's shoulder, he held her in place as he used his other hand to guide his cock to her anus. He pressed the head in, hissing at how good it felt.
And it would only get better.
“Oh, Deus,” Gea moaned, arching her back as he filled her.
It was tight, with Kienan still long and hard in her pussy. That only heightened the already intense sensations. The feel of Kienan's cock through the thin layer of flesh that separated them was enough to drive him wild. Both of them at the same time, taking the sexiest woman in the galaxy. He loved it. He couldn't remember anything being this hot before.
Her rear channel flexed around his cock, squeezing him until it was almost painful. The lubricant made the glide nothing short of erotic. Kienan and Quill plunged into her, again and again, and Quill lost himself in the moment. There was nothing in the world except her and Kienan and what they were doing together. He stroked his hands over her shoulders, pulling her ass tight to the base of his shaft with each stroke, loving the sound of her round buttocks slapping against his stomach.
Kienan moved in counterpoint to him, sliding out of her pussy as Quill pushed in to her anus. Every few strokes, they filled Gea together. She screamed at the double penetration, and both men groaned at the tight fit. So good.
“I'm going to come,” Kienan gasped. His big body shuddered, and he arched his hips, slamming deep into Gea. Quill entered her a nanosecond later, and that was enough to set her off again. She sobbed on a breath, and he felt the clench and release of her internal muscles.
Quill hissed, the leopard breaking free as he threw his head back and a feline shriek ripped from his throat. Orgasm crashed over him, dragged him under as he pumped his come into Gea. His fingers had turned to claws on her shoulders, holding her in place. His muscles shook when it was over, a climax that drained everything from him. The best of his life. A tired chuckle rolled out and he dropped his forehead between her shoulder blades, trying to catch his breath. He brushed a kiss over the hummingbird zooming wildly around on her back as it did when she was excited, her heart racing.
Kienan shifted a bit beneath them, so Quill pulled Gea to the side, rolling them onto the wide mattress. They lay there for long moments that were . . . sweet. Peace wound through Quill, insidious and weakening. He closed his eyes for a moment, shaking his head.
With a groan, Gea wriggled out from between them, crawling over Quill. She heaved herself to her feet, wavering as she stood. No. Not again. She couldn't walk away like this on him—on them—again.
He reached out and caught her hand.
“Stay the night. Don't leave.” It was the neediest utterance that had ever come out of his mouth. He released his hold, clamped his jaw shut, turning his face away from her. Kienan was there, the wolf's gaze as steady as ever. There was understanding in that silver gaze, sympathy. Some enormous, snaking emotion that Quill refused to name filled his chest. He swallowed, closed his eyes again, and blocked them both out.
His heart squeezed when he felt the bed dip and Gea's slim body settle beside him. She threw her leg over his and set her hand on his stomach. None of them said a word to acknowledge the huge shift in their relationship with those simple actions. Kienan rolled onto his side, wrapping his arm around Quill's chest and twining his fingers with Gea's.
Nothing had ever felt this good, this right in Quill's entire life. The thought should scare the shit out of him, but he was too content, too exhausted to pay heed to the warning alarm going off in his head. Unconsciousness rolled over him in a wave, dragging him into dreams that were filled with Gea and Kienan.
They'd spent the night screwing like minks in heat. By some unspoken understanding, Quill and Kienan had kept Gea between them, made sure she couldn't escape them while they buried their cocks inside her every possible way there was. Quill's muscles sang with the strain, but it was a good kind of pain. One he wouldn't mind having more of, and more often. A grin curved his lips, but it was ruined when he yawned.
“I need to shower.” Gea sighed. “Really, really need to shower.”
After everything they'd done the night before, he didn't doubt it. That brought his grin back. He watched the hummingbird nanotat flutter around on her shoulder as she dragged herself to her feet. She stretched her arms over her head, bowing her body hard enough to raise her to her tiptoes.
Kienan issued a low growl at the sight, and Quill couldn't help but agree with the sentiment. Deus, all that bare, silky skin was lovely.
“Shall we join you?” He arched an eyebrow in question.
Her laugh was breathy, nearly smothered by a yawn. “No, I actually want to make it out of there while I can still walk upright.”
Both men chuckled, and Quill reached out an arm to swat her ass as she turned for the wash closet. She squeaked and stumbled forward, looking back to stick her tongue out at him. She had to walk around to Kienan's side of the bed to get to the wash closet, and she shut the door on Quill's laughter. A moment later, he heard the spray of water.
Kienan turned on his side, propping his jaw in his hand. “Do you have plans for the day?”
With most people, Quill wouldn't answer the question. His business was no one else's. With Kienan, he didn't hesitate. “I always have plans. Nothing urgent this morning, but I have a meeting later with a start-up firm I might want to invest in. Underwater salvage. They've been finding a few interesting pre-war relics.”
“Huh.” Kienan's mouth compressed into a line as he considered that. “If there's money to be made, I'm sure you'll find it.”
“There's money to be made.” Quill nodded, but his interest wasn't really on the topic. “Think we can talk Gea into one more round before she goes?”
A chuckle rumbled in the wolf's broad chest. “You're the one who specializes in talking people into giving you what you want. I'm in if the two of you are. And that's a standing offer.”
That same hot, sweet emotion expanded in Quill chest, but he squelched it. His eyebrows arched and he let a wicked grin form on his lips. “The three of us have the combustibility of a biobomb.”
Nodding, Kienan leaned in to lick Quill's nipple. “Two of us do just fine together, but all three? Explosive.”
Quill shuddered at the feel of the wolf's fangs scraping at his nipple. He watched over Kienan's shoulder as Gea appeared in the doorway of the wash closet. She flashed a sassy grin at him, propping herself against the door frame with her hand on her hip.
“Yes, she really is the perfect third for us. It all just fits together.” In every erotic way. Quill grinned, desire twining with the contentment humming through him.
Kienan flicked his tongue against the tight nipple, making Quill jerk. “It was meant to be.”
he hissed. But his smile faded as he watched the blood drain out of Gea's face, leaving her creamy skin ashen. He sat up, pulling away from Kienan's lips. In the year he'd known her, he'd never seen such a haunted, agonized look on her face.
“Kienan, you
him?” Her voice was a mere ragged rasp of air.
The wolf twisted on the mattress until he too faced her. Quill shifted so he could see both their expressions. His skin prickled, his gut clenching as he sensed something was very, very wrong. His mind scrambled to understand what, but he had no idea.
“Told me what?” The two of them went silent, and unease slid down his spine. “Told. Me.
Someone had better start talking.”
Cold sweat gathered on his forehead, and he felt a tremor run down his limbs. His gaze met Gea's and he saw the usual shadows dancing in her eyes. Secrets. Lies. This was it, the mystery was about to unravel, and somehow he knew it would be far worse than he'd ever imagined. He tried to brace himself as he looked to Kienan.
“Tell me.”
“No!” Gea burst out, but Quill didn't look at her. Couldn't. He focused on Kienan.
“We're mates.”
The words were flat, with no intonation to give them any meaning, and it took Quill a moment to process what the wolf had said. He shook his head. “The two of you are mates?”
Somehow that thought made the ground shake beneath his feet. It felt as if his world were crumbling. If the two of them mated, that would be it. He'd be cut out. Done. Dismissed from their happy lives. He thought he might need to vomit.
But Kienan shook his head, his gaze going from Gea to Quill and back again, as if he weren't sure which way to turn, and that uncertainty was so unlike the steady wolf that it made the situation even more unreal. “No, not just the two of us. The
of us. You, me, and her.”
The universe spun around Quill, shaken and tossed about like pieces on one of Lorelei's gaming tables.
“Wh-what?” He looked to Gea, saw her face grow even paler, watched resignation fill her eyes, and her shoulders slumped as if something broke inside of her. “This is why you never let me know you. This is what you've been keeping from me.”
BOOK: Unleashed
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