Unknown (26 page)

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Authors: Christina Quinn

Tags: #Vampire, #Paranormal Romance, #Erotic Paranormal Romance, #Vampire Ballet, #Urban Fantasy

BOOK: Unknown
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“Mmm, I’ve waited for this for a very long time.” He
sighed between teasing nips as his hips rode almost lazily against mine.

” I gasped out. The little word made a soft chuckle rumble in his throat. He leaned back and finished untying the cravat from around his neck.

” He hushed out, I presented him my hands and he wrapped my wrists with the black lace cravat and then tied a neat bow between them. The fabric and lace was amazingly soft, almost like brushed silk. He shrugged off his shirt and tossed it behind
him and my eyes drank in the sight of that amazing torso. I leaned
forward and placed a kiss on the dip between his collarbone and those sinuous tendons of his neck. His hands slid down my back and rested on the red ruffled panties. His thumbs hooked in the elastic while each hand cradled one of my cheeks. He rubbed my bottom and teasingly dug his fingers in, kneading the flesh. I trailed my kisses and nibbles across that ridge of bone all the way to his shoulder, and then I bit him. The bite coaxed a gasp from him, as he released my bottom and ripped those red ruffled panties off of me. I could taste my pulse, my heart was beating so fast and with the panties gone I was made all too aware of how wet I was. I moaned as the cold hair hit the slick, damp flesh.

He widened his thighs forcing me to widen mine as his hands slid up my sides. Those pale thumbs slid over my ribcage and forced me to sit up straight and stop my assault on his shoulder.

“Drape your arms around my neck.” He near to warbled out, Mr. Control was starting to lose his. As I rested the knot of the bow at my wrists against the back of his neck he slipped his thumbs under the elastic of the bra and pulled it down. I grunted from the force as the fabric gave way with a hiss and my breasts bounced into freedom. He swallowed as his eyes fixed on my bare breasts. From his gaze alone my nipples started to pucker and harden. “How divinely feminine you are, my Autumn.” He breathed adoringly, skidding his fingertips over the fullness of my breasts. I shifted my hips and whimpered as those hard little nubs seemed to throb with the need to be touched, licked and kissed. The
need, however, wasn’t fulfilled as he dropped his hands from me and grabbed the waistband of those knee-pants and ripped them in half. I couldn’t help but to giggle, he certainly seemed to have some sort of vendetta against clothing. It slowly occurred to me how strong he would have to be to rip through the heavy layered satin. It was almost sobering… almost—I don’t think I could have come up from the haze of intoxication if I wanted to.

My eyes wandered to the very obvious erection sticking up proudly from his hips and the nest of the ruined pants. Just looking it at made my mouth dry and something low inside of me twist and contract. He was massive, at near to if not a foot long. I knew it would hurt if he didn’t take things slowly, but something told me he knew this and had no intention of going slow.

Those soft fingertips guided my chin and my vision upwards until our gazes met. Hypnotized by that bright, vivid blue I barely noticed one hand curling back through my hair as the other slid down my side to angle my hips.

“Take a deep breath
,” He whispered as he neared my throat. I was trembling uncontrollably, my body practically vibrating above him. With a swallow, I took that slow deep breath and he tightened his grip on my hair, pulling my head to the side to lengthen my neck.

Before I could exhale, he closed his mouth over that thick vein at my throat and impaled me on every last inch of him in one quick, brutal stroke.

“Fuck.” I croaked out as the air was knocked out of my lungs from the pain and that sudden sensation of fullness. I felt like I had been split in two, but that was only for a second before he really started to
feed from me. I actually felt my pupil’s contract into little pinpricks as my very essence was sucked into his power by that bond we shared.

It was intense, so intense my hands clawed at the air behind him
. I had never experimented with drugs before, but I was pretty sure this was the best high in the world. I writhed on him as I felt the
warmth and an unknown sensation pulse around me. It felt like a thousand hands wrapped in silk gloves were caressing every inch of my body. I moved again and he tensed his hand on my hip, locking me in place. I could feel my sex spasming around him trying to get used to his size. Incidentally, I could feel his cock throb with every swallow from his throat. My poor body felt like it was going to tear itself apart from pleasure, and being unable to really move only seemed to help drive me to a deeper level of insanity.

When his feeding tapered off and his tongue worked the wound in long seductive laps, he started to slowly move his hips. The first slow, controlled rotation stole a gasp from me and my body fought to move; but again he held me in place.

No.” He panted. “Not yet.” He continued, the sound muffled against my neck. “Fuck… you are really drunk.” He snickered out as he playfully nipped the sore broken flesh. I moaned and my body stiffened against him. He untangled his hand from my hair and let it rest on my shoulder as he flipped us so I was on my back. My fingers clawed futilely for the ceiling as he balanced on one hand beside my head and slowly started to withdraw from me. My legs wrapped around his waist and my toes pointed as my eyes rolled back in my head. I was rendered speechless, and thoughtless as he continued that brutally slow pace. Everything felt too good, even the dull pain as he forced his entire length inside of me still felt incredible. That pain was like the icing on a birthday cake, and I wanted more.

“H-harder… please, please, please.” I implored
, my hips attempting to meet his thrusts, his hand however prevented it.

“Mmmm, no.” He snickered with a moan before he kissed the tip of my nose. “No topping from the bottom.” He groaned before his mouth closed over mine and he kissed me hard as he picked up the pace, keeping his thrust relatively shallow. Every passing moment made the pleasure seem unbearable but for some reason I couldn’t tip over the edge. My toes curled and every muscle of my body seemed incredibly
tense like I was a powder keg ready to explode. I needed the pain he was keeping from me. Honestly, I had never gotten so close to orgasm from penetration before. I didn’t think it was possible for me to finish that way... no matter how close I was.

As he broke the kiss, he moved his hand from my hip to rest beside my head. He trailed kisses down my cheek to the still seeping wound at my throat as my hips arched up to meet every thrust. He nipped at the wound again and my body froze with cold sweat.

“I’m… I’m so close—” I panted as I felt myself nearing that point of no return.

“—I know, and you may.” He breathed against my throat as he sunk his fangs into my neck once more, and I just exploded. I threw my head back into the pillows and my nails clawed at my own hands as I rode one of the most intense orgasms of my life. It was like my blood was made of lava. My body arched, and contorted against his. My
writhing was a checkered flag for
him as he started pounding into me mercilessly. I screamed and shut my eyes tight as I felt like my world was coming apart at the seams, the orgasm just would not end. Even as he released my throat.
“Open your eyes.” He panted and I obeyed, my eyes fluttering open to stare into the endless ocean of blue as with a soft growl he slammed into me one last time with our gazes locked. I felt that enormous appendage of his twitch and throb inside of me as he came, still and panting above me with furrowed brows and flushed cheeks.

When he finished, I still wasn’t; and he chuckled softly as I twisted under the weight of his body and those muscles deep inside of me continued to flutter around the erroneously large intruder there.

“I…I think… I’m going to die.” I
panted when my body finally stilled. I was exhausted, every muscle in my body ached.

“Mmm, you’ll be fine.” He purred as he reached behind his neck and untied my hands. “I don’t think I’ve been this intoxicated since becoming a vampire. I feel like I cheated you… missionary is so boring.” He snickered out as he rolled to the side, I slid my hips with him keeping him inside of me. There was something oddly intimate about having him still inside of me while softening. My hands slid to his chest and I traced my fingers over his collarbone. He pulled me close and kissed my forehead snuggling against m
e. “Now you’re completely mine,” He breathed sleepily.

“All yours
,” I cooed placing a kiss on his chest. He snatched off his mask and tossed it behind him before pulling me closer still until my body was flush against his.

“Don’t worry about… I’m clean.” He breathed, and then it dawned on me that he came inside of me… bare. He had claimed me like some wild animal, and part of me was oddly aroused by it and completely certain that I wouldn’t be so okay with it when I sobered up.

The door was kicked open, no warning, no nothing but our afterglow ruined. Aleksi pulled the corner of the comforter over me and hissed in the direction of the door.

“Don’t you fucking hiss at me! What did you do?” It was Elizabeta, I knew that angry voice far too well for my own good.

“We fucked. Like every
one else at the party was doing,” Aleksi growled out maliciously as he rubbed his face.

“That’s all?”

“That’s all.”

“Well something happened. I heard him and felt him, Aleksi. Colette is asleep. You’re the only one awake who could have made him stronger.”

“Why is Vlad’s strength a bad thing?”

“I can’t protect you if you lie to me!”

“I’m not lying. We literally just finished having sex not three minutes ago.” He growled again, a guttural and animalistic sound. “Do you want proof?” He moved his hips, sliding his flaccid length from me. I shivered and even I knew what he was going to do before he did it. “Autumn, spread your legs.” He clipped out.

With a swallow, I pushed back the comforter and eyed Aleksi and Elizabeta hesitantly, but I still complied. Shutting my eyes, I spread my legs in the splits while I laid back on the bed, exposing the frothy folds of my sex to the open air and the gaze of the two vampires. I kept my eyes shut as I heard Elizabeta pad around the bed.

“Well… so you claimed her… about time.” She sighed and touched my knee. “Good girl, you may close your legs.” Her voice softened. “So obedient, that’s so rare
these day—s” She laughed as I closed my legs and opened my eyes as I covered myself. Aleksi was just lying on the bed, naked and uncaring that we were no longer alone in the room. “She’s The Seer isn’t she?”


“Well… we’re lucky Flavian is dead, but everyone else connected to you felt that. That means everyone you, Vlad and I have turned is now noticeably stronger. This didn’t happen last time because he was fledgling still when he had Maria.” She sighed. “We’ll deal with this later… I didn’t come here because of that… we have to deal with Kendra and Gregory. So meet me in the Mars ballroom.” She left the room
then in a flurry of Titian waves and pale blue satin.

With a growl, Aleksi stood and closed the broken door before walking over to the white dresser with the glass of blood still sitting on top of it. He snatched it up and sipped it as he reached into one of the drawers and pulled out a pair of tight black jeans. As he finished the glass, he looked around the room for a moment.

“I think there should be something…” He spoke his thoughts aloud as he walked back towards the bed and pressed a panel next to the
nightstand. The wall slid back revealing a smaller room that was all black and red. He returned with a bright red satin robe that he held out to me. I was slow to stand as I got flashbacks
of being drunk my first year of University. Standing tended to be tricky. Once on my feet I almost fell as the room swam. Aleksi was instantly there, his arms steadying me and holding me up.

“I’m fine.” I declared pressing a hand to his chest.

“Alright, but once Elizabeta’s done I’m sitting you down and making you eat something.” His tone held concern… and half slurred words. My drunkenness had made him drunk… Oh! Blood Alcohol! I couldn’t help but to giggle with that realization. He helped me put the robe on, his fingertips brushing over my shoulders and breasts. I arched towards him, desperate for more attention, gaining an approving smirk from his lips as he
tied the robe’s sash. “Later, after you’ve eaten.” He whispered before pressing his lips to my temple.

Moments later we were walking down the hall, and I become acutely aware of something warm and wet sliding down my inner thigh. I paused, and he turned tilting his head to the side, his eyes slid over my form and his smirk grew. Oh, he knew already.

“I wa
nt everyone to know you’re mine,” He purred smugly as he tugged my hand. Something about the way he said it made my every synapse tingle. I couldn’t help to chew on my bottom lip as we continued through the twisting halls.


As we reached the entrance to the Mars Ballroom, two vampires in all white Venetian masks opened the massive gilded doors for us. I touched my own face and found my mask still there—I forgot I was still wearing it. Inside of the sumptuous red and gold room were forty or so Vampires, all of them were half dressed and in disarray. Makeup was smeared, and blood stained chins and the corners of mouths. Only Elizabeta seemed immaculate in her pale blue silk robe with its fine lace and embroidery. There were a few humans there too, all still wearing their masks, looking pale and haggard. Stockings hung around ankles, hair was disheveled and shoes were missing.

In the middle of the room was what looked like a movie prop. It was a casket made of a dark metal with bands of silver wrapped around it and open locks dangling from each band. Aleksi led me up to the riser where Elizabeta was standing and instead of taking the seat next to her, he helped me sit there and stood behind me. Instinctually, I crossed my ankles and folded my hands in my lap, which gained me a kiss on the top of my head from Aleksi. I caught movement out of the corner of my eye and found Lyra curled up on the floor; her naked body covered in bite marks, bruises, and welts.

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