Uninhibited (Unlikely Lovers) (38 page)

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“Getting hot?” he asked.

All she could do was nod as he circled the sensitive buds with his fingertips. The heat gave way to a tingling sensation as her flesh swelled in response to his teasing.

“Feels good, doesn’t it?”
His voice was deep and husky with a slight purr to it.

She felt like purring herself.

His hands slid from her chest across her stomach to her thighs. He was between her legs again. She held her breath. 

“And this will feel even better.”

gel was cold on her clitoris, but his gentle massage warmed it up almost instantly.

Opening her eyes, she met his
hot, seductive gaze. “You really love doing all this, don’t you?”

His lips curled into a smile.
“Oh, yeah. Almost as much as I love you.”

Emily pulled up the thought of him having been intimate with her mother
, examined it briefly, and then pushed it aside. No, he hadn’t done anything like this with Vivian, nor had he told her he loved her. Emily was sure of it now. In her mind, that entire episode might never have happened. She only hoped Alan and her mother felt the same way.

Still, this was
n’t the time to bring up that subject—not when he knelt between her thighs looking like the embodiment of every dream she’d ever had. Doing things with her she’d never even imagined. Making her feel like the most beautiful, desirable woman in the world. Igniting her passion. Making her feel loved…

It’s getting tighter, isn’t it?” he whispered. “You can’t see it, but it looks like a tiny little cock that’s about to blow—just like I’m gonna come in your face when you suck my dick. And don’t worry, I washed it for you, baby. It’s ready for you to suck, but you have to come first. I want to hear you, watch you,
you when you do it. Come for me, baby. And then I’m gonna fuck your face.”

That did it.
Emily went off like a screaming bottle rocket, ramming her knees into his chest as her body jackknifed into orgasm. He never let go, but gave her a moment to recover before sliding his finger over her hyper-sensitive clitoris so slowly she couldn’t even tell it was moving until she climaxed again—and again, and again until she couldn’t respond anymore.

Kneeling beside
her shoulder before moving on to straddle her chest, he massaged her face with his cockhead. His dick was so hard it gleamed, the strands of cock syrup dripping onto her face from his slit in a kaleidoscope of colors.

“My God, you’re beautiful,” he whispered. “Look at me, Emily. Let me see those fabulous eyes.”

Tearing her eyes away from the mesmerizing vision of his cock, she gazed up at him, hovering there above her.

“I was right before,” he said, his voice
thick with emotion. “You truly are the face of love.”

Whether that was true or not, she certainly loved
him—every last bit of him right down to the hair on his toes. But this time she didn’t say it. She showed him how she felt in the way he understood best. Kissing the slick head, she took a sip of his salty fluid and sucked him in.

Simply tasting him was almost enough to send her rocketing to the stars, but she held on, caressing his cock with her tongue. Alan fell forward onto his hands, rocking his hips, fucking her mouth gently, thoroughly.
His shaft grew even harder in her mouth and he gasped as the chain reaction leading to his climax began. Just as he filled her mouth with his cum, another powerful orgasm gripped her. She barely had time to swallow before he was on her, his lips seeking hers, devouring them completely.

When at last he collapsed beside her, she held him in her arms, sifting her fingers through his hair.
She was probably being selfish, but at that point, she felt justified in not telling him the truth. There was no reason to spoil this night or the coming celebrations with an issue that could just as easily be dealt with a day later. 

It was like keeping a secret
about a present that couldn’t be opened until after Christmas. She could do that. He didn’t have to know the precise timing of the bomb Janice had dropped on her. One more day, and then she would tell him what she knew. She would assure him it didn’t matter, beg him not to give up on their love, and swear not to let his past come between them.

We can work it out.

The words to that old song ran through her mind. They weren’t the first couple to have problems to overcome. Granted, the circumstances were unique, but so many people gave up too easily, often unwilling to make the effort required to make a relationship work. Instant gratification had become the norm, and the incredible advances in technology didn’t teach patience—unless, of course, the Internet wasn’t working, which resulted in more frustration than anything. Looking past the present moment to see the whole picture wasn’t a popular pastime.

Emily could see it, though. A lifetime
spent loving Alan was worth far more to her than pride or prejudice.

Or sense or sensibility.

Smiling to herself, s
he pressed a kiss to the top of his head. “What time is it?”

e peered at his watch. “Twelve-fifteen. Merry Christmas, Em.”

“Merry Christmas, Alan. This has been the best Christmas Eve I can remember.”

He snuggled closer. “I wasn’t sure you were enjoying yourself at first.”

“Had a lot on my mind. But I’m better now.
” She shifted sideways to take the pressure off her tailbone. Sex under the tree was great, but sleeping on the floor left a lot to be desired. “Ready to go to bed?”

“Yeah. Don’t forget to pee and take your medicine.”

“I won’t.”

Rising up on his elbow, he looked at her. “What would you like for breakfast in the morning?”

She laughed lightly. “You mean I have a choice?”

“Just this once—as long as it isn’t doughnuts.”

“Okay, then, I want a cheese omelet, bacon, cinnamon rolls, and spiced tea.”

His eyes narrowed. “I saw that can of rolls in the fridge when I put
away the tofu salad. They’re a little healthier than doughnuts, but not by much. And bacon?” He shuddered. “So bad for you in
many ways and on
many levels.”

“Yeah, well, I don’
t eat it very often, except in the summertime. My dad grows the biggest, juiciest tomatoes in the world. When they start getting ripe, the entire family is in BLT heaven.”

“I guess I could have a TLT—turkey, lettuce, and tomato.”

“Suit yourself, but I’m not giving up the bacon.”

“Ah, well. One must compromise. Perhaps someday you’ll see the error of your ways.”

“And someday you might see the error of yours. Sure, turkey is great as long as it’s smothered in gravy, but bacon is orgasmic all by itself.”

“I dunno. Aunt Grace
bakes a darn good turkey. You’ll see for yourself tomorrow.”

Emily chuckled. “
And you’ll get to taste Turkey à la Janice tomorrow evening. I’m betting your aunt’s version will have hers beat by a mile.”

“By the time all the partying is over, we’ll be so sick of turkey, I might have to eat bacon just for the novelty.”

“Hey, anytime you want it, I’ll be here to fry it up for you.”

That is, if
Alan was still around by then. And if she had any say in the matter, he would be.

The good Lord willing and the creek don’t rise.

Alan got up and held out his hand,
helping her to her feet. As Emily wrapped the blanket around her and headed off to the bathroom, she couldn’t help wondering why so many of the sayings regarding determination and resolve included references to floods.

Her only hope was that
tomorrow wasn’t the day she learned the answer to that question.


Chapter 27


Alan awoke before dawn and lay there for a long time, savoring the moment. Emily was there beside him, still sound asleep. The silence was so complete he could’ve heard snow falling.

Christmas morning
. Hopefully the first of many they would spend together. He imagined this day a few years from now, perhaps being awakened by their excited children. Would they be boys or girls or some of each? His parents had a boy and a girl. Perhaps he and Emily would too.

He didn’t even know if
children. Had they ever discussed the possibility? He didn’t think so. Maybe it was too soon. Hell, it was too soon for half the things that had happened between them. Would it end as quickly as it had begun?

When a guy found the right one, it
happen fast—and then last forever. He’d told Emily on the night they met that he had to act fast before the woman in question decided she couldn’t stand him. Emily didn’t seem to be following that pattern. If anything, she liked him better now than she did then.

She wasn’t depressed anymore, and he
was pleased to think he had something to do with her recovery. She was certainly the determining factor in the improvement of
mood. His family hadn’t said it within Emily’s hearing, but every one of them had remarked on the difference in him—if for no other reason than he’d picked up a pound or two.

He smiled to himself, remembering that he’d never had trouble maintaining his weight until the past year. The trick now would be maintaining his stamina.

Maybe I need to eat more bacon and cinnamon rolls.

Daylight slid between the slats in
the blinds, sending rays of sunshine across the room to land on Emily’s face.

The face of love.

Young or old, her face would always mean love to Alan. He would see it in her eyes and the warmth of her smile. Those things would never change.

While he watched, her breathing
altered slightly, and with a sigh, she opened her eyes.

“Good morning, beautiful,” he whispered.

Following her yawn, a smile curved her lips. “I was having this lovely dream. You were here in bed with me, and I was eating cinnamon rolls while you massaged my feet.”

“Sounds decadent.”

“Oh, it was.

Leaning closer, he kissed her cheek. “You stay right there, and I’ll at least bring you breakfast. Dunno about the foot massage. You
know how that’ll end up.”

“Yes, I do—and it was
…awesome.” She sat up, the sheet sliding down her chest to reveal her beautiful breasts. “Although I wouldn’t want to wear you out before I give you your presents.”

“I take it
those presents will cause some sort of ejaculatory response?”

“I’m counting on it.”

“My favorite kind,” he said with a wink. “Do you want to open presents before or after breakfast?”

“We never got around to
having that discussion last night, did we?”

He shook his head. “I can give you yours whenever you like—it’s

“Really? You astonish me. More w
ine and chocolate—or maybe a copy of

pe. Something completely different.”

“I’m intrigued.” 

“I’m even more intrigued by what you might’ve gotten for me.”

“Well…seeing as how I already gave you one present, I think you can guess where I
got the rest of them.”

, Em, if my dick wasn’t hard before, it is now. More penis jewelry?”

She made a face at him. “I’m not telling.”

“So it is, then.” He waggled his brow. “Something I can wear all the time?”

This time her expression was more of a scowl. “You’ve been peeking.”

“No, but I’m starting to understand how your mind works. You’re still trying to wear me out, aren’t you?” He hoped his teasing tone took any sting out of his words.

“No, I
’m not. I’m trying to keep your dick hard and make you come all over the place.” She tapped her chin. “By the way, did I ever get that cum bath?”

“What? You mean you don’t remember it?”

“I’m not sure…”

“I’ll refresh your memory anytime you like.”

“Ooh, baby.” Tossing back the covers, she hopped out of bed. “Be right back.”

Since he had a feeling his dick would be required to model something very shortly, he rolled onto his back and kicked the sheets aside. Pre-cum was already oozing from his slit, and he spread it over the head, making it shine.

Emily returned a few minutes later with an armful of presents. “Beware of nude women bearing gifts.” She dropped the pile of goodies on his chest and climbed onto the bed. Settling herself between his legs, she gave him a wink. “Don’t worry. I brushed my teeth.” Then she went down on him so fast he dropped a couple of the boxes. She let go for a second, picking one of them up. “Open this one first.”

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