Unicorn Keep (21 page)

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Authors: Angelia Almos

BOOK: Unicorn Keep
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Her eyes strayed away from him to Jiline and then around the clearing. “You do know this is a place of dark magic! Why would you choose this place over the valley?”

spoke up behind him. “Because they’re free here. All they want is to be free.”

“No one is free.
” His mother’s voice held icy disdain. “You are not free, I am not free.”





was beginning to doubt whether Herrick would be able to talk his mother into leaving the unicorns alone.

Bai paced behind her.
This is a waste of time.

It has
been only a few minutes. You must give her time to adjust,
Bylun said patiently.

How much longer can we last in this meadow with very little food and no water?
Jiline certainly can’t. We kill the mage and be done with them.

Bylun’s head did not turn to acknowledge Bai, but his
disapproval radiated across the meadow.

spoke quickly. “The unicorns’ mercy is running out, Mage Brennah.” She stepped a little farther away from the stone she had been hiding behind. Herrick’s back was pole-straight in front of her. She couldn’t imagine going against her own mother in this way and wondered how he was able to do it. “Will you really force your son to watch when they...” She trailed off.

’s glare could have lit her on fire if there had been any magic behind it. Though perhaps there had been. Herrick had erected some sort of magical wall in front of them. She could feel the energy vibrating off it.

“You are nothing but a silly little girl,”
Brennah seethed. “I don’t know what you did to my son to make him turn against me, but trust me when I say that one day the spell you have cast will wear off and he will grow tired of you.”

“I’ve cast no spell,” she said softly.

Brennah’s gaze moved around the clearing, stopping when it came back to Herrick. “Make no mistake. They will regret leaving the safety of the Keep. I only hope many of them aren’t killed before they realize they need us.”

Bylun’s head lowered just a

Gwyn was positioned on the other side of the keepers. Jiline could feel the power they released even from her distance. It washed over the tired horses giving them the energy they would need to escape the forest.

didn’t so much as flinch and Jiline wondered how she couldn’t have felt the energy transfer. Her horse perked up right beneath her. She backed him up a step. The keepers appeared to hesitate, but after a moment several turned their horses to ride to the barrier. The orfeos had stopped their battle cries, Jiline realized. She had been so focused on what was going on within the clearing she had completely blocked out what was going on outside the barrier.

horse spun and the barrier dropped allowing her and the keepers to escape the way they had come. Bai was instantly by her side encouraging her to mount. She swung up and glanced back to see Herrick astride Bylun. The unicorns raced from the opposite side of the clearing and back into the dark forest.

She wondered at their quick escape. She had almost been able to hear Mage
Brennah’s parting thought that this is not the end of it. It had been clear in her eyes. She leaned over to make it easier for Bai to navigate as he flitted through the forest. It wasn’t long until they came through on the other side.

The breeze blew the smell of rain. She looked up to see the rain
dissolving when it hit the magical barrier. She had forgotten it was storming. The unicorns had controlled the environment of the clearing completely.

Exhaustion was quickly over taking her and the rest of the
ride was a blur. She slid off Bai when he stopped in their ring in the enchanted unicorn forest. Her knees barely held her up and she lay down.

Drink, eat!
Bai commanded.

He’d conveniently dropped her next to her saddle bags and she
obeyed the first command, but since she had run out of food before reaching the forest she couldn’t accomplish the second.

’s hand came into her line of vision with a piece of salted meat. Her stomach rumbled and she snatched it from him. Tiredness wiped out manners and she didn’t thank him before she ate the entire hunk. The world swirled before her.


Something soft touched her cheek. She brought her hand up to push it away and touched a horse’s muzzle. She jerked up into a sitting position, fear that Brennah and the keepers had found them flooding through her. But it was Ginger. Her pony nickered at her.

Her heart still beating fast she glanced around the ring.
Herrick sat on the other side watching her. She stared back for a moment before dropping her eyes. It was still daylight or was it the next day? She wasn’t sure how long she had slept. She wasn’t tired any longer, but she was hungry. Apparently satisfied with waking her owner, Ginger ambled to the edge of the grove to snack on a bush.

rose up slowly and walked over to her. He sat down again cross legged and produced a bundle of food. “Eat.”

“You sound like Bai,” she protested slightly, but she couldn’t stop herself from reaching for a few pieces of dried fruit.
“Thank you.”

He frowned over her selection, but didn’t say anything as his eyes raised to meet hers.
She chewed slowly, self consciously at being watched so closely.

She swallowed. “What?”

Herrick shook his head. “I’m glad you’re all right.”

She hesitated. “I’m glad you
’re all right as well.” She bit her lip in hesitation. “And still here.”

His lips curved into a smile. “You know I can’t leave you.” His gaze drifted over the ring. “Though I might have to leave this forest.”

She stopped mid-bite. “Why?”

“The unicorns don’t welcome me here,
Jiline,” he explained softly. “I’ll never be far away. There’s plenty of grassland outside the forest and the fishing village is relatively close.”

Her gut clenched and she put the fruit down in her lap unable to eat another bite for fear of throwing up. “But...”

“I don’t want to leave you,” he said. “I know you’re safe here in these woods with the unicorns.”

It was her turn to look around. Flashes of white danced in her peripheral vision just outside the ring. “If you wish to return to the Keep, I understand.”

He raised an eyebrow and shook his head. “No, you don’t. You wouldn’t be making such a suggestion if you did.”

“I’m just saying
.” She struggled with the words. “You aren’t responsible for me. I don’t want you to feel trapped.”

He picked up a piece of dried meat from the bundle and took a big bite. He chewed for a moment befor
e answering and she wondered what thoughts he had been taking the time to gather.

“Do you want me to go over the specifics of a draw with you so you can understand why it is impossible for me to leave?
Why I have no desire to leave you? I don’t feel trapped.”

“But it isn’t fair to you.” How could he want to stay when he knew she didn’t feel what he felt?

He leaned forward slightly. “I don’t expect reciprocation, Jiline, so you can stop trying to talk me into leaving.”

How had he known what she was thinking
while also getting her intent so wrong? She considered her next words carefully. “I’m going to take you at your word, Herrick.”

She paused and was able to resume eating her dried fruit. She was sick and tired of rations. She wondered if the fishing village just
south of the woods had a restaurant. Or more importantly, a messenger pigeon service, she really needed to get word to her family and to Wilm and Madelen.

Brennah had not given up. She had strategically backed down. She peeked at Herrick out of the corner of her eye. “About Mage Brennah—”

“Don’t worry, the unicorns have blocked us from her prying eyes as long as we stay within the forest.”

She needed to send off her warnings. “What if I need to go to the village?”

“I’ll block her.”

“Can you do that?”

He nodded. “The unicorn, Bylun, told me how. I can teach the technique to you in case I
’m not with you.”

She smiled. “I thought you always had to be with me.”

“I’d prefer to be, but I can control the draw as long as you’re safe. That way I won’t push the unicorns’ hospitality too far.”

She frowned wondering what the unicorns had said. Obviously he had been up for a little while if they had spoken with him and taught him a spell.

Gwyn’s voice flowed through her head.
We will always extend our protection to you. But your Herrick is still a mage. Bylun has convinced the others to tolerate him because of his assistance to us, but they are not comfortable with a mage who has the knowledge to manipulate our magic living within our woods. Herrick understands.

“But he’s not going to do anything to them,”
Jiline protested. “Where is he supposed to go?”

Herrick smiled and shook his head.
“I told you, but you weren’t listening.”

“The village?”

“A possibility for a little while. It’s a little farther away than I would prefer.”

Her gut clenched again and she rubbed her stomach. “

He nodded for her to continue.

“This draw you feel, do you feel it in your stomach?”

His eyes were thoughtful as he looked at her for a moment. “In the beginning, now I feel it in my heart.”

She rubbed her stomach again. “I don’t like the idea of being separated from you, but I’m afraid to leave the forest. What if I lead Mage Brennah right to them?”

Do not worry over us.
Gwyn said.
You are always welcome within our woods, but you’re not a prisoner. We only wish for your safety and happiness.

was smiling again, he slowly reached for her hand and held it within his. “You won’t. I’ll teach you how to be invisible to her.”

“I don’t have your abilities,”
she said doubtfully.

“They’re inside
you, waiting to emerge. It will take a little time. Until then I can protect you, if you’ll allow me?”

“I didn’t think I had a choice.”

His smile wavered, but he didn’t release her hand. “The unicorns are more than happy to protect you if you’d prefer.”

“But why do I have to be protected?”

He sighed. “Because you’re important to all of us, but it won’t be long before you can protect yourself. You’re young, only fifteen. Your powers have just begun to blossom. A few years from now and you’ll probably be able to out mage me.”

She mock frowned. “You know you aren’t that much older than m

His smile
returned full force. “Two years older is a lot when you consider the growth of magic during that time.”

She ducked her eyes for a moment before glancing back up. He hadn’t confirmed that what she was feeling was this draw when she thought of him leaving.

There is a magical connection between the two of you. It grows stronger.
Bai interjected and judging by his tone he wasn’t happy about it.

She looked over
Herrick’s shoulder to where Bai stood just outside the grove. Bringing her gaze back to Herrick, she contemplated her next move. He was handsome. The beard stubble he had before was gone now, making him look his age. The stubble had thrown her off before. She rose up on her knees.

His dark brown eyes were questioning
, but he still smiled at her. The movement brought her a little closer and she hesitated over what she was about to do. She had never kissed a boy before. Been kissed, yes, but initiate one, no.

His smile slowly dropped as she rested a hand on his shoulder and leaned forward. His fingers slid along her cheek in a caress as she closed her eyes to press her lips to his.

Her stomach clenched in a different way than it had before. His lips were soft and warm. Embarrassment suddenly flooded her and she pulled back. His hand rested at the back of her neck only allowing her a few inches before she had to open her eyes.

eyes were warm on her and his hand released her as she drew away. She couldn’t hold his gaze. Tucking her hair behind her ear, she rocked back onto her heels. She waited for him to say something, anything, but he didn’t. She finally dragged her gaze back to his. His expression was neutral. No frown, but not quite a smile.

I’m not going to pressure you, Jiline, I know you’re conflicted.”

She breathed out quickly to say the words. “I have feelings for you.”

“I know and that makes me happy, but we go at your pace. No pressure. We can start by being friends.”

Her stomach relaxed a little with a flutter. She nodded. “Friends is good. You’ll teach me to understand this draw.”

His smile returned. “As much as I know. I pilfered a few small volumes from the teaching room. You might as well learn some spells as well.”


As they headed down to the fishing village, Jiline was a bundle of nerves. She kept expecting Mage Brennah to reappear any moment. But nothing seemed particularly dangerous in the bustling village. People barely noticed the two riders who stopped at the messenger pigeons. She sent one off to her family in Ainsley, warning them and telling them to warn Madelen’s family. The second she sent to Wilm’s place of apprenticeship. She just hoped he was still there.

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