Unholy War (47 page)

Read Unholy War Online

Authors: David Hair

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Epic, #General

BOOK: Unholy War
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Wurther had regained his jovial poise.

Benoit said dryly.

His face vanished from the aether.


It was the question of Vannaton Mercer that stayed with Gurvon afterwards as he sat gazing out the tower window at the city below. There were hordes of people in the plaza and alleys behind the zenana, where Cera Nesti was hearing civil disputes in the Beggars’ Court. Horses were being saddled in the southern courtyard, for the king to go riding. And somewhere out there in the wide plains of Javon, Elena Anborn was planning her next move.

Elena Anborn was Vannaton Mercer’s brother-in-law. Could this be coincidence?

He remembered that look on Lucia’s face when the mask had slipped. And Wurther’s too.
But not the others
. There had been only one other time when he’d caught a glimpse of the fear behind Lucia’s public certainty: earlier this year when she’d inadvertently let slip that there was ‘a major card she did not hold’.

Could it somehow be linked to Vann Mercer … or Elena Anborn?



Red Rivers


We are each a part of those who came before us. Their blood flows in us, a red river that runs through time, linking men and women to their children and their parents. It is a miracle, a gift that life can beget life. The red rivers will flow until the end of time and the coming of Ahm.



Mandira Khojana, Lokistan, on the continent of Antiopia

Rajab (Julsep) to Shaban (Augeite) 929

and 14
months of the Moontide

The moment Alaron had developed the gnosis, after a hideous migraine that flushed his skin scarlet and left him feeling like his head would burst into flame, his father had taken him to the Arcanum. Vannaton’s trading business was profitable and they were backed by the Anborn family money, so they could afford to send him to Turm Zauberin, the most prestigious Arcanum in Norostein. But Alaron was a quarter-blood, a figure of contempt for his classmates and tutors alike. Merely a trader’s son, with neither breeding nor connections, he’d had no defence from the mental and physical bullying from the likes of Malevorn Andevarion, Francis Dorobon and Seth Korion. Nor had the tutors protected him. Instead, his confidence had been completely crushed and by the time he left Turm Zauberin, he still could not use many of the powers he should have mastered. He’d been competent enough at the basics and passed the final exams – until a trumped-up excuse had deprived him of even that. He’d been publically failed and denied use of his gnosis as punishment.

Now, free of the bullying and corruption, Alaron felt that he was finally becoming the mage he should have been. Even before he had arrived at the Zain monastery he’d been blossoming as he faced and dealt with crises he could never have imagined at the Arcanum. Now even he could sense the change: he
in himself now, and that belief was permeating
. With the gnosis, confidence that impossible things would happen when you willed it was crucial.

And now this …

It wouldn’t have looked like much to someone who did not know the gnosis: it was, after all, just four things floating in a circle above his hand: a stone, a drop of water, a tongue of flame and a swirl of air like a mini-tornado.

Earth, Fire, Water and Air.

Sitting cross-legged across the room from him, also dressed like a Zain novice, Ramita mirrored his moves, juggling the four elements at once. According to Arcanum tutors, what they were doing was impossible, yet here they were.

The first thing all magi were taught was that they had affinities and blind spots: things they could do, and things they couldn’t. That went for
magi, from the Ascendants to the lowliest sixteenth-blood mage. There were a few relative generalists: because their affinities were weak, they had a slightly wider range of skills at the price of weaker usage. To some extent his Auntie Elena was like that. But he’d never,
, heard of a mage doing what he and Ramita were doing now.

Their minds were linked by a thread of Mysticism. He attuned it to her as he let the flame wink out, the wind die and the stone and water-drop fall into his palm. But with his gnostic sight, he could see tendrils –
like the four arms of the Sivraman statue
– holding the essence of each element, awaiting his need for them. At his core, his gnosis was pure energy, not filtered through any affinity at all. He saw the same in Ramita’s aura: a pure core upon which lesser powers danced attendance.

Master Puravai clapped his hands gently. ‘Well done, Brother Longlegs, Sister Ramita. Very well done indeed. Now show me the Hermetic.’

The mystic link pulsed as he and Ramita reached for different powers. Her aura was so strong, it felt like he was playing catch with a giant, but for now they both still needed that link, for she had the raw power and he the Arcanum-ingrained knowledge. Together they fed energy into the tiny motes of gnostic light circling them: different shades of emerald and brown light in the aether mixed with crimson and flesh tones, separating into nodes of energy. He reached for the deep emerald and kindled it to light, then used it persuade the twig before him to sprout leaves. Sylvan-gnosis. Ramita did the same, more awkwardly, but when she channelled her gnosis, the twig before her grew to a branch. Then they both called birds to their hands then sent them away, changed their left hands to wolf-claws and back, then made and healed cuts on their own arms.

Alaron released the connection, sagging a little.

‘Magnificent!’ Puravai applauded. ‘Well done indeed.’

Alaron looked at Ramita, breathing heavily. It was more tiring and much slower than when his core was Fire-infused, but the variety of things he could do was unprecedented … except no doubt for Antonin Meiros, of course.

Ramita’s late husband was like a ghost, haunting them both. Alaron could feel the bond between him and Ramita growing, but always he was conscious that she was the widow of the greatest mage the world had ever known. It gnawed at him, to be so close to her but unable to get closer. He’d spent years fixated upon Cym and minutes infatuated with Anise, but this felt deeper and more real, despite their many differences.

‘I suppose Lord Meiros did it better,’ he said, consciously being humble because otherwise he might run around screaming for joy.

Master Puravai smiled a little. ‘Actually, no. He acknowledged that the theory was good, and he most certainly gained a wider access to the gnosis, but he was too old to reach his full potential. The centuries had calcified his gnosis so that he was never able to fully expand his palette as you two have. Some things in life are only possible for the young and malleable.’

‘Kore’s Blood—! You mean this has never been done before?’ Alaron closed his eyes.
Let me just bask in that for a while …

When he opened them again, he saw that Ramita was staring at his face while tears rolled down her cheeks and he knew, with a level of intuition he’d never before attained in his life, that she felt exactly for him what he felt for her, but for reasons of duty nothing would ever come of it. And that it was breaking her heart too.

His good mood crumbled.

‘I think we both have to start learning how to do this alone now,’ he said aloud, while he severed their Mysticism-link. It felt like taking a knife to his heart-strings. ‘Otherwise we won’t be able to function on our own.’

Puravai said gravely, ‘I think you are right.’

Ramita stared glassily into space while he got up and walked away.


Ramita put her hands behind the back of her head, gritted her teeth and slowly peeled her back from the floor and curled up to touch her elbows to her knees. Sweat beaded her forehead and soaked her tunic in ugly patches under her arms and between her breasts. She gasped for air, wincing as her tortured stomach muscles clenched unwillingly.

What made this harder was that the ‘floor’ was actually halfway up the wall of the training room, and her feet were touching the ceiling. She was pinned to the wall by Earth-gnosis, and just to make it harder, Master Puravai had been making her juggle oranges with telekinetic gnosis while she exercised.

Her belly was now as flat as if she’d never given birth, and she had never felt so strong or supple. The vain part of her enjoyed looking in mirrors when no one was around, admiring the changes. Puravai had been suggesting she should learn to fight with a Zain kon-staff, but she’d been resisting that; her mother would have been horrified at the thought of any daughter of hers learning how to fight.

Training alone was nowhere near as fun as with Alaron, but it was necessary, she agreed.
Before my stupid heart leads me into something foolish
. She crossly banished Alaron from her thoughts, flipped and landed on the floor. She visualised an open eye in the middle of her forehead, with a mutable iris; this time she imagined it as a skull and used it to kindle purple light in her hand and hurl it at a plant in the corner of the room.

It crumpled to a withered husk in three seconds.

It was a hideous power, but one of many she’d been learning. She still needed Alaron to tell her what was possible in Sorcery and Theurgy, so that she knew what to attempt, but once she was on the right path, he would step away and let her work on it alone. That was fine, because she’d been his guide in Hermetic gnosis. But being with him was getting so hard to endure; he looked very fine now, handsome and strong, and with an air of confidence about him, of mastery, as if he now felt himself capable of dealing with everything in the world – except her. Perhaps because Lord Meiros had been white she didn’t mind Alaron’s pallid skin colour – it had become no more significant to her than his eye colour. He was a good person, and fun to be with, but there was too much at stake for dalliance. It was still his hands she imagined on her body on sleepless nights. If self-pleasure was a sin, she suspected she would be going straight to Shaitan’s pit. And she knew – the mystic links were a little too intimate at times – that he was similarly afflicted.

Both threw themselves into other matters to stay busy: she added yogic exercise when she wasn’t caring for her infants; Alaron pushed his weapons training. And they both continued investigating the Scytale.

It was Ramita who made the next breakthrough on that project.

She had readied the twins for sleep, before eating and resting herself, and after a great deal of thought, she decided it was time to remove her widow’s whites: she could not go to the mughal’s court dressed as a widow, after all.

Alaron noticed instantly when he came in to join her for dinner. He didn’t mention it, but his smile was a little more solemn.

She cocked her head towards the twins. ‘I need to feed them before I put them down to sleep.’

Alaron coloured and got up to leave – he was always shy when she fed her babies – but she wanted his company, because she’d had an idea about the Scytale and it was pressing on her mind. As she began to unbutton her smock, she asked, ‘How does your research come along?’ She put Nasatya to her nipple, wincing at the pleasure-pain of the infant’s mouth.

Alaron was trapped: still blushing furiously, but too polite to leave a lady in mid-conversation, he reluctantly sat down again, carefully looking the other way.

The Scytale project had also been progressing steadily. Of the eight variables, they had they identified five: age, eye colour, elemental affinity, gnostic affinity and gender – though, oddly, the gender options were four, two male and two female. They had puzzled over that, until Ramita suggested that it might have something to do with the gender one was attracted to as well as one’s own: she knew several
– men who lived as women – in Aruna Nagar, so the concept was known and seemed to fit. The last three variables took longer, until eventually Alaron realised the sixth was related to the cycles of the moon, in particular the position of the moon on a person’s birthday – most people knew theirs, as it was recorded for birth-auguries. And that very morning he had solved another bit of the mystery, thanks to a treatise left at the monastery by the Ordo Costruo on examining types of blood.

‘The book was the most boring thing I’ve ever read,’ he told her, ‘but I recognised the four runes on the Scytale in it. I’ve no idea how I’m supposed to determine a person’s blood-type, though. Who even knew that blood could be different?’

Ramita hadn’t known either. ‘And the last one?’ she asked.

‘I’ve not seen those runes before either. There are twelve of them in a kind of descending spiral at the bottom of the Scytale, just above the gnostic affinity symbols on the base. So I don’t know if it is even one set or three, and—’

‘Birth month,’ Ramita said absently.

He stopped talking and knocked his head against the wall. ‘Why can’t I see these things? Of course!’

Feeling extremely pleased with herself, she removed Nas and put Das to her other breast, aware that Alaron was trying very hard not to peek.
I know I’m teasing him unfairly, but it’s nice to feel desired, even if I know it cannot become anything more.
‘So, that must be it, yes? All eight variables identified!’

His face lit up. ‘I think so, yes. Those twelve month-runes must be Lantric – the month names we used are derived from Lantric.’ He looked like he wanted to gallop about like a colt that has just learned to run. ‘We’ve done it! We’ve solved the Scytale. Except,’ he added, sobering up, ‘that we don’t know what any of the chemical compounds are. We just know what type of person gets which set of symbols.’

She stroked Das’ head as he suckled, blissfully unaware of the matters of huge import being discussed over his head. ‘Then that is the next step. How many are unknown?’

‘Too many of them,’ he admitted ruefully. ‘But I recognise aspects of at least half. What I don’t know is whether the Scytale contains the whole recipe or just additives to a base mixture.’

‘You will work it out,’ she said confidently. ‘But I have an idea. When my mother is cooking something new, she tests her recipes on friends and family, to make sure the food tastes good. Why don’t you do the same here?’

Alaron frowned. ‘But I don’t know the ingredients— Oh! You mean using the eight characteristics?’ He looked excitedly at her. ‘Why not? We need to test our theories somehow. I’ll ask Puravai’s permission to interview all the young monks so I can practise using the Scytale on real people. If I can get an idea of the variables in a normal group of people, it will help in interpreting the results when we do it for real.’

‘I think you will learn a lot from doing so,’ she said. ‘Real people are complex.’

He smiled sadly. ‘Yeah. If there’s one thing I know for certain, it’s that.’


Now that they had begun to think of leaving, Julsep rushed by. Alaron had been given permission to interview the monks, which was an interesting and unique experience. After morning training, he would talk to the novices – it was entirely voluntary, but there was always a stream of young men queuing in the courtyard he was using. Most of the questions were obvious, but the one about gender and sexuality was awkward. They couldn’t very well ask a young monk if he prefered boys or girls, so they needed to sneak up on the subject obliquely. Ramita had suggested: ‘If you could choose again, would you still become a monk, or would you rather marry?’ But as most of the young men claimed they still wanted to be monks, that suggested this wasn’t the right question to determine sexuality. And they still had no idea how to determine blood-type. He had tracked down one scroll on the subject that linked blood-type to personality types, but someone had annotated it with such scathing criticism that he doubted its usefulness.

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