Unforgiven (Wanderers #3) (46 page)

Read Unforgiven (Wanderers #3) Online

Authors: Jessica Miller

Tags: #romance, #paranormal, #young adult, #series, #wanderers

BOOK: Unforgiven (Wanderers #3)
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“Is it like an emergency, because I really need to
take a shower?”

There was a slight pause and then a sigh. “Make it a
quick one and I mean quick.”

The tone of his voice made me weary. “Is everything
okay?” All he said was to take my shower and hurry.

I took the fastest shower possible and ran into Roman
on my way out. “Hey, what’s the rush?” he asked as I almost knocked
him over.

“Sorry I wasn’t paying attention and I’m supposed to
go to Mr. Callahan’s office.”

“Is everything okay?”

“Not sure?” I said honestly.

“Want me to go with you?”

Not knowing what I was going to walk into I hesitated
at first, but then agreed to let him come with. Roman held my hand
as I nervously walked to Aidan’s office.
“Ella, you def’ want to
hurry up
and see this,”
Dean projected as we walked
across the quad. My stomach tightened. Why was Dean there?

What’s going on?”
I projected back.

I don’t want to ruin the surprise,”
laughed. I furrowed my brow in frustration. Roman tugged on my
hand. “I think we need to hurry.” I quickened my steps pulling
Roman along.

Upon reaching the office doors, I paused, and took a
deep breath. Then I turned the knob and pushed the door open.
Everything happened in slow motion. I felt like I was watching a
silent film. The picture was there but there was no sound.

“Took you long enough,” she complained. Her blonde
curls bounced as she swayed her hip to the side and stuck her fist
on hip, giving me the slightest bit of attitude.

My mind did a rewind and I was finally able to focus.
The corners of my mouth tugged up into a wide grin as I threw my
arms around her. “Josie!” I cried, hugging her so tight it hurt.
“What are you doing here?” When I pulled back she had an
uncomfortable look on her face. I looked at her funny and she
cleared her throat gesturing behind me. I looked around the room to
see a room full of unfamiliar faces. When I came full circle I saw
a face I knew all too well and couldn’t believe I missed it. My
heart skipped a beat when my eyes locked on his.

“Hi Ella,” he said, his voice much deeper than I

“Kyle…hi,” I stuttered. He smiled brightly and walked
over to give me a hug. I could feel the tension radiating off of
Roman the moment I said Kyle’s name. I peeked over Kyle’s shoulder
and saw Roman was trying hard to keep his composure. I pulled back
quickly hoping to avoid an awkward situation. “What is going on?” I
asked nervously.

“If you’ll have a seat we’ll explain everything,”
Aidan said. “Roman, if you don’t mind?” Aidan gestured for him to
step out of the room.

“He stays,” I said, returning to his side and taking
his hand. Kyle looked at our intertwined fingers and his face fell.
I tried not to look at him, but it was hard with the way he was
staring at me.

Aidan turned to Josie. “He can stay,” she said,
taking my other hand. I took a seat with Roman standing by my side
while Josie took a seat next to me. Kyle and the others – two girls
and two guys – stood off to the side while Dean stood in the

“Josie, I’ll let you explain,” Aidan said, giving her
the floor.

I turned to Josie waiting for an explanation. “So
after a month of them lecturing me and deliberating my punishment.
They decided that I would be better off here.”

“Here where?” I asked cautiously.

“Here, on the earthly plain,” she smiled giddy.

“For real?”

“For real.”

“Ahhh!” I jumped out of my seat and tackled her,
almost knocking her and the chair to the ground. I couldn’t help
it. I was just so excited to have my friend back. She giggled and
then moved over so I could squeeze into the chair with her. I
refused to let her go; afraid they would change their minds and
take her back. “So what happens now?”

“Well the main reason I’m here, why we’re all here,
is to help others like us.”

“Others, there are more fallen?”

“Let’s get one thing straight. We’re not fallen,”
Josie said, pointing at her friends. “We were granted access to
stay down here. Fallen are those who chose to clip their wings and
or those who were punished and banished to the earthly plain.”

“Okay, well, what do you mean when you say others
like you?” The way she said it made me feel empty inside.

“Angels who are born on the earthly plain. Kids who
don’t know they are angels. They know they are different, but they
don’t know why and we are here to guide them and help them.”

“I’m confused. How are angels born here?”

“Gee whiz, what, did you fall asleep in sex ED?” I
narrowed my eyes at Josie and she giggled, then mouthed the word
. “Okay, so, fallen angels decided to do the ditty
with humans creating half-bloods – half-angel half-human. If the
existence of these half-bloods got into the wrong hands it could be
bad. So we’re here to help them understand and explain to them that
their existence should be kept a secret.”

I nodded, letting it all soak in. “There’s more,
isn’t there?” I had a bad feeling she was holding out on me.

“Yes, but nothing you need to worry your pretty
little head about,” she said, patting my knee. “Don’t worry Ella.
It’s nothing bad. I promise.” She gave me a reassuring smile and I
squeezed her hand lightly.

“After talking to the Elders it has been decided that
Josie and the rest attend school here in order to learn how to help
the other angels,” Aidan said.

“Elders?” I looked at Josie and she pointed up.
“Okay, not that I’m not glad you’re back, but why am I here?”

“Part of your punishment was to help new students and
I thought it would be a nice treat for you to help people you
already know.”

“Thank you,” I said excited.

“Don’t thank me yet. Josie and her friends will not
be the only ones you will have to attend to. Sometime next week
some of the new students will be showing up periodically throughout
the week and those students you will also have to help.” I nodded,
not caring at the moment.

“We have already assigned them rooms. Dean will help
the boys get situated while you will help the girls. I am going to
warn you all ahead of time, being of a different,” Aidan paused,
looking for the right word. “Essence, I unfortunately expect a few
students to be not so accepting. But I will assure you I will not
tolerate it and you are to report to me anyone who gives you an

“How about we just lock Mackenzie up now and I’m sure
all will be fine,” I said.

I could tell Aidan was trying hard not to smile. “I’m
sure there will be no more issues and if you, any of you, have any
questions you can stop by any time.”

I barely listened to anything he said. I was too
excited that my friend was back and back for good. We left the
office and I was practically dancing on air. “Hey,” Roman said,
pulling me aside. “I’ll let you catch up with Josie and we can hang
out tomorrow.”

“Oh, I’m sure we can get together later,” I winked,
making him blush.

“Catch up with your friend. I’m not going anywhere,”
he smiled cockily and planted a big, fat kiss on my lips right as
Kyle walked out. I didn’t know if it was because he just wanted to
kiss me or if he was putting on a show for Kyle. I had a bad
feeling it was the latter, making sure Kyle knew I was Roman’s and
not available. I tried not to let it bother me as he jogged

I sighed and caught up with Josie. “I see you guys
worked things out,” she whispered.

“Yes we did, but we’ll talk about that later. Do you
know what room they put you in?”

“Yes, I just hope it’s not with some crazy, snooty
bitch,” she whined.

“What’s the room number?”

“Five hundred something. I think Mr. Callahan said it
was near the end of the hall on the left.”

“Let me see,” I said, taking the paper from Josie.
“Oh,” I looked at her sympathetically.

“How bad is it?” she winced, holding her breath.

“I’m sorry to tell you this, but you’ll be rooming
with…me,” I smiled.

“You’re kidding, right?”

“No,” I shook my head.

“Ahhh!” We both started screaming and jumping up and

“What are the odds?”

“Let’s not jinx it,” I said. I almost forgot about
the other two girls I was supposed to show around. I was too caught
up in all the excitement. “Oh, I’m so rude,” I said, turning around
to the girls. “My name is Ella.” I extended my hand.

The tiny girl with long, white blonde hair and eyes
the color of the sky extended her hand to me first. “Hi, I’m
Sophia, but you can call me Sophie,” she smiled, showing a gleaming
white smile.

The second girl wasn’t as forthcoming with the
introductions. She stood there scrutinizing me with her eyes. Her
bright, red, wavy hair was glowing orange in the sunlight. Her
hazel brown eyes were glaring down on me like I was the enemy,
making her freckles squish together as she frowned. I didn’t know
what to say; afraid I would offend her in some way.

“This is Dylan,” Sophia said. “Don’t mind her. She’s
just upset because it wasn’t her choice to be here.”

I understood. I knew exactly how she was feeling. I
wasn’t too happy when I was forced to come here. “Do you know what
room you guys are assigned to?”

“Mr. Callahan thought it would be best if Dylan and I
roomed together. I think he also put us in the five hundred hall so
we would be close together.”

“Okay good, well then you can follow me and I can
help you guys get situated. Do you have any luggage?” I asked,
looking at their empty hands.

“Up there, there really is no need for clothes,”
Josie said.

“You guys just hang around…naked?” I asked, feeling
dumb the second it left my mouth. At least I got a laugh from

“Gee whiz Ella,” Josie rolled her eyes. “Yeah, we all
sit around naked with our harps and bongos and sing Kumbaya before
a giant orgy,” Josie snorted, making Sophia blush.

“Well how am I supposed to know?” I shrugged,

“We will have to go shopping for clothes,” Josie

“I know the school will provide you with uniforms so
that you don’t have to worry about, but as far as everything
else…what all do you guys need?”

“Everything,” Sophia chimed in.

“Shampoo, toothbrushes, underwear, condoms,” Josie
started ticking off a list.

“Josie, you don’t wear underwear and I think condoms
shouldn’t be your biggest concern.”

“Hey, you never know. Better safe than sorry,” she

I stifled an eye roll. “Okay, I’ll talk to Aidan, I
mean Mr. Callahan about us leaving campus to go into town to get
you the items you need. “ I had to be more careful about calling
Mr. Callahan by his first name.

“Yay, a shopping trip,” Josie cheered.

I showed the girls to their room and told them I’d
come back for them in a little bit. Then I took Josie to our room.
“Hey, there’s only one bed?”

“Oh, I pushed the other one against the wall. Was
just me for the summer so I tried to give myself more room. Here,
I’ll help you move it back,” I said, pulling the mattress away from
the wall.

After Josie raided my closet, we grabbed the other
girls, and headed to Aidan’s office to ask permission to go get
supplies and what not. He admitted he hadn’t even thought of that
and told us that all of us, including the boys, could head off
campus as long as Gabe and Zane came with us. He wanted us to take
more guardians, just in case, but I told him that would just draw
more attention to us and convinced him we would be fine with just
Gabe and Zane.


Excited to get off campus –
having been stuck here
all summer
– I practically ran to the van. Josie and I squeezed
in the back with Dean, while the rest piled in. I had no idea why
Dean had decided to come along, I think it was just so he could get
off campus – I didn’t blame him. We managed to squeeze us all in
snugly. When Kyle got in he barely even looked my way and I felt a
small ache in my chest. I was sure it had something to do with
Roman’s little pissing contest earlier. I pinched the bridge of my
nose trying keep away the headache that was forming. Zane closed
the door and headed off in to town.

It didn’t occur to me until we left that how was all
this stuff going to be paid for. “Um, I just thought of something.
Who’s footin’ the bill?”

“Ella, we’re rich. We can afford anything we want,”
Josie said, rolling her eyes.

“Correction, you were rich.” Her eyes widened in
surprise and I quickly finished. “Josie, technically you’re dead so
you yourself have no money.”

She hung her head, now realizing the seriousness of
the situation. Gabe over hearing our conversation, turned around
while we were stopped and said, “Mr. Callahan has given me money
for you to get what you need and only what you need. There will be
a limit and you are only allowed the basics.”

“Gross,” Josie whined.

“What if maybe you let your parents know you’re
alive…sort of?” I wasn’t sure how it worked with angels. “Can you
tell them?”

“I don’t know. That’s why we were sent here. Less
chances of running into someone we knew and getting exposed.”

“Considering your family is of the supernatural
nature themselves I don’t see what the harm would be? Unless you
don’t want to?”

“I do. I’m just scared.”

“You have nothing to be afraid of. I know your
parents and Jake will be ecstatic to see you.” Josie teared up at
the mention of Jake. “How about when we get back we can talk to Mr.
Callahan and –”

“Thank you Ella, but I don’t think I’m ready for that
yet. And even though I don’t have money I know you do,” she said,
elbowing me.

I just laughed and relaxed back into my seat.

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