Unforgettable Summer: Wild Crush, Book 1 (17 page)

BOOK: Unforgettable Summer: Wild Crush, Book 1
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Releasing her breast, Ty moved a hand up her leg until it slipped under her skirt. Her inner thigh was wet. “They’re all hot and sticky. You’ll feel better with them off.”

“I’m…I’m a virgin.”

Her faux admission hit him in the chest like a hammer blow. Once upon a time, she had been that pure and untouched, and he’d been so close to being the one she gave the gift of her innocence to. Ty hadn’t realized until this moment how deeply he’d lamented not being Summer’s first.

“Let me show you what it’s all about,” he husked. “I’ll make your first time feel so good, I promise.”

“I really like you. A lot.”

“I like you too, sweetheart.” Ty touched her face, a little daunted by how much of an understatement that was. “I won’t do anything to hurt you.”

“I know.” She smiled, a slow curve of her lips that melted his heart. “I trust you, Ty. I want it to be you. I always have.”

The words had an air of veracity to them that made his chest constrict. He rasped, “Climb in the back seat.”

Her body was so slight it was easy for her to worm through the front bucket seats. The first-class view her actions gave Ty of her white-cotton-covered ass made him groan aloud. Not being small enough to fit through the gap himself, he got out the driver’s side and hurried to open the back door and get in.

Summer was way over on her side, one arm modestly covering her breasts. Ty wasn’t sure if she was acting that part or actually being diffident. Summer still wasn’t one hundred percent comfortable with parading around naked in front of him.

Ty reached for her arm and pulled it away from her body. He slid her across the seat toward him. “You should never be shy, Summer. You’re so perfect.”

He cupped her cheek and kissed her full on the mouth. She melted to him instantly, her still-hard nipples scraping his chest. Her hands traveled downward, until her fingers brushed the stiff pole of his cock. The touch sparked his impatience, and in moments he had her on her back on the seat with her panties off.

When he wedged himself between her legs and started tonguing her pussy, Summer cried out. “Oh, God. What are you doing to me?”

Ty lifted his mouth and inserted a finger into her channel. “Getting you ready for my cock. You’ll need to be slippery to fit me in without it hurting.”

She squirmed. “I’m wet. I feel ready.”

“A little bit more.” Ty inserted a second finger, plunging them in and out while he licked at her lips and clit.

“Oh my…I’m going to…”

Ty stopped what he was doing, eliciting a loud complaint from Summer. He loved making her come, but he wanted to make her do it with his cock. Rising to his knees on the seat, he ripped open his shorts and pushed them down, taking a moment to pluck a condom from his back pocket and roll it on.

Quickly, he aligned himself above her again, the tip of his erection nestled against the wet folds of her sex. Forgetting to play the clueless virgin, Summer grabbed hold of his ass and tried to pull him farther inside her.

Ty held back with a Herculean effort. “I have to go slow, babe.”

“Damn it, Ty.” The twenty-eight-year-old woman was back, the one who’d recently discovered what an adventure sex could really be and was greedy to experience all of it at once. “I don’t want slow.”

She never did. Since he kind of enjoyed being contrary with her, Ty renewed his determination to string this out. “It’s your first time. You have to let me do it my way.”

She muttered what sounded suspiciously like a curse word and lifted her hips. Ty let her draw him in a little farther, holding his position with all his willpower. She was so hot, as tight as a fist. He was itching to plunge all the way inside in one swift move, but he inched in gradually, exactly as he would have done had he been given the privilege of taking her virginity.

Halfway to heaven, Ty brushed hair that had gone wild from Summer’s face. In the shadows of the back seat, he couldn’t see much, but he wanted her to look at him anyway. He needed the connection. “I’m the only one who’s ever made you feel like this, Sum. Remember that for me.”

Finally, he pushed the last distance, and was home. The second he was fully seated, Summer’s inner walls grasped at him, rippling with the beginnings of her orgasm. Ty started a rhythm, steady and sure, that would fulfill her needs and draw out the pleasure at the same time. She came beneath him, her thighs squeezing his hips. Ty kept rocking into her, waiting, until she cried out again, swearing like a sailor and scratching his chest as the second wall of pleasure hit her.

A man could take only so much. Ty met her in the center of it, wet heat spilling from his body and rapture roaring in his ears like the curl and crash of the perfect wave. He released in a series of bursts, like a multiple bloody orgasm. All the while his disjointed thoughts were forming into one solid mass of certainty.

Mine. She’s mine.

At this rate he was going to end up with another fucking tattoo.



“Seriously, I can’t believe you missed it.” Aaron clapped Ty on the back as he showed him to a seat opposite his desk at his real estate office. “Byron’s seeing some amazing swells at the moment. You missed last Sunday and now this morning. What’s up with that?”

He’d been spending mornings in bed with Summer. She had to work during the day but the nights and mornings were theirs. Ty wasn’t going to give them up to go and chase waves. “Other things to do.”

“Other things?” Aaron shook his head. “Is this the same guy who once said, on camera, that riding the big waves at Waimea Bay was better than sex?”

Ty chuckled. “Same guy, but at twenty-three I may not have known what I was talking about.”

At twenty-three—hell, as recently as last week—Ty had viewed sex as little more than recreation. He felt differently now, like something had shifted in his mind and changed the way he saw things.

Or like something had shifted in his heart and reminded him how he used to
about things. Not experience, but


Ty’s heart performed the odd little flip that had become familiar, yet no less startling, in the past week. Shit. What was he going to do about Summer? It was Friday and he was supposed to leave for Bells Beach on Sunday morning. But right now he couldn’t picture what kind of effort it was going to take to drag himself away from Leyton’s Headland. From Summer and the wild, hungry sex they’d been having every chance they got.

And it wasn’t just the sex that had him in thrall. It was the little things, like watching Summer paint her toenails a soft pearly pink while she complained about the antics of the idiots on the latest reality TV show. Like helping her cook spaghetti marinara, the available space in her tiny kitchen forcing them to brush against each other regularly, creating an intimacy that Ty enjoyed for its own sake. As though he could spend the rest of his days in a kitchen with Summer and love every minute of it.

Hell, he even loved the way her apartment smelled, like spicy ginger with an underlay of honey, some combination of oils she concocted herself and heated in little pottery burners in her living room. Ty figured he’d have to take some with him when he left, so he could sprinkle it on his pillow at night.

Or would that make being without her worse?

Ty came out of his musings when Aaron slid a contract across the table, pointing at the little yellow tags that marked the places ready for a signature. Ty had finally found an investment property he wanted in on, a four-bedroom house in the older part of town. “Geez, mate. Anyone would think you were going to set up camp in this place yourself. It’s a rental house, and I’ll make sure you get good tenants.”

Aaron’s jibing made Ty realize he was hesitating over the contract, the pen poised. Why?
Anyone would think you were going to set up camp in this place yourself.
Aaron was right, this was only an investment property, not a home.

But without fully realizing it, he’d pictured one day living in the house with the polished floorboards and big airy windows. He wasn’t going to be on the world tour forever, he had to settle somewhere eventually. A couple of weeks ago, he probably would have said he’d live in Kirra Beach, but now…

Now a lot of things had changed. Coming back to Leyton’s had a lot to recommend it.

“Skipping the morning swell and hesitating over a decision. It’s not like you, butthead.” On the other side of the table, Aaron shook his head and smiled. “Who is she?”

Ty knew he should deny the existence of a woman altogether, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. “None of your business.”

“It’s a small town, mate. It’s going to get on the gossip mill eventually. Unless she’s an out-of-towner.”

“Just drop it, will you, Aaron?”

But Aaron was never one for letting go of things that easily. “You left the pub pretty early the other night. One minute you were there and the next… Jesus. You left with Summer Campbell. It’s not

For some reason the disbelief on Aaron’s face irritated Ty. “Why not?”

“I don’t know. She’s kind of…conservative.”

Ty thought about Summer rounding the table, their spaghetti marinara only half-gone, stripping off every stitch she had on and climbing onto him, riding him into oblivion right there in her dining room with the lights on. A smile ghosted over his lips. “Not really.”

“Didn’t you used to date that model a few years back?”

Rochelle Macon. Their “relationship” had been little more than a couple of nights of raunchy sex. Rochelle had been into sex in public places, and with the way the paparazzi tended to follow her around due to her career as a runway model… Well, Rochelle had been the reason Ty had a ticket for indecent exposure on his record.

But he hadn’t thought about Rochelle at all in the three years or so since he’d seen her. He had no idea why she was relevant to this conversation. “I dated a model. So?”

“And that actress…Amanda something.”

The briefest of brief encounters, and it had gotten blown up into something more than it was. After that Ty had stopped dating women more famous than him. The attention he got due to his own profile was plenty more than he’d ever need.

“And even Jasmine was a seriously hot number.”

“What’s your point, Aaron?”

“Next to chicks like that, Summer Campbell seems pretty unremarkable.”

Something cold blew through Ty’s system as he stared at the man across from him. Something cold and surprisingly malevolent. “You need to shut the fuck up.”

The harsh words caused the receptionist at the front desk to start audibly and swivel on her chair. Aaron held up a hand toward her and sent her a reassuring wink. When he turned back to Ty, his expression was contrite. “Okay, I’m sorry. I’m an idiot. I didn’t realize.”

“Realize what?”

“That it was serious between you and her.”

Ty’s heart performed that odd little flip again. “I never said that.”

“You didn’t have to. The fact you were about to tear my head off for saying she wasn’t as hot as a runway model kinda clued me in.”

Only then comprehending how violently he’d reacted, Ty tried to make light of it with a wave of his hand. “Forget that, I’m just tired.” Because he’d rather fool around with Summer than sleep. Or surf, or do anything else at all.

“Yeah, okay.”

Aaron’s dubious response underpinned Ty’s own thoughts. He’d rather be with Summer than surf, for crying out loud. And he was seriously contemplating sprinkling her scent on his pillow.

Christ. It
serious—at least for him. So much for the harmless, chapter-closing affair he was supposed to be having. It felt very much like a new book was being written—Summer crushes Ty’s dreams, the sequel.

He hadn’t pictured himself living alone in that house on the hill. He’d pictured Summer there too. He couldn’t sign the damn contract because she hadn’t seen the place yet and he had to know if she liked it first.

What was wrong with him? They’d only recently hooked up again after ten years apart, a decade during which he’d done his best to forget she’d once broken his heart. She’d married someone else for God’s sake. He’d kept sex as impersonal as possible since then, refusing to let any woman close enough to hurt him like that.

Now after less than a week in her bed, he was picturing a future with her, when she’d made it patently clear their affair would end when he left town.

What the hell was he going to do?

Well, he had to do
On that point Aaron was right again—Ty wasn’t the indecisive type. He wasn’t going to sit on his hands and let things crumble around him. “Listen, Aaron, I gotta go.”

“Mate, I’m sorry about what I said.”

“Seriously, forget it.” When he saw the look on his old friend’s face, Ty managed a laugh. “You’re still my agent. Can you hold the paperwork for me, just til tomorrow?”

Aaron’s frown turned into a grin. “For you, I’ll hold it.”

Chapter Nine

The sun outside Aaron’s agency burned bright, and Ty slipped on his shades as he crossed the road, headed toward Summer’s Retreat
The little bell jingled, seeming to echo the thumping of his heart, as he stepped into the cool green waiting area. Summer was at the reception desk, talking to a client. She saw Ty and her voice faltered. She smiled prettily at him, and the woman Summer had been advising turned to see what the distraction was.

BOOK: Unforgettable Summer: Wild Crush, Book 1
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