Unforgettable Embrace (41 page)

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Authors: Joanne Clancy

BOOK: Unforgettable Embrace
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There wasn't a dry eye in the church when the service came to an end. Jen and Victor had included personal vows amongst their prayers which were very poignant. Jen's words to Victor were particularly poignant. "I never fully understood or felt the true meaning of the saying "home is where the heart is" until I met you, Victor," she said, holding her husband's hands in hers and looking deep into his eyes. "When I was growing up I didn't have a family of my own. I was well taken care of, but I never felt particularly wanted or loved by anyone. My friends have always been my true family, the sisters I chose because I didn't have any blood sisters of my own. My darling Victor, you are my very best friend and I can't wait to share the rest of my life with you, as your wife and look forward to the day when we make a little family together." Rachel and Liz had tears pouring down their faces at Jen's speech. Rachel had forgotten to put the waterproof topcoat on her mascara and had black streaky tears running down her cheeks. There were quite a few sniffles coming from the congregation too, but all the tears turned to smiles again when the priest pronounced them man and wife. "You may kiss your bride," the priest finished his blessing, with a flourish of his hands. Victor took Jen in his arms and planted a long, slow kiss on her lips.


Everyone clapped as Mr. and Mrs. Cotter turned to face the congregation and make their way back down the aisle as husband and wife. The newlyweds held hands and smiled and waved at their family and friends. They stood at the church entrance where they thanked everybody for being with them on their special day. Then the bride and groom made their way back inside the church to have their first official photographs taken together as husband and wife, while their guests wandered around the church gardens which were immaculately sculpted.


"That was such a beautiful service," Liz sighed. "It was so meaningful and sincere," Rachel agreed, "I couldn't stop crying during Jen's speech. It was so moving." "I know," Liz said, "you should have taken my advice about wearing waterproof mascara. You still have some smudges under your eyes." "Do I?" Rachel asked anxiously, rubbing vigorously at her face to get rid of the runny black streaks. "Leave it for now," Liz advised. "I'll touch it up when we get to the hotel." "Aren't we going to have our photos taken outside the church?" Rachel wondered. "I forgot about that," Liz admitted, poking around in her handbag for her makeup bag. She dabbed a little concealer under her friend's eyes and reapplied her mascara and eyeliner. Then she swept a soft dusting of bronzing powder across her cheeks to set her makeup. "Perfect again," Liz smiled at Rachel.


They wandered around the gardens together, stopping to chat to the other guests. It was like a summer's day, with the sun shining brightly down on them and not a cloud in the clear blue sky. "What's wrong with you?" Holly asked her sister, suddenly. "Oh, nothing," Rachel replied, "I can't shake the feeling that someone's watching me and I don't know why. I don't tend to be paranoid about these things. The last time I felt like this I was right. I remember I was walking down the street just after getting off the bus, only a few hundred metres from my apartment. I was laden down with shopping bags but I got the feeling that there was someone behind me. So I swung round and less than ten metres behind me was a very tall man with a crazy look on his face who was coming right at me. I legged it to my apartment and luckily there was someone coming out the front door of the building so I dashed inside. I looked over my shoulder just as I closed the door and he was standing at the bottom of the steps staring at me. "


"That's so creepy!" Liz exclaimed. "Don't be daft," Holly said dismissively, "you can be such a drama queen sometimes, Rach. He probably mistook you for someone else. I can guarantee you that there aren't any peculiar characters here. Everyone's watching everyone else today. All the women are checking out the other women's outfits, to see who's dressed better than whom." "I suppose so," Rachel said, not sounding very convinced. "I know so," Holly said firmly.

"Have you seen Batt, yet?" Liz asked, changing the subject before the two sisters started arguing. "I saw him in the church as we were walking up the aisle, but I haven't seen him since. I hope I get a chance to talk to him later and clear the air." "You definitely will see him later," Liz said, "it's a good sign that he came to the wedding. It proves he wants to see you and hopefully you two can sort out your differences and get back on track together again." "There's so much love in the air, it's almost contagious," Holly said, feeling a little sorry at the harshness of her tone towards her sister earlier. "I'm sure that you and Batt will work things out before the night is over."


"Ok, ladies, are you ready for your close up?" the photographer asked as he busied himself arranging his camera and tripod. "I'd like to get the bride and her bridesmaids together in this shot." Jen stood in the middle of the photo between Jen and Liz. They put their arms around each other's waists and smiled sweetly for the camera. "Can you try to look less tense, love?" the photographer asked Rachel, taking a brief pause from his snapping. "Ok," Rachel said stiffly. He took a few more shots and then stopped again. "I'll take a break from snapping you ladies and I'll take some shots of the groom with his best man. I'll be back in a while to take a group shot." He gathered up his camera gear and strolled off purposefully across the lawn towards the groom.


"What's his problem?" Jen asked. "You have a lovely smile, Rach." "He's right, in fairness to him," Rachel defended the photographer. "I feel all nervous and tense. I feel like something bad is about to happen, like a weird sense of foreboding or something. I even have butterflies in my stomach, which is ridiculous, it's your wedding day, not mine. Imagine if it actually was my wedding, I'd be a basket case." She laughed nervously. "It's probably all the excitement," Jen said, "last minute panic that everything was sorted for me. Besides, you'll be seeing Batt later, so that's probably playing on your mind too." "Yeah, that's probably it," Rachel said, sounding relieved. "Let's just enjoy ourselves, it's your special day, Jen," Holly said, looking pointedly at her sister, who glared back at her.


Chapter 57



"That photographer was very thorough," Liz said, as they all piled back into their car, to head to the hotel for the reception. "Let's hope his photographs will reflect his thoroughness," Rachel muttered as she smoothed her dress. "Jen looked so beautiful," Holly sighed. "Absolutely radiant," Liz agreed. “Is that Batt?” Rachel peered out the window to have a better look. “Yeah, it looks like him,” Liz said, “I wonder who that guy is with him.” “I'd rather he was with a guy than a girl,” Rachel laughed.


"I can't wait to have dinner, I'm so hungry," Liz cried, changing the subject. "Me too. I'm looking forward to some champagne," Holly giggled. "I won't be able to overindulge too much cos I have the kids. There is nothing worse than having a thumping headache and two children going ballistic. I've done it on a few rare occasions and I've learnt the hard way that drinking and kids are not a good combination." Rachel laughed. "Ah, you love it really," she teased her sister mischievously. Holly shot her an evil glare. "Now, now ladies, we're almost at the hotel and it's time to party," Liz interceded. "Speaking of the kids, where are they anyway?" "Will has them. I told him he was in charge of them for once. It's one of the few occasions he's managed to get time off work so I said he could mind them for the day. Who knows when I'll be out again socially."


"Wow, the view is outstanding," Holly gasped as she stepped out of the car. "It never fails to amaze me, no matter how many times I see it. The hotel was huge with sweeping views of the ocean. The sun glittered on the still water. "It almost feels like a Spanish resort," Rachel said as they made their way to the entrance of the hotel. They posed again for more photographs outside the hotel and in the foyer. Rosemary O' Neill, the wedding coordinator at the hotel, welcomed them with champagne on their arrival. She showed them through to the banquet hall and they couldn't believe their eyes at the magnificent room in front of them. The room was decorated in pale blush pink and cream, with wonderful chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. Chiffon and lace curtains were draped softly around the room, giving it a dream-like quality. The guests poured into the grand room and exclaimed when they saw the effort and detail that the hotel had put into the decoration and design.


Jen and Victor mingled with their guests, graciously accepting the congratulations of their family and friends. "Cheers, Jen, to you and Vic," Liz toasted her friend. "Thanks girl," Jen smiled. "Are you girls enjoying the party so far?" "Absolutely," Rachel said emphatically, "I can't believe how much detail the hotel put into the decoration." "Yes, Rosemary has been wonderful," Jen agreed. "So how does it feel to be an old married lady?" Holly joked. "Less of the old, thank you," Jen scolded, "it feels perfect to be a young married lady." "Have you spoken with Batt yet?" Liz asked Rachel. "I haven't had a chance so far," Rachel replied. "I'm sure you'll get to speak with him at dinner," Jen said knowingly. "Oh really?" Rachel asked, "you sound very sure of yourself." "Let's just say that Cupid may be flying around the place tonight," Jen grinned.


Chapter 58



"It's time to take your places for dinner, ladies and gentlemen," Rosemary suddenly arrived in the room and sounded the gong. "If you'll all please be seated, dinner will be served shortly." "The gong's a touch on the theatrical side," Liz whispered as she took her seat beside Rachel and Holly. Rachel had a quick look at the place name cards on the table before she sat down. "Cupid, indeed," she smiled. Jen had arranged that Batt sit next to Rachel at dinner. Will and the children joined them within a few minutes. The children were as boisterous and noisy as ever.


Will looked very stressed as he settled Simon and Mia into their seats. Mia was already kicking up a very noisy fuss because she didn't want to be in a high-chair. She wanted to be in the same chair as her brother. "No, big girl," she wailed, kicking and crying in her efforts to escape. Holly tried to distract her with a spoon, but Mia looked at it with contempt and flung it unceremoniously on the floor. "The madness has already started," Holly sighed, "I can see I'm in for a night of fun with these two." "No rest for the wicked, eh darling?" Will said wearily across the table. "I must have been very wicked in a past life then," Holly moaned, downing a glass of champagne in two gulps. "Easy on the champers, love," Will cautioned, "you know how you get when you drink too much bubbly."


"Who cares," Holly said, helping herself to another glass. "If you can't beat them, join them, that's my philosophy for this evening. I plan on enjoying myself and even if I do wake up with an almighty hangover, I'm going to make sure it'll be worth it." "That's the spirit," Liz said, refilling her glass, "these two little monsters will tire themselves out soon enough." "You don't know much about children, do you?" Will sighed, "our two could cause a ruckus all night if they set their little minds to it." "Have a drink, Will," Rachel insisted, pouring her brother-in-law a glass, "at least it'll numb the pain." "Go on then," Will gave in, and took a tentative sip. "It's been ages since I've had champagne."


Rachel suddenly erupted into uncontrollable fits of giggles. Everyone at her table turned to look at her as if she'd gone slightly mad. "Are you feeling ok, Rach?" Liz asked, giggling too. "I don't know what's so funny, but I can't help laughing too." "It must be infectious," Holly said sarcastically. "Share the joke with us, Rach, I could do with a chuckle," Will sighed. "Has any one every seen the advertisement on television where a mother brings her child to the supermarket?" Rachel asked in between giggles. "I know the one," Liz laughed. "The boy throws a temper tantrum when his mother says he can't get sweets. So instead of scolding him she flings herself down on the ground, in the middle of the supermarket, and starts kicking and screaming like a toddler. The boy stares, dumbfounded by his mother's antics but her tactic quickly shuts him up. After a few minutes, she gets up from the floor and continues shopping like nothing has ever happened." "That ad cracks me up every time," Liz grinned. "I must try that trick on these two sometime," Holly said, unable to stop herself smiling too.


Rachel suddenly caught sight of Batt making his way towards her table. She felt a pang in her heart as she took in his slightly dishevelled, rugged appearance. She saw him smile and nod politely as he passed the other guests' tables. She almost choked on her champagne and found herself starting to panic. She clutched Liz's hand under the table and squeezed it hard. "Ow!" Liz cried, pulling her hand away from Rachel's clutches, "what was that for?" "It's Batt, he's coming this way," Rachel hissed out of the corner of her mouth. "Act normal," Liz hissed back. Rachel decided to busy herself with the contents of her handbag, anything to avoid making direct eye contact with Batt. She could feel his eyes on her and her cheeks began to burn.


"Hello Rachel," he said quietly as he pulled out his chair to sit down next to her. It had been quite a while since she'd sat so close to him and she began to feel rather overwhelmed. "Oh, Batt, hello to you too," she replied, sounding like she hadn't been expecting him. There was a silence as the whole table seemed to be watching them. Rachel sprang to her feet, catching her foot in the draped tablecloth and almost sending everything flying. "Easy girl," Liz said. "More champagne anyone? Batt, can I interest you in a glass, it's wonderfully fizzy," she said maniacally. She sloshed champagne into his glass, spilling more on the table than into the glass.

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