Unforgettable: Always 2 (11 page)

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Authors: Cherie M Hudson

BOOK: Unforgettable: Always 2
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“’Sokay,” Tanner repeated. Jesus, I could feel the muscles of his cheeks and jaw move against me as he spoke. I could feel his heart beating against my back. “’Sokay, da.”

Before I could stop myself, I wrapped my arm around Amanda’s waist, pulled her to me, buried my face into her body and sobbed.

No, not just sobbed. My body quaked. My heart tore. Every emotion I’d kept in check, every fraying ounce of control over my reaction to this whole horrible situation, poured from me like a damn bursting. I buried my face between Amanda’s breasts, and cried.

And the whole time, Tanner lay against my back, patting me with gentle taps of his fingers, and telling me it was ’
sokay, da, ’sokay

At the sound of a male throat clearing I stiffened.

Tanner stopped patting me, the shift in the mattress beneath my butt telling me he was now bouncing. “Papa!”

Great. Just what I needed, Charles Sinclair catching me in a blubbering mess with my face rammed against his daughter's breasts. Awesome.

I straightened, wiping my eyes furiously as I turned away, my back to the new arrival.

There's no point in lying, I was shaken.


And her father had witnessed it. I know it sounds like some wanky male ego thing, but I wasn't comfortable with that. Nor happy with myself for unraveling.

“Hello, Tanner,” said an unfamiliar male voice with a strong Southern accent. “Who's your visitor?”

“Da, pa,” Tanner answered, patting my back again, this time with gusto, as I turned to look at the speaker.

A short man with scruffy black hair and a worryingly large paunch stood just inside the door. He was wearing the most vivid green glasses I've ever seen, and a bowtie of the same color, dotted with bright yellow rubber ducks. But the white medical coat and stethoscope slung around his neck told me he was a doctor.

He fixed me with a pair of piercing blue eyes, his smile wide. “Hello, you must be Brendon.” Hand extended, he crossed to where I sat on the edge of Tanner's bed. “I'm Parker Waters. Tanner's doc.”

He had my hand in his before I could register, pumping it with zeal. He had a good grip on him, firm and confident. Yeah, men really
judge each other's handshakes. I guess it's the contemporary form of chest thumping.

“I only just got the message you were here,” he went on, those eyes of his behind the green-framed glasses a brilliant blue. And so happy. It messed with my head, seeing that kind of jubilant emotion after I'd just lost my shit.

“Otherwise I'd have been here sooner. Although the nurses told me you've been asleep.” He grinned at Tanner, who was now sitting beside me, swinging his legs back and forth over the edge of the bed. “Your dad's got some muscles there, Tanner. Do you think you can show him yours?”

Tanner grinned back, and curled his arm until his small fist mashed against his cheek.

“Whoa,” Parker exclaimed, staggering back a step and gaping at Tanner. “When did they get so big? Have you been sneaking push-ups when I'm not looking?”

Tanner giggled, throwing himself against me in one of those full-body laughs little kids do, and waving Optimus Prime in the air. “Da tuck.”

“Did he do that?” Parker gave me a look of awe. “He made Optimus Prime? Well now, we know he's a keeper then, yes?”

Tanner giggled again, patting my thigh. I stared at him for a moment, thrumming with an energy I couldn't comprehend. It wasn't like a workout high, and yet it was. Like I'd pushed myself to a limit I'd never reached before and come out on the other side. What that other side was still eluded me, but with Tanner patting my thigh, leaning against me as he swung his legs with carefree calm, I was okay with being there.

As if sensing my gaze, he looked up at me. “Tuck?” He offered me Optimus Prime. “Oppimus?”

With a laugh, I took the toy truck and turned it back to a robot.

“Oppimus!” Tanner crowed, plucking the Autobot from my hand to hold it up for Parker. “Oppimus, Pa.”

I drew in a steadying breath. How was it I'd just bawled myself raw barely a second ago and now wanted nothing more than to swoop Tanner up and laugh?

Smoothing my hand over his head, I turned back to the doctor. “G'day, Dr. Waters. I'm Tanner's—”

“Father.” Parker chuckled. “Yeah, I know. I've heard a lot about you. Not just from Amanda” – he shot her a smile where she stood beside me – “but from Chase and Jacqueline.”

I didn't want to ask what
a lot
comprised. I also couldn't help but notice he hadn't mentioned Charles.

“Oh,” Parker smacked his forehead in a melodramatic way, causing Tanner to giggle once more. “
Tanner's grandpa.” He gave Tanner a wide grin. “How could I forget him?”

“Parker,” Amanda said, warm humor in her voice. “Don't scare him away.”

Parker winked at Tanner and then smiled at me. “Something tells me that would be hard to do. Now,” he smacked his hands together, “are you ready to get the ball rolling, Brendon?”

Ball rolling? It took my befuddled brain a second to catch up with this vibrant man. Ball rolling. He was Tanner's doctor. He needed … I had no idea what he needed. To check if I was a match? The medical science suggested I wouldn't be, but there was still a chance I
be. I was Tanner's father, we shared genes. And all we needed for me to be a match was a compatible gene, right? If he found that gene – no,
he found that gene – was he going to remove my bone marrow straight away?

For a wavering moment I remembered the harrowing grief on Amanda's face earlier when she'd admitted she wasn't a match for Tanner, and the callous anger I'd directed at her. Fuck, I needed to tell her I was sorry for that. I needed to let her know I understood now, how she felt. How wretched and helpless and—

“It's not going to hurt.” Parker Waters wriggled his eyebrows. Tanner laughed. “We try not to do any hurting here, don't we, Tanner?”

“No,” he answered, patting my leg faster and looking at me. There there. There there.

How much did he understand? Did he understand I was there to help? If I could.

“Where do you need me?” I asked Parker, smoothing my hand over Tanner's head again. It was like I was trying to make up for eighteen months of no contact. “Will I be out for long? I'll have to ring Mum and Dad before I go under anesthetic. I should probably let them know I'm in the States, full stop. To be honest, I'd been so impatient to get here I didn't tell Mum or Dad – or any family member, for that matter – I was going.”

Parker chuckled. “I like his enthusiasm, Amanda.”

Tanner giggled, and whacked Optimus against my shoulder. “Manda! Mommy!”

Amanda smiled at our son's reaction to her name. Even though it reached her eyes, it was still sad. “Me too.”

“A simple blood test is all we need to start with,” Parker went on, his tone growing serious. For the first time since he'd entered Tanner's room, I saw the medical professional he was. The vivacious, animated doctor who'd made Tanner giggle was gone. “There's some papers to be signed, some release forms, a jab with a needle, and then we'll know the initial outcome in a couple of hours. Whether we proceed to the tissue-matching test for final confirmation of a match comes after that.”

I ground my teeth, frustration eating at me. I wanted to get
the ball rolling
, and by
ball rolling
, I meant I wanted Tanner cured now.


I started at Amanda's soft voice. Or maybe it was her gentle nudge of her hip against my thigh.

“Two hours is okay, Bren,” she said. “You need to come up for air anyway. The little catnap you took with Tanner isn't enough to keep you going.” She made a hesitant move, maybe to brush her fingers through my hair, maybe to give my face a smack, I couldn't tell which, but pulled her hand back before she did either. “You'll crash soon, no matter how healthy you are, if you don't have some down time.”

I wanted to remind her our son had leukemia, that down time was a luxury we couldn't afford. Instead, I returned my attention to Tanner. “Be back in a bit, okay, buddy?”

He nodded, engaged in a heroic battle with Optimus and an invisible enemy currently flying around the air near his head. “'Sokay,” he said.

I wondered who the Transformer was fighting – Megatron? Or an even more malevolent foe determined to destroy life as Tanner knew it?

“Excellent.” Parker rubbed his hands together again, smile wide. “Let's punch it, wookie.”

“Chewie!” Tanner burst out, grinning up at the doctor. “Chewiebacca!”

Parker dropped him a wink. “The best wingman a space pirate can have, eh, Tanner?”

I watched the exchange, in awe of the man's exuberance. And I thought I was all about enjoying every minute of life? Considering what Parker Waters faced every day – sick kids – his energy and happiness were inspiring.

Rising to my feet, I gave Amanda a smile. It felt weird. Not forced, but … weird. I wish I could explain it better than that, but I can't. We'd been through an emotional grinder and I had no real idea what the result was going to be. I'd been furious with her, I'd yelled at her. I'd lost myself to the pleasure of my love for her, I'd lost myself to the
I felt for her. I'd been shocked by her, resentful of her, contemptuous even. I'd been saddened and dismayed. I'd found joy and laughter and happiness with her, even as I wanted to walk away from her and never see her again. I'd wanted to strangle her. I'd buried my face as close to her heart as I could and openly sobbed there.

All those things, all those emotions, left me adrift. Confused. My mind was in chaos, a mental state I didn't like experiencing at all.

One thing I
know, I was still wounded by her. Deeply. I doubted I could ever trust her again. Which made the hope I saw in her eyes now, as she smiled back at me, harder to take. Her whole world was laid bare before us. Everything that propelled her, motivated her, petrified her, was exposed. And hanging over it all – the cold, cruel presence of cancer, ready to destroy that world.

If I wasn't a suitable match for our son … I felt … can you say pressure? Can you say expectation? Can you say sickened, churning, hope?

Hope. A concept I'd never found myself falling back on before. Sure, I was an optimist, but I never approached anything in my life with the
it was going to work out the way I wanted. I approached it with the firm conviction it would. If I wanted it hard enough, trained hard enough, worked hard enough, dedicated myself completely to the desired end result, I would get it. Hope, in my opinion, was an excuse to curse fate when we didn't get what we wanted.

And yet, here I was, hoping to fuck, hoping to a higher power I truly didn't believe in, that the result of the blood test was going to be positive.

. Yeah, it put a whole new meaning on the word.

“I'll have your daddy back as soon as I can, Tanner,” Parker said as he extended a hand toward the door, indicating for me to go ahead.

Was that because he anticipated me running away? Was he preparing to crash tackle me if I did? An image of the rotund doctor slamming into me from behind filled my head. I even heard the sports reporter's commentary:
Water's half the size of Osmond, but whoa, what a tackle! What courage! And there's the faceplant to the floor. Yes, yes, Osmond has been taken down. It's going to take a while for his ego to recover from this, Bob.

“Bye bye.” Tanner's happy farewell made me turn back. Amanda had taken my place on the edge of the bed and was now holding him on her lap. They both looked up at me, Tanner waving Optimus at me in a robotty goodbye, Amanda watching me with eyes that swam with tears and hope and fear.

“See you in a bit,” she said, drawing him closer to her with a wobbly smile.

I left with a nod. My chest ached. So did my gut. It was like I was heading toward a firing squad, not going for a blood test. But no matter how much I berated myself for my ridiculous state, no matter how much I tried to calm my pounding heart, tried to find my center, my optimism, each step I took away from Tanner's room filled me with a cold dread I couldn't fight off.

Until, halfway down the corridor – a corridor brightly painted with happy cartoon animals on both walls – I stopped. My feet didn't want to move any more. I dropped my burning gaze to them, staring at them with blank confusion.

Why was I here? What was I here for?

I started to shake. I wasn't cold, and yet I couldn't stop shaking. My guts felt like they were in a blender. My head roared.

What the hell?

A warm, firm hand closed over my shoulder and I flinched, looking up to its owner.

“It's okay, big guy,” Parker murmured, his eyes holding mine with a steadiness I couldn't fathom. Okay? How was it going to be okay? How was it—

“The shock's hit you,” he went on, giving my shoulder a gentle squeeze. “It happens. For everyone, it's different. But from everything I understand about you, everything Amanda has told me, I know you're going to ride it out well.”

I stared at him, shaking. I had to hug myself. When was the last time I'd done that? Had I
done that? Shit, I was Brendon Osmond. Brendon Osmond didn't hug himself. But I was so cold. So cold and shaking like a—

“Breathe for me, big guy.” Parker held my stare, a gentle smile in his eyes, on his lips. His voice flowed from him, calm and commanding at once. “Take a deep breath and let it out. C'mon, you know how to do this. Breathe in …”

I pulled in a lungful of air. It tasted dry and like disinfectant.

Parker nodded, his smile widening. “Now out …”

I let out the chemical breath in a slow, choppy stream.

Parker nodded again. “Excellent. I think a cup of tea is in order before we do this.”

If his intention was to yank me out of my shock, it worked. I've come to realize
Parker Waters did, no matter how clownish or lighthearted, had deeper purpose. And he saw to the very soul of people the moment he met them. Perhaps that was why I was okay with him seeing this side of me? It's not often anyone gets to see me in a vulnerable place, a weakened place. But this stranger had just witnessed me crumpling, had guided me through it (although something about the rawness of my nerves told me it wasn't entirely done yet), and I was good with that.

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